Tag: bbpress

  • bbPress Labels – Matter labels for bbPress (Boards)

    bbPress Labels – Matter labels for bbPress (Boards)

    This plugin helps you to show topic labels on your forum. We have labels like: New topic, new question, replied topic, closed topic, new announcement. This plugins is very helpful for your forum when you using the forum for support your products.

    By showing labels on the forum, you will easy to find out which topic has new question or which topic is new. Each labels has different icon, background color, you can change from Dashboard.

    We can change the icon size, icon font size. Show icon by user role like Keymaster, Moderator or Visitor.

    Let’s make your forum better with this plugin.

  • Monarch – Progressive WordPress Neighborhood Theme (BuddyPress)

    Monarch – Progressive WordPress Neighborhood Theme (BuddyPress)

    Monarch is a clean, professional and modern next generation WordPress & BuddyPress Theme that is best suitable for online community, social networks, team blogs, social sites, educational networks for school, common interest networks or fan sites with member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, and more.

    Designed with modern trends and techniques in mind, Monarch has an amazing powerful social design. Each element is thought over and made with utmost care and love.

    Features List

    • Social:

      • Member/Group Cover Photo
      • Widgets Page (Dashboard)
      • Messages
      • Forums
      • Registration
    • Design:

      • Hight Resolution
      • Many New Ideas
      • Live Customizer
      • Unlimited Colors
      • 10 Great Color Themes
      • Responsive Ready
      • Sticky Navigation
    • Code:

      • 3 Main Page Styles: Timeline, Default, Masonry
      • Post Formats: Default, Aside, Image, Video, Quote, Link, Gallery, Status, Audio, Chat
      • Widgets: Posts, Facebook, Comments, Banner, About, Related Posts (under post).
      • Bootstrap 3.x Based
      • Ionicons Icons
      • Translation Ready
      • Child Theme

    Theme documentation included, free updates and more…

    Plugin Integrations

    • BuddyPress
    • bbPress
    • WordPress Social Login
    • BuddyPress Like
    • JetPack: Infinite Scroll

    Demo Site Plugins

    • Contact Form 7
    • Gallery Carousel Without JetPack


    - Initial release


    Fonts & Plugins: Merriweather, Playfair Display, Cloister Black (Demo Logo), Ionicons, Fontello, iCheck, HC-Sticky, jQuery CSS Customizable Scrollbar, Masonry, Nanobar, Modernizr, ImagesLoaded, User Icon, Bootstrap.

    Mockups: Mockup Zone, Pixeden, Medialoot, GraphicTwister, Mats-Peter Forss.

    Demo site images by Unsplash.

    Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the theme and NOT included in the final purchase files.

  • bbPress Messages – personal messages plugin for bbPress boards (Boards)

    bbPress Messages – personal messages plugin for bbPress boards (Boards)

    Important: This plugin requires bbPress to function. More info.

    bbPress Messages is a light and elegant plugin that brings private messages feature to your WordPress forums with bbPress plugin.

    See it in action (DEMO)
    More information

    bbPress Messages Features:

    Here are some of the features powered by bbPress Messages plugin which we can cover for the meantime:

    Message media:

    You can insert links, images and video links in the message typing area and they will be automatically converted and parsed into media. To embed a YouTube video into a message, all you need to do is to paste its link. Links are automatically embedded, for instance inserting http://google.com will produce a link to the Google homepage..

    For images, you will have to wrap the image source URL in the BBcode tags img.

    Videos are recognized from YouTube, Vimeo and DailyMotion for the meantime.

    Message status:

    Once you send a message, the user will be notified via email to read the message online. Once the message is read, it will show you once when the message was seen by our recipient.

    Users can mark messages unread, this must be a handy feature for certain reasons..

    Conversation archives:

    You can easily archive or un-archive a conversation, and find your archives in the archived messages section.

    Email notifications:

    When you send out a message, the recipient will then get notified by email as long as their preferences allow.

    User blocking/unblocking:

    You can toggle on/off this feature through the settings panel. It is very useful for users to block messages from other users; when a user has blocked another, both of them will not be able to exchange messages and they will get a notice on top of the message typing area which is disabled in this case.

