Tag: addon

  • Gravity Varieties Auto Counsel (Varieties)

    Gravity Varieties Auto Counsel (Varieties)

    Gravity Forms Auto Suggest is a Gravity Forms field. It fetches suggestions automatically according to what you have entered in textbox. You can choose source for suggestions as you want.Those can be one of the following:

    – WordPress
    • Post Types
    • Taxonomies
    • Users

    – An URL Returns JSON
    – Custom Suggestions Added Manually

  • Feedblitz Addon for UserPro (Add-ons)

    Feedblitz Addon for UserPro (Add-ons)

    Note: This is an addon. You must have at least UserPro V2.31 or later to use it.

    This addon integrates with FeedBlitz. Keep your users updated with the current news using the FeedBlitz UserPro addon.

    Just integrate and engage with your subscribers list.

    If you have any ideas on what features you would like to see or any questions about this, please contact us using the contact form on the profile page

  • MyMail Addon for UserPro (Add-ons)

    MyMail Addon for UserPro (Add-ons)

    Note: This is an addon. You must have at least UserPro V2.31 or later and MyMail – Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress to use it.

    This much-awaited addon integrates UserPro with MyMail – so you can now easily use MyMail to send mailers to your UserPro Members list ( those who have opted for your mailer / newsletter signups)

    Just integrate and engage with your subscribers list.

    If you have any ideas on what features you would like to see or any questions about this, please contact us using the contact form on the profile page

  • KB Tab For WooCommerce – Information Base Addon (Add-ons)

    KB Tab For WooCommerce – Information Base Addon (Add-ons)

    KB tab for woocommerce Addon allows you to convert you’re knowledge base posts in to WooCommerce product Knowledgebase item with in a minute. You can add unlimited number of knowledge base post as product knowledgebase items and using drag drop feature sort them according to you’re choice.

    Addon comes with Premium & Unique BWL Searchable Accordion jQuery Plugin. So that you’re user can easily find their required contents from long Knowledgebase lists. Also pagination feature gives the flexibility to present large no of KB items very easily.

    In admin panel, Addon automatically integrate two custom columns(No of Kbs and KB Tab Display Status) with each WooCommerce product. This options gives you a quick overview about product knowledge base status. you can easily show/hide KB tab using Quick and Bulk Edit option. You can also doing this while add/edit product information.

    Addon also brings extensive option panel that allows you to configure KB tabs according to you’re need. You can set KB tab order, set RTL mode, set Pagination, Set theme, set animation and many more.

    Full Features:

    01. Zero Configuraion & Easy to use.

    02. Re-use you’re existing knowledge base posts as WooCommerce Product Knowledge base items.

    03. Premium & Responsive Accordions to display knowledge base items.

    04. Quick & Live Search Feature.

    05. Unique Pagination feature for knowledge base Accordion.

    06. Unlimited no of Knowledge base items with drag & drop feature.

    07. Extensive Option Panel.

    08. Custom Knowledge base Columns in WooCommerce Product Page
    for the best user experience.

    09. RTL Supported.

    10. Custom Tab for Product Knowledge base items.

    11. Knowledge base tab Position ordering feature.

    12. 6 Pre-defined Themes for knowledge base Accordion.

    13. 14 animations for knowledge base Accordion contents.

    14. Custom text highlighter for search text.

    15. Support latest WordPress and WooCommerce version.

    16. Premium & Quick support directly from developer.

    17. Step by step documentation.

  • Ninja Kinds Captcha Add-on (Add-ons)

    Ninja Kinds Captcha Add-on (Add-ons)

    This Ninja Forms extension allows you to easily add captcha form field to your Ninja Forms and prevent any spam submissions.


    • Small and compact. Forget about bulky and ugly reCAPTCHA.
    • No iframes, external JS or CSS dependencies.
    • Use any background and text color for your captcha.
    • Enjoy free automatic updates.


    * New: Initial release
  • KB Show As Blogging Submit – Information Base Addon (Add-ons)

    KB Show As Blogging Submit – Information Base Addon (Add-ons)

    Note: This is an add-on. You must have at least BWL Knowledge Base Manager to use it.

    KB Display As Blog Post– is a powerful Knowledge base Addon that allows you to display you’re KB posts inside of regular blog posts. Useful and popular KB items can be easily integrate as blog post without creating duplicate regular post by using this Addon. Also, this Addon automatically include KB posts in to blog posts listings according to date order.

