Tag: buttons

  • Company Pricing Tables (Pricing Tables)

    version 1.0.0

    The three versions of perfectly designed corporate pricing tables.

    Everything is adaptive. Everything works perfectly on mobile devices, tablets and desktops. You can easily edit, change and customize them for yourself.


    • HTML5
    • CSS3
    • Corporate design
    • PSD files (3$) are included
    • Google Fonts: Lato font family
    • Fully responsive (from 320px to 2560px)
    • Integrated with AOS — animate on scroll library
    • Source files:
      • jade
      • scss
      • javascript ES6
    • gulpfile.js and package.json
    • BEM naming methodology


  • Company Pricing Tables (Pricing Tables)

    version 1.0.0

    The three versions of perfectly designed corporate pricing tables.

    Everything is adaptive. Everything works perfectly on mobile devices, tablets and desktops. You can easily edit, change and customize them for yourself.


    • HTML5
    • CSS3
    • Corporate design
    • PSD files (3$) are included
    • Google Fonts: Lato font family
    • Fully responsive (from 320px to 2560px)
    • Integrated with AOS — animate on scroll library
    • Source files:
      • jade
      • scss
      • javascript ES6
    • gulpfile.js and package.json
    • BEM naming methodology


  • Website positioning Pleasant & Optimized Share buttons (search engine marketing)

    Seo friendly and optimized Social share buttons

    Add Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Digg share buttons as well as an Email share button and print button. Above and/or below your pages and posts. It’s all fully customizable so you choose what social media buttons and social share buttons you want on your website.

    Seo Friendly and Seo Optimized
    Google is soon releasing the new overlay update, which you can read more about on Google’s blog. Almost every share plugins are coded so they function as an overlay, where they hide parts of the screen for design and other reasons.

    For example: They have a custom design, where the original design is hidden behind it – Or functions as a sidebar or so that follows the screen when you scroll. This is only two out of many examples.

    We are the first plugin to fix this issue, by coding the design in a new way, where we have altered the original code provided by social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and more, and made the design that way.

    Not only does this help avoiding getting punished by the Google update, we have also made the code quicker, meaning we have set a new record in how fast social media share buttons can be loaded, which you can read more about under Lightning Fast Load Time.

    We are also the first social share plugin to follow every single guideline and requirement from Google Insight, making this plugin the ultimative SEO optimized share plugin.

    Lightning Fast Load Time
    Usually it will take between 1,0 – 2,5 seconds to load social media buttons, because there is so much external data that needs to be loaded. We have found a way to overcome this issue.

    We have created a built in social share caching, a custom cache that stores all data from the social networks, for example scripts, amount of likes/tweets and much more on your website instead of Facebook, Twitters and more, cutting the loading process down to milliseconds.

    We have also altered the usual scripts provided by the social networks, we have managed to bring the load time of social share buttons down by up to 0.7 seconds! Bringing the load time down to 30% of the usual load time – And as every SEO expert know, page speed and load time is a huge part of your SEO and rankings, which you can read more about onMOZ.

    Core functionality

    • 6 Unique designs
    • Custom share text
    • Suggest user an email text and subject
    • Social share counter
    • Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Digg share buttons
    • Shortcodes
    • Email share button
    • Print button
    • Choose yourself what buttons to show
    • Easy to use
    • Place buttons above and/or under content
    • Seo Optimized
    • Light weight code
    • No unnecessary code
    • Responsive design
    • Follows Google Insight guidelines
    • Minified and optimized code
    • Seo Friendly
    • Altered scripts provided by Facebook, Twitter and more
    • Build in cache
    • Show buttons on: Posts, pages, front page, Archives, Attachment pages, Categories, search results and much more.
    • Disable all extra CSS and JS so you can make your own design.
    • Tweet with “via @username”
    • Fetch shares from both HTTP and HTTPS
    • Open share box in: New window, same page or popup.
    • Multiple shortcode settings
    • Works in all browsers and on all screen sizes
    • Mobile Optimized and Retina Ready

    Simple Installation:

    Uploading via the WordPress admin panel:

    1. Visit Plugins->Add New in the admin WordPress Panel after logging in.
    2. Click ‘Upload Plugin’ next to the page title at the top of the page.
    3. Select the location of your plugin zip in the file uploader input.
    4. Click Upload, and the plugin will be uploaded and installed for you quickly and easily.
    5. You will now be asked if you want to activate the plugin, choose yes.
    6. For customizing the plugin’s settings, click on “Share Buttons” in the left admin menu.

