Tag: cash

  • CryptoIcons – Ultimaty Cryptocurrency Icons Equipment (Miscellaneous)

    CryptoIcons – Ultimaty Cryptocurrency Icons Equipment (Miscellaneous)

    Add cryptocurrency icons everywhere in your WordPress page with few simple clicks!

    CryptoIcons include over 280 high quality vector icons, ready-to-use on your site. Easy to resize, easy to change color, easy to use!

    Full icons list

    Cardano, Cardano (alt), AudioCoin, AudioCoin (alt), Aeon, Aeon (alt), Synereo, Synereo (alt), Anoncoin, Anoncoin (alt), ARCHcoin, ARCHcoin (alt), Ardor, Ardor (alt), Ark, Ark (alt), Auroracoin, Auroracoin (alt), Ban, Ban (alt), Basic Attention Token, Basic Attention Token (alt), BitBay, BitBay (alt), BlackCoin, BlackCoin (alt), Bitcoin Cash, Bytecoin, Bytecoin (alt), Blockfreight, Blockfreight (alt), Breakout, Breakout (alt), Breakout Stake, Breakout Stake (alt), Bitsend, Bitsend (alt), Bata, Bitcoin, Bitcoin (alt), BitcoinDark, BitcoinDark (alt), Bytom, Bytom (alt), BitShares, BitShares (alt), Clams, Clams (alt), Cloakcoin, Cloakcoin (alt), The DAO, The DAO (alt), Dash, Dash (alt), Decred, Decred (alt), Decent, Decent (alt), DigiByte, DigiByte (alt), DigixDAO, Digix Gold, Diamond, Diamond (alt), Dogecoin, Dogecoin (alt), EmerCoin, EmerCoin (alt), EOS, EOS (alt), Europecoin, Europecoin (alt), Ethereum Classic, Ethereum Classic (alt), Ethereum, Ethereum (alt), FuelCoin, FuelCoin (alt), Facton, Facton (alt), Florincoin, Florincoin (alt), Franko, Franko (alt), Feathercoin, Feathercoin (alt), GameCredits, GameCredits (alt), Byteball, Byteball (alt), Digitalcoin, Digitalcoin (alt), GetGems, GetGems (alt), Goldcoin, Goldcoin (alt), Gnosis, Gnosis (alt), Golem Network, Golem Network (alt), Golos, Golos (alt), Gridcoin, Gridcoin (alt), Groestlcoin, Heat Ledger, Heat Ledger (alt), Iconomi, Iconomi (alt), Infinitecoin, Infinitecoin (alt), Incent, Incent (alt), I/O Coin, I/O Coin (alt), IOTA, IOTA (alt), Jumbucks, Jumbucks (alt), Komodo, Komodo (alt), Kobocoin, KoreCoin, KoreCoin (alt), LBRY, LBRY (alt), LiteDoge, LiteDoge (alt), Lisk, Lisk (alt), Litecoin, Litecoin (alt), MaidSafeCoin, MaidSafeCoin (alt), Monaco, Monaco (alt), MintCoin, MintCoin (alt), MonaCoin, MonaCoin (alt), MicroCoin, Mastercoin, Mastercoin (alt), MasterTraderCoin, MasterTraderCoin (alt), Monetary Unit, Monetary Unit (alt), NuBits, NEO, NEO (alt), Neos, Neos (alt), NeuCoin, NeuCoin (alt), Gulden, Gulden (alt), Namecoin, Namecoin (alt), DNotes, DNotes (alt), Novacoin, Novacoin (alt), NXT, NXT (alt), OKcash, OKcash (alt), OmiseGO, OmiseGO (alt), Omni, Omni (alt), OpalCoin, OpalCoin (alt), Particl, Particl (alt), PiggyCoin, PiggyCoin (alt), Pinkcoin, Pinkcoin (alt), PIV, PIV (alt), PotCoin, PotCoin (alt), Peercoin, Peercoin (alt), Quark, Quark (alt), QTUM, QTUM (alt), Radium, Radium (alt), Rubies, Rubies (alt), Rimbit, Rimbit (alt), Rubycoin, Rubycoin (alt), Reddcoin, Reddcoin (alt), Augur, Augur (alt), RISE, RISE (alt), SALT, SALT (alt), Sarcoin, Sarcoin (alt), Scotcoin, Scotcoin (alt), Shadow, Shadow (alt), Sia, Sia (alt), Storj, Storj (alt), SterlingCoin, SterlingCoin (alt), Salus, Salus (alt), SynergyCoin, SynergyCoin (alt), Startcoin, Startcoin (alt), Steem, Steem (alt), Stellar, Stellar (alt), Stratis, Stratis (alt), BitSwift, BitSwift (alt), Sync, Sync (alt), Syscoin, Syscoin (alt), Triggers, Triggers (alt), Transfercoin, Transfercoin (alt), UBIQ, UBIQ (alt), SuperNET, SuperNET (alt), Tether, Tether (alt), Viorcoin, Viorcoin (alt), Vanillacoin, Vanillacoin (alt), VPN coin, VPN coin (alt), VeriCoin, VeriCoin (alt), Vertcoin, Vertcoin (alt), Waves, Waves (alt), Sapience AIF, Sapience AIF (alt), BitStake, BitStake (alt), Counterparty, Counterparty (alt), NEM, NEM (alt), Monero, Primecoin, Primecoin (alt), Ripple, Ripple (alt), Tezos, Tezos (alt), Verge, Verge (alt), Zcoin, Zcoin (alt), YbCoin, YbCoin (alt), Z-Cash, Z-Cash (alt), Zeitcoin, Zeitcoin (alt)