    Just Plug and Play. No configuration required. Addon comes with Quick and Bulk edit options, so you can easily choose which KB posts you want to show as a blog post. Addon also allows you to integrate ‘featured image’ with every KB.

    Full Feature Lists:

    – Zero configuration, just plug and play.
    – Easy and quick installation.
    – Custom column for easy “KB As Blog Post” navigation.
    – Quick/Bulk Edit option for quick customization.
    – Custom Metabox option.
    – Feature image option.
    – Ready for localization.
    – Support Latest WP Version.
    – Free life time support directly from developer.

  • Visible Composer Responsive Internal Columns and Rows (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer Responsive Internal Columns and Rows (Add-ons)

    Visual Composer Responsive Inner Rows and Columns is a VC extension that gives Visual Composer users the option to add custom responsiveness to each interior column, giving infinite responsive options. The non-extended version of Visual Composer only allows users to choose individual column responsiveness in a primary row… but what if you want to have completely responsive columns within rows within rows?

    For example, you have a row with a parallax background image. Within this row you want to have a title on one line and then four icon/text blocks on the next line. You also want these four icon/text blocks to be distributed as 4 per line on a desktop, 2 per line on a tablet and 1 per line on mobile. How would you do this? This plugin makes it possible. Just install and the complete width and responsiveness tab will be available on columns within inner rows.

  • Visible Composer Submit and Web page Convertor  (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer Submit and Web page Convertor (Add-ons)

    Convert your existing WordPress posts and pages in to beautiful Visual Composer rows and elements!

    Visual composer is the best tool for creating beautiful responsive web pages. Often included with many of the top premium themes online, it allows you to quickly and simply build incredible page designs with animated and interactive objects.

    But what if you want to convert the many pages and posts on your existing site? This plugin will do ALL of the conversion work for you. With just a click of your mouse! Batch convert all your WordPress pages and post to a more intuitive and premium theme friendly format.

    Conversion Features:

    • Batch conversion – Multiple pages and posts converted easily
    • Single post or page conversion – One click instant conversion
    • Visual composer content detection – displayed in a new column

    Items that can be converted automatically

    • Text paragraphs – With or without HTML
    • Images stored locally – Any alignment, any size
    • Images stored remotely – HTML preserved
    • Image Galleries – Any size, converted to grids or slideshows
    • Google Maps embed code – Copied and pasted from Google
    • Youtube embed code and links – Copied and pasted from Youtube
    • Vimeo embed code and links – Copied and pasted from Vimeo
    • Heading text – H1 and H2 become Custom Headings
    • iFrames – Any iframe code stored safely as raw HTML
    • MailChimp forms – preserves the original code
    • Custom HTML – preserves any code between hidden comments

    One click conversion of WordPress content to Visual Composer format

    Batch convert pages in WordPress

  • Signature Addon for Arforms (Kinds)

    Signature Addon for Arforms (Kinds)

    ARForms has new extension which capture signature online. Signature Add-on for ARForms is just another wordpress plugin which you can install and manage just like other wordpress plugins. To accept signature from user, You just need to Drag Signature field in to form editor and That is it!! It will start displaying on your form just like other fields. You can view generated signature in form entries page along with all form fields.

    Signature ADD-On Of ARForms works on all major desktop and mobile browsers.

    Signature ADD-On Of ARForms captures signature information drawn by user and sends data to web server. And this information will be converted into a PNG image and stored on server.

    This addon requires at least version 2.7 OR Higher of ARForms and version 3.3+ of WordPress . Please make sure that your plugins are up to date before installing this extension.
  • BuddyPress for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    BuddyPress for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Visual Composer for BuddyPress is a plugin that helps you add some amazing shortcodes of BuddyPress, integrated inside Visual Composer! Now your social integrated web site editing is getting better and easier with that plugin.

    To use the plugin, you just have to create a New Page, load the backe end Visua Compoer editor and use any of the following shortcodes.

    Displays a specific member – [bc_member]
    Displays members with or without avatars – [bc_members]
    Displays the latest notifications from the currently logged in user – [bc_notifications]
    Displays a specific group – [bc_group]
    Displays groups with or without avatars – [bc_groups]
    Displays users for a given group – [bc_group_users]
    Displays the groups of the currently logged in user or the groups of the member profile currently being viewed if dynamic option is on – [bc_user_groups]
    Restrict post content to group members – [bc_restrict_gm]
    Displays the latest messages from the currently logged in user – [bc_messages]
    Shows the latest activities for a given type – [bc_activity]
    Display the buddypress registration form – [bc_register]

    Initial Release