Tag: clickatell

  • WooCommerce World SMS (Miscellaneous)

    WooCommerce World SMS (Miscellaneous)

    This is a WooCommerce add-on. By Using this plugin admin and customers, can get notification about their order via SMS by using sms gateway

    The WooCommerce International SMS plugin for WordPress is very useful when you want to get notified via SMS after placing an order. Buyer and seller both can get SMS notification after an order is placed. SMS notification options can be customized in the admin panel very easily

    This plugin not only can send SMS on order updates. you can also send sms from wp admin to any number. soon this plugin will have many integration with other plugins to send updates to buyers

    Features of this plugin

    • Admin can get Order SMS notifications
    • Buyer can get order sms notifications
    • Available settings for Admin to control SMS settings and gateways
    • Send SMS to any number
    • Directly Contact with buyer via SMS
    • Customizable SMS text
    • Send Order details ( order no, order status, order items, order amount ) in SMS text
    • Different SMS send corresponding to different Order Status

    Integrated With

    Tested With SMS Gateways :

    * Information Will Be Updated Soon…

    Live Demo

    Click here for live demo

    User Role Username Password
    Subscriber subscriber demo
    Shop Manager shopmanager demo
    Customer customer demo
  • Gravity Varieties SMS Professional (Add-ons)

    Gravity Varieties SMS Professional (Add-ons)

    The ultra-professional gravity form SMS plugin
    The most comprehensive SMS plugin for the popular WordPress Form Builder
    Exclusive features:
    In order to see the specifications, make sure to visit the screenshots. However, below we will mention some of the features in brief:
    1. The possibility to define an infinite mobile number of Admins for each form.
    2. The possibility to send SMS messages to users (defining the mobile field)
    3. The possibility to send messages to additional numbers
    4. The possibility to create infinite feeds and ability to use conditional logic for each feed
    5. Compatibility with every mobile number’s mask input
    6. The possibility to define country codes in a static or dynamic mode (based on the desired field)
    7. Compatibility with payment gateways (ability to arrange sending messages after successful, unsuccessful, etc. payments)
    8. Includes many merge tags such as Payment Transaction code, Payment Gateway name, etc.
    9. The added feature of SMS meta-box in each entry to enable sending responses quickly and easily within a message
    10. The possibility to send group messages to several entries
    11. The possibility to send messages to any particular number
    12. Keeps a record of the messages’ details in notes
    13. Records all sent messages in a special table
    14. Compatibility with popular SMS gateways
    For Adding your Gateway Contact me.
    15. Verifies the mobile number via SMS before Submitting the form (ability to define verification code mask input and also to enter verification codes manually)
    16. The addition of WP SMS plugin Subscription group fields so that individuals would be subscribed to WP SMS Subscription groups after filling out the forms (this field consists of advanced and professional settings: Subscription, Unsubscibe, the selection of subscription groups by the user, mandatory selection of the Subscription groups, etc.)

  • SMS with Arforms (Varieties)

    SMS with Arforms (Varieties)

    To send SMS notification to users and site admin, Create a form included a Phone Number field and select the SMS gateway from Twilio, SMSGlobal, Nexmo, Clickatell and then configure appropriate field to send message. User will be notified immediately after filling out the form to his number.

    Plugin Features:

    • Automatically send an SMS notification when a form is submitted.
    • Integrate with the ARForms PayPal Add-On to only send an SMS notification after payment has been confirmed.
    • Send customized text message for Site Administrator and Users.
    • Multiple SMS Gateway are supported.

      • Twilio
      • SMSGlobal
      • Nexmo
      • Clickatell
    • Facility to send test SMS
  • Easy SMS Verification (Miscellaneous)

    Easy SMS Verification (Miscellaneous)

    Simple SMS Verification is a wordpress plugin that protects the content of a page or post. It will require the user to verify their phone number by entering the 4 digit verification code that SSV sents to their mobile number, before they can see the full content of their page/post.

    Includes WP registration with SMS verification and short code

  • Easy SMS Verification (Miscellaneous)

    Easy SMS Verification (Miscellaneous)

    Simple SMS Verification is a wordpress plugin that protects the content of a page or post. It will require the user to verify their phone number by entering the 4 digit verification code that SSV sents to their mobile number, before they can see the full content of their page/post.

    Includes WP registration with SMS verification and short code

  • Easy SMS Verification (Miscellaneous)

    Simple SMS Verification is a wordpress plugin that protects the content of a page or post. It will require the user to verify their phone number by entering the 4 digit verification code that SSV sents to their mobile number, before they can see the full content of their page/post.

    Includes WP registration with SMS verification and short code