    User online status:

    This is an out-of-the-box built-in feature. Users online status is updated frequently when users are active on the site, and it is shown in the messaging area..

    How it is being updated: as we mentioned before, this is not an instant messaging plugin so it is getting updated every time a logged in users views some page on the site..


    there are few shortcodes that you can use to output dynamic content and user data and information.

    • [bbpm-unread-count user=”(user_id)”]: This shortcode outputs the number of unread messages a user has. This user can be specified in the user shortcode attribute.
    • [bbpm-archives-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays a count of how many archived conversations a user has.
    • [bbpm-contact-link user=”(user_id)”]: Outputs the dynamic contact link for the target user. in other words, it can take you to where you can exchange messages with the user in the shortcode attribute.
    • [bbpm-messages-link user=”(user_id)”]: Displays the dynamic link to messages area.
    • [bbpm-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Counts the total messages the user has.
    • [bbpm-sent-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays a count of the total messages sent by the user specified.
    • [bbpm-received-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays the count of the total messages received by the targeted user.

    For many shortcodes, if you don’t specify a user ID in the user attribute, then the target user will be the current logged in user.


    Messages are being displayed in pages, you can set how many messages to show per single page, or how many conversations to show per page.

    The pagination uses clean slugs which are easy to remember and SEO friendly.

    Custom slugs:

    Through the admin panel, you can set the slugs for messages area and archives area.

    bbPress Messages uses clean slugs with custom rewrite rules which makes the URLs very easy to remember (UX), and SEO friendly..


    The PRO version of bbPress Messages comes with few widgets, fancy ones, which render dynamic information and user data.

    There are 4 widgets powered so far:

    • bbPM welcome: this light white widget with gray borders shows few useful links for current user with welcoming note. The list of links contains an avatar, link to messages, archives, profile edit for updating preferences and a log out link.
    • bbPM search form: outputs a search form allowing the current user to search and find their messages.
    • bbPM blocked users: displays a list of the current user’s blocked users if found, if not then a small custom note.
    • bbPM active users: shows a list of the recent active users, with their avatars, links and last seen record. You can specify the maximum users the show while adding the widget in the widgets dashboard.

    Most of these widgets will return nothing while the user is logged out, except the last one.

    Admin settings:

    Through the admin settings page, you can update various settings, the format of the help text and the notification email body, pagination settings, slugs..

    User preferences:

    Users can choose whether to be notified or not by email of new messages received.

    Users can also update a note of their own which shows before someone opts to send them a message for the first time.

    Email template:

    This template can be edited while you copy the plugin file to your child theme. The notification email is HTML content-type so you can design it the way you want..

    Child theme:

    To make your custom modifications, besides using the action and filter hooks we provided, you can copy the entire plugin file to your child theme, and there you can open the files to overwrite them.

    You can overwrite all the files found in assets/ and themes/ directories. Other than that, core files, any changes you make there are not being applied.

    If you are not certain about making your custom changes, please never hesitate to use our support forums.

    Clean design and more:

    This plugin is crafted with care, clean responsive design which respects child modifications.

    There are other handy features, you should be discovering them as you use this plugin in your forums :)


    To find support, please create yourself a free account in our support forums. Please do not send us messages here for support threads, instead open a support topic in the forums we linked to earlier.


    0.1 – initial release. —, 2016

  • bbPress Messages PRO (Add-ons)

    bbPress Messages PRO (Add-ons)

    Important: requires bbPress 2.5.X. More info.

    bbPress Messages is a light and elegant plugin that brings private messages feature to your WordPress forums with bbPress plugin.

    See it in action (DEMO)
    More information

    bbPress Messages Features:

    Here are some of the features powered by bbPress Messages plugin which we can cover for the meantime:

    Message media:

    You can insert links, images and video links in the message typing area and they will be automatically converted and parsed into media. To embed a YouTube video into a message, all you need to do is to paste its link. Links are automatically embedded, for instance inserting http://google.com will produce a link to the Google homepage..

