
  • Uber Chat – Final Reside Chat with Home windows Shopper (Utilities)

    Uber Chat – Final Reside Chat with Home windows Shopper (Utilities)

    UberChat – The Ultimate WordPress Chat
    with WordPress and Windows Client

    Features & Benefits

    • One-time fee
    • Seamless live-chat experience
    • Beautiful, modern and customisable theme
    • WordPress and full Windows clients included
    • Canned responses
    • Operator-initiated chats
    • Enquiry-form fallback
    • Multiple operators (WordPress and Windows)
    • Unlimited colours & a beautiful dark theme
    • Responsive design
    • Several audio-notifications to choose from
    • Optional email-field
    • Full history of past discussions and submitted enquiries
    • Chat state remains across your entire website
    • And much more… Check-out the demo!

    UberChat Overview of Functionality

    Live Support Chat for WordPress

    UberChat allows you to instantly communicate with your website’s visitors. The beautifully modern and easy-to-use interface is very intuitive and allows your visitors to contact you whenever they need to – ultimately generating better leads for your business.

    UberChat also comes with the unique feature of having a Windows-based client included out-of-the-box – giving you a beautiful, native interface to actively engage your website’s visitors through operator-initiated chats.

    Windows-based Client Included

    UberChat is the only live-chat plugin that also has a Windows client. The native client means that you can keep UberChat running in the background without it getting in your way. Whenever a visitor initiates a chat with you, you will be notified with a visual and audio notification.

    You can also adapt the look & feel of the Windows client. Several pre-defined colour-themes and audio notifications are there for you to pick what you like.

    Live Chat from Within WordPress

    Not using Windows? No problem: of course, UberChat also has a fully-featured web-interface that you can use from within your WordPress admin. The interface provides you with all of UberChat’s functions.

    Operator-Initiated Chats

    The operator interface shows you a list of all visitors (non-admins) currently browsing your site. With a click of a button, you can actively invite them into a support chat.

    NO Recurring Fees: One-Time  License & Unlimited Use

    Unlike subscription services, there are absolutely no recurring fees when choosing UberChat. After purchasing the one-off license, you may use it as much as you want and as long as you want (see the CodeCanyon Regular License for more information).

    Canned/Prepared Responses

    You can create answers to the most frequently asked questions and then select them when you’re chatting. This way, you save yourself and your visitors valuable time when servicing discussions. 

    Unlimited Colour Themes

    You can choose any colour as your chat’s primary colour. This way, UberChat will seamlessly integrate with your site’s look & feel. Additionally, UberChat also has a beautiful dark-theme which you can activate on darker themed websites. 

    Enquiry-Form Fallback

    Not online 24/7? Not a problem! UberChat will fall-back into the enquiry-form mode. Visitors to your website will be able to send you email-messages which you can read at your convenience. 

    Multilingual Interface

    UberChat was built with internationalisation in mind: currently, English as well as German are included. That said, you can easily translate UberChat into any language by translating the included po-files, or by using WPML.

    Works with network sites

    UberChat was developed so as to support WordPress’s network-site feature. But remember that all network sites act like totally separate installations – the Windows client can only connect to one site at a time.

    View Visitor Metadata

    The chat-interface shows you a range of useful metadata about the visitors you chat to – including the page they’re on, their referrer and accepted languages.

    System Requirements

    In order to be able to use UberChat, you must fulfil the following system requirements:

    • WordPress 3.3 (minimum; tried & tested up to 4.1)
    • PHP with a version of greater than PHP 5
    • PHP’s mbstring enabled
    • Enough server-resources for the number of concurrent chatters you expect
    • Enough server-resources for the number of concurrent chatters you expect

    System requirements of the Windows-based client

    • .NET4 Framework (will be installed if not already available; part of Windows since Vista)
    • Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1

    A note on server performance

    This chat system employs AJAX technologies and does not rely on WebSockets for its communication. This means that anyone can run UberChat, as long as your server fulfils the requirements outlined below. However, this also means that this system is not intended for heavy-duty use: so don’t build the next Facebook and try to have 10m people use this at once. That being said, on average server-specifications, there is nothing stopping you from having 10-15 concurrent conversations.


        - Public release of ClientEngage UberChat v2.0.5
  • DV Group Responsive Crew Exhibit WP Plugin (Interface Components)

    DV Group Responsive Crew Exhibit WP Plugin (Interface Components)

    DV Team Responsive Team Showcase WordPress Plugin

    DV Team is a premium responsive team showcase plugin for WordPress. You can create unlimited teams, members and categories. It is a highly customizable plugin. You can change all colors, font sizes, spacings etc. from powerful plugin settings panel. It can be also used for other purposes like portfolios, product galleries etc.


