Tag: captcha

  • wordpress Final Firewall – Web site Safety & Optimization (Utilities)

    wordpress Final Firewall – Web site Safety & Optimization (Utilities)

    > User-friendly Management Feature

    – In admin panel of plugin, you can review your website’s status and plugin settings.

    > Multi-Language Feature

    – Ultimate Firewall is coded as compatible with 100% translation into other languages.

    > Admin Report System

    – With the admin report system in the admin panel of the plugin, you can see the IP address and login time of the last user that logged in to your web site; and you can get email notification when an admin log in the admin panel in order to maximize your security.

    > E-mail Notification System

    – With the email notification system, you can receive emails for hacker attacks, Brute-Force attacks, Proxy Attacks, Spam attacks and spam comment attacks.

    > Security Level System

    – Instead of making security changes one by one, you can set your security level automatically from the admin settings section, or you can ensure your security by using special settings.

    > Prevention Method System

    – You can prevent attacks to your website whether by blocking the access or by using strong reCAPTCHA protection.

    > Website Monitoring with Uptime Robot

    – Via Uptime Robot API you can monitor your website in details. It requires free Uptime Robot account.

    > Website Optimization

    – Both protect your website and at the same time speed it up. Ultimate Firewall plugin provides also speed increase service besides the protection. Optimization Options:
    -GZip Compression
    -HTML Compression
    -Browser Caching
    -Lazy Load Images
    -Author Archives & Links Remover
    -Shortlink Remover
    -RSS Feed Editor
    -ASYNC and DEFER Settings (for JavaScripts)
    -Query String Editor
    -Move All Scripts to Footer
    -Emoji remover
    -jQuery Migrate Remover
    -WooCommerce, BBPress and BuddyPress Speed Optimization

    > Security & Firewall – Real-Time Firewall Protection

    – Advanced Firewall protection detects fake, spam and attacking users and protects your website. Indeed, it cannot be blocked by Google or other search engine detections and does not harm your website in terms of SEO. Real-time firewall protection works according to the two options; one is blocking attacks when it is detected and the other one is checking it with reCAPTHCA. You can arrange these settings with Prevention Method System.

    > HTTP Security Headers

    – Prevent HTTP attacks to your website via HTTP Security Headers settings. Enables X-Content-Type-Options, X-XSS-Protection and X-Frame-Options in your server.

    > XML-RPC and REST-API Security

    – Prevent WordPress based attacks by disabling XML-RPC and REST-API.

    > File Editor Settings

    – Disable the file editing feature in the WordPress admin panel.

    > Captcha Protection

    – With the advanced reCAPTCHA protection, protect WordPress comment section, login form, membership form and password reset form with reCAPTCHA.

    > Comment Protection

    – Start protecting your comments with Honeypot or reCAPTCHA, and prevent spam comment attacks immediately!

    > Content Protection

    – Prevent your content from being stolen with the content protection system. And it’s also compatible with Google!

    > WPScan and Generator Tag Protection

    – To be protected from WPScan, you can activate the version hiding system and prevent the deficit on your website from being detected.

    > Tor Detection

    – You can prevent people who log in your website through tor browser or servers.

    > Proxy Protection

    – You can prevent people to logging in your website by using proxy or a free VPN software.

    > Access Security

    – If an attack is made to your website, by enabling this setting you can check first time users through reCAPTCHA control.

    > Hacker Protection

    – By SQL Injection Protection, you can provide protection against bad (virus) bots and fake search engine bots.

    > Access Settings

    – With access security settings you can block IP address, country and User Agent information.

  • WordPress Final Firewall – Site Safety & Optimization (Utilities)

    WordPress Final Firewall – Site Safety & Optimization (Utilities)

    > User-friendly Management Feature

    – In admin panel of plugin, you can review your website’s status and plugin settings.

    > Multi-Language Feature

    – Ultimate Firewall is coded as compatible with 100% translation into other languages.

    > Admin Report System

    – With the admin report system in the admin panel of the plugin, you can see the IP address and login time of the last user that logged in to your web site; and you can get email notification when an admin log in the admin panel in order to maximize your security.

    > E-mail Notification System

    – With the email notification system, you can receive emails for hacker attacks, Brute-Force attacks, Proxy Attacks, Spam attacks and spam comment attacks.

    > Security Level System

    – Instead of making security changes one by one, you can set your security level automatically from the admin settings section, or you can ensure your security by using special settings.

