
  • Travelera – Trip Weblog Theme (Blogging / Journal)

    Travelera – Trip Weblog Theme (Blogging / Journal)

    Travelera is a blog theme designed and developed for travel bloggers. But its simple and clean design can be used for any kind of blog.

    Travelera supports 9 post formats (Standard, Gallery, Link, Quote, Video, Image, Status Audio and Aside). It also provides an easy option to choose 9 different layouts for blog and archive pages and 3 different layouts for single pages.


    • Custom logo with retina logo option
    • Custom favicon
    • Multiple layout options and different layout option for homepage, archive pages and single page
    • Powerful slider with custom slides, category posts or selected posts option
    • 1, 2, 3 and 4 column footer column option
    • RTL Support
    • Retina Ready
    • Unlimited Colors
    • Boxed and Full Width Layout
    • Advanced Typography Options with 600+ Google Fonts
    • Better Author Page with Cover Image option
    • WordPress custom menu support
    • Author information box below articles
    • 9 Post Options (Standard, Gallery, Link, Quote, Audio, Video, Image, Status and Aside)
    • Support for self hosted audio and video
    • Custom background option for posts, pages and categories
    • Sticky Menu that hides when user scrolling down and shows when user scrolling up
    • Featured Posts Slider
    • Post format icons
    • Option to choose different color scheme for different post formats
    • Sharing buttons for articles
    • Related posts (by categories or tags)
    • Sitemap Template
    • Ad widgets with option for banner and Adsense or other ads
    • Social Media and Share Buttons with Rearrange Position option
    • Custom 404 Page
    • Back to Top Button with Smooth Scroll
    • Option to show full width or just excerpts on homepage and archive pages
    • Option to limit character length of excerpts
    • Custom CSS Option
    • Translation ready
    • Option to disable responsiveness
    • Free Automatic Updates
  • Apollo – WordPress Information and Journal Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Apollo – WordPress Information and Journal Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Apollo is a WordPress magazine theme with modern and clean design. It is created for the magazines, news and blog sites but due to its superb flexibility, it allows you to create the websites for various other purposes.

    The theme is packed with tons of features. It is highly flexible and enables you configure every detail and customize it according to your choice. The theme is incredibly easy set up and use. It comes with detailed documentation and awesome support.

    Modern, Clean and Responsive Layout

    The Apollo Magazine theme has modern, clean and responsive layout. Adapts nicely on the screen resulution of the device it is being viewed on.

    Widgetized Homepage:

    Homepage is widgetized, that means you can easily drag and drop the homepage sections in any order you want. Also you can use any homepage block multiple times.

    Mega / Dropdown Menus

    The theme has built-in system to display mega menus. You can display various widgets within the mega menus. The menu also supports standard drop down submenus.

    User Rating System

    The theme has built in use rating system to allow users to rate the posts. You can enable or disable this feature.

    Use Colors and Icons of your choice

    You can change colors from theme options. You can set a different color and icon for each category. Also you can change colors for different sections without changing anything in the code.

    Secure Contact Form

    There is a secure contact form included in the theme. It uses invisible captcha field to prevent the spam.

    Quality Code and design

    Apollo theme combines the excellence of design and the code quality. The theme code has been tested with the WordPress debugging tools.

    23 Custom Widgets

    There are a lot of custom widgets available for the Homepage, sidebars, footer and the megemenus.

    Unlimited Sidebars

    You can create as many sidebars as you want from teh theme options and use on different posts and pages.

    Super Easay to Setup

    The theme is super easy to set up and get started. You can set up the theme and make it look like demo within a few minutes.

    RTL Ready

    The theme has full support for RTL (right to left) languages. You can set up your website in any right to left language like Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Hebrew etc.

    Translation Ready

    The theme is translation ready. It includes .po and .mo files that you can use to translate to any language.

    Easy to Use Theme Options

    You can configure all details of the site with powerful yet easy to use theme options.

    Demo Content

    The theme includes the demo content which you can import to

    SEO Optimized

    The theme is built with best SEO practices in mind. It is also compatible with other major SEO plugins.

    Extensive Documentation

    The theme includes a detailed documentation which contains step by step instructions with screenshots on how to set up and get started with the theme.

    Dedicated Support

    We will welcome you having any questions in mind. We will do our best to help you with all of the theme related issues.

    Other Features worth mentioning

    • Logo, favicon icon uploader
    • Semantic, clean, valid HTML5 & CSS3
    • Multi Level Dropdown Menu
    • Responsive Slider
    • Widget-ready sidebar and footer
    • Built-in image cropping
    • Lightbox images
    • Captcha Spam filter support for Contact Form
    • SEO Optimised
    • Built-in related posts
    • Built-in social sharing
    • Cross Browser Compatible
    • Properly commented and formatted source code
    • Extensive Documentation
  • Hallie – WordPress Theme for Writers (Weblog / Journal)

    Hallie – WordPress Theme for Writers (Weblog / Journal)

    Hallie is a simple and elegant WordPress theme made for writers and bloggers.


