Tag: checkbox

  • Developed Filters Sortable Addon (Add-ons)

    Developed Filters Sortable Addon (Add-ons)

    Advanced Filters Sortable Addon

    Advanced Filters allows you to create unlimited amount of filters for any post type you have or plan to create. It is easy thanks to the admin area, where you can create your filters, select the type of filter (checkbox, slider or dropdown) and select the filter value you want in the post edit page.

    You can see the filters that you create by using the original [sortable] shortcode as you have so far, and you will see your filters listed on the front-end for the post type you selected.

    Note: You also need to buy and download the Sortable plugin to use this plugin.


    We take excellent care of our customers and make sure that they successfully install, setup and use this plugin.

    You can use the comments section of this plugin to post any comments that may be helpful for others to know as well.

    Our Facebook page are available to assist you if you send us a message there, and you can always sends an email at support@wpicode.com.

    Keep us motivated to deliver new features by giving us a good rating in your Downloads page. Thank You!

    The Advanced FIlters plugin is covered by our Satisfaction Guarantee as well.


    Please check the FAQs available on CodeCanyon

    Change log

    6/9/2017 - Approved on CodeCanyon
  • Bettr Contact Type 7 Model Editor (Varieties)

    Bettr Contact Type 7 Model Editor (Varieties)

    Bettr™ CF7 Style Editor

    Easily style and customize your Contact Form 7 inputs and labels from the native WordPress live customizer. Take control your contact forms, engage customers and generate more leads.

    Design Bettr™ Text Fields

    Easily design your text inputs to match your website, without needing know a line of HTML, CSS or JS. Control the colors, borders, font size, corner radius, focus fx, dropshadows and more.

    Create Bettr™ Radios & Checkboxes Fields

    Choose from over 25 advanced radio & checkbox styles and customize their color and layout.

    Bettr™ Dropwdowns

    Forget ugly, intrusive broswer dropdown menus. Now you can control the look and feel of your dropdown menus as well. Add drop shadows, corner radius, borders and more.

    Bettr™ Buttons

    Make your submit buttons jump off the page with drop shadows, gradient fill effects, hover and on click animations.

    Imagine What You Could Create

    Take a look at a few small samples of how your contact forms could look with the Bettr CF7 Style Editor.

    creative ~

    simple ~

    dark ~

  • FlipInput: Pure CSS 3D Flipping Checkboxes and Radios (Types)

    Clean, stylish, and simple checkboxes and radio buttons that use 3D flip animations when checked.

    Pure css. No Javascript needed! All you need is the included CSS! HTML included to provide implementation examples.

    With 6 colors (default, red, green, blue, yellow, gray) and 2 different styles (default, invert) each you have 12 different theme possibilities, just by switching classes.

    Flipinput.css (main CSS file for creating Pure CSS 3D Flipping Checkboxes and Radios)
    Example HTML file
    Example CSS file

    Not Included:
    Roboto Font, OpenSans font

    Update: fix transparent background bug, new live preview design

  • FlipInput: Pure CSS 3D Flipping Checkboxes and Radios (Types)

    Clean, stylish, and simple checkboxes and radio buttons that use 3D flip animations when checked.

    Pure css. No Javascript needed! All you need is the included CSS! HTML included to provide implementation examples.

    With 6 colors (default, red, green, blue, yellow, gray) and 2 different styles (default, invert) each you have 12 different theme possibilities, just by switching classes.

    Flipinput.css (main CSS file for creating Pure CSS 3D Flipping Checkboxes and Radios)
    Example HTML file
    Example CSS file

    Not Included:
    Roboto Font, OpenSans font

    Update: fix transparent background bug, new live preview design

  • Tables Framework (Tabs and Sliders)

    Tables Framework Description

    Tables Framework is a robust toolbox and at same size lightweight to construct your tables in your website with a lot of options, with this framework you are making the smart choice for your tables area with a lot of options, examples, flexibility and with all necessary modules for you improve your website where you need.

    Tables Framework Features

    Tables with multi column Support
    Tables with Icon font with over 1600 Icons 2016
    New Three themes to choose inside any category
    NewTables with 25+ Examples in any category
    NewTables Five Colors Included
    NewTables with dark and light colors
    NewTables with Thumbnails
    NewTables with Progress Bars
    NewTables with Status
    NewTables with Flags
    NewTables with Controls
    NewTables with Striped
    NewTables with Bordered
    NewTables with Inputs
    NewTables with Links
    NewTables with Pagination
    NewTables with Ratings
    NewTables with Tooltips
    New Good Documentation
    Full Responsive
    25 Features ++
    & Many More

    Shortcodes Folder

    Columns & Offsets
    Call Attention Boxes
    Progress Bars
    Videos & Images
    Block Elements
    Info Boxes
    Responsive Tables
    App Store Buttons

    Inside Package

    • tables-colors
    • tables-colors-bordered
    • tables-colors-striped
    • tables-colors-striped-bordered
    • tables-with-actions
    • tables-with-badges
    • tables-with-buttons
    • tables-with-checkbox
    • tables-with-controls
    • tables-with-flags
    • tables-with-highlight
    • tables-with-icons
    • tables-with-inputs
    • tables-with-links
    • tables-without-responsive
    • tables-with-pagination
    • tables-with-progress-bar
    • tables-with-radio
    • tables-with-ratings
    • tables-with-search
    • tables-with-states
    • tables-with-status
    • tables-with-thumbnails
    • tables-with-toggle-checkbox
    • tables-with-toggle-radio
    • tables-with-tooltips
    • icomoon-ultimate-font

    Change Log

    - August 11 2016
    - Version 1.0 Inicial Release
    - August 14 2016
    - Add IcoMoon Ultimate Font
    - Add Shortcodes Folder
    - Fix Select Field
    - Fix Tooltip on Ipad
    - October 27 2016
    - fix search on chrome
    - fix inputs outline


    Icons Used in Project – 59$ Value IcoMoon Ultimate Font
    Fonts used in Project Google Fonts

    It´s much appreciated if you can read documentation and contact me if you have any problem before give low ratings … Thanks for understanding… Enjoy…!!! :)