    For images, you will have to wrap the image source URL in the BBcode tags img.

    Videos are recognized from YouTube, Vimeo and DailyMotion for the meantime.

    Message status:

    Once you send a message, the user will be notified via email to read the message online. Once the message is read, it will show you once when the message was seen by our recipient.

    Users can mark messages unread, this must be a handy feature for certain reasons..

    Conversation archives:

    You can easily archive or un-archive a conversation, and find your archives in the archived messages section.

    Email notifications:

    When you send out a message, the recipient will then get notified by email as long as their preferences allow.

    User blocking/unblocking:

    You can toggle on/off this feature through the settings panel. It is very useful for users to block messages from other users; when a user has blocked another, both of them will not be able to exchange messages and they will get a notice on top of the message typing area which is disabled in this case.

    User online status:

    This is an out-of-the-box built-in feature. Users online status is updated frequently when users are active on the site, and it is shown in the messaging area..

    How it is being updated: as we mentioned before, this is not an instant messaging plugin so it is getting updated every time a logged in users views some page on the site..


    there are few shortcodes that you can use to output dynamic content and user data and information.

    • [bbpm-unread-count user=”(user_id)”]: This shortcode outputs the number of unread messages a user has. This user can be specified in the user shortcode attribute.
    • [bbpm-archives-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays a count of how many archived conversations a user has.
    • [bbpm-contact-link user=”(user_id)”]: Outputs the dynamic contact link for the target user. in other words, it can take you to where you can exchange messages with the user in the shortcode attribute.
    • [bbpm-messages-link user=”(user_id)”]: Displays the dynamic link to messages area.
    • [bbpm-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Counts the total messages the user has.
    • [bbpm-sent-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays a count of the total messages sent by the user specified.
    • [bbpm-received-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays the count of the total messages received by the targeted user.

    For many shortcodes, if you don’t specify a user ID in the user attribute, then the target user will be the current logged in user.


    Messages are being displayed in pages, you can set how many messages to show per single page, or how many conversations to show per page.

    The pagination uses clean slugs which are easy to remember and SEO friendly.

    Custom slugs:

    Through the admin panel, you can set the slugs for messages area and archives area.

    bbPress Messages uses clean slugs with custom rewrite rules which makes the URLs very easy to remember (UX), and SEO friendly..


    The PRO version of bbPress Messages comes with few widgets, fancy ones, which render dynamic information and user data.

    There are 4 widgets powered so far:

    • bbPM welcome: this light white widget with gray borders shows few useful links for current user with welcoming note. The list of links contains an avatar, link to messages, archives, profile edit for updating preferences and a log out link.
    • bbPM search form: outputs a search form allowing the current user to search and find their messages.
    • bbPM blocked users: displays a list of the current user’s blocked users if found, if not then a small custom note.
    • bbPM active users: shows a list of the recent active users, with their avatars, links and last seen record. You can specify the maximum users the show while adding the widget in the widgets dashboard.

    Most of these widgets will return nothing while the user is logged out, except the last one.

    Admin settings:

    Through the admin settings page, you can update various settings, the format of the help text and the notification email body, pagination settings, slugs..

    User preferences:

    Users can choose whether to be notified or not by email of new messages received.

    Users can also update a note of their own which shows before someone opts to send them a message for the first time.

    Email template:

    This template can be edited while you copy the plugin file to your child theme. The notification email is HTML content-type so you can design it the way you want..

    Child theme:

    To make your custom modifications, besides using the action and filter hooks we provided, you can copy the entire plugin file to your child theme, and there you can open the files to overwrite them.

    You can overwrite all the files found in assets/ and themes/ directories. Other than that, core files, any changes you make there are not being applied.

    If you are not certain about making your custom changes, please never hesitate to use our support forums.

    Clean design and more:

    This plugin is crafted with care, clean responsive design which respects child modifications.

    There are other handy features, you should be discovering them as you use this plugin in your forums :)


    To find support, please create yourself a free account in our support forums. Please do not send us messages here for support threads, instead open a support topic in the forums we linked to earlier.


