Tag: charts
Crypton WordPress Theme (Expertise)
CURRENT VERSION 1.0 (see Change log at the bottom of this page)
It’s time to experience new horizons with our new WordPress theme for cryptocurrencies and mining – Crypton. The theme was built as a cryptocurrency blog or an online magazine theme and is based on the powerful ThemeREX framework. It also was made fully responsive, so that your website would look perfect on any device.
Crypton has everything that your cryptocurrency website might need:
Compatibility with Cryptocurrency All-in-One plugin that will let you show prices and exchange rates, calculators and charts, and accept payments and donations.
ThemeREX Donations which is included into the theme pack. If you want to receive payments or donations online, this plugin will be a great option.Full WooCommerce support – if you are going to sell cryptocurrency mining equipments online, then you should definitely try Crypton with its online store design.
Key Features
- Professional design
- One-Click demo install
- Modern, Flexible, Customizable
- WordPress 4.0+ Tested and Approved
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3 code
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE10+
- Slider Revolution & Swiper Slider included
- Retina Images Support
- User menu and Main menu support
- Interactive Ajax Search
- Flexible Colors & Typography
- Layout Features:
- 100% Responsive & Mobile-friendly
- Boxed and Fullwidth page layouts
- Visual Composer support – modify any page content easily
- Customize Header and Footer Layouts in Visual Composer
- Advanced Blog Settings:
- Multiple Blog Styles
- Flexible Layout Options
- 20+ Post Animations
- Customizable Blog Feed (choose from post types or categories)
- Post views, likes and sharing buttons
- Related Posts Section
- Powerful Theme Framework:
- Setting Inheritance and Override System
- 750+ Customizer Options
- Custom Post Types
- Custom Widget Sets
- Custom Shortcodes
- Custom Theme Options Panel
- Optimized for best performance
- …and many more!
- Plugins Compatibility:
- Revolution Slider
- Visual Composer
- Visual Composer extensions bundle
- Essential Grid
- Cryptocurrency All-in-One
- M Chart
- ThemeREX Donations
- MailChimp for WP
- WooCommerce
- Instagram Feed
- ThemeREX Addons
- Fontello & Image Icons
- Google Fonts
- Professional Support
- Detailed Documentation
- Regular Updates
And many more…
http://www.depositphotos.comJorgen Grotdal – a wonderful graphic artist!
All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. Images used in live preview are not included in the template.
Change log
04.12.2017 Version 1.0 – Release
Google Charts Addons for Visible Composer WP Plugin (Add-ons)
Google charts and graphs for Visual Composer
The best way to showcase your Google charts inside of Visual Composer page builder. Choose from any customizable Google chart layouts we created just for your needs. This pack is truly awesome and unique in its design and usability.
Google charts Features
- Fully Visual Composer Compatible
- 6 Google charts to choose from
- Fully Responsive
- Editable Colors
- Editable Fields
- CSS3
- Multiple Google charts in one page
- and many others features
Auto Mp3 Tune Search Engine WP Plugin (Media)
Auto Mp3 Music Search Engine WordPress Plugin is fully Automated Music & Top Track or Song Charts Search Engine for all type of genres & for all favoured World Languages with minutes.
Search and Listening New Music would have been so easy Using the Combination Itunes API & Sound Cloud API, Which make your website visitors to get the music and songs within your website on their simple clicks and even without even leaving your website.
Top Song Charts For All Countries, Languages are easily manageable.
Earn Money
With multiple Advertisement spots at various places on all pages you have the option to promote any affiliate program or banner ad company ads that you like to use.
Our Plugin support all Standard WordPress Themes.
Setting and Implementation
Admin Panel to Manage the Settings for the Website.
– List of Music or Tracks by Genre
– Search MusicOther Features
Top songs charts by country and genre
Quickly Setup music search engine
Search results with Auto load Pagination
MP3 download function (optional)
Multi WordPress Theme Support
Advertisements ready
Responsive design
HTTPS SSL supported
Full documentation
Admin panelCredits
APi Used: Itunes & Sound Cloud
SoundManager2 by Scott Schiller
SVG icons via Icomoon
Patterns from subtlepatterns.com.Gravity Varieties integration for wpDataTables (Add-ons)
This plugin is an add-on that builds a bridge between the wpDataTables plugin which renders awesome interactive responsive tables and charts and Gravity Forms advanced form builder. The form entries will be rendered as rows, form fields will be treated as columns.
