
  • Newspaper Flipbook -jQuery&pluginWP (Utilities)

    Newspaper Flipbook -jQuery&pluginWP (Utilities)

    PDF to Flipbook

    You can create a book directly from the PDF file. Pdf file is automatically converted to jpg files.

    PDF render

    Book can read PDF files without converting to jpg files. Used is an awesome library PDF.js.
    PDF.js works in the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE10+. Limited support for Safari, Android and IE9. For more information click here

    JPG to Flipbook

    You can upload all your pages at once – no need to add each page separately. See here video tutorial.

    Manually adding pages

    You can also add pages separately ( you can make also text in wysiwyg editor ). See here video tutorial.

    Three techniques show flipbook

    shortcode – you can put flipbook anywhere in content ( page, post, custom post etc)
    template – you can add flipbook as an independent template in the whole browser window, the advantage is that it is 100% working with all theme ( no conflict with css styles etc…. )
    lightbox – You can put the link text or image link anywhere in content on your site. When you click on the link loads a book as a lightbox. So you can have an unlimited number of book on one page. Lightbox works also with deeplinking.


    Right to left flpibook for eastern countries.

    All Features:

    • flipbook is based on the library turn.js 3rd release. Library “turn.js 3rd release” is not included. You need to download it separately here.This library is free to personal use. If you need for commercial use – here you can buy license “3rd release”.Cost of License “turn.js 3rd release” is 45$ for five domains ( 9$ per domain).
    • pdf support ( you can create a book directly from the PDF file , Pdf file is automatically converted to jpg files )
    • pdf render ( book can read PDF files without converting to jpg files. Used is an awesome library PDF.js )
    • support multiple file upload ( you can upload all your pages at once – no need to add each page separately )
    • works on the iPad,iPhone etc. ( no Flash Player needed )
    • support for tags in WYSIWYG editor:
    • – heading – h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6
      – paragraph – p
      – link – a
      – list – ul,li
      – img and float right and left for image
      Pages in Flipbook does not have support for all the html characters.
      New characters html will be added with new updates.

    • reverse flip book for the eastern countries (right to left)
    • three techniques show flipbook:
      – shortcode – you can put flipbook anywhere in content ( page, post, custom post etc)
      – template – you can add flipbook as an independent template in the whole browser window, the advantage is that it is 100% working with all theme ( no conflict with css styles etc…. )
      – lightbox – you can put text link, image link anywhere in content on your site, when you click on the link loads a book as a lightbox.
    • insert scripts in section head – only subpages where is the shortcode flipbook
    • you can disable / enable individual icons in the admin panel
    • icon fullScreen ( only works under FF and Chrome )
    • you can change the zoom to double click the mouse
    • you can change the zoom step for zoomIn and for zoomOut
    • you can enable / disable deeplinking (string at the end of the browser’s address)
    • youtube videos are shown on a layer above book
    • responsive design
    • unlimited number of pages in flipbook
    • lazy loading ( if you have a lot of pages – book will load faster, Example 1: If the current page is 8-9 – then are loaded only pages 8-9, 10-11 and 6-7 ; Example 2: If the current page is 1 – then are loaded only pages 1,2,3,4,5,6 )
    • you can create an unlimited number of flipbooks on one theme
    • double pages
    • show all pages
    • excellent tools to zoom
    • ajax form
    • plugin flipbook is 100% compatible with the theme Avada
    • and other…


    See my other Books:




  • Sport Planner (Miscellaneous)

    Sport Planner (Miscellaneous)

    Game Planner is a WordPress plugin that allow you to organize events for online multiplayer games.

    Can be used for example to create Instances and Raids for MMORPG games, to organize Clan Wars for a First Person Shooter, to plan Tournaments for Online Sport Games and more.

    Game Planner Features

    Create a Game

    Games are used in the events and determine the roles available during the creation of an event, the default image associated with a game and if the name of the character is required.

    Game Planner – Create a Game

    Create an Event

    The core of Game Planner are the events, with them you can plan online Instances, Raids, Clan Wars, Deathmatches, Tournaments and so on.

    Game Planner – Create an Event

    Event Card

    Event Cards are used to show details about specific events and to collect subscriptions from the registered players. The Event Card button available in the TinyMCE editor allows you to easily include Events Cards in your posts, pages or custom post types.

    Game Planner – Include an Event Card in a post

    Events Table

    Events tables are used to list events related to a specific game or the overall list of events. The Events Table button available in the TinyMCE editor allows you to easily include Events Tables in your posts, pages or custom post types.

    Game Planner – Include an Events Table in a post

    The Subscription

    The registered players will be able to subscribe to your events simply by visiting a post, page or custom post type that includes an Event Card or an Events Table.

    Game Planner – Subscribe to an Event

    Approve an Event

    The approval process of an event allows you to move an event from the Pending status to the Approved status. Approved events will be automaticaly closed to new subscriptions and the approved and rejected players will be notified with an email ( if the email option has been selected ). Without emails the players subscribed to the event will still be able to get information about the status of the event by visiting their subscriptions log.

    Game Planner – Approve an Event

    The Subscription Log

    All the registered players have the capability to access the log of their subscription in the back-end of your website. This log is useful to let them keep track of all their subscriptions and see the related status.

    Game Planner – Visit the Subscriptions Log

    Supported Games

    It’s impossible to provide a list of the supported games, in general terms this plugin gives you the ability to create your custom games and for each game you will be able to define a set of roles ( a maximum of ten roles are supported for each game ) and if the character is enabled or disabled. Let’s see some practical example:


    With an MMORPG you would create for example a game named “World of Warcraft” with Tank, Healer and DPS as the roles and the character enabled. Then you would create the “Karazhan” event ( associated with the “World of Warcraft” game ) and set as the required roles two Tanks, two Healers and six DPS. Your subscribed players will be able to subscribe to the “Karazhan” event, assume one of the required roles and enter the name of the character associated with the subscription.


    With an FPS you would create for example a game named “Call of Duty” with the Soldier and the Sniper as the roles and the character disabled. Then you would create the event “Clan War against ABC team” and set as the required roles eight soldiers and two snipers. Your subscribed players will be able to subscribe to this new event and assume one of the two required roles, the name of the character won’t be required during the subscription process.


    With a sport game you would create for example a game named “Soccer 2015”, set a single default role named “Standard Player” and the character disabled. Then you would create the event “Soccer Tournament with my friends” and set as the required roles 32 “Standard Player”. Your subscribed players will be able to subscribe to this event and assume the “Standard Player” role, the name of the character won’t be required during the subscription process.

    Maximum number of supported players

    There is no limit on the maximum number of players supported in a single event, you can for example create an MMORPG instance that requires only five players or a big tournament with 1000 players.

    The “Player” WordPress role

    Subscriptions to the events are reserved only to the registered players. The “Player” is a special WordPress role created by Game Planner with two capabilities, a custom capability created and used only by Game Planner which allows the user to subscribe to the events ( namely “dagp_subscribe_to_events” ) and a default capability which allows the user to visit his subscription log on the back-end ( namely “read” ).

    Don’t worry about the security of your WordPress environment, the users logged in as a “Player” have no other capabilities other that the two mentioned above. For more information about the WordPress roles and capabilities check out Roles and Capabilities.


    This plugin make use of the following resources:

  • Ekattor College Supervisor WP Plugin (Membership)

    Ekattor College Supervisor WP Plugin (Membership)

    Installation service

    We will help you for installation of our script. If you still fail or having confusion, you can order our software installation service via envato studio :


    Please send us your product presale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other queries to our dedicated support center :

  • Greyson — Responsive Blogging & Portfolio Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Greyson — Responsive Blogging & Portfolio Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Subscribe on Themeforest  Follow us on Themeforest

    Greyson is an elegant and responsive WordPress theme for creatives, bloggers, photographers, and probably you too! Use our multiple blog and portfolio layouts to showcase the best of your work; earn money from your efforts with our extensive WooCommerce integration.

    We’ve also taken special care to insure that our theme is incredibly easy to use and set-up, while still delivering premium looks and features to complement your text, photos, videos, music, and other content in a way that keeps readers engaged and returning to your site.

    Designed for creatives, bloggers, photographers, and you.


    • Mega Menus – Home-grown mega menu to give your main navigation area a lot more style and extended functionality. No plugins required!
    • Blog Layouts & Shortcode(s) – Create, dynamic, handsome layouts (from traditional layouts, to masonry layouts, to sliders) using our blog shortcodes.
    • Portfolio Layouts & Shortcode(s) – And yep, you can also create lovely layouts for your portfolio items as well.
    • Responsive design – Your website will look just as gorgeous on mobile phones and tablets
    • Preset Color Schemes – If you don’t have the time, creativity, or patience to create your own color scheme, feel free to get started with one of the several that we provide.
    • Shortcode Generator – Generate stylish, immersive content with a very user-friendly shortcode generator, and without needing to know a hint of HTML
    • Extensive customization options – A modern design that still leaves room for leaving your mark.
    • Unlimited Sidebars – Need a completely different set of sidebar widgets for individual pages/posts? It’s easy, and no additional plugins are required.
    • Branding Options – Upload your own logo or use Google Web fonts along with unlimited color choices and text shadows.
    • Speaking of Google fonts – there are literally hundreds to choose from to outfit your website.
    • 19 Custom Widgets – From standard advertisement sizes to Facebook “Like” buttons, this theme is move-in ready.
    • Localization support – Make Staggerly your own (or prepare it for a client) using the included .po/.mo files
    • User-friendly Documentation – Because you shouldn’t have to be a rocket scientist to operate your website.
    • Disqus comment integration – As simple as typing your Disqus shortname and clicking a button!

    Need assistance?

    If you have questions related to our theme, head over to our dedicated support forum and we’ll get you squared away.

    We try to answer all questions within 48 hours (Monday thru Friday – US Eastern timezone).

  • Koel – Multipurpose Layers WordPress Theme (Company)

    Koel – Multipurpose Layers WordPress Theme (Company)

    Koel is a multipurpose Layers WordPress theme developed by the team of WebCloud. It includes 13 Layers Extensions, it is WooCommerce ready and easy customizable.

    We have developed Koel for small and medium size companies that are going to use their own web site in many aspects:

    • Company Presentation
    • Portfolio
    • Writing Articles
    • Selling own products

    All of this is included in one single theme.

    Multipurpose Layers Theme
    LayersSlider5 Included
    Support Included
    Rate this theme if you like it!

    Built For Layers

    HTML5 Available


    • Easy to Customize
    • 13 Layers Extensions Included
    • WooCommerce Ready
    • Built for Layers
    • Blog pages
    • Portfolio Component
    • Client Carousel
    • Team Showcase
    • MailChimp supported
    • LESS styles
    • Google Fonts Support
    • Font Awesome & Other Font icons
    • Pricing Tables
    • Touch Support
    • SEO optimized
    • Contact Form 7 supported
    • Gravity Forms supported
    • Crossbrowser compatible
    • 6 Months Support
    • Free Updates

    All the photos used in this template are intended only to illustrate the template and are not included in the download zip.


    v. 1.0.0 – 28 May 2015

    - initial release


    • Photos from PhotoDune
    • Photos from Unsplash
    • jQuery
    • Modernizr
    • Bootstrap 3
    • Masonry.js
    • OWL Carousel
    • Retina.js
    • WOW.js
    • Animate.css
    • Hover.css
    • ET Line Icons
    • Font Awesome Icons
  • Yosaga WordPress theme (Company)

    Yosaga WordPress theme (Company)


    Creativity and perfection lovers will be very happy with Yosaga – one of the most amazing, flexible and fully responsive WordPress themes created by Kopasoft so far. Yosaga is a clean multi-purpose WordPress theme because it can be used for any type of website: business, corporate, blog, products and many more. Built with HTML3 & CSS3 and lot of passion from our professional and dedicated staff, Yosaga will truly be the smartest choice for those who are looking for a premium theme that can make their own site eye-catching and impressive.

    Apart from responsive design, clear code, SEO optimized and browser capability, Yosaga features a layout and sidebar manager that allows you to create your front page from outside of the WordPress editor and solely with widgets. What’s more, this super awesome WordPress theme also comes packed with other incredibly powerful options needed for a great site such as Google map, Translation ready, Kopa Page Buidler, Kopa Toolkit, etc. Become a Yosaga user, you can find it a pressure to customize and elegant designs with many shortcodes that lets you do various things with minimal effort.

    Let’s discover demo page, below infinite features and try it now!


    You can get supports through our forum at

    In working days (from Monday to Friday, UTC/GMT +7), all the questions or problems relating to our template will be responded within maximum 24 hours. No matter how long it takes, we will support you until the problem is completely fixed. Support request sent during weekends will be processed on next Monday morning.

    While you are looking for someone to help you customize your WordPress theme, we offer our customization service to do the job. In case of need, you can send your detailed requirements to to get the quotation.

  • Visible Styler –  customise your web site straightforward (Utilities)

    Visible Styler – customise your web site straightforward (Utilities)

    VISUAL STYLER allows you to customize any element on your WordPress website using friendly visual interface with live preview.

    You can change almost any CSS rule, eg. color, background, border, font size and so on.
    Also you can set specific CSS rules for mouse-hover state and responsive breakpoints (mobile screens, tablets and large screens).

    You can see history of all changes and edit/disable or delete any change that you have made.

    This plugin is compatible with all WordPress themes, WooCommerce and works fine on WordPress Multisite Installations.


