Tag: checkout builder

  • Checkout & Order acquired with Woocommerce web page for Visible Composer (eCommerce)

    Checkout & Order acquired with Woocommerce web page for Visible Composer (eCommerce)

    – Have you ever felt uncomfortable with the payment page as well as the order received site of your site? … If you are one of them then you have got solutions with this plugins :))

    – With this plugin it help you can control or sortable all content element of Visual Composer with content element of checkout page: minicart, builling ,coupon, payments, login,… And with order received page: thankyou order, order detail, customer detail, billing address, shipping address, …..Also, you can be additional items in page checkout & order recevied in the visual composer for create custom style for your page, you only to drag and drop element you want to show per page.

    You can see that in more detail

    Link demo: Here
    Video demo: Here
    version: 1.0