    0.1 – initial release. March 14th, 2016

  • Revija – Weblog/Journal WP Theme (BuddyPress)

    Revija – Weblog/Journal WP Theme (BuddyPress)

    Get Item SupportFollow Us On Envato
    Join NewsletterSubscribe by RSS

    Revija - Premium Blog/Magazine HTML Template
    Drupal Template available here

    Revija is a modern and premium WordPress BuddyPress template for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site!

    Revija provides full smart features with modern design of a website such as: sticky menu, 100% responsive, Retina ready, multicolor, Powerful color options. Also, Revija compatible a lot of useful plugin of WordPress, for instance, BuddyPress, bbPress, Woocommerce, Forms7, Visual Composer and MegaMenu. Revija can satisfy everything you required.

    This unique and exclusive WordPress template was created by the professional team with significant experience in website development. The following categories are touched in our template: entertainment; health, high-tech, fashion, travel, sports, business, politics, others. We have developed the most flexible and easy-to-use product for you! This theme is an excellent start for your news-portal, online journal, blog, personal portfolio or e-shop.

    Main Features:

    All Features:

    • Multipurpose design;
    • Responsive and retina-ready layout;
    • Preloader and attractive css animation;
    • Cross-browser compatibility (IE9+);
    • SEO optimized;
    • One-click installation;
    • Multi-language and RTL supported;
    • Valid HTML5 code;
    • Based on Bootstrap 3;
    • Visual Composer (save $34);
    • Powerful theme settings panel;
    • Drop-down and Mega Main Menu (save $15);
    • Boxed and wide layouts;
    • Reviews system (save $25);
    • 6 predefined variants of Homepage layout;
    • Unlimited headers;
    • Unlimited footers;
    • Unlimited colors & 640+ fonts;
    • Slider Revolution (save $19);
    • Layer slider (save $18);
    • Plenty of advertising areas;
    • 8 variants of category page;
    • Buddypress integration;
    • bbPress integration;
    • 9 layouts of Blog post page;
    • 15 Portfolio pages;
    • 6 layouts of Portfolio post page;
    • Shortcodes (banners, carousels, tabs, toggles, accodion, tour section, buttons, quotes, tables, alert boxes, lists, forms, progress bar, pricing tables, dropcaps, social icons, etc);
    • Typography and Columns pages;
    • Google fonts;
    • Icon fonts;
    • Login popup;
    • WooCommerce Ready;
    • Shopping cart popup;
    • Cloud zoom amd lightbox popup for the product image;
    • Search popup;
    • MailChimp integration;
    • Social Counters (save $17);
    • Yoast SEO plugin with Google Rich Snippets;
    • Cookie control popup;
    • Weather Forecast;
    • Contact Form 7;
    • Touch enabled sliders and carousels;
    • 63 Fully-layered & well-organized PSD files;
    • Detailed documentation with video;
    • Excellent support and free updates


    Clipart for the preview was used from http://depositphotos.com
    IMPORTANT: clipart is not included in the stock file.

    If you like our product, don’t forget to rate it Thank you :)

    Do you need a shop?

    ShopMe - Multipurpose Opencart Theme

    Flatastic - Premium Versatile WordPress Theme

  • SuperFine – Multipurpose WordPress Theme (Company)

    SuperFine – Multipurpose WordPress Theme (Company)

    SuperFine is a Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme built using HTML5/CSS3 features and suitable for creative companies, agencies, and freelancers which need a professional way to showcase their projects, services, and sell their products.

    SuperFine is a fully responsive and retina ready so it works nicely on
    Smartphone, tablet PCs and desktops. We built SuperFine with the latest Bootstrap responsive framework, because we want our customers would find a light awesome, powerful, and easy to use theme.