    Choosing social networks

    • Click the tab Social Networks.
    • Use drag and drop to order the buttons.
    • Check the social media platforms you wish to show on your website.

    Choosing where you want your buttons to appear

    • Click the tab Display Settings.
    • Choose the page types you want your social share buttons to appear, etc pages and posts

    Choosing button placement and design

    • Click the tab Design and Placement
    • Choose where you want your buttons to appear, for example above content
    • Choose a design you like, for example Theme 1

    Optional settings

    • Click the tab Miscellaneous
    • Choose if you want to use your own JS and CSS or not
    • Type in your share text
    • Choose if you want to show how many have shared your website or not
    • If you have moved from HTTP to HTTPS previously then check the setting
    • Choose if you want to open the share box in a new window or same, please read the description for good information
    • Choose to keep or disable caching, we always recommend you to keep it.
    • Choose email settings and what the standard message should be when people share your website through email
  • Developed PayPal Button for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Developed PayPal Button for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Advanced PayPal Button is a Visual Composer addon that allows you to create unlimited number of Paypal “Buy It Now” and “Donate” buttons.


    • Drag-and-Drop Paypal Button Creation
    • Support for Custom Button Images
    • Add custom Shipping and Flat Tax Fees
    • Multicurrency Support
    • Sandbox Mode Support
    • Manage All Settings in One Place

      Customize to Match Your Website



      WP Hammer – WordPress resources, theme roundups and more

  • Chat it! — Share buttons for Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Messenger (Social Networking)

    Chat it! — Share buttons for Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Messenger (Social Networking)

    Chat it! is a premium WordPress plugin which adds ability to add cute buttons for sharing site content in popular messengers:

    • Viber
    • WhatsApp
    • Telegram
    • Skype
    • Facebook Messenger

    Customization options:

    • Button title text
    • Text color and background color
    • Icon type: round, square, button
    • Position: before and after content
    • Control post type to show on

    Also you can specify devices to show or hide every button:

    • iOs
    • Android
    • Other mobile platforms
    • Desktop

    Please note: WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger buttons work only on mobile devices, so there are no options to show it on desktop.

  • 3D Buttons Percent – Visible Composer Extension (Add-ons)

    3D Buttons Percent – Visible Composer Extension (Add-ons)


    3D buttons is an very effective and useful addition to the VC extensions.It will allow users to add attractive buttons to their sites with 3D effects.User can also use plain buttons with a lot of customizable options.
    It is purely CSS3 based and contains unlimited icons.
    Included in the package there is also a set of buttons used by famous web services (google, twitter, facebook, wordpress) recreated in pure CSS3 .


    • 10+ Pre Made Styles
    • 5 Different Sizes
    • Unlimited Icons
    • 100% Responsive
    • Customizable Options
    • Unlimited Contrast
    • Easy and Fastest to Setup
    • All Major browser supported
    • 24/7 Support
    • Support within 12 hours
  • Morphing Buttons – Buttons X Add-on (Add-ons)

    Morphing Buttons – Buttons X Add-on (Add-ons)




    Note: This is an add-on that works only with Buttons X – Powerful Button Builder For WordPress.

    Morphing Buttons is a premium add-on for Buttons X. Morph means to change smoothly from one image to another. The idea is to use a button, and morph it into a full screen overlay or modal window when clicked.


    1. Animations
      We support animations for modal window and for content in and content out.
    2. Embeds
      Out of the box support for embeds. All WordPress supported embeds can be included as morph content.
    3. Easy To Use
      It is super easy to configure. We even provide tutorials on how to create morphing buttons.
    4. Full Control
      We give you full control. Use percentage or pixel based values for modal window.
    5. Mobile Ready
      It works well on mobile devices as well.
    6. Shortcodes
      Use any short code as part of content.
    7. Page Builders
      Use any page builder like Visual Composer to format modal content.