    > Prevention Method System

    – You can prevent attacks to your website whether by blocking the access or by using strong reCAPTCHA protection.

    > Website Monitoring with Uptime Robot

    – Via Uptime Robot API you can monitor your website in details. It requires free Uptime Robot account.

    > Website Optimization

    – Both protect your website and at the same time speed it up. Ultimate Firewall plugin provides also speed increase service besides the protection. Optimization Options:
    -GZip Compression
    -HTML Compression
    -Browser Caching
    -Lazy Load Images
    -Author Archives & Links Remover
    -Shortlink Remover
    -RSS Feed Editor
    -ASYNC and DEFER Settings (for JavaScripts)
    -Query String Editor
    -Move All Scripts to Footer
    -Emoji remover
    -jQuery Migrate Remover
    -WooCommerce, BBPress and BuddyPress Speed Optimization

    > Security & Firewall – Real-Time Firewall Protection

    – Advanced Firewall protection detects fake, spam and attacking users and protects your website. Indeed, it cannot be blocked by Google or other search engine detections and does not harm your website in terms of SEO. Real-time firewall protection works according to the two options; one is blocking attacks when it is detected and the other one is checking it with reCAPTHCA. You can arrange these settings with Prevention Method System.

    > HTTP Security Headers

    – Prevent HTTP attacks to your website via HTTP Security Headers settings. Enables X-Content-Type-Options, X-XSS-Protection and X-Frame-Options in your server.

    > XML-RPC and REST-API Security

    – Prevent WordPress based attacks by disabling XML-RPC and REST-API.

    > File Editor Settings

    – Disable the file editing feature in the WordPress admin panel.

    > Captcha Protection

    – With the advanced reCAPTCHA protection, protect WordPress comment section, login form, membership form and password reset form with reCAPTCHA.

    > Comment Protection

    – Start protecting your comments with Honeypot or reCAPTCHA, and prevent spam comment attacks immediately!

    > Content Protection

    – Prevent your content from being stolen with the content protection system. And it’s also compatible with Google!

    > WPScan and Generator Tag Protection

    – To be protected from WPScan, you can activate the version hiding system and prevent the deficit on your website from being detected.

    > Tor Detection

    – You can prevent people who log in your website through tor browser or servers.

    > Proxy Protection

    – You can prevent people to logging in your website by using proxy or a free VPN software.

    > Access Security

    – If an attack is made to your website, by enabling this setting you can check first time users through reCAPTCHA control.

    > Hacker Protection

    – By SQL Injection Protection, you can provide protection against bad (virus) bots and fake search engine bots.

    > Access Settings

    – With access security settings you can block IP address, country and User Agent information.

  • Past Multisite – Utilities for WordPress Community Admins (Utilities)

    Past Multisite – Utilities for WordPress Community Admins (Utilities)

    Beyond Multisite Features

    Short Description

    Beyond Multisite helps WordPress network administrators to better control, protect, and clean their network.


    Plugin Control Module (full description)
    • Network disable plugins to hide them from site administrators
    • Site enable plugins to allow access to only some sites
    • Bulk activate/deactivate plugins on all or some sites in the network
    Cleanup Module (full description)
    • Bulk delete comments across the network by chosen criteria (status, links, age, comment count)
    • Bulk delete revisions across the network by age (option to leave recent revisions)
    • Bulk delete empty or old sites
    • Schedule site deletions and allow site administrators to cancel the deletion in 7 days if they want
    Activated in Module (full description)
    • See a list of sites where a plugin or a theme is activated in
    Pending Users Module (full description)
    • Manage signups that are not yet activated (activate, resend email, or delete)
    Ban Users Module (full description)
    • Ban users and their IP address (denies login, signup, and commenting)
    Insert HTML Module (full description)
    • Insert global HTML code in the head (before </head>) or in the footer (before </body>)
    • Show the HTML code on all or on some sites only
    Captcha Module (full description)
    • Protect your WordPress forms from spam bots with a customizable captcha (easy to read by humans, hard to read by bots)
    • Choose which forms to protect (blog signup, login, lost password, comments, etc.)
    Improvements Module (full description)
    • Add an ID column in the network users table and in the network sites table
    • And other small changes that save you some time or improve some things


    Beyond Multisite is fully translatable. Read instructions.


    • WordPress 4.6 or higher
    • WordPress multisite enabled


    Online documentation can be found here.

    Icon License

    The circular flat icons used in some images on this page and in the video preview are licensed under GPL. The source is Elegant Themes.