    - Initial release

    Uses Cryptocoins font by Martin Allien

  • Ebayomatic – Ebay Affiliate Computerized Publish Generator WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Ebayomatic – Ebay Affiliate Computerized Publish Generator WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Ebayomatic - Ebay Affiliate Post Importing Money Generator Plugin for WordPress

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Ebayomatic – Ebay Affiliate Money Generator Plugin is a breaking edge (made in 2017) referral affiliate autoblogging plugin that uses the Ebay Market API to turn your website into a money making machine!
    You can automatically generate post with your referral links based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:

    • Import items based on custom query
    • Define restrictions, like posting from a single user, from a specific category, and many more!

    Other plugin features:

    • set custom fields for generated posts
    • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
    • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – great SEO value!
    • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
    • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
    • manually add post categories or tags to items
    • generate post or page or any other custom post
    • automatically generate a featured image for the post
    • enable/disable comments for the generated post
    • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
    • link hiding using Goo.gl link shortener
    • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to http://www.codecanyon.net/?ref=user_name anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
    • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
    • detailed plugin activity logging
    • scheduled rule runs
    • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
    • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
    • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
    • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content

    Try it out now

    Testing this plugin

    • You can test the plugin’s functionality using the ‘Test Site Generator’. Here you can try the plugin’s full functionality. Note that the generated testing blog will be deleted automatically after 24 hours.

    Plugin Requirements


    Learn more about this plugin

    Need support?

    Just email me at kisded@yahoo.com and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-04-17

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.8 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

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  • Sixthlife Search (Utilities)

    Sixthlife Search (Utilities)

    Sixthlife Search is A WordPress Plugins that can serve as a Tool for Bloggers who promote Envato Products from (Themeforest.net, Codecanyon.net, Graphicriver.net etc) marketplaces for affiliate earnings or other benefits. Sixthlife Search helps you create unique long articles listing Envato Products with demos, prices, descriptions etc.

    Main Features of this Plugin is:

    1. Ability to Write Unique Content Rich Articles/ Blog Posts for your Blog

    2. Affiliate Marketers can create SEO friendly Post/ Article in less than 30 minutes.

    3.It saves upto 70% of time you need to write an Article promoting Affiliate Products.

