Tag: ads

  • Simple Plugin for AdSense Professional (Merchandising)

    Simple Plugin for AdSense Professional (Merchandising)

    Easy Plugin for AdSense provides a very easy way to generate revenue from your blog using Google AdSense. With its full set of features, Easy Plugin for AdSense is perhaps the first plugin to give you a complete solution for everything AdSense-related. The admin interface of this plugin uses a highly functional and modern interface based on the twitter bootstrap framework with generous, context-sensitive help on every single option.

    Live Demo

    Easy AdSense admin interface is feature-rich, user-friendly and functional. Please visit this fully operational live demo site to see what it can do for you.


    1. Easy Plugin for AdSense enforces the Google AdSense policy of not more than three adsense blocks per page.
    2. Easy Adsense provides Sidebar Widgets:
      • For AdSense for content with custom title.
      • For search with customizable text or image title.
      • For Link Units.
    3. Easy Plugin for AdSense has a rich set of Options:
      • Put Link Units or AdSense Blocks in header or footer.
      • Suppress ads on all pages (as opposed to posts), or on the front/home page.
      • Add a customizable mouse-over border decoration on ad blocks.
      • Display adsense blocks based on the post length.
    4. Easy Plugin for AdSense lets you control over the positioning and display of AdSense blocks in each post or page.
    5. Easy Plugin for AdSense sports the simplest possible configuration interface – nothing more than cutting and pasting AdSense code, and with sensible defaults for the few options present, all with clear instructions.
    6. Easy Plugin for AdSense is internationalized with multiple languages supported.
    7. Popover help for every option in the plugin.
    8. An interface tour to familiarize yourself with the plugin features and layout.
    9. Ability to spawn the plugin interface as a separate tab/window independent of the WordPress admin interface.
    10. Safe Content filter: To ensure that your Google AdSense ads show only on those pages that seem to comply with Google AdSense policies, which can be important since some comments may render your pages inconsistent with those policies.
    11. IP filter: Ability to specify a list of computers where your ads will not be shown, in order to prevent accidental clicks on your own ads – one of the main reasons AdSense bans you. These features will minimize your chance of getting banned.
    12. Compatibility mode: To solve the issue of the ad insertion messing up your page appearances when using some themes.
    13. Category/Post Control: Ability to suppress ads on specific categories, posts and pages.
    14. Shortcode Support: Show the ads only on the pages or posts you want, and exactly where you want them.
    15. Mobile Support: Ability to show different sets of ads on mobile devices, or to suppress ads.
    16. Excerpts: Ability to show a configurable number of ads on Excerpts (which make up the home page in some themes).
    17. Option Sets: Multiple option sets can be defined and easily switched between.
    18. Suspend Ads: Ability to temporarily suppress ad serving.
    19. Admin Interface Themes: Multiple color schemes for the admin interface.
  • Advertisements EZ – Non-public Advert Server Plugin (Merchandising)

    Advertisements EZ – Non-public Advert Server Plugin (Merchandising)

    Ads EZ is a clever plugin to serve your ads to multiple web sites. It can work as standalone web application or as a WordPress plugin. Using Ads EZ, you can centralize your banner ads in one location, and use simple shortcodes to place them on your blog pages, or generate invocation codes to place them on any other web sites or blogs. You can even serve HTML ads with the same shortcode and invocation code mechanism.

    Do you have multiple websites which you monetize using advertising? If so, this personal ad server may be the right tool for you. Ads EZ makes it easy for you to set up an optimized ad server that can service your websites. Aiming at simplicity, Ads EZ does away with all the complicated zone and expiry settings. All you have to do is to collect your banners in a folder, upload them and specify their targets using a simple and intuitive interface.

    Take a look at the admin demo page or download a fully functional lite version with a slightly reduced feature set. Note that the Live Preview link above works only if you click on the “Remove Frame” button near the top right.

