Tag: amazon

  • Scraper – Automatic Content Crawl and Post Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Scraper – Automatic Content Crawl and Post Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Scraper is a WordPress plugin that copies content and posts automatically from any web site. With tons of useful and unique features, Scraper takes content creating process to another level.

    Offer : Use A.I. Spinning Power on Scraping

    Get A.I. Spinner on Codecanyon and use it as spinner on Scraper. Your posts will be unique on web with A.I. Spinner’s results. Scraper supports A.I. Spinner and you could enable it easily.

    Get A.I. Spinner Now!


    + Does it work with login or authentication?

    Yes, it works. We both have functions for web login or form fill and authentication function that can be used with cookies. So you could easily get data from any website that has login.

    + Is there any feature to translate content?

    Yes, it translates any content with Google Translate API. It supports all languages that supported by Google.

    + Is it possible to update prices on product?

    Yes, with transform function, you could apply some regex expressions or mathematical functions for numbers. With this way, you could update numbers with yours or change the values with math functions.

    + Is it possible to scrape meta tags?

    Yes, that’s possible. You could scrap HTML tags, meta tags, attributes or even JSON parts of page with visual editor.

    + Is it possible to get meta tags or JSON values on page?

    Yes, that’s possible. You could scrap HTML tags, meta tags, attributes or even JSON parts of page with visual editor.

    Visit Frequenly Asked Questions


    08/17/2018 (v1.0.0)

            + Cron issues fixed
            + Image download feature added
            + JSON Parsing Method Added
            + A.I. Spinner Service Enabled
            + Translation Service Enabled
            + First Release
  • WordPress PRO S.E.O Tool (SEO)

    WordPress PRO S.E.O Tool (SEO)


    WordPress PRO SEO Tool plugin is the best WordPress Plugin for SEO, Marketing, tool for Amazon Research (Seller and Affiliate) and Advertiser (GDN & Banner Ads).

    Use PRO SEO Tool to check SERP Rank Checker, Keyword Research with detailed information about CPC, monthly search volume, competitive rate to improve your website ranking and increase revenue from Amazon (sales or affiliate marketing), from membership and advertiser.

    SERP rank position checker tool: Analyze the organic search results

    SERP rank position checker tool allows you to quickly see the strengths and weaknesses of your competition with detailed information about traffic analytics, backlink analytics, domain statics, keyword analytics, social, and you can use the information to achieve better rankings and improve your rankings.

    Page on top 100 in Google results: that allows you to quickly check and tracking keyword ranking for page on top 100 in Google SERP results for multiple domains and keywords.

    You can visits to their website and uncover the keywords they rank see the ranking keywords that your competitors are ranking for in organic search results in Google results and how much traffic this brings them, page ranking on top analysis detailed with title, content, keyword, traffic, backlink, social analysis to improve keyword rankings for your website on the search engines.

    Global & Local SERP Rank Checker

    Check keywords on Google for all languages and countries without a need to use proxies and VPS Mobile devices and desktop results.

    SERP results and check keyword ranking position in Google results both for desktop and mobile devices. Desktop results in Google SERP are usually different from the ones in mobile view. You will receive the SERP position check result after 2s, fastest on the market.

    Domain SEO Statistic

    This SEO plugin helps you get all kind of statistics of your competitor’s domains that keyword ranking for page on top 100 in search engines includes information.

    Domain Seo Statistics is crucial for any website to rank top in any search engines. This tool will help you get all kinds of statistics of a given website that is beneficial for seo analysts, so this information will help you to find the problem and rank better than your competitors.

    • Page authority (PA) is developed by MoZ to determine the search engine ranking score of a specific page (not just the domain). The method predicts how a specific page is ranked on search engines results (SERPs).
    • Domain authority (DA) is a method developed by Moz to determine the search engine ranking score of any domain. Please note that Domain Authirity will only check the domain itself. The method predicts how a domain is ranked on search engines results (SERPs).
    • Mozrank (MR): The higher the MozRank of the linking pages, the higher the MozRank of the page receiving those links.
    • Alexa rank (AR): Alexa sores and analyze data collected from Website Traffic Statistics. The data is provided by Alexa users over 3 month period.
    • Semrush rank
    • Keyword number
    • Equity
    • Links in
    • SR traffic
    • Estimated nesxt month traffic

    Traffic Analytics

    Traffic Analytics is the best competitive tool that provides estimations of a competing domain’s total desktop or mobile devices traffic.

    Give you in-depth insight into how visitors interact with website with keyword ranking for page op top 100 with analytics of traffic such as last month report engage, monthy traffic, traffic refferal source and social traffic.

    so you can see where your competitor’s traffic comes from and how much their audience engages with their site. With multiple reports and deep insights, this is one of the most powerful tools on WordPress for gathering competitive traffic.

    Top ranking keywords

    Show top ranking keyword and you can use the keyword research to check those high ranking keywords with detailed information about CPC, monthly search volume, competitive rate to choose the right keywords, focus on longtail keyword for your content and increase search rankings.


    The Social Sources Report gives you a complete breakdown of what social media networks are sending traffic for page on top. To get an idea how much traffic that social networks send you, this is where you want to be.

    Help you know the page on top 100 in Google results have how many backlink for this page, top backlinks pointing to a specific website. Quality links can help you outrank your competitors and get you additional referrer traffic.

    Keyword Research, Keyword Suggestion with Search volume, CPC, Competition rate

    You would like more people to visit your website, read your content, more time on site and buy your products or services.

    Bring quality articles that match the search of your customers on Googles results, give them content related to high search volume.

    This is more suited to Google’s SEO guideline in 2018, from which your website will be rated Google as one of the sites that bring value and benefits to users and it will increase your ranking on Googles results, and more traffic you get to your website and the higher your rankings.

    Use Keyword Research tool is the best WordPress keyword tool to get the keyword statistics with detailed monthly search volume, CPC, PPC, the competition, get relevance keyword suggest and other metrics with trust data.

    Know which keywords on your targeted list have the highest search volume so you can choose the best keywordsand boost your search engine rank.

    Keywords research

    Show top high ranking keywords with detailed information about CPC, monthly search volume, competitive rate to choose the right keywords, focus on longtail keyword for your content and increase search rankings.

    Keyword suggestion

    Get suggest relevance keyword with detailed monthly search volume, CPC, PPC, the competition.

    Check Google SERP

    Allows you to quickly check and tracking page ranking for keyword on top 100 in Google SERP results for multiple domains and keywords.

    You can visits to their website and uncover the keywords they rank see the ranking keywords that your competitors are ranking for in organic search results in Google results.

    How much traffic this brings them, page ranking on top analysis detailed with title, content,… so you can have the ideas for your content and tactics developed by your keywords to improve your keyword rankings for your website.

    Keyword research tool for global and local search: Check keywords on Google for all languages and countries without a need to use proxies and VPS.

    Amazon Affiliate Product Research

    You are an Amazon seller or Amazon Associate – Affiliate?

    Amazon Product Research tool is best alternative to JungleScout, give you analyze real-time products that best for your bussiness.

    Quickly research, find the perfect niche, identify the right products to sell on Amazon, gauge your competition, tracking new product launch, best selling product on amazon, most wished and estimate your sales with marketing place and your keyword.

    Amazon Affiliate Research Features

    • Support All categories: Get access to the Amazon products database with all categories.
    • Best seller products: Research top best selling products on the Amazon market to choose the right product for your needs. (Find products for sale or make affiliate)
    • Most wished products: Research the most wished products which to choose the best amazon product for your business strategy for sale or affiliate marketing
    • New released products: research the new released product, research the current sales trends, what are the competitors doing
    • Best for gift products: Research the best gift amazon product for sale with combo, maximum sales revenue

    Easy to use and export to excel files

    Increase revenue from Google Adsense and banner ads with extra banner ads for each result.