When you activate it, you will have one more data source in the wpDataTables’ table creation wizard – Gravity Form.
Please note that only forms that do have 1 or more entries can be rendered in a table.
See the documentation and tutorial on using the addon on this link.
- Choose which fields to display as columns – the table creation wizard will show all the form fields, it’s up to you to choose which ones to show in your table.
- Display entry metadata – see in a table all the entry’s additional information – entry date and time, user, user’s IP address
- Configure the output – you can choose whether you want to display all records, only last XX records, or, for example, only the records for last 2 weeks – it’s fully configurable
- Toggle deleted entries – you can define whether you want to include the deleted entries as well.
- Use all of wpDataTables power – once you create the table you can work with it as with all wpDataTables – make it responsive, add formula columns, render charts, etc.
Please note:
- This addon is implemented by wpDataTables’ authors, TMS-Plugins. If you need help with it, please use our support site – https://tmsplugins.ticksy.com/ – Gravity Forms authors will not be able to provide support for this addon.
- For using this add-on you need to have FULL versions of wpDataTables and Gravity Forms installed on your website!
Coin Charts – wordpress Responsive Cryptocurrency Historic Charts (Add-ons)
About Coin Charts
Coin Charts is a WordPress plugin for cryptocurrency historical data display.
One amazing shortcode for 65 currencies, two theme colors and fullscreen view.Themes
Available Intervals
- 7 days
- 1 month
- 3 months
- 6 months
- 1 year
- All Time
Available Cryptocurrencies
- BTC (Bitcoin)
- ETH (Ethereum)
- XRP (Ripple)
- ETC (Ethereum Classic)
- GNT (Golem)
- DOGE (Dogecoin)
- STR (Stellar)
- XEM (Nem)
- LTC (Litecoin)
- XMR (Monero)
- DGB (DigiByte)
- SC (Siacoin)
- BTS (BitShares)
- ZEC (Zcash)
- DASH (Dash)
- BCN (Bytecoin)
- FCT (Factom)
- BTM (Bitmark)
- STRAT (Stratis)
- STEEM (Steem)
- REP (Augur)
- LSK (Lisk)
- NXT (Nxt)
- SYS (SysCoin)
- MAID (MaidSafeCoin)
- ARDR (Ardor)
- GAME (GameCredits)
- DCR (Decred)
- GNO (Gnosis)
- AMP (Synereo)
- LBC (LBRY Credits)
- CLAM (Clams)
- VTC (Vertcoin)
- BURST (Burst)
- RIC (Riecoin)
- SJCX (Storjcoin X)
- NAV (NAV Coin)
- PINK (PinkCoin)
- PPC (Peercoin)
- EXP (Expanse)
- XCP (Counterparty)
- BTCD (BitcoinDark)
- EMC2 (Einsteinium)
- VIA (Viacoin)
- NXC (Nexium)
- NEOS (NeosCoin)
- FLO (FlorinCoin)
- PASC (Pascal Coin)
- NAUT (NautilusCoin)
- RADS (Radium)
- POT (PotCoin)
- BLK (BlackCoin)
- BELA (BelaCoin)
- BCY (Bitcrystals)
- FLDC (FoldingCoin)
- XPM (Primecoin)
- NMC (Namecoin)
- GRC (GridCoin)
- XVC (Vcash)
- XBC (Bitcoin Plus)
- HUC (HunterCoin)
- VRC (VeriCoin)
- NOTE (DNotes)
- OMNI (Omni)
- SBD (Steem Dollars)
Usage Example
[coin-chart symbol="BTC" theme="dark"]
[coin-chart symbol="ETH" theme="light"]
- Cron Job creation
- WordPress 3.6+
- PHP 5.3+
- Compatible with Visual Composer 3.7.2+