    Quick Start

    1. Upload your banners to the banners folder (wp-content/plugins/ads-ez-pro/banners) on your server and hit the Batch Process menu item to provide banner data.
    2. Get the invocation codes and place them on your websites to start serving ads.
    3. Take a tour any time you would like to go through the application features.
    4. More context-aware help is available on every admin page and option setting.


    1. Fully Automated Setup: Ads EZ gets you started within two minutes, rather than hours and days.
    2. Modern Admin Interface: Ads EZ sports a modern and beautiful admin interface based on the twitter bootstrap framework. Fully responsive, with editable tables to set up and modify your ads.
    3. Admin Interface Tour: A slick tour will take you around the admin page and familiarize you with its features.
    4. Generous Help for Admin: Whenever you need help, the information and hint is only a click away in Ads EZ. (In fact, it is only a mouseover away.)
    5. No Coding Required: Ads EZ is written for creative people who have some ads in the form of banners or ad codes. So it doesn’t call for any deep computing knowledge. The most you will have to do is perhaps to cut and paste some ad code.
    6. Batch Processing: Ads EZ makes it a cinch to get your existing banners into your database through an intuitive batch processing.
    7. Memory Caching: Ads EZ uses memory caching where available so that the database access is minimized. Caching can tremendously improve performance of busy sites.
    8. Robust Security: Unbreakable authentication (using hash and salt), impervious to SQL injection etc.
    9. Data Validation: Client-side and server-side data validation to minimize data errors.
    10. Cache Visualization and Management: You can see detailed cache statistics with options to set the cache expiry, and to manually clear it, if needed.
    11. CDN Support: Put your static files, such as your banners, on a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for improved performance.
    12. In-Browser Banner Uploads: Easily upload multiple banners (through drag and drop) and enter their meta data.
    13. Statistics and Charts: Optionally collect statistics about your ad serving and present you with detailed performance reports and charts, including geolocation.
    14. Category Management: Create as many ad categories as you want.
    15. HTML Ads: Store and serve HTML and JavaScript ads such as AdSense and other providers.
    16. OpenX Replacement: Ads EZ is designed to be drop-in replacement for OpenX. You can generate the .htaccess directives that will make your Ads EZ app act like your OpenX server to the world.

    Field-tested for my own ad serving, handling about 200k ad impressions a month.

  • PayPlug Gateway – AdPress Addon (Add-ons)

    PayPlug Gateway – AdPress Addon (Add-ons)

    PayPlug Gateway for AdPress

    PayPlug gateway integration for AdPress allows users to select Stripe as their preferred payment method. Since the checkout process does not occur on your website, an SSL certificate is not required and you don’t have to stress over PCI compliance.

    This is an add-on for AdPress


    • Easy to setup and use
    • Accept Major Credit Cards / Debit Cards – Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, Discover®, and PayPal®
    • Accept payments in almost any currency ( PayPlug Supported Currencies)
    • No SSL Certificate or PCI compliance is required

    How to Get Started

    1. Download and Install the plugin to your WordPress Blog
    2. Enter your PayPlug credentials on the Gateway Settings page
    3. Make sure you enable PayPlug to have it added on Checkout

    Version Log

    Version 1.0
    - Initial Release
  • Layers Promotion Widget for AdPress (Add-ons)

    Layers Promotion Widget for AdPress (Add-ons)

    Layers Advertising Widget for AdPress

    A customisable AdPress Widget built specifically for Layers Powered websites.

    This widget is an add-on for AdPress

    Version Log

    <strong>Version 1.0.0</strong> - 25 May 2015
    - Initial Release
  • E-mail Notifications – AdPress Addon (Add-ons)

    E-mail Notifications – AdPress Addon (Add-ons)

    Email Notifier for AdPress

    Email Notifier sends Email notifications to the administrator and clients who purchase AdPress Ads.