    3. Quick Adjustment With your WordPress theme.

    4. Automatic Fetching of Envato Products

    5. Option to manually Fetch Envato Products when you need.

    6. Editing the Envato Product descriptions, Previews etc you have fetched earlier.


    A demo blog created with the help of this plugin is at
    username: admin
    password: admin


    If you need more information or have issues please feel free to get in touch with us at http://sixthlife.net/forum/

  • WordPress Monetize Now (Promotion)

    WordPress Monetize Now (Promotion)

    If you have ever wanted to start a site that is monetized by the Envato Affiliate Program, then you should know that WordPress Monetize Now is the only plugin that you really need.

    It allows you to easily display different sets of items from Envato Marketplace in any WordPress installation in seconds and there’s no need to look again at this file because you have it all automated – you have a very strong and powerful shortcode generator. It also connect to your Envato account and right in your WordPress admin you’ll have all the statistics of your account and the last statement.

    Powerful Envato Marketplace monetization plugin for authors and non-authors!
    Also check out WordPress Affiliate / Referral Plugin a 100% referral plugin for your WordPress website or blog.


    • Very simple steps to install
    • No coding experience necessary to set it up
    • Builtin Shortcode Generator (which you’ll love)
    • Great SEO (title and alt tags are populated automatically)
    • Builtin Envato account real-time monitoring page
    • Uses the official Envato API v3 (requires a cURL enabled hosting to connect to the Envato API)
    • Ability to select what you want to display, from which Envato site, from which category or user, etc.
    • Ability to select how many items to display
    • Works on multiple instances
    • You can include it on any page or post

    All-in-one Shortcode Generator

    • You can select what you want to display: popular items, new items, random items, items from user and search items
    • You can select from which site to display items from: ThemeForest, GraphicRiver, CodeCanyon, VideHive, PhotoDune, 3DOcean, AudioJungle and ActiveDen
    • If you choose to display new items from a site you can coose from which category
    • You can set how many items you want to display

    Powerful and complete real-time monitoring page

    After you set your Envato username and API key you will have an Envato account monitoring page. There you can see your full balance, sales, deposits, etc. Aditionally you have your last Envato statement from your account with your last 100 records.

    With WordPress Monetize Now there’s no need to do anything else.
    Just install, setup and earn some cash ;)

    Scenario for non-authors

    I assume that you already have a WordPress powered website or blog and you want a passive income, a way to monetize your website. Here is a way to do that with Envato Marketplace items from ALL Envato’s sites.

    With Envato Affiliate Program you’ll receive 30% of your visitor’s first purchase or cash deposit. Simple as that! All you have to do is:

    1. create a free Envato account and grab your referral code (your Envato username is your referral code)
    2. download and setup WordPress Monetize Now plugin
    3. enjoy passive income

    Scenario for authors

    I assume that you already have a WordPress powered website or blog and you want a passive income, a way to monetize your website. Here is a way to do that with Envato Marketplace items from ALL Envato’s sites. You are on Envato Marketplace(s) and still want a simple and powerful way to monetize your website as long with a natural need for simplicity. WordPress Monetize Now gives you the power to refer anything you want from any Envato Marketplace and also have a very useful Stats page in your WordPress installation that shows you your current statement (all earnings, all deposits, everything). You will have all in one place.

    As you already know Envato Affiliate Program will give you 30% of your visitor’s first purchase or cash deposit. Simple as that! All you have to do is:

    1. download and setup WordPress Monetize Now plugin
    2. enjoy passive income

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Can I have other affiliate programs running on my website?
    A: Yes you can. You can have in the same time Amazon, Commission Junction, ShareASale you name it. This plugin doesn’t break anything and works alone or with other plugins like charm ;)

    Premium Support

    Purchase this item and you also get premium support via our support forum.
    Maximum support forum response time is 3 (three) hours. Your satisfaction is our goal!


    v1.1 (September 4, 2013) – small bug fixes
    v1.0 (August 29, 2013) – Initial release