    • WordPress 4.8 ready
    • Fully responsive
    • Full width grid layout
    • Full screen featured posts slider
    • Post formats: standard, aside, quote
    • Beautiful, large typography, with more than 800 Google fonts to choose from
    • Social media widget
    • Built in lightbox for displaying pictures
    • Full screen navigation menu that supports submenus and descriptions
    • Full screen search overlay
    • Threaded comments support
    • Widget areas inside the footer and after navigation menu
    • Translation ready
    • Documented
    • Theme Customizer:
      • See your changes in real time
      • Upload your logo images and favicon
      • Change fonts, fonts sizes and colors
      • Hide/show page elements
      • Choose pagination type (load more, infinite scroll, previous/next page or numbered)
      • Configure Google map
      • Set your social media profiles
      • Type custom CSS for fine tuning
      • And much more…
    • Page Templates:
      • For displaying featured image inside the header, or on the left/right side
      • Categories template for displaying post categories in a full width grid
      • Gallery template for quickly turning your native WP gallery into a full width, grid layout gallery
      • Google map template
      • Tabs template – display pages as tab content
  • Visible Composer Add-on Hover Card V2 (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer Add-on Hover Card V2 (Add-ons)

    Add auto delay Hover Card in the Visual Composer, give user more flexibility in the content, avatar, text and social media icon etc.

    Note:you can get this extension from Visual Composer Extensions All In One. You do not have to purchase again if you purchased the All In One package before. And it’s recommended to purchase the All In One package which will contain other extension in the future update:



    • Optional title, label, and description text.
    • Optional avatar, avatar support image or icon.
    • Optional auto delay hover.
    • 4 different flip transition, built-in color style with customized color support.
    • Hover content support multiple social media icon.
    • Extend the Visual Composer, work fine with the VC in a theme or VC installed as a plugin.
    • Compatible with latest jQuery and latest WordPress.
    • Enqueue the js and css only when needed. Keep WordPress page size smaller.
    • FAQ and source code are included in the package. Free update in the future.
  • Altcoin Costs – 1,000+ crypto costs for wordpress (eCommerce)

    Altcoin Costs – 1,000+ crypto costs for wordpress (eCommerce)

    Altcoin Prices WordPress Plugin

    Altcoin Prices is a beautiful wordpress based cryptocurrency list with USD value, market cap and volume related information for over 1,000 altcoins.

    • 1,000+ Cryptocurrencies
    • Creates a new wordpress page automatically
    • JSON Cache
    • Easy Setup

