Smart Sitemap.xml Tools plugin can build and server sitemap index and sitemap maps with the content of your website links according to Sitemaps specification used by most search engines including Google and Bing.

Plugin doesn’t create sitemap files to save on your website, it serves virtual files with the sitemaps contents. This allows better flexibility, doesn’t require special write rights for your website root directory and it allows you to use plugin with multisite network websites.
Plugin allows you to set rules for post types, taxonomies, date and author archives, custom links. Also, you can set rules for individual posts, terms and users. Plugin has many more useful features to make Sitemaps processing easier.
Supported data types to use in Sitemap
There are many things you can include inside the sitemap:
- Default and custom post types (posts, pages, media)
- Default and custom taxonomies archives (categories, post tags)
- Date based archives (yearly, monthly, weekly, daily)
- User based author archives
- Custom links you can add through plugin settings
For post types, you can enable inclusion of images attached to posts. Images inside sitemap are supported by Google search engine.
Sitemap index and sitemaps that can include images

Plugin generates basic sitemap index file linking individual sitemaps. All links are split into sitemap with up to 2000 (you can set this in plugin settings) links in a file.

If you want to view sitemap in browser, plugin can add XSL transformation file that will process XML content of the sitemap into human readable page in browser. Search engines ignore XSLT file.
Global map settings and invividual sitemaps control

Plugin has many settings you can use for better control over the sitemap generation. And, you can control priority and frequency for links in individual sitemaps. Finally, plugin allows you to set rules for individual posts, users and terms through additional meta boxes added to edit screens.
Other Plugin Features Included
- Extra panel to reset plugin settings including all custom rules.
- Easy to use export and import for transferring settings from one website to another.
- Support for Multisite WordPress mode, each website can set plugin on it’s own.
- Support for translation and includes POT file.
System and WordPress Requirements
- PHP 5.2.4 or newer
- WordPress 3.5 or newer
- WordPress Permalinks enabled
Plugin contains PDF user guide in the plugin package, inside the ‘docs’ directory. Check out this documentto get information on plugin options, usage and more.
- If you have real sitemap.xml file in your folder root directory (from some other plugin or manually made), you need to either remove it, or change sitemap file name Smart Sitemap.xml Tools plugin creates.
- This plugin can’t work if the Permalinks in WordPress are disabled, because it needs to add custom rewrite rules to serve sitemaps content.
Version 1.0 / 2015.02.19.