    • Fully responsive clean design
    • All Colors,font sizes,spacings,icons etc. are changable via plugin settings panel
    • Unlimited teams, members, categories
    • 4 different grid style ( masonry, square, rectangle, thumbnail)
    • 6 custom post format ( standard, gallery (bulk image upload and drag-drop ordering is available), image, video, link,quote)
    • 4 custom widget ( team, member)
    • Social icons bar (Custom icon upload is available.)
    • Skill bars
    • Organize your teams with team categories
    • WPML Plugin support
    • RTL Support
    • Compatible with SiteOrigin Page Builder plugin
    • Cross Browser Support
    • and much more…




    1. jQuery
    2. Imagesloaded
    3. Custom Scrollbar
    4. Slideizle
    5. Owl carousel
    6. Wookmark

    Demo Images (Demo images are not included in the download)

    1. Daniel Zedda
  • FlowVin – Antique Flower Keep WordPress Theme (Miscellaneous)

    FlowVin – Antique Flower Keep WordPress Theme (Miscellaneous)

    If you are looking for some classical, tender, romantic and vintage for your website, FlowVin is what you need. Especially perfect for fashion, photography or flower shop website, FlowVin will never disappoint you with WooCommerce. Easy-to-install and customizable with WordPress Customizer, let’s enjoy the vintage style with FlowVin in just some clicks.

    You can login to test this theme:
    user: demo
    pass: demo

    Or you can view video here

    FlowVin WordPress Theme Features

    • Unlimited colors
    • WordPress customizer (use demo/demo to test it)
    • Hide WordPress login page
    • One click demo install
    • Youtube video background
    • Woocommerce integrated
    • WPML support
    • Built in custom shortcodes
    • Retina ready
    • Fully responsive
    • Bootstrap 3
    • Customizable Effects/Animations
    • Optimized Code
    • Simple & Easy to Use/Customize
    • Top Notch Support


  • WordPress Area Checker (Utilities)

    WordPress Area Checker (Utilities)

    WP Domain Checker is a WordPress plugin which allow you easily to check domain name availability from your wordpress site.
    You can check or search for any generic top-level domains (gTLD) or country-code top-level domains (ccTLD).
    WP Domain Checker is made with AJAX and easily to use with Shortcode or Widget also integrated with WHMCS.



    • Check domain name availability for any gTLD and ccTLD
    • Whois domain name
    • Made with AJAX
    • Easily use with Shortcode
    • Easily use with Widget
    • Easily check from dashboard admin
    • Easily customize from admin panel
    • No need domain reseller API
    • Integrated with WHMCS


  • Visible Shortcodes for WordPress (Utilities)

    Visible Shortcodes for WordPress (Utilities)

    What is Visual Shortcodes?

    Visual Shortcodes is a WordPress plugin that helps you manage all your shortcodes. It gives you easy access to the shortcodes that you use the most frequently, or you can see a list of all shortcodes available in your theme, including the shortcodes from third-party plugins.


    • Supports shortcodes from third-party themes and plugins.
    • One click to insert – just find the shortcode that you need, click it and it’s inserted in your post.
    • Search field – quickly find the shortcode that you are looking for.
    • List of all your shortcodes – every shortcode that is available in your theme, including the shortcodes from third-party plugins.
    • List of recently used shortcodes – handly list of the last several shortcodes that you used. Also, when you save your blog post, the plugin will parse the content and add all shortcodes that you used to the Recent list, including their parameters!
    • Bookmarks – are you using a certain shortcode often? Just bookmark it and have it one click away.
  • Submit Classes through Person for WordPress (Utilities)

    Submit Classes through Person for WordPress (Utilities)

    All support is handled through our online Help Center Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterAdd us to your circles on Google+Follow us on EnvatoGet the latest from RightHere

    Easily control which categories users can post to

    Post Categories by User for WordPress is a great little plugin that allow you to configure which Category users on your website can post to.

    We have thousands of customers who love our White Label Branding for WordPress, as it provides you with a wide range of options to customize your wp-admin for each user role.

    However many customers ask if it is possible to restrict which Categories that users on their website can post to. No need to look anywhere else. All you need is our Post Categories by User for WordPress.


    You can configure which Categories users can post to by individual User or by User Role, and we have also made sure that the plugin works with other taxonomies added by third-party plugins.

    After installing the plugin and activating it simply go to Users > Post Categories where you will find the Options.

    The General Settings tab allow you to configure the basic settings of the plugin. You can enable whether you want to restrict by User and/or by User Role.

    You can choose to hide terms in the metabox that the user can not use, and you can choose to automatically post to the restricted term if no term was defined. This is useful if you want to avoid posting without a category (term).