    • Get notified when a Client purchase an Ad
    • Notify Clients when their Ads are approved or rejected
    • Notify Clients when their Ads have expired or cancelled
    • Customize the emails you send ( 5 Templates )
    • Customize the email header

    Version Log

    Version 1.0
    - Initial Release
  • ADS PRO – #1 WordPress Advertising Company Add-on (Add-ons)

    ADS PRO – #1 WordPress Advertising Company Add-on (Add-ons)

    Marketing Agency Add-on for ADS PRO

    This add-on for ADS PRO Manager allow you to provide Powerful Marketing Agency for WordPress sites. All features included in ADS PRO Manager is also included to Marketing Agency Add-on!

    How easy you (or users) can show ads on yours sites?

    1. Download Marketing Agency Parser (here you can get it)
    2. Install Marketing Agency Parser Plugin on your website.
    3. Log in to our demo site (here):
    – login: sub_demo
    – pass: pass_demo
    4. Add new Site
    5. Add new Ad Space (add it to your site)
    6. Copy Shortcode and Paste anywhere you want on your site!
    7. Yes, users now can buy ads on your site via this Ordering Form :)

    Feel free to test our demo!

    Main Features

    – Marketing Agency Dashboard
    – Sites Creator ( add / edit sites )
    – Ad Spaces Manager ( manage ad spaces / ads)
    – Ad Spaces Manager ( add / edit ad spaces )
    – Ads Manager ( add / edit ads )
    – Withdrawal Module
    – all functions ADS PRO Manager

    Requirement: ADS PRO – Multi-Purpose WordPress Ad Manager version 1.0.7

  • Stripe Gateway – AdPress Addon (Add-ons)

    Stripe Gateway – AdPress Addon (Add-ons)

    Stripe Gateway for AdPress

    Stripe gateway integration for AdPress allows users to select Stripe as their preferred payment method. Since the checkout process does not occur on your website (Stripe Checkout Popup), an SSL certificate is not required and you don’t have to stress over PCI compliance.


    • Easy to setup and use
    • Accept Major Credit Cards / Debit Cards – Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, Discover®, and PayPal®
    • Accept payments in almost any currency ( Stripe Supported Currencies)
    • No SSL Certificate or PCI compliance is required

    How to Get Started

    1. Download and Install the plugin to your WordPress Blog
    2. Enter your Stripe keys on the Gateway Settings page
    3. Make sure you enable Stripe to have it added on Checkout

    Version Log

    Version 1.0
    - Initial Release
  • SeraMag profesional journal WordPress theme (Blogging / Journal)

    SeraMag profesional journal WordPress theme (Blogging / Journal)


    SeraMag is a clean, responsive and versatile WordPress theme, which is suitable to build a sport blog, magazine, news or online shop. The theme come with 7 home pages, 6 blog pages along with sleekly design, dynamic style.

    Moreover, SeraMag is compatible with WooCommerce, uses the best clean SEO practices and supports unlimited sidebar, Polylang plugin for multiple languages that is all of you need to create the best website and make impressive for visitors.

    Now let discover the best features and own a unique website.



    Becoming our customer, you will get the most enthusiastic support through submit ticket. In working day (from Monday to Friday), all the question or problem relating to our template will be responded within maximum 24 hours. No matter how long it takes, we will support you until the problem is completely fixed. Support request sent during weekends will be processed on next Monday morning.

    We are available for customizing the theme if you need. Please send us your message at contact.

  • BuySellAds PRO – Multi-Goal Advert WordPress Plugin (Promoting)

    BuySellAds PRO – Multi-Goal Advert WordPress Plugin (Promoting)

    BuySellAds PRO – Multi-Purpose Ad WordPress Plugin

    BSA PRO is a Professional Advertising Plugin for WordPress.

    This Premium Multi-Purpose WordPress Ad Manager gives you the opportunity to Create Incredible Good Ad Spaces! Immediately after purchase you can use your favorite Responsive Template and if you wish customize it in Admin Panel. BSA PRO including 17 ready to use Templates so any user should find his favorite :).

    Look at below to full featured list and make sure that this plugin is exactly what you need to provide Modern, Responsive and Fast Advertising on your WordPress Pages.

    All Features