    Key Features

    • Drag And Drop Page Builder Included Save($34).
    • Slider Revolution WordPress Plugin Included Save($19)
    • Essential Grid WordPress Plugin Included Save($26)
    • Go Responsive Pricing Tables WordPress Plugin Included Save($20)
    • Wide And Boxed Layouts
    • Light And Dark Skins.
    • Unlimited Color Skins with 12 Predefined Skin Colors.
    • 23 Different Home Pages.
    • 5 Menu Animation Effects.
    • 18 Different Header Styles & Customizable Sticky Navigation.
    • 8 Different Footer Styles With Unlimited Number of Widgets And Customizable Columns.
    • 4 Contact Us Page Styles.
    • 5 Blog Styles (Large Image, Small Image, Timeline, Masonry and Grid) + (Left, Right and No Sidebar).
    • 9 Different Customizable Page Titles (With CustomImage And Video Backgrounds).
    • 3 Pager Types(Numeric, Older-Newer and Load more with Ajax)
    • 6 Different pager Styles (Skewed, Gray Round, Diamond, Light Round, Bottom Border and Circle)
    • 3 One Page Designs.
    • Custom Widgets:

      • Latest tweets Widget.
      • Flickr Feed Widget.
      • Contact Info Widget.
      • Side Banners Widget.
      • Image & Text Widget.
      • Custom Recent Posts.
      • Footer Social Icons With Custom Text.
    • One Click Install Demo Content.
    • WooCommerce Ready With Custom Sidebar And Custom 6 Pager Styles.
    • BBPress (Forums) Ready With Custom Welcome Message, Forum Thumbnail, Sidebar
      And Custom 6 Pager Styles.
    • BuddyPress Ready With Custom SideBar.
    • Gravity Forms Support
    • Contact Form 7 Support
    • YOAST SEO Full plugin Support.
    • RTL support.
    • Fully Functional and customizable Coming Soon page.
    • Custom Author’s page.
    • Parallax Backgrounds effect.
    • Custom Page Options (Very Powerful Options For Each Page Individually).
    • You Can Set A Menu For Each Page Individually.
    • Mega Menu Support.
    • Blog Post Social Share.
    • Dynamic Google Web Fonts Typography.
    • Custom 404 Page.
    • Powerful Shortcodes
      • 11 Different Heading Styles.
      • 10 Icon Boxes styles.
      • Carousel And Grid Testimonials Styles.
      • Carousel And Grid Clients Styles.
      • Fun Staff ShortCode.
      • Breaking News ShortCode.
      • BLOG SHOERCODE: With Great Options.
      • Recent Posts With 5 Styles and Grid & Carousel.
      • Features ShortCode With 3 styles.
      • Vertical Carousel ShortCode.
      • Custom Google Map ShortCode.
      • 5 Team Member Styles.
      • 2 Custom Counters with Animations.
      • 14 Block Separators Styles (Dividers).
      • Camera SlideShow ShortCode.
      • Social Icons ShortCode.
    • FontAwesome 605+ Icons
    • Open Iconic 223+ Icons
    • Typicons 220+ Icons
    • Entypo 284+ Icons
    • Linecons 48+ Icons
    • Cross Browser Compatible (IE9/10/11, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari)
    • Custom Page Transitions and Animations
    • Pretty CSS3 Effects and Animation
    • Optimized and Clean Code
    • Optimized for better User Experience
    • Fully Customizable, step-by-step documentation included
  • bbPress Thread Prefixes (Boards)

    bbPress Thread Prefixes (Boards)

    bbPress Thread Prefixes WordPress Plugin

    This plugin will add the feature of easily generating prefixes for topics and assigning groups of prefixes for each forum in the admin section.

    These prefixes can be a requirement for users while creating or editing topics, you can set the prefixes to filter the topic title and appear within titles, or appear separately as clickable icons which will pull up all topics that have this thread prefix assigned.

    You can set default colors and background colors with flexibility with color pickers, add further CSS styles and customize any prefix.

    You can also exclude users from assigning prefixes to topics and leave this tool for site moderators or admins only.

    Moderators or admins can set the prefix groups for forums in the post admin while creating or editing forums, and set prefix for topics when editing topics in the admin section.

    The thread prefixes feature is already available in several forum boards, such as MyBB, Xenforo and other softwares but not in bbPress.

