Tag: clone

  • WordPress Replica – Reproduction any WordPress construction (Utilities)

    WordPress Replica – Reproduction any WordPress construction (Utilities)

    A simple but unique plugin that allows you to clone posts, pages, custom post types, widgets, sidebars, menus, menu items, categories, tags, custom taxonomies and a lot more..

    Watch Video Overview:

    <iframe width=”640” height=”360” src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/rE-MIhrcvfE” frameborder=”0” allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • Snapify – Backup and Transfer WordPress (Utilities)

    Snapify – Backup and Transfer WordPress (Utilities)

    Snapify – current version 1.0.0 is available for download!

    Snapify lets you finally move your WordPress website easily, with the least steps in the way,
    making almost everything automatic. No need to install WordPress on your new server,
    just throw the extracted files to your new server and it will install WordPress for you.
    Check out our video demonstration:
    Video Demonstration

    Backup every aspect of your WordPress site (database, plugins, content, themes and settings)
    Does not require WordPress to be installed first – uses Snapify install script.
    1 Click export no FTP required
    – Download backup as a zip file.
    Buy once – use unlimited times
    Auto detect new server settings upon install
    – No cloud required
    – Compatible with old PHP & MySQL versions
    Optimized for low end machines
    – Restore site in one click
    – Handles .htaccess correctly
    – Handles Unicode
    – Has the ability to restore a website via the plugin.

    1) Install the Snapify plugin on your WordPress Site
    2) Export!
    3) Upload Exported files to new server and click install!
    4) Done!

    We try our best to help you via our email: <email>

  • Backup (Utilities)

    Backup (Utilities)

    WordPress backup and migration plugin. It offers the easiest and fastest tools to backup, restore or migrate WordPress based websites.

    Unlimited backup – create as many backups as you want, there is no limit
    Unlimited restore – restore any backup file whenever needed
    Website migration – migrate your website from one hosting/domain to another one
    Download backup – download your backup files for migration
    Import backup – upload your backup file to restore it right away
    Backup customization – you choose which folders you want to backup
    Live progress – precise progress of the current backup and restore process
    Scheduled backup – set the frequency and time to perform automatic backup
    Multiple scheduled profiles – schedule your database and files to backup with different frequencies
    Upload to and import from FTP/SFTP
    Upload to and import from Dropbox
    Upload to and import from Google Drive
    Upload to and import from Amazon S3
    Mail notifications – get notified when a backup or restore gets finished
    Customize backup naming – specify your custom backup prefix
    Backup retention – specify the number of backups to keep on the server
    Cloud path – specify a custom path where the backups should be kept
    Background mode – perform backup in low priority mode
    Emergency support – up to 24 hours

  • Clone This! (Utilities)

    Clone This! (Utilities)

    Clone This! allows you to clone posts, pages, custom post types and comments in your admin area.

  • WordPress SuperBackup Clone&Migrate –  WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    WordPress SuperBackup Clone&Migrate – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Introducing the First and Most Capable WordPress Backup Solution on Envato Market

    • Intuitive Dashboard – Get a quick overview of existing backup instances
    • Cloud Sync – Working with a staging & a production server? We got you covered! WP SuperBackup allows you to easily sync across all files, or just the ones you really need between the servers, in just a few minutes. This all happens automatically based on a schedule you define!
    • Set up “Snapshots” – You can have one, or any number of backup instances

    • Snapshot Logs – Easily track all backup tasks and always know what the current status of your latest backup is
    • Instance Migration – If you’ve stored a backup on your trust hard disk drive, this feature allows you to easily import it and migrate it onto your current WordPress installation! You have full control over what files get migrated, so you can make sure they don’t break the installation, once migration is complete.
    • One Click Restore – Pick any snapshot, click Restore, Done!
    • We’re extremely proud to announce that WP SuperBackup allows you to do just that!

      Working on your site is always a lengthy and cumbersome process, and it would be a pity for all your hard work to go to waste because of a misconfiguration or error that’s perhaps not even your fault!