    You can remove the Taxonomy from the menu if this has been restricted from a user or user role, and you can hide the +Add in the category metabox, to prevent the user from creating new categories

    Post Category by User for WordPress - General Settings

    The Taxonomies tab lets you enable the Taxonomies you want to restrict by User Role or User. In the screenshot below you only see the default WordPress “Category”. However if you have other third-party plugins installed that adds their own Taxonomies, these will also show up, and you can enable restriction by User Role or User.

    Post Category by User for WordPress - Taxonomies

    Next step is to select the Categories you want provide access to. This can be done by User Role or by User if enabled.

    Post Category by User for WordPress - Category by Role

    If you have enabled by User restrictions you will see this in the profile of each user. Even Though a user has a specific User Role you can remove all restrictions for the individual user, or you can create specific restrictions for the user. This gives you a lot of flexibility.

    Post Category by User for WordPress - Restrictions by User

    The last tab in the Options panel is the License tab. You will find your License key (Item Purchase Code) on Codecanyon where you purchase the plugin. If you enter the License Key you will be able to update the plugin from inside wp-admin whenever we release updates.

    You will also be eligible for support if you have a valid License Key.

    Post Category by User for WordPress - License tab

    Change log

    Version – January 5, 2015

    • Bug Fixed: Empty categories not showing in user profile page
    • Bug Fixed: Removed some PHP Warnings

    Version – January 3, 2015

    • First release.
  • Maven – Responsive Portfolio WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    Maven – Responsive Portfolio WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    Maven is a fully responsive single or multi page portfolio. It offers stunning design, really great compatibility and comes with super mobile device support. Intuitive, easy and powerful – Maven includes a vast array of features.


    • Fully responsive
    • Smooth scrolling
    • Beautiful portfolio showcase
    • Parallax effects
    • Cool animations
    • Extremely easy to setup
    • Responsive video support
    • HTML5 & CSS3

    WordPress Theme Features:

    • Page Builder
    • Custom per thumbnail cropping.
    • Easily change theme primary colors from admin theme options page.
    • Easily choose Google Fonts (with font preview) in theme admin options page.
    • 1-click demo content import.
    • Slider/Image/Video formats supported for Posts and Projects.
    • Drag and drop gallery management.
    • Localization ready, pot file included.
    • Built on a full OOP , modular, load-on-demand, WordPress framework.
    • Network install compatible.
    • Supports child themes.
    • Developed with WP_DEBUG and Debogger enabled.
    • Please note that the menu in this theme does not support sub menus.

    Other Info:

    • Comprehensive browser based documentation.
    • Dedicated Support forum with a proven track record for great after sales support.


  • eighty/20 for WordPress – Responsive Parallax Theme (Ingenious)

    eighty/20 for WordPress – Responsive Parallax Theme (Ingenious)

    80/20 is responsive One-Page/Multi-Pages theme that enables you to beautifully showcase your work in a modern way on any device.
    Its layout based on flexible Grid system, it is Retina-ready and produce valid modern HTML5 markup.

    80/20 is suitable for Freelancers, Agencies, Creatives and many types of small businesses.

    Admin Tools

    We care about good experience, not only for website visitors but also for you, the people who build the website and maintain its content on the long run.

    It comes with simple drag and drop Page Builder and provides fields and navigation shortcuts and other admin features to improve the workflow of building and maintaining the website.

    Demo Content import via enclosed XML

    Easy initial setup with demo content. After importing the demo content you can modify it to your needs and have a close, “behind the scene” look at the configurations used while building the demo website.

    Localization ready

    Every text string used in 80/20 is displayed using WordPress’s best practices for making the text translatable.
    The theme also contains ready for use initial translation .pot file with all text strings listed. You can use it as starting point when creating translation to your language using standard translation software like PoEdit free translation program.

    Other main Features

    • Valid HTML5 / CSS3 pages
    • Perfectly responsive
    • Retina-Ready
    • Cross browser compatible – tested in IE 9,10,11; Firefox; Safari; Chrome and Opera.
    • Well formatted and documented template files.
    • Integrated “Aqua Page builder”.
    • 2 extra Post Types, provided by enclosed plugins, so your content is not tied to specific theme,
    • Localization ready – contains POT file with all theme text strings, ready for translation.
    • Retina-Ready Icons from demo are included, if more are needed, 1640 vector icons can be purchased here: (
    • One-Page & Multi-Page Website
    • Extensive documentation
    • XML with Demo Content ready to import.
    • Child Theme enclosed, provides safe place for your custom modifications to theme files while still enjoy smooth updating experience to new versions of the theme, without worrying of losing your custom changes.

    *This theme does not support sub menus.


    Original awesome design & behaviour: WeibergMedia.