    • Innovative Ads Optimizer: x4 ads view rate per visitor
    • Auto change ADS without refresh page

    Simple Membership

    • Use for specific user role
    • Limit request by user role
    • Custom restrict message
    • Compatible with Ultimate Member and other membership website
  • Azon Affiliate Banners (Advertising)

    Azon Affiliate Banners (Advertising)


    Hi everyone. I would like to introduce you my new plugin, that can be useful for Amazon affiliate marketers, who would like to earn money via Amazon affiliate sales.

    SO what plugin do – it allows you to create cool animated Amazon banners in easy dynamic way. Just pick product? you want to use, modify it to look like you want and thats all. It appears in your content.

    Interesting? Then lets move forward and start with Installation.

    Want to see it live?

    You can go to http://banner.voodoopress.net/wp-admin/ and login with tester/tester login/password. You can check all things live. Below I posted manual for users.


    Installation is default for any WP plugin. Take archive with plugin wp-azon-banners.zip. In backend click Add New Plugin, upload it and activate. That is all.


    Set up is pretty easy. Left side you will find new menu “Azon Banners”. 

    Here you need to enter your Amazon affiliate Tracking ID, access Key and Secret Key that you have from Amazon system.

    And last thing – Just save settings

    Adding banners inside post

    Ok, seems nothing complex till now. So how to use main functionality: let’s check how to use it in posts.  Let’s create single post. Below editor you will find new meta box “Amazon Banners”

    Let’s sey you write article about super cool “Lorem Ipsum” thing and want to add few banners inside article. So You need to enter keyword inside search field and click on Search. After this you will see list of items, that Amazon API returns.


    For each item you can edit title of item, as it can be pretty big and break banner layout. You can select layour for banners. For now I just call them Layout 1, 2 … etc. And here you can select color schema for your banner. For now we will have 5 color schemas that you can use. 

    So lets make some normal title, select layout and color schema. Then lets click on Preview – and below block you will see how banner will look like. Dont like? Chnage alyout or color schema and click again on preview till you will get result you will like.

    SO have result you want to use ? Then click on “Generate Shortcode” and you will see shortcode you will need to use to show banner.


    So this code you can use inside your editor to show banners you like.

    Ok, seems all basic things done. Let’s check how page will look like. 

    Looks cool as for me. Only thing – in any case it still Ads so if you have AdBlocker – you probably would not  see banners :(


    Anyway, ready to go forward?

    Adding banners via Visual Composer

    We have here another cool functionality – Azon Banners can be used also with Visual Composer or how it is called now – WP Bakery Page Builder.

    SO nothing complex here also. Let’s make new post with VC editor. Let’s add there new element. In Element picker select Amazon Banners

    Click and then select Amazon Banner content


    After this you will find block like from in post insertion. SO we can enter keyword to search


    After search you will find results. Yo use item click on “Use” button

    After this script will scroll you to parameters where you also can edit title, select layout and colors.

    After picking things you will see preview.


    You can add any amount of banners you want. In editor you will see blocks for them


    After this we can check what we have at the end



    Seems simple enough. 


    Q: Why I don’t  see banners?

    A: Probably something goes wrong with plugin or you use AdBlock.

  • Awzpro – Amazon Affiliate Builder (Promoting)

    Awzpro – Amazon Affiliate Builder (Promoting)

    Awzpro is a WordPress plugin that helps you easily add an Amazon product, related video and Price history in your blog post.

    Use Awzpro to increase revenue from your blog traffic.

    Supported marketplaces

    Awzpro works with these available marketplaces: US, CA, UK, IN, JP, IT, BR, MX, DE, ES, CN, FR.


    What are the requirements to run Awzpro?

    Awzpro is a WordPress plugin, it requires WordPress itself

    How do I install Awzpro?

    You install Awzpro just like any other WordPress plugin.

    How do I get the API keys?

    Please follow this page or see the plugin setting page.

  • Azon Hyperlinks Checker (Promoting)

    Azon Hyperlinks Checker (Promoting)

    This plugin check your size for Amazon affiliate links. Check if those items are in stock and links are alive. So admin can remove dead links and stop loosing money.

