Tag: adblock

  • Fight Adblocker – Anti Adblock Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Fight Adblocker – Anti Adblock Plugin (Miscellaneous)


    Combat Adblock relies on a modern, javascript based adblocker detection method. Any webmaster which relies on inline adverts for revenue realises how much of a threat they are. Use Combat Adblocker to claim back your advertising revenue.

    Three flexible, powerful user alert methods. Alerts can be tailored uniquley to your website style using HTML and css styles.

    • Javascript Pop Up Alert
    • Jquery Modal Alert
    • HTML/CSS Powered Banner

    Perfect For

    • Personal Blogs
    • Local News Sites
    • Informational Sites
    • Affiliate Sites
    • Any Site relying on adverts as a revenue source


    • Modern, JS enabled detection method
    • Three powerful alert methods
    • Hide all content or just partial with powerful shortcodes
    • Redirect after alert option
    • Pop Up and Inline banners are html/css editable
    • Graphed Statistics About how many adblockers have been detected
    • Global lock function to lock all posts and pages from adblockers
    • Extremely Easy Setup
    • Support for all modern browsers
    • 3rd and 1st Party ad support


    Server side cache settings need tweaks to enable this plugin to function properly,
    please see readme.txt


    V 1.1

    Expected Within 1 month of V1.0, featured added security and
    any launch bugs cleared up.

    V 1.0

    Release Candidate

  • Perceptual Advert Blocker Detection – wordpress Plugin (Utilities)

    Perceptual Advert Blocker Detection – wordpress Plugin (Utilities)

    When AdBlocker’s makes new steps… AdBlocker’s detectors makes new steps!

    So, this wordpress plugin have capabilities to detect classic adblock software and new perceptual ad blocker software.

    Perceptual AdBlocker Detection start working right after activation. You can make changes from Perceptual AdBlocker Detection page that is created in your main menu from your WordPress admin. In this page you can activate or desactivate for mobile or desktop. You can also modify the aspect of overlay window which appear for adblock and perceptual adblock users.

    You can customise:

    • Plugin activation for Desktop or Mobile
    • Header text, headear background color, header text color and header text size.
    • Main text with color and size.

    Perceptual AdBlocker Detection has now other dependency. It work standalone as WordPress Plugin.

    If you want to monetise adblock users in different way you can also check AdBock Monetizer – WordPress plugin

  • AdBlock Monetizer – wordpress Plugin (Utilities)

    AdBlock Monetizer – wordpress Plugin (Utilities)

    This plugin helps you to monetise AdBlock Users. If your WordPress website provides quality content and your main source of money is advertising, than you lose money if your visitors use AdBlock.
    Of course, you can install a plugin that please visitors to disable AdBlock, but what you do if the visitor don’t want?
    This plugin offer the opurtunity to your visitors to view your website content with AdBlock enabled, if they pay you some money?
    How much money? You decide!

    How plugin works?
    This plugin detects when a visitor have AdBlock enabled and shows an overlay. In that overlay you please to disable AdBlock or to pay you some money!
    If the visitor decides to pay, than he will go on PayPal, pay the sum that you decide for what period you decide, and when he is come back on your website, he will be able to see all content with AdBlock enabled.
    The visitor will be able to access your website with AdBlock enabled for entire period that you have decided in settings page. After the period expires the visitor needs to pay again. :)

    You can customise

    • Plugin activation for Desktop or Mobile
  • PayPal address where you will receive the payments from adblock users
  • Item name: the name of product as you can want to appear in PayPal transactions
    both for you and for your buyers.
  • Price and currency for access
  • Period of access in days!
  • In overlay: Header text, headear background color, header text color and header text size.
  • In overlay: Text before buy button with color and size.
  • In overlay: Buy now button. Here you can change the text of button, the color of button and button background
  • You can also switch from Test Mode to Live mode and conversely.
  • Adblock Monetizer – WordPress Plugin is the easiest way to monetise AdBlock visitors of your WordPress website, without compel them to disable AdBlock!

    Adblock Monetizer is a responsive plugin, works both on desktop and mobile and can be easily configured.

    For working demo you need to have AdBlock enabled!

  • AdBlock Content material Locker – wordpress Plugin (Add-ons)


    AdBlock Content Locker is plugin for blocking specific content against active adblock users and forcing him to turn off adblock to see content.


    • Automatic AdBlock detector
    • Content locker
    • Template editor
    • Color picker
    • 30+ animation types


  • Biz Percent Advert Block Discover (Miscellaneous)

    Biz Percent Advert Block Discover (Miscellaneous)

    Biz Pack Ad Block Notice is a light weight WordPress Plugin which allows you to display a custom message to your visitors when they are using Ad Block or Ad Block Plus.

    Display your notice by any of the following:

    • Add the widget
    • Use the shortcode [bizpack-ab-notice] on a post or page
    • Enable the notification bar
  • KillAdBlock – Discover Browser Nasty Advert Blockers Addons (Merchandising)

    KillAdBlock – Discover Browser Nasty Advert Blockers Addons (Merchandising)

    KillAdBlock can detect nasty ad blockers and display custom message to user , and you can lock your content until they disable ad block addons . All you need to do is enable this plugin . If people want to view the content they must disable ad block addons . After disable ad block addons hidden content become visible. Very simple workflow.
    The content is still visible and indexed by search engines ( SEO Friendly ).


    • Custom message
    • Message delay in seconds
    • Display Close Button or not
    • Close Message Automatically after few seconds
    • 3 Layouts
    • Support most of ads platforms like ( adsense – Double Click )

    Quick Facts:

    • Ad blocking estimated to cost publishers nearly $22 billion during 2015.
    • There are now 198 million active adblock users around the world.
    • Ad blocking grew by 41% globally in the last 12 months.
    • US ad blocking grew by 48% to reach 45 million active users in 12 months up to June 2015.
    • UK ad blocking grew by 82% to reach 12 million active users in 12 months up to June 2015.

    If you want to increase your earning from advertising platforms, This plugin will help you .

    Valid on

    • Google Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Internet Explorer (8+)
    • Safari
    • Opera

    Upload the KillAdBlock plugin to your blog, Activate it, then enable it from Kill AdBlock Settings page.

    1, 2, 3: You’re done!

  • AntiBlock Commercials Supervisor – beat AdBlock with WP (Merchandising)

    AntiBlock Commercials Supervisor – beat AdBlock with WP (Merchandising)

    Plugin works in two modes:

    • for all users – banners will be displayed for all visitors
    • only for AdBlock users – banners will be displayed only for visitors who block ads

    In the second case, you can use at the same time eg. AdSense and banners from the plugin. When AdSense is blocked – then AntiBlock works.

    What can be promoted in alternative banners? You can use affiliate programs: CPL, CPS, etc. (demanding not use them js code)

    This plugin is the best way to recover the money lost by blocking ads!

  • FATS: Drive Adblock To Cease – WP Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    FATS: Drive Adblock To Cease – WP Plugin (Miscellaneous)


    Easily hide partial or all of your premium content from your users that using AdBlock or Adblocking software.


    • Your premium content will be hidden until user deactivate AdBlock.
    • 3 methods to detect adblock.
    • Support for Adsense’s asynchronous and synchronous blocking detection.
    • Support for other ads network and self hosted ads blocking detection.
    • Content will stay hidden if user deactivate cookie or javascript.
    • Hide all or partial content from your page.
    • Hide anything you want in your posts or pages.
    • Your content won’t show in Source View.
    • Show your message in JQuery Popup, Javascript Alert or Inline text.
    • Able to autoredirect page after showing message.
    • Cross browser detection.
    • Easy to setup, less than 2 minutes to setup.
    • Uses cookies to detect deactivate AdBlock.
    • Highly customizable message and style.


    WordPress 3.8 (older versions may work but they have not been tested).


    FATS may not work together with cache system (plugin, CDN, cloudflare, etc).

    Locking A Content

    1. Create your post as usual.
    2. Wrap your locked content with FATS shortcode.

      <ol class="linenums"><li class="L0"><span class="typ">This</span><span class="pln"> content will be shown </span><span class="kwd">for</span><span class="pln"> everbody</span></li><li class="L1"><span class="pln"> </span></li><li class="L2"><span class="pun">[</span><span class="pln">fats</span><span class="pun">]</span></li><li class="L3"><span class="pln"> </span><span class="typ">This</span><span class="pln"> content will only be visible </span><span class="kwd">for</span><span class="pln"> visitor </span><span class="kwd">with</span><span class="pln"> disabled adBlock</span><span class="pun">.</span></li><li class="L4"><span class="pun">[/</span><span class="pln">fats</span><span class="pun">]</span></li><li class="L5"><span class="pln"> </span></li><li class="L6"><span class="typ">This</span><span class="pln"> content will also be shown </span><span class="kwd">for</span><span class="pln"> everbody</span></li></ol>
    3. You can use image or other media inside the FATS shortcode.

      If you want to show a message without locking any content, you can wrap nothing inside the FATS shortcode and position it to your likes.

    4. Save your post.
  • BAN – Blocked Advertisements Notifier With Information (Merchandising)

    BAN – Blocked Advertisements Notifier With Information (Merchandising)

    Detect Adblock with Blocked Ads Notifier With Statistics!

    Blocked Ads Notifier or simply BAN is a premium WordPress plugin that detects adblock, adblock plus, ghostery and all other popular adblockers out there with ease.

    Ever wanted to know how many users were blocking your ads? well now you can! Blocked Ads Notifier operates on two modes, it allows you to display notices upon blocking and collect statistics or collect statistics only.

    Works with any advertisement script/agency.

    Latest Version 1.1

    Upcoming features: detect which logged-in members are blocking your ads.



    Get to know your audience more, find out how loyal your users are!, Blocked Ads Notifier calculates the percentage of users who are blocking your advertisement and presents it to you in easy to understand charts.


    Persuade your users to white-list your website! Blocked Ads Notifier fills in the blank spaces left by ad blockers with your own customized notices or if you prefer use a floating message.

    Thank you


        - Added option to keep statistics data upon plugin uninstall
        - Added option to choose between notices+statistics or statistics only mode
        - Added option to reset statistics using ajax
        - General code improvements
        - Revamped plugin's settings interface
        - Added pointers to alert users of new options 
            - Stable release
  • wp_aadb – WP Anti ADs Blocker, Anti Adblock (Promoting)

    wp_aadb – WP Anti ADs Blocker, Anti Adblock (Promoting)

    WordPress plugin of $AADB, the anti ad-blocking system with which you can protect your website against visitors who hides advertisements.

    This script provides an unique feature : forcing re-display of the ADS. That mean when one of your visitors supress advertisements inside your page, the script will warn him (with a custom defined function) then it will recreate suppressed ADS inside your page to finally re-displaying again !

    This $AADB plugin is the easiest way to benefit your WordPress site the features of the most advanced anti-adblock system, the perfect tools with which you can finally preserve your advertising revenue!


    • Identify visitors with an adblock extension enabled
    • Do something to counteract these visitors (warning, redirect …)
    • Force the redraw of advertisements!
    • No need for additional dependencies (like JQuery, Mootols, etc.)
    • Just one function call to make it work!
    • Very lightweight, fast and fully configurable system
    • Fully documented

    This anti adblock plugin exists also as a standalone version, you can find it here