
  • Good Footer Machine – Footer Plugin for WP (Interface Components)

    Good Footer Machine – Footer Plugin for WP (Interface Components)

    Smart Footer System
    Footer Plugin WordPress
    Visual Composer Footer Plugin
    Taxonomie Settings
    Smart Footer System Custom Footer for each Post Type
    Smart Footer System Six Modes
    Smart Footer System Css3 Footer Animated
    Smart Footer System Accordion Footer Animated
    Smart Footer System Main Features
    Smart Footer System Style
    Smart Footer System User Frendly Control Panel
    Smart Footer System Video Background
    Smart Footer System Control Panel
    Smart Footer System Premade Footers
    Smart Footer System Modes Properties

    Smart Footer System Main Demo

    Online Support



    Most Internet sites use very similar footer, a 1,2,3 or more columns, do you want to have the ability to create footer in a totally new and different way? using to create footer Visual Composer and all other Page Builders on the market?

    With Smart Footer System you have the ability to create 8 different footer modes to enrich your website style.

    You could create infinite footer using Visual Composer, King Composer, Divi 3, Motopress, Elementor, Genesis Framework, Site-Origin, Live Composer, Beaver Page Builder, Corner Stone and many others, also compatible with Theme’s Page Builders such as Fusion Builder, Swift Builder, Enfold Builder and others or free custom html, in addition to this you can have fun creating Normal, Sticky, Reveal, Slide Up, CSS3, Accordion, Banner and Spread Footers that allows you to create infinite style with tons of options to customize anything you need.

    In fact you can choose icons such as those of Font Awesome, Elegant Icons, Dashicons and Genericons as well as enrich them with personalized text for the opening and closing of your footer.

    As we like to say, your footer will never be the same.

    Visual Composer and third part Plugin or Theme are not included.

    Core Features

    • Smart Footer System Footer Plugin is compatible with Visual Composer, King Composer, Divi 3, Motopress, Elementor, Genesis Framework, Site-Origin, Live Composer, Beaver Page Builder, Corner Stone and many others, also compatible with Theme’s Page Builders such as Fusion Builder, Swift Builder, Enfold Builder and others or free custom html
    • Normal Footer mode
    • Sticky Footer (Normal option)
    • Reveal Footer mode
    • Slide Up Footer mode
    • Banner Footer mode
    • CSS3 Footer mode
    • Accordion Footer mode
    • Spread Footer mode
    • Menu Footer mode
    • Innovative & Powerful Admin Panel
    • Highly Customisable
    • Option to automatically hide the Theme’s footer otherwise sfs footer will be placed under the footer of the Theme to combine them together
    • Css Selector to hide part of your Theme
    • Automatic Theme’s custom post type recognition
    • Assign different footers for each Post Type such as Footer 1 just for Articles, Footer 2 for Portfolio, Footer 3 for Woocommerce Single Product, Footer 4 for Archive pages etc.
    • Overwrite the custom post type footer in a single page, article, product etc.
    • Taxonomies Footer settings
    • Woocommerce dedicate panel settings
    • Control Panel to import and export footers
    • Video Background Self hosted, Youtube or Vimeo
    • One click SFS demos install, only valid for Visual Composer, include 49 pre-made footers
    • Options to define different Horizontal and vertical padding for all devices such as Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile
    • Upload background image or set different colors to the background
    • Set a border to the footer content
    • Options to disable footers for each device such as Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile
    • Custom CSS to personalize footer style
    • Different icons and text for opening and closing the footer
    • Some modes offer the ability to create different views for your desktop and mobile devices
    • Full control over colors, fonts, buttons and more
    • File .pot and translation ready in English and Italian languages
    • Footer with Visual Composer
    • Footer with King Composer
    • Footer with Divi 3
    • Footer with Motopress
    • Footer with Elementor
    • Footer with Genesis Framework
    • Footer with Site-Origin
    • Footer with Live Composer
    • Footer with Beaver Page Builder
    • Footer with Corner Stone Page Builder
    • Footer with Swift Framework

    Built to impress your customers with awesome footer versions.

  • CF7 Envato Buy Code Checker (Utilities)

    CF7 Envato Buy Code Checker (Utilities)

    This plugin is allows you to add Contact Form 7 field for checking Envato Purchase Code of your buyers. It’s helpful for Envato authors, who wants to build support system using Contact Form 7 plugin.


    • WordPress Contact Form 7 plugin support
    • Uses latest Envato API
    • Ability to set, what to output
    • Limit the number of uploaded files
    • Detailed Documentation
    • Errors handling
  • Filtero – Straightforward Content material Filters For Affiliate Entrepreneurs (Miscellaneous)

    Filtero – Straightforward Content material Filters For Affiliate Entrepreneurs (Miscellaneous)

    Filtero is a Content Filter WordPress plugin using which your readers can filter your lengthy review articles. It gives your readers convenience to filter out exactly what they need thus helping them to save time and make the buying decision quickly.

    Time to increase your affiliate commissions with Filtero!