    World Class Support!

    We manage technical queries through the item page and are proud of our One Day Turnaround!


    Initial Release.
  • International Gallery – Overlay Supervisor add-on  (Add-ons)

    International Gallery – Overlay Supervisor add-on (Add-ons)

    Note: this is an add-on. You must have at least Global Gallery v4.0 to use it.

    Overlay Manager does just what its name suggests: lets you create and manage unlimited overlays!
    Many elements to mix, unlimited colors, hundreds of different possible combinations.

    Full size layers, split ones, icons, shapes, corner layers, crossing layers, angular slices, buttons, textual blocks, image effects.
    Everything has been created to set your creativity free to create what you like most: from hover behaviors, to CSS3 animations and easings!

    Textual blocks bring also the ability to use image descriptions directly in galleries! without worrying about length.
    Overlay Manager auto-shortener script always manages to adjust everything according with image sizes, fitting everything in the best way possible.

    But how is complex and tricky to setup all these things?
    Not at all, every productive step has been studied to be done with the maximum ease.

    Once you install the add-on, twelve preset overlays will be ready to be used or customized.
    Check your changes or what you are building without losing time with a live preview.

    Finally choose which overlay to use directly in Global Gallery shortcode wizard: you can use a different overlay for each gallery, collection and carousel!

    How are you creative?

    Think about mixing elements, adding colors, hover effects and maybe a bit of custom css. The Overlay Manager framework is ready to satisfy your needs!
    And you, what amazing overlay will you create for your website?

    Check the examples!

    Walkthrough videos

    To make this add-on easy for everyone there are videos explaining each step necessary to use it:

  • Tiny Bootstrap Components – wordpress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Tiny Bootstrap Components – wordpress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Tiny Bootstrap Elements is the perfect tool for WordPress to add Bootstrap elements to your pages.

    Tiny Bootstrap Elements for WordPress

    Add a Bootstrap toolbar to WordPress editor, access to visual editors to create/edit :

    • Buttons (+ icons)
    • Icons
    • Tables
    • Templates (create only)
    • Breadcrumbs
    • Paginations
    • Pagers
    • Labels
    • Badges
    • Alerts
    • Panels

    Can be used with any WordPress theme : if your theme is based on Bootstrap, just check option to use your theme in WordPress editor.
    Otherwise, you can add default or custom Bootstrap css, including only needed elements.
    Each element on Tiny Bootstrap Elements toolbar can be toggled individually.

    Each element is customizable with usual Bootstrap options. Total Font Awesome support.

    Tiny Bootstrap Elements for WordPress

    Use your own Bootstrap css, wich will be directly rendered either in your public pages, WordPress editor and plugin visual editors.

    • 11 plugins in 1
    • Visual Editors
    • Lightweight plugin, adds only the needed css on pageload
    • Easy to install, no skill needed
    • Awesome customer support

    Requirements :

    • WordPress
    • Bootstrap css

    Installation :

    1. Unzip
    2. Copy tiny-bootstrap-elements dir to your WordPress plugins dir
    3. Activate in WordPress admin plugins section
    4. Go to Tiny Bootstrap Elements Settings to configure your options
    5. Edit any page using your new Bootstrap toolbar
  • Horny Buttons for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Horny Buttons for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Attractive Buttons for Visual Composer is a premium multi-purpose plugin for creation of different types of modern animated buttons which will make your site look expressive and really attractive for visitors. None will remain indifferent!

    – Minified Production + Source Code
    – Comprehensive and Interactive Documentation
    – WordPress Plugin
    – Excellent Customer Support

    Main Features
    – Easy integration to any site
    – 40+ button + hover effects
    – Any style of button without CSS knowledge
    – 650+ Google Fonts
    – IE8+ support
    – Highly optimized code
    – Extremely Comprehensive Documentation
    – No Complicated HTML Structures
    – Rigorously Tested on Actual Devices for Real World Performance Metrics
    – Excellent Authors Experience over 10 years