    Prefix Styles

    Within topic title

    This setting will allow you to insert the selected prefix within the topic title which will be always filtered and set to contain the prefix. With this setting, you can still access the prefixes archives and pull topics which have the same prefix assigned.

    A live simple example of this is WordPress.org support forums; when a topic is marked resolved by a user, a prefix [Resloved] is being inserted right before the thread title: [Resloved] Topic title

    Separate prefix as icon

    With this setting on, prefixes will appear as styled icons, clickable or not, pointing to the archives page.

    You can style any prefix by its own while adding or editing the prefix as option in the plugin admin section

    Further extending & customization

    bbPress Thread Prefixes comes with ready action and filter hooks which you can use to easily add custom content and override settings and existing content etc.

    A list of hooks you can use is included in the plugin pack in a text file with examples and further information

    If you have suggestions or need more hooks, let me know.


    0.1 – initial release — January 2016

    Other bbPress Plugins:

    bbPress Ultimate: Social profiles, country flags and much more dynamic info to embed to forums and bbPress/BuddyPress profiles

    Sign up for the newsletter for more

  • Guide – Absolute best On-line Documentation (Miscellaneous)

    Guide – Absolute best On-line Documentation (Miscellaneous)

    The easiest way to create online user manual

    Write professional looking online manuals (Documentation or Knowledgebase) in no time at all or establish Forum to allow customers and clients to help themselves.

    Using Manual WordPress Theme you can:

    • Create a professional looking Documentation OR Knowledge Base
    • Create a branded FAQ
    • Establish FORUM within your wordpress site
    • Track article user hits
    • Allow user to vote (Like/Dislike) on article helpfulness.
    • Reduce support ticket volume and repetitive questions
    • Increase customer loyalty and reduce support time
    • Benefit from the power and flexibility of a WordPress powered site

    Overall Manual Theme Features

    • Fully Responsive
    • Translation ready po/mo files included
    • Demo XML file included
    • Ajax data call for the documentation
    • Great SEO Built-In
    • Child Theme Compatible – dummy child theme included in package
    • Easily create and manage Documentation
    • Easily create Knowledge Base
    • Easily create FAQs
    • Fully compatible with BBpress
    • Fully compatible with Contact Form 7
    • Well Documented
    • Based On Bootstrap Framework
    • Great Support
    • HTML5 & CSS3


    - First Release
  • Socialize: Multi Function BuddyPress Theme (BuddyPress)

    Socialize: Multi Function BuddyPress Theme (BuddyPress)

    Socialize is a multi-purpose BuddyPress theme making it the perfect choice if you want to create a community or social network.

    So what is BuddyPress? Basically it’s a plugin that lets you create any kind of social network using WordPress, with member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, and more. Socialize has also totally redesigned bbPress so it now looks like a traditional forum.

    Key Features Overview

    BuddyPress Fully Integrated
    Socialize is one of the few multipurpose themes to have true BuddyPress integration. Every BuddyPress section has been carefully designed to fit right into the theme so you can create the ultimate social network.

    bbPress Fully Integrated
    If you need to have a forum on the site there’s no need to worry. Socialize is fully integrated with bbPress for all your forum needs. It has also been completely redesigned to give you a traditional forum appearance not usually associated with bbPress.

    The Events Calendar Fully Integrated
    Socialize has been specifically designed so The Events Calendar plugin fits right into the theme.

    Buy With Confidence
    I’ve been selling themes on ThemeForest for 5 years now, and I’m not going anywhere. All my themes are rated 4 stars or above so you know you’re buying quality.

    100% Fully Responsive
    Socialize has been cleverly designed and meticulously tested so that every aspect of the theme is responsive. This means it looks great on any device at any size, not just the standard sizes but all the sizes in between. Desktop, tablet and mobiles are all taken into account so your content is always shown at its best.

    Layout Builder
    Socialize is tightly integrated with the Visual Composer plugin (worth $30) so you can quickly and easily build amazing page layouts with over 40 elements, many of them unique to this theme. It also now comes with an excellent front end page builder so you can see the changes to your pages as you make them.