      Having a trustworthy backup solution in place can help you prevent that. This is where our plugin comes into play.

    • Cloud Snapshots – If you want to be extra safe, the plugin allows you to upload your backups to the cloud, you know, just in case your server burns altogether!
    • Backup DestinationsWP SuperBackup supports a plethora of cloud services, including but not limited to your own (s)FTP accounts, Google Drive, Dropbox etc
    • Easy setup – A quick visit to the “General Settings” tab enables you to set up email notifications, define a quota, the backup directory (on the same server) or simply clean up existing backup files

    • Self-diagnosis – The “System” panel allows you to run a live check on your server settings and immediately flags any potential issues, so that you can address them before you even begin backing up!
    • Great Support – Need help or have a question? Fear not! We’ve built in the documentation so you have it, right there, within the WP SuperBackup dashboard, together with a direct link to contact us via our Support system.

    Creating a new Snapshot is as easy as pressing a button, literally! All you need is provide a name, and select one of the predefined destinations, and you’re good to go in just a few seconds

    This plugin allows you to back up all your WordPress, as well as non-WP files immediately, to your own cloud, or on the same server, for safe keeping and easy restoration and much, much more!

    Set up a schedule once and you don’t even need to worry about it anymore, because it all happens automagically – exactly according to your schedule!

    The Migrate panel allows you to easily migrate a different backup onto your current working server. This allows you to import a pre-existing backup, either from your own hard drive, or an external URL.

    With extensive settings we’ve ensured that you have full control over what is migrated, so that you can rest assured that the migration will not break your current installation, before you even hit the button!

    Who ever thought that checking up on your backups can actually be enjoyable?

    With our Super Smooth Dashboard you have a clear overview of all your existing backups, where they’re stored, how much space they occupy, as well as a view of when the latest backup occurred.

    The Dashboard also helps you keep an eye on your available resources so you can take appropriate measures ahead of time!

    WP SuperBackup allows you to have a single backup instance, or as many as you’d like, all stored on the same server, or the cloud service of your choice.

    We currently support: Same Server, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Rackspace, (S)FTP, Dropbox.

    In the Future!

    WP SuperBackUp plugin is already in use on some of our regular clients websites and we know that the next think they want is to have a nice new features.


    If you want to use WP SuperBackup plugin, all you need to do is install WordPress 3.0+, and install the plugin.


    • FontAwesome
    • Bootstrap Responsive
  • Meta Field Workforce Container – WordPress Meta Field Add-on (Add-ons)

    Meta Field Workforce Container – WordPress Meta Field Add-on (Add-ons)


    You must have the following plugin to make “Meta Box Group Field” work.

    What is Meta Box Group Field

    Meta Box Group Field is Meta Box Add-on that extends a new field named ‘group’ for collectively grouping over 20+ supported fields and able to clone them.

    Live Demo

    Username: demo
    Password: demo

    Supported Field Types

    1. text
    2. checkbox
    3. radio
    4. select
    5. hidden
    6. password
    7. textarea
    8. heading
    9. slider
    10. number
    11. datetime
    12. time
    13. color
    14. checkbox_list
    15. email
    16. range
    17. url
    18. post
    19. button
    20. wysiwyg
    21. taxonomy



    Version 1.0 on June 17, 2014
     - Initial Release
  • Replica/Clone Posts and Pages – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Replica/Clone Posts and Pages – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Duplicate/Clone WordPress Posts and Pages easily using the lightweight Duplicate Posts and Pages WordPress plugin.

    Save valuable time typing out your pages or posts again by simply hitting the ‘Clone’ button. This will clone your entire page and save it as a Draft until you are ready to publish.

    This essential WordPress plugin also has the following features:

    • Clone posts and pages
    • Create a New Draft from a post or page
    • Copy to a New Draft
    • Copy excerpt
    • Copy attachments
    • Title prefix
    • Title suffix
    • + Lots more options

    If you use WordPress a lot, this is the MUST HAVE plugin for you!