    Flltero is best suited for:

    • Affiliate Marketers
    • SEO Consultants
    • Bloggers
    • Reviewers
    • News/Media Agencies

    How Filtero Works?

    You can check out the screenshots above or check the detailed documentation by clicking below.

    Liked The Plugin? Leave us an Awesome Review

    We always strive hard to make your experience better and even more better when using our products. It feels like heaven when we get those 5 stars from you. That makes us super happy and motivates us to work even more harder on future updates of the product. So, please do rate and leave an amazing review if you like our product and support.

    Share Your Feedback

    If you want to suggest a feature or report a bug, do post it on our comments page above.

    Sources & Credits

    A Big Thanks to the Authors of the resources listed below. Filtero couldn’t have been possible without them.


    5 Oct, 2017

    v1.0 - Initial Release
  • Saragna – Social Circulate WordPress (Social Networking)

    Saragna – Social Circulate WordPress (Social Networking)

    Facebook,YouTube Channel,Vimeo,Twitter,Instagram Social Streams Grid With Carousel
    Social Streams - visual composer

    Facebook Popup

    facebook Social Streams

    YouTube Popup

    youtube Social Streams

    Instagram Popup

    instagram Social Streams

    Vimeo Popup

    vimeo Social Streams

    Twitter Popup

    twitter Social Streams

    Visual Composer – Facebook,YouTube Channel,Vimeo,Twitter,Instagram Social Streams Grid With Carousel

    • Responsive Design Layouts.
    • 6 Style Available
    • Inline Social read popup
    • Inline Only image popup
    • Social carousel
    • Custom Columns Layout
    • Custom backgrond Color and hover background color
    • Fitrow and Masonry Grid Layout
    • Show more Pagination
    • Multi Filtering
    • Social Share icon for each post in popup
    • 60+ animation effects

    Facebook,YouTube Channel,Vimeo,Twitter,Instagram Social Streams Grid With Carousel

    • Responsive Design Layouts.
    • 6 Style Available
    • Inline Social read popup
    • Inline Only image popup
    • Social carousel
    • Custom Columns Layout
    • Custom backgrond Color and hover background color
    • Fitrow and Masonry Grid Layout
    • Show more Pagination
    • Multi Filtering
    • Social Share icon for each post in popup
    • 60+ animation effects
  • Sticky Simple Video Participant WP Plugin (Media)

    Sticky Simple Video Participant WP Plugin (Media)

    What is Sticky Easy Video Player WordPress Plugin ?

    Sticky Easy Video Player WordPress Plugin is a powerful sticky responsive video / audio player that can be added at the top or bottom of the page in a fixed position over the page content, it can be installed in any type of web page, it runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, IOS, Android, Windows mobile or desktop and it can play local video or audio, streaming video or audio from a server, Youtube videos or Vimeo videos. It only requires the mp4 / mp3 format (the best and most used format on the web) and it will work on mobile devices or desktop machines no matter which browser is used. Packed with a huge amount of features like responsive layout, multiple instances manager, flexible skin, HTTP Live Streaming / HLS / m3u8 video support, 360 degree video / virtual reality / VR, share window, cuepoints, multiple subtitles, video quality selector, subtitle selector, etc, it makes it the best and most flexible and complete stikcy video and audio player available on sale.

    Sticky Easy Video Player WordPress Plugin main features:

    Mobile and desktop optimized (Ipad demo here! or Android demo here!).

    Private password protected videos, example here.

    Optional encrypt video source / path. Using this feature will not allow a user / software to see / steal the video source / path from the page source.

    Support for multiple video quality and optional video quality selector similar to Youtube.

    Support for local video or audio, streaming video from a server or Youtube video.

    Support for audio files (.mp3).

    Real time spectrum visualizer for audio / mp3 files with customizable color theme, example here.

    Support for subtitles files (.srt or txt).

    Optional subtitles selector. SEVP supports multiple subtitles, they can be set with ease and changed at runtime using an optional subtitle selector.
    Optional playback rate / speed selector. SEVP supports multiple playback rates / speeds, they can be set with ease and changed at runtime using an optional playback rates / speeds selector.

    Optional fill entire video screen, this feature will allow to fill the gaps of the video player, you can have for example a real full width player, example here.

    Youtube video quality buttons selectors from the video control bar. The available quality rates will be displayed in a cool way so you can select the desired quality for the playing video.

    The video player can play a HD video on desktop machines and a smaller video on mobile devices, this useful feature is optional, this means that the video player can play the same video source on all desktop machines or mobile devices.

    Support for 360 degree / virtual reality / VR videos, example here.

    Support for green screen / transparent background videos, the possiblity to remove the green color from a video with a green, blue or any popular color used for this type of CGI effect background and replace it with transparency example here.

    Support for multiple instances.

    Multiple instances manager, this is a great feature that allows automated control over all Sticky Easy Video Player WordPress Plugin instances. Once a video instance is playing the other instances can be set to pause or stop. For example if this feature is set to stop all instances will stop and interrupt the download process this way the page will not load more then one video at the time.