    – Change style of any element on the your website;
    – Friendly visual editor with live preview;
    – Flexible element path editor;
    – Responsive breakpoints for mobile devices;
    – Option panel which allows you to preview your website on mobile devices;
    – Changes history;
    – Works with all themes;
    – Compatible with WooCommerce and WordPress Multisites;
    – Export generated CSS code;

  • Synoptic Internet Clothier: Web site Animator extension (Add-ons)

    Synoptic Internet Clothier: Web site Animator extension (Add-ons)

    Edit Database Field PRO - Contact us
    Follow us

    Synoptic Web Designer: Website Animator extension is a wordpress plugin which helps you to create amazing animations for your website, admin/user dashboard, blog, forms, woocommerce pages, events calendars, galleries, bbPress pages and others in just few seconds and transform a static website in a dinamic website.

    Attention ! This is an extension for Synoptic Web Designer: best WordPress design tool. You can not use it without Synoptic Web Designer: best WordPress design tool if you don’t have it please buy it first from here

    You can create 70+ animations: bounce, flash, pulse, rubberBand, shake, swing, tada, wobble, jello, bounceIn, bounceInDown, bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceOut, bounceOutDown, bounceOutLeft, bounceOutRight, bounceOutUp, fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInDownBig, fadeInLeft, fadeInLeftBig, fadeInRight, fadeInRightBig, fadeInUp, fadeInUpBig, fadeOut, fadeOutDown, fadeOutDownBig, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutLeftBig, fadeOutRight, fadeOutRightBig, fadeOutUp, fadeOutUpBig, flipInX, flipInY, flipOutX, flipOutY, lightSpeedIn, lightSpeedOut, rotateIn, rotateInDownLeft, rotateInDownRight, rotateInUpLeft, rotateInUpRight, rotateOut, rotateOutDownLeft, rotateOutDownRight, rotateOutUpLeft, rotateOutUpRight, hinge, rollIn, rollOut, zoomIn, zoomInDown, zoomInLeft, zoomInRight, zoomInUp, zoomOut, zoomOutDown, zoomOutLeft, zoomOutRight, zoomOutUp, slideInDown, slideInLeft, slideInRight, slideInUp, slideOutDown, slideOutLeft, slideOutRight, slideOutUp

    We wanted that our plugin to be very easy to use for everyone so we build it multilingual and we translated it in most used 10 languages in the world. (arabic, chinese, english, french, german, hindi, italian, portuguese, russian and spanish).
    Also if you need to use it in other language please tell us and we will translate it for you.

    We have tried to create the most complex website animator but also we wanted to make it very simple to use it.
    Please take a look at Features section and see if we succeded

    If you don’t find a feature that you need, no problem, let’s builded together.
    You tell us what you want It to do and we will builded it for you

    For any problem / feature request please create a ticket here or contact us.

    Your feedback will help us very much. If you have any feature request please just tell us and we will add it for you.Together we can do it better.

    If you like our plugin please click here and rate us

    Your rating can help us to continue the developing…


    1.0 (2015-05-31)
            * Initial release.
  • Visible Composer Add-on Gradient Field & Video Cove (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer Add-on Gradient Field & Video Cove (Add-ons)

    Add Gradient Box (text content with icon or image), or Video Cover (lightbox YouTube or Vimeo video) in the Visual Composer.

    Note: you can get this extension from Visual Composer Extensions All In One. You do not have to purchase again if you purchased the All In One package before. And it’s recommended to purchase the All In One package which will contain other extension in the future update:


    Gradient Box

    • Optional avatar, avatar support icon or image, icon with Visual Composer built-in Icon Picker.
    • Avatar (icon or image) can be in circle, rounded small, rounded large or square.
    • Whole box can be in square, rounded small, or rounded large.
    • Built-in gradient color style, also support customize color.
    • Content area can be align vertically center or with padding only.
    • Optional background color for the content area, help you make a gradient border looking.
    • Optional icon background.
    • Optional link for whole box.
    • Add content easily via the WordPress built-in rich text editor, help you add any HTML (like a link) easily.
    • Optional tooltip for whole box.
    • Box title align can be in left, center or right.
    • And more…

    Video Cover

    • Optional image shape: square, round (small), round (large), ellipse (or circle with square image).
    • Video support YouTube or Vimeo, just paste the video page URL to get it work.
    • Optional lightbox video width.
    • Optional image tooltip.
    • Overlay button support icon or text.
    • Optional overlay button shape: square, round (small), round (large) or circle.
    • Lightbox support gallery.
    • Optional button (or text) background color, color, font size.
    • Can work with normal hyperlink only too.
    • And more…


    • Extend the Visual Composer, work fine with the VC in a theme or VC installed as a plugin.
    • Compatible with latest jQuery and latest WordPress.
    • Enqueue the js and css only when needed. Keep WordPress page size smaller.
    • FAQ and source code are included in the package. Free update in the future.

    Recommendation for you

    Image Map HotSpot WordPress Plugin:
