Pagino is ultimate multi layout blogging WP theme. It has more than 70 different blog layouts which can be applied to author listing, blog listing, tag listing, category listing, search listing. It also comes with 12 different blog single templates and support for 8 different post formats with their variations. Beside this you get more than enough shortcodes and widgets to create stunning web site.
With great appearance options you can customize complete theme and make it truly yours. Customize backgrounds font color, text fonts, text sizes, select one of the multiple headers and more.
Check out complete list of features bellow or go to the demo and explore possibilities we have created for you, and that is not the end since your imagination is the limit of the possibilities with this theme.
Pagino has a advanced background with 4 layers: background color,, background image, overlay, pattern and you can set each one of it in the settings which will allow you to create awesome background for your site.

List of features:
- 8 Post formats with variations:
- Standard post format ( with iframe embeds )
- Gallery post format ( with image slider )
- Link post format ( with link field )
- Image post format
- Quote post format ( With blockquote and cite )
- Status post format
- Video post format ( MP4, YouTube, Vimeo,… )
- Audio post format ( MP3, SoundCloud, MixCloud,… )
- Page templates:
- Page with right sidebar.
- Page with left sidebar.
- Page with full width.
- Page contact.
- Widgets:
- Posts ordered by date, number of likes, number of clicks.
- Recent comments.
- Top authors.
- Social networks links.
- Subscribe.
- Shortcode Text.
- Author box.
- Latest tweets.
- Shortcodes:
- Accordion.
- Alert.
- Button.
- Column.
- Gallery.
- Icon.
- Iframe.
- Label.
- Progress bar.
- Row.
- Slider.
- Tabs.
- Toggle.
- Headers:
- Left logo and right navigation.
- Right logo and left navigation.
- Logo on top of the centered navigation.
- Logo left and banner right on top of the centered navigation.
- Logo right and banner left on top of the centered navbigation.
- No logo and centered navigation.
- No logo and left navigation.
- Blog layouts:
- Top avatar with full width media:
- 1 col with sidebar.
- 1 col without sidebar.
- 2 cols with sidebar.
- 2 cols without sidebar.
- 3 cols without sidebar.
- Top avatar with boxed media:
- 1 col with sidebar.
- 1 col without sidebar.
- 2 cols with sidebar.
- 2 cols without sidebar.
- 3 cols without sidebar.
- Top title with full width media:
- 1 col with sidebar.
- 1 col without sidebar.
- 2 cols with sidebar.
- 2 cols without sidebar.
- 3 cols without sidebar.
- Top title with boxed media:
- 1 col with sidebar.
- 1 col without sidebar.
- 2 cols with sidebar.
- 2 cols without sidebar.
- 3 cols without sidebar.
- Top full width media:
- 1 col with sidebar.
- 1 col without sidebar.
- 2 cols with sidebar.
- 2 cols without sidebar.
- 3 cols without sidebar.
- Top boxed media:
- 1 col with sidebar.
- 1 col without sidebar.
- 2 cols with sidebar.
- 2 cols without sidebar.
- 3 cols without sidebar.
- Left image with full width media:
- 1 col with sidebar.
- 1 col without sidebar.
- Left image with boxed media:
- 1 col with sidebar.
- 1 col without sidebar.
- Blog single templates:
- Top avatar with full width media + sidebar.
- Top avatar with full width media no sidebar.
- Top avatar with boxed media + sidebar.
- Top avatar with boxed media no sidebar.
- Top title with full width media + sidebar.
- Top title with full width media no sidebar.
- Top title with boxed media + sidebar.
- Top title with boxed media no sidebar.
- Top full width media + sidebar.
- Top full width media no sidebar.
- Top boxed media + sidebar.
- Top boxed media no sidebar.
- 500+ font awesome icons
- 600+ google fonts.
- 3 featured sliders:
- Carousel slider (boxed / full width).
- Accordion slider (boxed / full width).
- Simple slider (boxed / full width).
- Likes system.
- Views system.
- Rich options.
- Custom layouts for:
- Tag listing
- Category listing
- Author listing
- Search listing
- Main listing
- Custom HTML for banners any size.
- Mail Chimp.
- Right or left sidebar.
- Custom welcome text:
- Before featured slider.
- After featured slider.
- Before and after the featured slider.
- Instead of featured slider.
- User avatars
- User social links
- WPML ready
- Multi author ready
- Image Gallery
- Masonry
- Responsive
- Demo content included.
- Professional support
- Sharring system.
- Multilayered background – background color, backgrund image, overlay, pattern.
- Unlimited colors
- Separated fonts for the titles and text.
- Advanced typography options.
- And much more…