    Ajax Filtering
    All posts, pages and reviews can be filtered using ajax which means the page doesn’t need to be reloaded, the new content is dynamically loaded into the page for much quicker access. Content can be filtered by categories, date, title, comments, views, followers, ratings and awards.

    Video Headers
    You can add teaser background videos to any page header and users can then play the full video with the click of a button.

    Skin Manager
    With the skin manager you can easily switch from a wide to boxed layout, change the colours of every part of the theme, change the fonts for all the different text section with a selection of the most popular Google web fonts and change the widths of all the main content sections to create your own unique theme.

    Socialize comes crammed with portfolio options. With multiple column and masonry displays, item filtering, different content positions you have every thing you need to showcase your work.

    Icon Font
    Why are icon fonts so important? Simple. They are so easy to use, look great at any size and make your content look that much better. Socialize includes the Font Awesome library to give you nearly 400 icons to use throughout your navigation, paragraphs, buttons, lists, and just about anything else you can think about.

    Retina Ready
    Socialize ensures your website looks sharp on high resolution devices by swapping normal resolution for high resolution images and utilises HTML5, CSS3, and icon fonts that don’t distort with larger resolutions displays.

    Clean Code
    Socialize conforms to the best coding practices when it comes to HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. We hate clutter and all our code is simple, clean and easy to read. This is especially important if you want to edit the code yourself. We’ve implemented the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques along with cutting edge WordPress standards to ensure that your theme will give you the best possible experience in terms of the latest web features and faster page load times.

    Demo Data
    The theme comes with 2 demo data files so you can get the site to look exactly like the demo site you see in the live preview with ease. This is a great way of getting start so you can better understand the theme.

    Post Formats
    Manage your blog posts better by taking advantage of WordPress custom post formats. The following post formats are included, each with their own unique style and otpions:

    • Standard
    • Gallery
    • Link
    • Quote
    • Audio
    • Video

    Search Engine Optimization
    Socialize is built with the latest SEO practices in mind. Semantic HTML5 for better search result placement, correct use of H tags, main content loaded before secondary content – we have it all covered.

    Translation Ready
    Socialize comes with translation files so you can easily translate your site into any language you want. Socialize is also WPML Ready so if you want a multilingual site you can easily switch between languages.

    Customer Support
    We offer top notch which means you will receive detailed answers to any questions you may have quickly. Trouble using the theme? Find a bug? We’ll solve it for you.

    Pre-Built Templates
    The theme comes with a ton of pre-built templates which you can modify or create your own and save them for future use.

    Individual & Global Options
    The theme gives you the ability to change the options on each individual post, page, portfolio item or you can do it globally to change them all at once.

    Create Unlimited Sidebars
    Create unlimited sidebars that you can display on any page you want.

    Child Theme
    Comes with a child theme so if you ever want to make any code changes they will not be overwritten when you update the theme.

    Multiple Menu Type
    Socialize comes with four different menu types including a standard dropdown menu, columned mega menu, content and tabbed content menus, which can all be used together to create a highly specialised navigation to meet your needs.

    Front-end and Social Login
    Socialize comes with its own login pop up form so your users never have to see the WordPress login page. It also works seamlessly with the WordPress Social Login plugin so your users can login via Facebook, Twitter etc.

    Custom Widgets
    Comes with advanced recent posts, recent comments categories and advertisement widgets which you can quickly drag and drop into your sidebar without any need for a plugin.

    Redux Framework
    The theme uses the Redux framework which is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes and plugins. This allows you to customize the site live using the WordPress Customizer.

    Contact Form 7 Ready

    JavaScript Fallback

    Compatible In All Major Browsers

    Valid HTML5 & CSS3

    Customer Support

    If you run into any problems setting up or using the theme don’t worry, all our themes come with an extensive help file (which is also available online) and a dedicated support site. We also continually release updates to add new features and address any bugs, all of which are listed in the changelog.

    Help File   Changelog

    If you still have any questions you can submit a support ticket at our support site.

    Submit A Support Ticket