    Any questions?

    Feel free to ask any questions in the comments or via email: nikolay@nikolaydev.com


    Beyond Multisite 1.0.0
    • Initial release
  • Tartarus Bot Ban & Crawl Keep watch over Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Tartarus Bot Ban & Crawl Keep watch over Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    What is this plugin about?

    – Do you want to know exactly what bots have accessed your website, when and how many times?
    – Do you want to automatically ban bots that do not follow your robots.txt file directives (trust me, there are a lot of this kind)?
    – Do you want to automatically ban robots that spam your website’s comment section with automated text?
    – Do you want to make your comment form more secure by adding to it a simple ReCaptcha?
    – Do you want to get rid of referral spam in your Google Analytics web stats?
    – Do you want to ban known bad robots that abuse your website, making it’s speed sluggish?
    – Do you want to put yourself in full control of the crawling of your website?
    – No problem!

    What You Can Do With This Plugin?

    You can create a bad crawler trap that will block further access of ‘bad bots’ – those that do not respect the rules you defined in the robots.txt file
    You can create a honeypot trap that will capture all bots that automatically leave comments on your website, spamming
    You can automatically block all known ‘bad bots’ (based on their User Agent) from accessing your website. For a full list of these bots, consult the plugin’s documentation
    You can automatically block all known ‘good bots’ (here are included the ones with real SEO value – GoogleBot, BingBot, Yandex, etc.
    You can log website visitors bots and humans alike, and view website traffic reports in the plugin settings panel
    You can except bot names that you do not want to ban in any circumstances
    You can except bot IP Addresses that you do not want to ban in any circumstances
    You can configure this plugin to send you an automated email every time a new bot gets banned
    You can customize the message shown to the banned bots
    You can configure user banning to always allow access even for banned users to login and admin page – to assure that you are not locked out from your own WordPress installation
    You can configure this plugin to always allow access to the website for logged in users
    Referral Spam Blocker – you can block a wide range of known referral spam sources – do not bother with spikes cause by referral spam in Google Analytics
    You can add a layer of protection to your website by automatically blocking a wide range of known malicious bots using your .htaccess file
    You can integrate Google’s fully customizable ReCaptcha technology in your comments, log-in, register and forgot password forms
    You can edit your robots.txt file with ease. Do not worry, if something goes wrong, the ‘Restore Defaults’ button will be on your side!
    You can edit your .htaccess file with ease. Do not worry, if something goes wrong, the ‘Restore Defaults’ button will be on your side!
    You can add to all of your page types a robots meta tag, including: NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW, NOODP and NOYDIR. Page types include: posts, pages, home page, category, archive, search, taxonomy, not found, tag and media.
    You can add manual rules in user banning. Add a custom IP Address or User Agent, and it will be banned until the rule is active.
    You can add an obfuscated email address to your site content (it will be normally displayed to human visitors, but robots cannot read it and steal it) – by adding the [tartarus_add_secure_email email=”example@email.com”] shortcode. Wildcard support in manual rule adding.
    Not enough features for you? This plugin is also fully mobile compatible, is translations ready, is optimized for speed – has no speed impact and benefits of lifetime updates and support.

  • New user interface
  • New usercard for user profiles
  • New admin interface
  • Added profile background
  • Fixed various bugs
  • Most pages are responsive to suit mobiles/tablets.
  • Some of the features

  • Login
  • Account creation
  • Profile avatar upload
  • Profile background upload
  • Activation email
  • User meta functions
  • User meta for more options
  • Admin panel for user management
  • Facebook, Twitter & Google Authentication
  • Live preview

    Clientage cPanel – username:admin – password:admin


    View our documentation for installation instructions and more.

  • Responsive Mega Menu (Navigation)

    “Mega Menu on Lots of Steroids!”
    “[Probably] the last Mega Menu that you will ever need!”
    So good you will never forget to rate it 5 stars!

    $45 Collective Price Value for a “Drop Down” Discounted Price!

    You will also get these lots of extras for Free

    1st FREE Item: Includes additional 120+ Hover Effects Library
    ($10 Value)

    2nd FREE Item Includes additional 70+ Form Templates with Client-Side Form Validation
    ($11 Value)

    3rd FREE Item: Includes Captcha and a Working Contact Script
    ($6 Value)

    4th FREE Item Includes Back to Top Animations
    ($6 Value)

    * Not shown in the Optional Live Preview but in the Master File when you Buy!

    This is not a WordPress Plugin My Friends