    The Azon Link Checker will scan your entire site and find every Amazon product you are promoting. No need to enter them in manually, just 1 click and the plugin will find them all for you!

    Automatically Checks To See If They Are In Stock

    After the Azon Link Checker plugins finds all the products you are promoting, it will then automatically check them to make sure they are in stock and available for purchase.

    Automatically Finds Any Products That Are No Longer Available

    The Azon Link Checker plugin will also find any products you are promoting that are actually no longer sold on Amazon so you can replace them on your site.

    Automatically Schedule Daily, Weekly or Monthly Checks

    No need to recheck your products every day, the Azon Link Checker plugin will automatically do that for you and send you an email when any problem products are found on your site!

    Scan Your Site For Amazon Products

    Simply click the Check Links button and the software will automatically scan your site for every Amazon product you are promoting. No need to manually enter them in or find them yourself.

    Check Your Results For Any Issues

    Azon Link Checker will bring back a list of all the Amazon products on your site and alert you to any products that are out of stock or no longer available on Amazon.

    Replace Any Unavailable Products

    After you run Azon Link Checker, all you need to do is replace any out of stock or unavailable Amazon products with products that are in stock. In a matter of minutes you have increase the commission potential of your site!

    Schedule Ongoing Scans

    Azon Link Checker allows you to automate future scans on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The software will automatically scan your site each day and email you if it finds any products that are not available on Amazon.

    Hi, we also have new plugin for you!

    Version 1.1

    • First Release
  • Crawlomatic Multisite Scraper Submit Generator Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Crawlomatic Multisite Scraper Post Generator

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Crawlomatic Multisite Scraper Post Generator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge (made in 2017) website crawling and scraping, post generator autoblogging plugin that uses website crawling and scraping to turn your website into a autoblogging or even a money making machine!
    Get content from almost any webpage! You no longer need API’s which requires registration and provides limited access, also you can retrieve data from non API providing websites. Schedule it for once and let it autopilot your posts 7/24 for you like a master!

    You can scrape content from almost every web site that you open in your browser. Just be sure that the content is not generated dynamically by javascript, such as load more buttons or lazy loading content by scrolling down.

    Also, you can automatically generate unlimited number of custom website crawling and scraping.

    Other plugin features:

    • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
    • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – great SEO value!
    • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
    • shortcode to list all posts generated by this plugin: [crawlomatic-list-posts type => ‘any’, order => ‘ASC’, ‘orderby’ => ‘date’, ‘posts’ => 50, ‘category’ => ’’, ‘ruleid’ => ’’]
    • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
    • manually add post categories or tags to items
    • choose if you want to update post if it is already posted
    • send custom cookies with the request to the crawled webpage (authentification)
    • generate post or page or any custom post type
    • embeds videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, IGN, Ustream.tv and DailyMotion using website crawling and scraping
    • define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
    • automatically generate a featured image for the post
    • enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
    • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
    • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to http://www.codecanyon.net/?ref=user_name anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
    • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
    • option to automatically delete generated posts after a period of time
    • detailed plugin activity logging
    • scheduled rule runs
    • custom field support for generated posts
    • option to copy or not images locally
    • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
    • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
    • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
    • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content
    • Save and restore plugin rule list from file

    Try it out now

    Testing this plugin

    Plugin Requirements

    • PHP DOM -> how to install it (if you don’t have it, but probably you already have it): http://php.net/manual/en/dom.setup.php
    • PHP 5.0 or higher
    • dom, mbstring, iconv and json extensions (enabled by default)

    Learn more about this plugin

    Need support?

    Just email me at kisded@yahoo.com and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-08-20

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.8 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Through this plugin you are able to grab content from various websites that does not necessary belong to you or which are not under your control. If you grab copyrighted material without the author’s permission, the plugin’s developer does not assume any responsibility for your actions. Also, the plugin’s developer has no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites.

    Do you like our work and want more of it?
    Check out this MEGA plugin bundle.

  • E-Commerce Auto Poster WordPress Bundle through CodeRevolution (Miscellaneous)

    E-Commerce Auto Poster WordPress Bundle through CodeRevolution (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    E-Commerce Auto Poster WordPress Bundle by CodeRevolution

    Get massive savings with exclusive E-Commerce Auto Poster WordPress Bundle! Explore it and benefit from it now!

    What is this plugin about?

    E-Commerce Auto Poster WordPress Bundle by CodeRevolution is a powerful collection of WordPress plugins that post FROM e-commerce networks like Amazon, Walmart, iTunes or your own Open Cart store – letting you to earn affiliate income after each sale your website generates.
    With this item, you benefit from a unique discount!
    Note that I will also add future WordPress plugins that fit in this category to this bundle and if you buy it now, you will have also access to all my future work in this category without any future fees!

    At the moment, included items are:

    Need support?

    Just email me at kisded@yahoo.com and I will respond as soon as I can.


    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-07-30

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better item!

    All plugins are WordPress 4.8 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Do you like our work and want more of it? Check out this plugin bundle!

  • E-Commerce Auto Poster WordPress Bundle through CodeRevolution (Miscellaneous)

    E-Commerce Auto Poster WordPress Bundle through CodeRevolution (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    E-Commerce Auto Poster WordPress Bundle by CodeRevolution

    Get massive savings with exclusive E-Commerce Auto Poster WordPress Bundle! Explore it and benefit from it now!

    What is this plugin about?

    E-Commerce Auto Poster WordPress Bundle by CodeRevolution is a powerful collection of WordPress plugins that post FROM e-commerce networks like Amazon, Walmart, iTunes or your own Open Cart store – letting you to earn affiliate income after each sale your website generates.
    With this item, you benefit from a unique discount!
    Note that I will also add future WordPress plugins that fit in this category to this bundle and if you buy it now, you will have also access to all my future work in this category without any future fees!

    At the moment, included items are:

    Need support?

    Just email me at kisded@yahoo.com and I will respond as soon as I can.


    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-07-30

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better item!

    All plugins are WordPress 4.8 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Do you like our work and want more of it? Check out this plugin bundle!

  • Content material Egg – multi functional plugin for Affiliate, Worth Comparability, Deal web sites (Promoting)

    Content material Egg – multi functional plugin for Affiliate, Worth Comparability, Deal web sites (Promoting)

    Content Egg is all in one sollution for creating profitable websites, affiliate websites, price comparison, deals and product reviews

    Content Egg has many pro features which you can find on top comparison sites. Creating such sites is possible now for everyone without spending thousands of dollars for developers and content makers.

    Why Content Egg is the best plugin for online moneymaking?

    • Easily adding offers from different affiliate systems by keyword
    • Automatic updating prices and offers
    • Option to generate auto updating price comparison lists of actual offers by keyword
    • Options to set search filters for modules (price range, discount, categories, best offers, CC license, etc)
    • Automatically adds your partner ID to links
    • Possible to use Multi location for Amazon
    • Several output templates (grid, lists, product boxes)
    • Price drop alerts for products, Price history with graphs
    • Works with any theme
    • Possible to use also in Woocommerce
    • More that 20 affiliate system APIs and we added more and more. You don’t need to buy separate plugin for each system
    • Show offer anywhere, plugin works with shortcodes
    • Content Modules. Add relevant additional contents to your posts. Videos, images, news, tweets
    • Autoblog
    • Fill extension to add offers to existing posts
    • Common comparison lists for all modules. Give your users the best deals
    • This is not new plugin, we developed it 2 years before upload on Codecanyon
  • MVC Amazon S3 Uploader (Pictures and Media)

    MVC Amazon S3 Uploader (Pictures and Media)

    MVC Amazon S3 Uploader is a tool which uploads and downloads small or big sized files into Amazon S3 Storage Service. You can upload any sized of video file with chunks.
    You can upload video file with drag-drop.
    You can see the progress of upload.
    You can upload any file directly.
    You can list upload files.
    You can download any file with chunks.
    You can create signed urls.
    You can delete objects.
    You can create buckets.