    Optional video poster, the poster is visible when the video player is stopped plus support for two poster sources one for desktop machines and one for mobile devices. Please note that a single source can be used for both for desktop machines and mobile devices.

    Optional pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll / ads / advertisement video or image (similar to youtube ads with extra features). SEVP supports unlimited ads they can be added and configured easily, example here.

    Usage of the same Sticky Easy Video Player WordPress Plugin custom skin even for the Youtube videos.

    Responsive layout.

    HTTP Live Streaming / HLS / m3u8 video support on all browsers mobile and desktop. On the browsers that dosen’t have native HLS support adobe flash player is used, example here

    Video cuepoints, SEVP can call javascript functions or javascript code at a specified time during video playback.

    Use SEVP as a video background and even controll it using the API, SEVP can be used as a video background for any any HTML page, example here.

    HEX / CSS color support, the buttons colors can be modified with simple CSS by passing a hexadecimal color(ex: #FF0000) and even more, we have done it in a cool way that all graphics will retain the texture and at the same time apply the chosen color, example here.

    Position anywhere at the top or bottom of the page left, center or right side, example here.

    Chromeless support, it can be used to create your own video player or as background video, example here.

    Optional custom watermark logo. The logo can be set to hide with the control bar or to always be visible, also the logo position is customizable.

    AutoHide controls bar, the video player can be set to autohide the controls bar after a number of seconds of inactivity.

    The video controls bar can be showed or hidden when the video is stopped or it hasn’t started.

    Click to play or pause, you can click on the video to play/pause the video.

    Powerful API included with example files, full set of API methods, including play, pause, stop, scrub with time, scrub with percent, volume and soooo much more.

    Optional commercial popup ads (similar to youtube popup ads are displayed). Multiple ads can be added for a video, also the show and hide time can be specified, for example a pupup ad commercial can be showed at second 10 and hidden at second 40, example here

    Double click fullscreen / normalscreen.

    Start volume value.


    Posibility to start playing at a specified time.


    Big play button.

    Play / pause button.

    Current and total time (optional).

    Volume button (optional).

    Volume scrubber (optional).

    Fullscreen button (optional).

    Detailed documentation and sample files included.

    Optional keyboard support.

    Eight skins included with the psd files.

    What our clients are saying:


  • Auto Mp3 Tune Search Engine WP Plugin (Media)

    Auto Mp3 Tune Search Engine WP Plugin (Media)

    Auto Mp3 Music Search Engine WordPress Plugin is fully Automated Music & Top Track or Song Charts Search Engine for all type of genres & for all favoured World Languages with minutes.

    Search and Listening New Music would have been so easy Using the Combination Itunes API & Sound Cloud API, Which make your website visitors to get the music and songs within your website on their simple clicks and even without even leaving your website.

    Top Song Charts For All Countries, Languages are easily manageable.

    Earn Money

    With multiple Advertisement spots at various places on all pages you have the option to promote any affiliate program or banner ad company ads that you like to use.

    Our Plugin support all Standard WordPress Themes.

    Setting and Implementation

    Admin Panel to Manage the Settings for the Website.


    – List of Music or Tracks by Genre
    – Search Music

    Other Features

    Top songs charts by country and genre
    Quickly Setup music search engine
    Search results with Auto load Pagination
    MP3 download function (optional)
    Multi WordPress Theme Support
    Advertisements ready
    Responsive design
    HTTPS SSL supported
    Full documentation
    Admin panel


    APi Used: Itunes & Sound Cloud


    SoundManager2 by Scott Schiller

    SVG icons via Icomoon
    Patterns from

  • Alus Thumbnails – Visible Composer addon (Add-ons)

    Alus Thumbnails – Visible Composer addon (Add-ons)

    Alus Thumbnails is Visual composer shortcode to show awesome thumbnails. Alus Thumbnails is easy to use with 10 different style and filter to show all thumbnails from post or custom post type

  • Notifications Addon For WPDigiPro (Add-ons)

    Notifications Addon For WPDigiPro (Add-ons)

    Using Notifications addon, you can post notifications in your WPDigiPro members’ area. So whenever your customers login, they see that notification. You can embed Video or normal texts or optin codes as notifications to your WPDigiPro customers.

    Step by Step documentation link:

    Video Demo Link:

  • Coupons Addon For WPDigiPro (Add-ons)

    Coupons Addon For WPDigiPro (Add-ons)

    Offer prospects a deal they can’t refuse with coupons & discounts that turn “viewers” into BUYERS. PROVEN method to drive higher sales.

    Step by Step documentation link:

    Video Demo Link: (Skip License activation part as License activation is not there for CodeCanyon buyers)

  • Invoices Addon For WPDigiPro (Add-ons)

    Invoices Addon For WPDigiPro (Add-ons)

    Invoices Addon For WPDigiPro automatically generates invoices for your customers in both PDF and HTML formats.

    Step by Step documentation link:

    Video Demo Link: