
  • PayPal Categorical Checkout Gateway for AdPress (Add-ons)

    PayPal Categorical Checkout Gateway for AdPress (Add-ons)

    The PayPal Express gateway integration for AdPress allows users to select PayPal as their preferred payment method. Since the checkout process does not occur on your website, an SSL certificate is not required and you don’t have to stress over PCI compliance.


    • Easy to setup and use
    • Accept Major Credit Cards / Debit Cards – Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, Discover®, and PayPal®
    • Accept payments in almost any currency ( PayPal Supported Currencies)
    • No SSL Certificate or PCI compliance is required

    How to Get Started

    1. Download and Install the plugin to your WordPress Blog
    2. Login to your PayPal Business account and grab your API ID/Key
    3. Enter the required information on the Gateway Settings page
    4. Make sure you enable PayPal Express Checkout to have the option added

    Version Log

    Version 1.0
    - Initial Release
  • WordPress Far off Connections (Utilities)

    WordPress Far off Connections (Utilities)

    The WP Remote Connections plugin will allow you to send content from a WordPress site to one or many WordPress sites remotely.

    You will be able to send posts, pages and media objects. The plugin will submit ALL the data attached to a given post or page (basic content plus featured image, categories, tags, custom fields…) or media (the file itself plus title, description, alternate text, and so on). You will save plenty of time when it comes to recreating and publishing existing content from one of your sites onto another or several of your websites. That is incredibly useful for blog networks, magazines, newspapers, etc. but the limit is your imagination.

    So, if your are one of those people who spend time duplicating WordPress content on several sites, This is your plugin!

  • CSS Reside Editor WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    CSS Reside Editor WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    CSS Live Editor helps you to fix up the styles of your website straight from your frontend, with a live preview!

    Have you ever wanted to adjust some CSS in your website, and you find yourself going BACK into the backend just to edit your page or add some customized CSS? Then after previewing your site, you find that you still need more adjustment? If you have, then this plugin is for you.

    Features: CSS Live Editor window preview

    Put in your CSS in the editor window, and your styles will be applied directly to your website as you type. This live preview is so helpful and will save you time when finding out the perfect style. When you’re done, then just click the save button and your styles would be saved.

    CSS Live Editor is for both expert and novice web developers and designers.

    You can use plain CSS or SCSS syntax in the editor. And because of this, you can use variables, functions and nesting. This makes the CSS Live Editor really powerful. For example, you can add your variables for your ‘entire site’ styles, then use them in the different parts, such as the styles ‘specific for this page’.

    Error checking is also built-in, so when you have an error, an indicator will be displayed near where the error occurred. Hover your mouse over the indicator and the error message will show up to help you figure things out. CSS Live Editor has 2 levels of error checking. Saving your CSS can sometimes show you error messages.

    Why and Where to Use This

    You can use it for tweaking and even while developing your website.

    We ourselves use this for creating styling websites for our clients. We found that editing your styles along with a live preview of how the entire site would look like is a powerful time-saving tool. SCSS and nesting rules also ensure that your code is small and tidy.

    Here’s a good tip for you: Use CSS Live Editor with your browser’s inspector or developer console, so that you can quickly get the id and/or class names that you need.


    Features: Edit CSS from the frontend, View a live preview of your CSS as you type, Use plain CSS or SCSS syntax: use variables, functions and nesting, Syntax error checking with error annotations, Apply styles to your entire site, all pages or post types or even specific pages,

    • Edit CSS from the frontend,
    • View a live preview of your CSS as you type,
    • Use plain CSS or SCSS syntax: use variables, functions and nesting,
    • Syntax error checking with error annotations,
    • Apply styles to your entire site, all pages or post types or even specific pages,
    • Little overhead since SCSS is compiled when it’s going to be used,
    • The Editor is only available if you have privileges to edit your theme,
    • Only the CSS needed for your site is loaded in the frontend,
    • Lightweight,
    • Cleanly coded in WordPress standards

    Having Trouble with the Plugin?

    Head over to the support tab and check out the FAQs, or submit a support ticket!

    Enjoying the Plugin?

    Be sure to leave a rating and review and show us some love.

    Check out Our Other Stuff

    Video & Parallax Backgrounds For Visual Composer

    CSS Animator add-on for Visual Composer

    4k Icons add-on for Visual Composer


    Version 1.0

    * Initial release

  • wordpress Professional Experience Calendar – Fee Extension (Add-ons)

    wordpress Professional Experience Calendar – Fee Extension (Add-ons)

    Item Description:

    The Booking Payment Extension allows users to purchase bookings in the WP Pro Event Calendar plugin through the PayPal gateway.


    v1.0 -
  • TracPress (Utilities)

    TracPress (Utilities)

    TracPress is an enhanced issue tracking system for software development projects. TracPress uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management.

    TracPress is a WordPress-powered ticket manager and issue tracker featuring multiple projects, multiple users, milestones, attachments and much more.

    Use tracpress-show to display a sortable table of all submitted tickets. The container table can be sorted by all columns and has a pagination dropdown. The sorting is persistent on all pages. A recommended tickets-per-page value has been preset to 100.

    Use tracpress-show category="83" to display tickets from a single component. If you have several projects you are working on, each project can be a component. My plugins, for example, are set up as components. This way you can display them on separate pages.

    Note: you can show multiple components on the same page.

    Use tracpress-timeline milestone="83" to display the tickets timeline for a certain milestone. The list will show all tickets, their current status and resolution, the last modified date/time and the most recent comment.

    Tickets need a custom post template, named single-ticket.php by default. Creating a custom template is as simple as duplicating the single.php file and adding one line of code below the the_content() line:

    <?php tp_main(get_the_ID()); ?>

    Use tracpress-milestone category="83" to display a progress meter for a certain milestone (based on category ID). Number of active/open/closed tickets is calculated automatically.

    Use tracpress-add to display a ticket submission form. Based on your settings, it will also allow/disallow file uploads. As with any issue tracker, users might want to upload screenshots, files, patches, documents and so on. Tickets are subject to moderation, but if you require users to log in, then you can disable moderation. Tickets can be marked as wontfix or postpone.

    Here’s a list of all possible ticket variables:

    • Workflows: has-patch, commit, fixed-major, dev-feedback, needs-testing, early, needs-refresh, close, accessibility, needs-ui, tested
    • Statuses: assigned, reopened, new, reviewing, accepted, closed
    • Types: defect (bug), enhancement, feature request
    • Priorities: low, normal, high, critical
    • Severities: blocker, major, minor, normal
    • Resolutions: fixed, invalid, wontfix, done, wontdo, postpone
  • Article Transformer (Utilities)

    Article Transformer (Utilities)

    Article Transformer is a plugin for everyone who wants to change the face of their blog or is working on a new WordPress Theme.

    What does it do?

    Article Transformer transforms your normal posts loop into a grid style layout placing the posts in optimal position based on the available space.

    Highlight Features

    – Customizable: Dimensions, colors, fonts and fonts size
    – 3 Animations: Swipe Down, Swipe Right, Rotate. The color of the animation is automatically determined based on the dominant color of the featured post image (if any).
    – 4 Layouts
    – Responsive
    – Integrated post views counter
    – Ajax posts loader: On Button click and On Scroll
    – Social buttons (Facebook, Google+, Twitter)


    From your Admin Panel go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload -> Browse and pick the Article Transformer archive file.

    Click “Install Now” button.

    Click “Activate Now” after the plugin has been installed.

    A new menu should now appear in your Admin Dashboard called “Article Transformer”.

    Displaying the plugin on the front-end

    There are two ways to display the plugin.

    1) Through shortcode
    2) Integrating inside your theme loop

    1) Shortcode examples:

        [article_transformer categories=1,2,3]

    where categories=1,2,3 are your categories term_ID
    term_IDs are visible in the General Settings categories list in brackets

    2) Integrating inside your theme loop

    Add following code:

        if (function_exists("article_transformer_the_loop")) 

    right above your theme posts loop code:

        if (have_posts())  
        -> PLACE THE CODE HERE <-
            while (have_posts()) 

    Go to the Article Transformer General Settings and set “Enable theme loop override” to “Enable”.

  • Quick Electronic mail Sender Subscribe Type Widget for wordpress (Add-ons)

    Quick Electronic mail Sender Subscribe Type Widget for wordpress (Add-ons)



    Upload the Plugin
    Use Newsletter: Fast Email Sender 2.0.3 version
    Then you can place the widget any place you want.
    Video Tutorial

  • Quick E mail Sender Subscribe Kind Widget for WordPress (Add-ons)

    Quick E mail Sender Subscribe Kind Widget for WordPress (Add-ons)



    Upload the Plugin
    Use Newsletter: Fast Email Sender 2.0.3 version
    Then you can place the widget any place you want.
    Video Tutorial

  • Stride – BackBone QuickLoad Grid Journal Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Stride – BackBone QuickLoad Grid Journal Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Introducing Stride WordPress theme which is a backbone based quick load grid theme. The design perfectly fits for magazine and blog layout. But you can build a portfolio and eCommerce websites as well.

    You can include any type of content and post type on this grid and layout can show them mixed. The theme has Live Customize options those allow you to style your site from front-end. Also it comes with the Visual Composer plugin and you can build and design your site from a front end area in short time.



    Full Features

    • Visual Composer, Save $25 – You already know why this plugin top on CodeCanyon site if you have familiar with it.
    • Slider Revolution, Save $19 – The best one on this slider business and this plugin can do anything for beautiful looking website craft.
    • QuickLoad layout – Custom Visual Composer element
    • Live Customize – Easy setup with wp live customize feature
    • One Click – Demo Data Importer – You don’t need go to the dashboard and upload xml files. Just use this option and select what you need.
    • Responsive and based on Bootstrap grids
    • WooCommerce supports
    • Retina ready
    • 600+ Google fonts
    • PSD design
    • Advanced Mega menu option
    • Translation Ready and supports WPML
    • Highly detailed documentation
    • On demand and Friendly support

    Full Features

    Open source projects

    Licensed projects

    jQuery & Plugins

  • Posts Checklist for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Posts Checklist for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Posts List for Visual Composer

    Posts List for Visual Composer displays posts from different post types and categories. It includes a lot of options for querying posts (e.g. post type, number of posts or excluded posts), changing the layout (e.g. linking content elements or changing the order of the column based layout) and setting order and sort preferences.


    • Seamless integration with your theme and Visual Composer
    • General Options
      • Choose multiple post types
      • Include/exclude categories
      • Set number of posts, excluded posts and offset option
      • Add your own CSS ID and classes
    • Content & Layout Options
      • Arrange content elements easily per drag’n’drop
      • Set active elements and a column based layout
      • Link content elements
      • Choose a wrapping element for your title that matches your theme
    • Sort & Order Options
      • Sort and order your posts by different options