    Cryptocurrencies supported

    (BTC) Bitcoin, (ETH) Ethereum, (XRP) Ripple, (LTC) Litecoin, (DASH) Dash, (ETC) Ethereum Classic, (XEM) NEM, (XMR) Monero, (REP) Augur, (MAID) MaidSafeCoin, (GNT) Golem, (ZEC) Zcash, (DCR) Decred, (PIVX) PIVX, (USDT) Tether, (FCT) Factom, (GAME) GameCredits, (BCC) BitConnect, (DOGE) Dogecoin, (STRAT) Stratis, (WAVES) Waves, (STEEM) Steem, (DGD) DigixDAO, (LSK) Lisk, (ICN) Iconomi, (ARDR) Ardor, (SNGLS) SingularDTV, (XLM) Stellar Lumens, (BCN) Bytecoin, (BTS) BitShares, (ROUND) Round, (GBYTE) Byteball, (NXT) Nxt, (1ST) First Blood, (PPC) Peercoin, (SJCX) Storjcoin X, (RLC) RLC, (SC) Siacoin, (EMC) Emercoin, (SYS) SysCoin, (MLN) Melon, (ARK) Ark, (KMD) Komodo, (LKK) Lykke, (NXS) Nexus, (NLG) Gulden, (XZC) ZCoin, (CRB) Creditbit, (NMC) Namecoin, (XAUR) Xaurum, (TRST) WeTrust, (BCY) Bitcrystals, (BAY) BitBay, (CRW) Crown, (XCP) Counterparty, (BTCD) BitcoinDark, (NAV) NAV Coin, (POSW) PoSW Coin, (ANS) AntShares, (AGRS) Agoras Tokens, (DGB) DigiByte, (BLK) BlackCoin, (UBQ) Ubiq, (AMP) Synereo, (POT) PotCoin, (EDG) Edgeless, (SKY) Skycoin, (TIME) Chronobank, (NXC) Nexium, (SWT) Swarm City, (VSL) vSlice, (IOC) I/O Coin, (YBC) YbCoin, (MONA) MonaCoin, (ION) ION, (NVC) Novacoin, (EXP) Expanse, (RBY) Rubycoin, (EDR) E-Dinar Coin, (INCNT) Incent, (RADS) Radium, (BLOCK) Blocknet, (LBC) LBRY Credits, (B@) Bankcoin, (ZCL) ZClassic, (GRC) GridCoin, (MUE) MonetaryUnit, (BELA) BelaCoin, (XBC) Bitcoin Plus, (VIA) Viacoin, (SLR) SolarCoin, (BURST) Burst, (VASH) VPNCoin, (OMNI) Omni, (SIB) SIBCoin, (XPM) Primecoin, (CLAM) Clams, (GCR) Global Currency Reserve, (GOLOS) Golos, (ARC) ArcticCoin, (VTC) Vertcoin, (NAUT) NautilusCoin, (SDC) ShadowCash, (UNITY) SuperNET, (HEAT) HEAT, (PEPECASH) Pepe Cash, (NEOS) NeosCoin, (AEON) Aeon, (LMC) LoMoCoin, (DAR) Darcrus, (VRS) Veros, (PASC) Pascal Coin, (GLD) GoldCoin, (ENRG) Energycoin, (FAIR) FairCoin, (MOON) Mooncoin, (FTC) Feathercoin, (VRC) VeriCoin, (JINN) Jinn, (SLS) SaluS, (SPR) SpreadCoin, (CLOAK) CloakCoin, (ZENI) Zennies, (BSD) BitSend, (RDD) ReddCoin, (FLO) FlorinCoin, (SHIFT) Shift, (EMC2) Einsteinium, (CCRB) CryptoCarbon, (PINK) PinkCoin, (FRST) FirstCoin, (GAM) Gambit, (EAC) EarthCoin, (XAS) Asch, (UNO) Unobtanium, (OK) OKCash, (GRS) Groestlcoin, (AUR) Auroracoin, (BTM) Bitmark, (XVC) Vcash, (BTA) Bata, (SBD) Steem Dollars, (YOC) Yocoin, (FLDC) FoldingCoin, (NOTE) DNotes, (SAFEX) Safe Exchange Coin, (XBB) Boolberry, (DMD) Diamond, (CURE) CureCoin, (CNT) Centurion, (TX) TransferCoin, (MEC) Megacoin, (BLOCKPAY) BlockPay, (CHC) ChainCoin, (XDN) DigitalNote, (ATMS) Atmos, (XVG) Verge, (WBB) Wild Beast Block, (BOST) BoostCoin, (VISIO) Visio, (RIC) Riecoin, (OBITS) OBITS, (WDC) WorldCoin, (XSPEC) Spectrecoin, (SPHR) Sphere, (HKG) Hacker Gold, (PDC) Project Decorum, (VTR) vTorrent, (EMV) Ethereum Movie Venture, (TRIG) Triggers, (MER) Mercury, (INSANE) InsaneCoin, (QRK) Quark, (ADCN) Asiadigicoin, (JNS) Janus, (SEQ) Sequence, (TIPS) FedoraCoin, (BPC) Bitpark Coin, (ADC) AudioCoin, (ZCC) ZcCoin, (VLT) Veltor, (MUSIC) Musicoin, (BITB) BitBean, (XHI) HiCoin, (RISE) Rise, (BRX) Breakout Stake, (HUC) HunterCoin, (XRB) RaiBlocks, (DYN) Dynamic, (ZEIT) Zeitcoin, (EXCL) ExclusiveCoin, (J) Joincoin, (IFC) Infinitecoin, (DGC) Digitalcoin, (BITCNY) bitCNY, (ADZ) Adzcoin, (XCN) Cryptonite, (FCN) Fantomcoin, (PUT) PutinCoin, (MILO) MiloCoin, (BRK) Breakout, (BASH) LuckChain, (ERC) EuropeCoin, (QWARK) Qwark, (ICASH) iCash, (QORA) Qora, (TRUMP) TrumpCoin, (XMY) Myriad, (EFL) e-Gulden, (IXC) Ixcoin, (FC2) FuelCoin, (XBY) XtraBYtes, (ZET) Zetacoin, (EL) Elcoin, (TKS) Tokes, (COVAL) Circuits of Value, (HPC) Happycoin, (XTO) Tao, (CADASTRAL) Bitland, (BLITZ) Blitzcash, (RNS) Renos, (TAG) TagCoin, (MSCN) Master Swiscoin, (ATOM) Atomic Coin, (GEO) GeoCoin, (SWIFT) Bitswift, (TIT) Titcoin, (SRC) SecureCoin, (PSB) Pesobit, (CANN) CannabisCoin, (VOX) Voxels, (2GIVE) 2GIVE, (INPAY) Inpay, (ESP) Espers, (SNRG) Synergy, (ABY) ArtByte, (TES) TeslaCoin, (START) Startcoin, (XMG) Magi, (QTL) Quatloo, (VRM) VeriumReserve, (CSC) CasinoCoin, (EGC) EvergreenCoin, (MEME) Pepe, (TOR) Torcoin, (JWL) Jewels, (XST) Stealthcoin, (SYNX) Syndicate, (TRC) Terracoin, (KOBO) Kobocoin, (XWC) WhiteCoin, (MOIN) Moin, (MZC) MazaCoin, (XVP) Virtacoinplus, (XTC) TileCoin, (MED) MediterraneanCoin, (ORB) Orbitcoin, (THC) HempCoin, (TRUST) TrustPlus, (DOPE) DopeCoin, (YASH) YashCoin, (POST) PostCoin, (CPC) Capricoin, (NSR) NuShares, (KORE) KoreCoin, (I0C) I0Coin, (RBT) Rimbit, (CARBON) Carboncoin, (MOJO) MojoCoin, (PRC) PRCoin, (BLRY) BillaryCoin, (PKB) ParkByte, (8BIT) 8Bit, (SMC) SmartCoin, (RBIES) Rubies, (NOBL) NobleCoin, (DEM) Deutsche eMark, (XCT) C-Bit, (UIS) Unitus, (GCC) TheGCCcoin, (BTB) BitBar, (LANA) LanaCoin, (FRC) Freicoin, (CJ) Cryptojacks, (LTB) LiteBar, (ZDASH) Zdash, (TRK) Truckcoin, (BUCKS) SwagBucks, (USNBT) NuBits, (BYC) Bytecent, (PIP) PipCoin, (ZOI) Zoin, (CCN) Cannacoin, (VIDZ) PureVidz, (KURT) Kurrent, (ZER) Zero, (MTM) MTMGaming, (DRACO) DT Token, (DOT) Dotcoin, (SXC) Sexcoin, (KRB) Karbowanec, (INFX) Influxcoin, (BITS) Bitstar, (BITUSD) bitUSD, (CNO) Coin(O), (GB) GoldBlocks, (SLG) Sterlingcoin, (BRIT) BritCoin, (TRI) Triangles, (UNB) UnbreakableCoin, (ATX) Artex Coin, (SWING) Swing, (HONEY) Honey, (ALL) Allion, (PASL) Pascal Lite, (MAC) Machinecoin, (GP) GoldPieces, (ERY) Eryllium, (HZ) Horizon, (GAIA) GAIA, (HXX) Hexx, (WEX) Wexcoin, (CBX) Crypto Bullion, (BITBTC) bitBTC, (CREVA) CrevaCoin, (FRN) Francs, (IMS) Independent Money System, (BITEUR) bitEUR, (IMX) Impact, (BLC) Blakecoin, (XRA) Ratecoin, (42) 42-coin, (C2) Coin2.1, (BTCR) Bitcurrency, (BERN) BERNcash, (ENT) Eternity, (MI) Xiaomicoin, (EMD) Emerald Crypto, (ICOB) ICOBID, (XCI) Cannabis Industry Coin, (HBN) HoboNickels, (GAP) Gapcoin, (PHS) Philosopher Stones, (QBK) Qibuck, (CHESS) ChessCoin, (BSTY) GlobalBoost-Y, (UNI) Universe, (NEVA) NevaCoin, (ARCO) AquariusCoin, (BIC) Bikercoin, (XLR) Solaris, (EVO) Evotion, (BVC) BeaverCoin, (LUNA) Luna Coin, (SFC) Solarflarecoin, (ELS) Elysium, (ACOIN) Acoin, (CON) PayCon, (XBTS) Beatcoin, (420G) GanjaCoin, (MAR) Marijuanacoin, (XNG) Enigma, (DGCS) Digital Credits, (ASAFE) AllSafe, (WGC) World Gold Coin, (CALC) CaliphCoin, (SOAR) Soarcoin, (ARC) Arcade Token, (WCT) Waves Community Token, (DEX) InstantDEX, (MUSE) MUSE, (DBIC) DubaiCoin, (LOG) Woodcoin, (MINT) Mintcoin, (RC) RussiaCoin, (AC) AsiaCoin, (PANGEA) Pangea Poker, (ICOO) ICO OpenLedger, (CASINO) Casino, (USC) Ultimate Secure Cash, (UNIBURST) UniBURST, (SCOT) Scotcoin, (PND) Pandacoin, (PTC) Pesetacoin, (FUND) Cryptofund, (DSH) Dashcoin, (TIX) Tickets, (MNM) Mineum, (DRS) Digital Rupees, (CDN) Canada eCoin, (GEMZ) GetGems, (VLTC) Vault Coin, (LTBC) LTBcoin, (MAX) MaxCoin, (GLC) GlobalCoin, (CV2) Colossuscoin V2, (ECC) E-Currency Coin , (BLU) BlueCoin, (808) 808Coin, (TSTR) Tristar Coin, (REE) ReeCoin, (TALK) BTCtalkcoin, (FUNK) The Cypherfunks, (HTC) HitCoin, (BTSR) BTSR, (AMS) AmsterdamCoin, (SHORTY) Shorty, (BITZ) Bitz, (TSE) Tattoocoin (Standard Edition), (CAGE) CageCoin, (NET) NetCoin, (UNITS) GameUnits, (VC) VirtualCoin, (FLY) Flycoin, (RAREPEPEPRTY) Rare Pepe Party, (LOT) LottoCoin, (HODL) HOdlcoin, (TROLL) Trollcoin, (SMLY) SmileyCoin, (PIGGY) Piggycoin, (NKA) IncaKoin, (XPY) PayCoin, (NEU) NeuCoin, (LDOGE) LiteDoge, (TEK) TEKcoin, (1337) 1337, (MXT) MarteXcoin, (PAK) Pakcoin, (CAP) Bottlecaps, (FLT) FlutterCoin, (NLC2) NoLimitCoin, (RED) RedCoin, (FST) Fastcoin, (METAL) MetalCoin, (ELE) Elementrem, (DLC) Dollarcoin, (QCN) QuazarCoin, (XPD) PetroDollar, (DRAGON) BTCDragon, (KTN) KarmaToken, (BITSILVER) bitSilver, (SLING) Sling, (NTRN) Neutron, (NETKO) Netko, (CORG) CorgiCoin, (GRN) Granite, (WAY) WayGuide, (KUSH) KushCoin, (XRE) RevolverCoin, (ANC) Anoncoin, (KLC) KiloCoin, (ARG) Argentum, (UFO) UFO Coin, (AMBER) AmberCoin, (GCN) GCoin, (GREV2) Greencoin, (BIP) BipCoin, (SPEX) SproutsExtreme, (YAC) Yacoin, (TTC) TittieCoin, (JIN) Jin Coin, (XPTX) PlatinumBAR, (COXST) CoExistCoin, (SPRTS) Sprouts, (CCM100) CCMiner, (HYP) HyperStake, (DBTC) Debitcoin, (STS) Stress, (ZYD) Zayedcoin, (GUN) Guncoin, (NYAN) Nyancoin, (PXI) Prime-XI, (BIGUP) BigUp, (MAD) SatoshiMadness, (PX) PX, (FJC) FujiCoin, (EBT) Ebittree Coin, (LEX) Lex4All, (AU) AurumCoin, (UNIT) Universal Currency, (HTML5) HTMLCOIN, (XCO) X-Coin, (CWXT) CryptoWorldX Token, (FRK) Franko, (NEWB) Newbium, (MGM) Magnum, (XBTC21) Bitcoin 21, (DRM) Dreamcoin, (SPACE) SpaceCoin, (U) UCoin, (BTD) Bitcloud, (FLVR) FlavorCoin, (DP) DigitalPrice, (PR) Prototanium, (CRX) Chronos, (WMC) WMCoin, (GRT) Grantcoin, (LVPS) LevoPlus, (FDC) Future Digital Currency, (BITGOLD) bitGold, (HMP) HempCoin, (ANTI) AntiBitcoin, (UNIC) UniCoin, (PONZI) PonziCoin, (STV) Sativacoin, (CUBE) DigiCube, (XJO) Joulecoin, (CYP) Cypher, (BIOS) BiosCrypto, (GBT) GameBet Coin, (MST) MustangCoin, (888) OctoCoin, (ISL) IslaCoin, (ZUR) Zurcoin, (URO) Uro, (CESC) CryptoEscudo, (POP) PopularCoin, (611) SixEleven, (FIRE) Firecoin, (EVIL) Evil Coin, (TAJ) TajCoin, (SCRT) SecretCoin, (ARB) ARbit, (DES) Destiny, (ACP) AnarchistsPrime, (SONG) SongCoin, (B3) B3Coin, (BUMBA) BumbaCoin, (BOLI) Bolivarcoin, (AGLC) AgrolifeCoin, (SOON) SoonCoin, (WARP) WARP, (ARI) Aricoin, (GCC) GuccioneCoin, (BOB) Dobbscoin, (RPC) RonPaulCoin, (PLNC) PLNcoin, (ORLY) Orlycoin, (SPT) Spots, (XCRE) Creatio, (TGC) Tigercoin, (CTO) Crypto, (ZNY) Bitzeny, (VPRC) VapersCoin, (VIP) VIP Tokens, (GPU) GPU Coin, (RIDE) Ride My Car, (PIE) PIECoin, (EUC) Eurocoin, (PULSE) Pulse, (URC) Unrealcoin, (BUN) BunnyCoin, (ABN) Abncoin, (LIR) LetItRide, (CAB) Cabbage, (BTQ) BitQuark, (BLZ) BlazeCoin, (STEPS) Steps, (DLISK) DAPPSTER, (SCORE) Scorecoin, (LTCR) Litecred, (MND) MindCoin, (HMC) Hommalicoin, (DUO) ParallelCoin, (WORM) HealthyWormCoin, (OCEAN) BurstOcean, (AUM) Alexium, (OS76) OsmiumCoin, (FUZZ) FuzzBalls, (ICON) Iconic, (LEA) LeaCoin, (VEC2) Vector, (CMT) Comet, (FLAX) Flaxscript, (HVCO) High Voltage, (BIOB) BioBar, (JOBS) JobsCoin, (CONX) Concoin, (EGO) EGO, (BSTAR) Blackstar, (DPAY) DPAY, (G3N) G3N, (BXT) BitTokens, (IBANK) iBank, (JIO) JIO Token, (BSC) BowsCoin, ($$$) Money, (MTLMC3) Metal Music Coin, (CXT) Coinonat, (SH) Shilling, (PEX) PosEx, (HIRO) Hirocoin, (PRX) Printerium, (XRC) Rawcoin, (MEOW) Kittehcoin, (BENJI) BenjiRolls, (XOC) Xonecoin, (TAGR) TAGRcoin, (CF) Californium, (GUA) Guarany, (SDP) SydPak, (REV) Revenu, (IMPS) ImpulseCoin, (ZNE) Zonecoin, (PHO) Photon, (ALTC) Antilitecoin, (NYC) NewYorkCoin, (GEERT) GeertCoin, (IMPCH) Impeachcoin, (SANDG) Save and Gain, (CASH) Cashcoin, (SLFI) Selfiecoin, (NODC) NodeCoin, (1CR) 1CRedit, (P7C) P7Coin, (ARGUS) Argus, (HAM) HamRadioCoin, (DOLLAR) Dollar Online, (XEN) Xenixcoin, (PWR) Powercoin, (ZHS) Zcashshare, (MBIT) Mbitbooks, (BOAT) Doubloon, (TOKEN) SwapToken, (CRT) CRTCoin, (PIZZA) PizzaCoin, (CSH) Cashout, (MUG) MikeTheMug, (DIX) Dix Asset, (CHAO) 23 Skidoo, (SATOSHICARD) SATOSHICARD, (XOT) Internet of Things, (BTU) Bitcoin Unlimited (Futures), (AMIS) AMIS, (ACCI) NxttyACCI, (FRGC) Fargocoin, (ALT) Altcoin, (ECN) E-coin, (IOP) Internet of People, (DBIX) DubaiCoin, (XDE2) XDE II, (PLU) Pluton, (XFC) Forevercoin, (ZBC) Zilbercoin, (YOG) Yogold, (TESLA) TeslaCoilCoin, (PIO) Pioneershares, (BTG) Bitgem, (FAZZ) Fazzcoin, (TAAS) TaaS (Pre-Launch), (THS) TechShares, (DMC) DynamicCoin, (LEO) LEOcoin, (DIBC) DIBCOIN, (DTB) Databits, (DCT) Decent (Pre-Launch), (CLUB) ClubCoin, (EB3) EB3 Coin, (WGO) WavesGo, (GAY) GAYcoin, (DEUS) DeusCoin, (GUP) Guppy (Pre-Launch), (APC) AlpaCoin, (WINGS) Wings (Pre-Launch), (TROPTIONS) TROPTIONS, (GBG) Golos Gold, (PCS) Pabyosi Coin (Special), (WEC) Wowecoin, (WA) WA Space, (AXF) AxFunds, (DWC) DeepWebCash, (IVZ) InvisibleCoin, (WYV) Wyvern, (BUK) CryptoBuck, (OMC) Omicron, (UTA) UtaCoin, (DTF) Digitalfund, (ACN) Avoncoin, (EDRC) EDRCoin, (ZSE) ZSEcoin, (LDCN) LandCoin, (XID) International Diamond, (ELC) Elacoin, (GARY) President Johnson, (RHFC) RHFCoin, (TLE) Tattoocoin (Limited Edition), (MG) Mind Gene, (LEC) LeCoin, (GBC) GBCGoldCoin, (DASHS) Dashs, (DCRE) DeltaCredits, (HLB) Lepaoquan, (TP1) KolschCoin, (BIT) First Bitcoin, (OPAL) Opal, (HNC) Helleniccoin, (SHELL) ShellPay, (RBX) Ripto Bux, (KED) Darsek, (RYCN) RoyalCoin 2, (BTCS) Bitcoin Scrypt, (HAL) Halcyon, (SAK) Sharkcoin, (EGG) EggCoin, (BGC) BagCoin, (PSY) Psilocybin, (GMF) Grumfork, (PRES) President Trump, (TERA) TeraCoin, (NTCC) Neptune Classic, (UTC) UltraCoin, (XAU) Xaucoin, (BURN) President Sanders, (MAVRO) Mavro, (RICHX) RichCoin, (NBIT) netBit, (AV) AvatarCoin, (BLAZR) BlazerCoin, (AIB) Advanced Internet Blocks, (XGR) GoldReserve, (TRICK) TrickyCoin, (KASHH) KashhCoin, (XQN) Quotient, (BCF) BitcoinFast, (CNC) CHNCoin, (UR) UR, (CLINT) Clinton, (GML) GameLeagueCoin, (BXC) Bitcedi, (ROYAL) RoyalCoin, (BEST) BestChain, (FUN) Alphabet Coin Fund, (MOTO) Motocoin, (XVS) Vsync, (FRWC) FrankyWillCoin, (OCOW) OCOW, (ADT) The Aladin, (WSX) WeAreSatoshi, (OPES) Opescoin, (TCOIN) T-coin, (MMXVI) MMXVI, (PXC) Phoenixcoin, (TODAY) TodayCoin, (TIC) True Investment Coin, (SKC) Skeincoin, (LFC) BigLifeCoin, (XVE) The Vegan Initiative, (DBG) Digital Bullion Gold, (ASC) AsicCoin, (DUB) Dubstep, (MONETA) Moneta, (RUBIT) RubleBit, (BRAIN) Braincoin, (GMB) Gambleo, (QBC) Quebecoin, (LAZ) Lazaruscoin, (MARX) MarxCoin, (SPORT) SportsCoin, (MCRN) MACRON, (BAC) BitAlphaCoin, (CBD) CBD Crystals, (SKR) Sakuracoin, (QBT) Cubits, (DISK) DarkLisk, (GAIN) UGAIN, (OP) Operand, (PRM) PrismChain, (HCC) Happy Creator Coin, (CYC) Cycling Coin, (LEPEN) LePen, (GMX) GoldMaxCoin, (LTH) LAthaan, (GBRC) Global Business Revolution, (TCR) TheCreed, (LKC) LinkedCoin, (MBL) MobileCash, (FEDS) FedoraShare, (POKE) PokeCoin, (TEAM) TeamUp, (VGC) VegasCoin, (UNC) UNCoin, (CC) CyberCoin, (PAYP) PayPeer, (TELL) Tellurion, (MONEY) MoneyCoin, (XSTC) Safe Trade Coin, (PDG) PinkDog, (WOW) Wowcoin, (IFLT) InflationCoin, (ACES) Aces, (YES) Yescoin, (FFC) FireFlyCoin, (CME) Cashme, (STRB) SuperTurboStake, (SOUL) SoulCoin, (HILL) President Clinton, (RCN) Rcoin, (PBC) PabyosiCoin, (X2) X2, (CHOOF) ChoofCoin, (VTY) Victoriouscoin, (VAL) Valorbit, (DIME) Dimecoin, (VTA) Virtacoin, (DVC) Devcoin, (XP) XP, (NBE) BitCentavo, (PAC) Paccoin

    and many more!

    Server Requirements

    • allow url fopen enabled
  • Woocommerce Fast View Professional for visible composer (eCommerce)

    Woocommerce Fast View Professional for visible composer (eCommerce)


    – Woocommerce Quick View Pro for visual composer allow you will create a quick view with your style for visual composer.
    – This plugin allow users to see WooCommerce products in Popup on Shop and Category Pages. (The view in the popup is the style you created the template).


    – Easy to use.
    – Create your own style template for popup quick view ( with visual composer).

    – 2 different Quick View types :
    + Button (Display outside the product image): you can choose background color button, change name button display (color,font-size),…
    + Icon (Display inside the product image) : Choose display icon, position icon, Hover mode,..
    – Custom popup animation when click button quick view. (None, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Move Top, Move Bottom, Move Left, Move Right,…).
    – Extend the Visual Composer, work fine with the VC update
    – Include Depth Modal and Scrolling Notification extension.
    – Popup support any kind of content (use visual composer).
    – Optional popup window background, text color, background color , width.
    – Compatible with latest jQuery and latest WordPress.
    – Free update in the future.

    use plugin
    user: demo6
    pass: demo6


    Version 1.0 Initial Release

  • Wpcomomatic To WordPress Computerized Move-Poster Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Wpcomomatic To WordPress Automatic Cross-Poster

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Wpcomomatic To WordPress Automatic Cross-Poster is a breaking edge (made in 2017) From WordPress and To WordPress post importer plugin ( crossposter) that is ideal for auto blogging and automatic post publishing. It uses the REST API to turn your website into a auto blogging or even a money making machine!
    This plugin caa also be used to automatically publish posts every time you publish a new post to your blog.
    Using this plugin, you can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:

    • Any public website

    Other plugin features:

    • Automatic Post generator every time you publish a new post to
    • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
    • a wide range of post search query options
    • a wide range of autoposting options
    • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – great SEO value!
    • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
    • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
    • manually add post categories or tags to items
    • import comments for generated posts
    • generate post or page
    • define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
    • automatically generate a featured image for the post
    • enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
    • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
    • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
    • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
    • detailed plugin activity logging
    • scheduled rule runs
    • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
    • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
    • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
    • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content

    Try it out now

    Testing this plugin

    • You can test the plugin’s functionality using the ‘Test Site Generator’. Here you can try the plugin’s full functionality. Note that the generated testing blog will be deleted automatically after 24 hours.

    Plugin Requirements

    Learn more about this plugin

    Need support?

    Just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-10-22

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better plugin! 4.8 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Through this plugin you are able to grab content from websites that does not necessary belong to you or which are not under your control. If you grab copyrighted material without the author’s permission, the plugin’s developer does not assume any responsibility for your actions. Also, the plugin’s developer has no control over the nature, content and availability of grabbed material.

    Do you like our work and want more of it? Check out this MEGA bundle or this BLOG CROSSPOSTER bundle!

  • Media Hovers wordpress Plugin (Media)

    Media Hovers wordpress Plugin (Media)

    Get Motion to your images. Media Hovers is a responsive HTML5 plugin which plays audio and video on hover. It can be applied to any element. Just specify thumbnail and audio or video file and turn it into your hover. Media Hovers also supports lightbox mode where images and videos can be viewed in larger mode.

    Features and options:

    • HTML5 video and audio support
    • Cross browser compatible
    • IOS and Android support
    • Font Awesome Library icons
    • Mix both audio and videos in the same page
    • Optional image slideshows while audio plays
    • Social sharing support (facebook, twitter, google plus)
    • Lightbox support
    • Many ready to go demos included in the package
    • Lightweight code

    keywords: video hover, audio, facebook, twitter, share, lightbox gallery, autoplay video

    Updates / Changelog

    VERSION 1.0 [11.10.2017]

     - first release
  • Templatica – Visible Composer Templates Supervisor (Add-ons)


    Templatica is lightweight WordPress plugin crafted for creating and managing templates of Visual Composer. Tool allows to manage contents (VC elements, blocks of code etc.) added to the multiple pages/posts/custom post types from single place. Above feature saves a lot of time – instead updating the same content on multiple pages, you can do it from one template. Native WordPress import/export functionality allows to migration templates between systems in easy way without any issues.

    High code scalability and modularity

    Templatica allows to build templates which can be used without any limitation on other posts/pages/custom post types. It means, that you can manage the content from single place, no matter how many times you included template to the different pages/posts etc. All modifications done in template will be visible on all pages/posts which uses this template.

    Build on native WordPress functionality

    Templatica has been created based on native WordPress functionalities (like Custom Post Type) and MySQL tables (no external tables are created). Such solution allows to avoid issues related with data migration between different environments. In case making of backup, no other actions are needed.

    Integration with Visual Composer

    Templatica extends Visual Composer components library about new element named Template. It can be used in visual mode of VC and allows to choose defined templates to put it on the page/post.

    Access control

    Templatica allows to limit access to templates based on WordPress user roles (like Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber etc.). In other words newly built template can be availble for users based on their roles defined in WordPress. Only author of template has unlimited access.

    Templates migration

    Templatica uses one of native WordPress functionality named Custom Post Types. It means that all created templates are stored by using buit-in functions and SQL tables without necessity of using external relations. Such solution reduces the possibility of occurring issues related with data migration between servers.

    Support for sidebars

    Templatica gives possiblity to create a template which can be used directly in theme sidebars. The plugin extends an existing list of widgets about new one named Template. As well as in case of Visual Composer element, widget allows to select a template used in the sidebar.

    Nested templates

    Templatica allows to build a template which can contain another, nested template(s). This feature gives infinite possibilities in modularization of the website.

    Creating templates based on existing content

    Templatica allows creating templates based on existing content from posts/pages/custom post types. With our plugin it is very easy to do – just one click during editing post is needed. All other steps will be done automatically.

    List of post in which template is used

    Templatica shows list of post/pages in which template has been used. This option is very useful – expecially when you have to remove template and make sure that this action will not effected to look and feel of your page. Entire list is available in single location.

  • SearchAzon – WooCommerce Amazon Associates Auto Search Plugin (eCommerce)

    SearchAzon – WooCommerce Amazon Associates Auto Search Plugin (eCommerce)

    Change a Potentially Lost Client into Income!

    Monetize with SearchAzon!

    SearchAzon allows you to integrate the Amazon Search functionality into your Website.

    You can choose to Display Amazon Search Results on your Website and Redirect Visitors to Amazon.

    Are you familiar with a Win-Win situation? A win-win situation is one in which everyone benefits!

    How does SearchAzon fits here? Well, using SearchAzon, you will Earn Commissions and your Customers will be Happy! It’s a very Simple Concept that will Generate Income on Autopilot!

    Let’s say that you already have a Shop Featuring a certain Products Niche, like: Apple. A Customer Enters your Website and Searches for Samsung S8+!!! What will happen? You will lose this Customer!!!!!!! NO WAY! This is where SearchAzon comes into Action! If a Customer Searches for a product that Cannot be Found on your Website, based on that Keyword / Phrase an Automatic Search will be launched on Amazon and your customer will get the best results from Amazon right on your website! No more Lost or Disappointed Customers! They get what they want and you will generate extra Income from Amazon!

    Never loose a customer again!

    Automatic insertion into WooCommerce & WordPress Search when Searched Content / Products are not found! No hassle, no coding, no amazon aws keys!

    Start Making Money with Amazon’s Affiliate Programs with no effort!

    SearchAzon works with Amazon’s Major Affiliate Programs!
    United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, India and Japan

    It also comes with Geo-Targeting! This Feature automatically detects your client’s location (country) and only loads Amazon Products from the closest Amazon Website. Ex: You have a Client from Canada that Searches for “Samsung” on your Website. When he clicks on any Amazon Product, he will be redirected to

    Setup the default Search Category on each Amazon Affiliate Program.

    As checkout features you have Direct Checkout or Add to cart! The Add to cart comes with the 90 days cookie of course!

    Customize Amazon Searched Products in just a few clicks! Each product comes with an Image, Title, Category, Price and Ratings. Depending on Amazon Affiliate Website, you might get extra fields, like if a product is Eligible for Prime. All these are very easy to Customize, starting with Font Families, Sizes, Colors, and also you can Setup how Many Products to Display per Column, and how many Products to Display per Page and if you wish to Display a Custom Pagination or not.

    The BUY Button is Customizable as well.

    Last but not the least, you have statistics on searches, clicks and top searched keywords! Extra,a nice graphic with the statistics.

    Why should you become an Amazon Affiliate? Well, there are a few reasons worth mentioning:

    • Amazon is an established brand and many people already have an account and shop there.
    • Amazon has a wide range of products
    • Commissions are bigger on higher value products
    • Amazon is a stable company so there’s no concern about not getting paid.

    Full Features List:

    • Easy Install
    • Online Documentation & How to Videos
    • Works with any WooCommerce / WordPress Theme
    • Setup where to display SearchAzon – On WooCommerce Search, WordPress Search or both
    • Checkout options – Direct Checkout or Add to cart (with 90 days cookie)
    • Geo-Targeting Option
    • Works with United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, India and Japan
    • Layout Setup – setup how many products to display per column / per page
    • Pagination on Products
    • Customizable Products
    • Default Search Category
    • Live Statistics