
  • WPJenkins Merely Run Jenkins Jobs Via WP (Utilities)

    WPJenkins Merely Run Jenkins Jobs Via WP (Utilities)

    “WPJenkins Simply Run Jenkins Jobs Through WordPress”

    Table of Contents

    1. Plugin Installation .
    2. Add New Jenkins Job .
    3. Run Jenkins Job .
    4. Edit Jenkins Job .
    5. Delete Jenkins Job .
    6. Sources and Credits .

    A) Plugin Installation . – top

    First Method :
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose Plugins >> Add New .
    * Press Upload Plugin , Choose plugin zip file included in your purchased plugin files.
    * Press install Now Button then Activate Plugin.

    check this video tutorial on youtube >>

    Second Method : ” Only works if you have FTP access .”
    * extract plugin zip file included in your purchased plugin files .
    * Upload extracted plugin files to wp-content/plugins directory .
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose Plugins >> Installed Plugins .
    * Search for WPJenkins plugin then press Activate Plugin button .

    B) Add New Jenkins Job . – top

    Jenkins Part :
    * Login to your jenkins url .
    * Click on the job you want to remotely execute through wordpress .
    * Click on configure link.
    * Scroll to Build Triggers section .

    * Mark on Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts) checkBox .

    * Enter you Authentication Token .
    * Copy your job execution url ex: JENKINS_URL/job/first_job/build?token=TOKEN_NAME .

    * Replace JENKINS_URL with your jenkins host url and TOKEN_NAME with your entered Authentication Token.
    * The Url will be like that .

    check this video tutorial on youtube >>

    WPJenkins Part :
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose WPJenkins Jobs .
    * CLick on Add new Jenkins job Button , A popup will appear letting you add your jenkins job .
    * Enter Jenkins Job Url .
    * Enter Jenkins Job Title .
    * Click Add Jenkins Job button .
    * A notification message will appear after adding your jenkins job , then the page will refresh .

    check this video tutorial on youtube >>

    C) Run Jenkins Job . – top

    To run your Jenkins Job :
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose WPJenkins Jobs .
    * Choose the Jenkins job you want to execute .
    * Click on run button .
    * A notification message will appear after running your jenkins job , then the page will refresh .

    check this video tutorial on youtube >>

    D) Edit Jenkins Job . – top

    To edit your Jenkins Job :
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose WPJenkins Jobs .
    * Choose the Jenkins job you want to edit .
    * Click on edit button , A popup will appear letting you edit your jenkins job .
    * Edit Jenkins Job Url .
    * Edit Jenkins Job Title .
    * Click Update Jenkins Job button .
    * A notification message will appear after updating your jenkins job , then the page will refresh .

    check this video tutorial on youtube >>

    E) Delete Jenkins Job . – top

    To delete your Jenkins Job :
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose WPJenkins Jobs .
    * Choose the Jenkins job you want to delete .
    * Click on delete button .
    * A notification message will appear after deleting your jenkins job , then the page will refresh .

    check this video tutorial on youtube >>

    F) Sources and Credits – top

    I’ve used the following Libraries as listed.

    • Jquery Plugin version 1.10.2 . “licence included – MIT license.”
    • bootstrap Plugin version 3.3.6 . “licence included – MIT license.”
  • Current Historical past Customized Timelines (Widgets)

    Current Historical past Customized Timelines (Widgets)

    Quickly create custom timelines based on WordPress Posts or create your own custom events using our easy to use backend admin. Create single date/time events or ranges between two dates/times. Want it to match the look of your site? No problem. Create your own theme(s) to get the look you want.

    Show additional details with each custom event. Add text, video and media files to help users learn more about a specific event. Even add a video background to your timeline!

  • Qu – The Ingenious Multipurpose WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    Qu – The Ingenious Multipurpose WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    The Most Customizable WordPress Theme On The Planet

    Qu’s customization capabilities go far beyond any theme you’ve ever seen. Qu can do things no other theme on the planet can, both visually, and in the backend. With Qu you can literally create unlimited designs that are both different, and unique.

    18 Highly Customizable Headers

    Qu comes with 18 awesome and totally different menu/header designs. From vertical, to horizontal, to ribbon and overlay, from scrollable to sticky, and from light to dark, you can completely change the look and feel of your website with these awesome menu designs. Each of these menus is also highly customizable on its own, so the possibilities are endless. The page title is also customizable from font, size, weight, style, position, skew and color, so you can create your own unique look.

    Fully Customizable Typography

    Typography represents 80% of a website, and it can literally change the design of a website.
    Choose from over 600 google fonts, experiment with sizes, line heights, styles, weights, combine different fonts, and change all aspects of the typography of the entire theme, to give your website the exact feel you’re looking for. Qu comes with an ultra powerful typography customization panel, that gives you total control over every aspect of the typography (we literally mean it).

    Fully Customizable Design

    18 highly customizable menu styles – From vertical, to horizontal, to ribbon and overlay, from light to dark, and from scrollable to sticky, you can completely change the look of your website with these awesome menu styles. Oh, and every one of these menus are also highly customizable.

    Fully customizable typography – From fonts, font sizes and line heights, to font styles and font weights, you can change the whole aspect of your website’s typography.

    Never before seen visual FX – Spice up your website by applying a highly customizable translucent or/and saturation effect on the content and/or on the menu. Have you ever seen anything like this before?

    Custom content width and margins – Choose the column width (12 cols), the gutter width, outer margins width, inner margins width, there’s nothing Qu cannot accomplish.

    Customizable layout opacities – Play with transparency values for the content and/or menus, or go full solid opaque, either way, you can’t go wrong, your website will look stunning.

    Customizable colors – Most of the colors in Qu are customizable, and soon we will make an update so that all the colors will be customizable.

    Light and dark environments – Even the environment skins are special in “Qu”, as the menu skins and content skins are not tied to one another, so you can combine them. For example you can choose a light menu style, make the content dark, and make the menu transparent with translucent effect, and the content solid and opaque. Combine them in any way, the possibilities are endless, the only limit if your imagination.

    Boxed, fullscreen liquid, fullscreen static content – Change your website’s appearance with ease, as you have complete and total control over the layout size and style of your website.

    Content position – Position your content on the right, left or center, it will look stunning anywhere you put it.

    Light and/or dark sections in pages – When creating regular pages, Qu allows you to use light sections, dark sections, light-dark mixed section, or use images as section backgrounds. Additionally, you have possibility to customize the color of each section, or add a background image to each section.

    Page section title builder – Build your own unique page section title. Choose between one or two lines, choose the divider type, fonts, sizes, weights, styles, spacing colors and more.

    Page title options – Even the page title is fully cutomizable from typography, skew and position (center, left, right). We have thought about everything.

    Fullscreen background – Choose your favorite images as backgrounds, or choose any solid color if you want to keep it sleak and simple. Go minimal, or fully creative, Qu can handle anything.

    Optional background slideshow – this state of the art feature will make your website look smooth and lively.

    Optional parallax background – This truly is an outstanding visual effect, especially if you enable the custom made smooth scrollbar. The visual impact is staggering.

    Optional ajax animated page transitions – This is another amazing option Qu has, that most themes can’t handle. Of course it’s optional, and most of all, eye catching.

    Optional smooth scrollbar – This custom smooth scrollbar will make the content scroll smoothly… naturally. But the main reason we created it, was to have it combined with the parallax background effect. Using the translucent effect makes even a greater effect, try them with the preview customizer.

    Custom optional site margins – Used the right way, this option can really make your website look more interesting and unique. Choose the number in pixels and then the color, and voila.

    Two types of icon fonts – included with Qu are Font Awesome and ET-Lines icon fonts.

    Complete set of elements – Create beautiful pages with over 100 beautiful elements Qu offers. Each one of these elementsa is highly customizable on its own, and editable with Visual Composer.

    Fully widgetized – The full set of ready to use widgets will make your sidebars and footers look stunning. Each widget is customizable on its own.

    Optional sidebars and footers – While Qu can be made to look amazing without a footer, the choice is yours, per page. We want you to have full control.

    Snazzy maps – Even the maps in Qu are customizable. Choose the skins you want from and paste them in Qu.

    Section custom header shapes – Combine this feature with the page title design, and create your own unique design and mark. Qu allows you to be different every time.

    Visual Composer

    Is there anyone who isn’t familiar with “Visual Composer”? Hard to believe. But just in case, here’s a short description :)
    “Visual Composer” is probably the best WordPress page builder on the market, and definitely our favorite. It’s extremely powerful, and yet very intuitive, easy and fun to use. The capabilities of this awesome plugin go beyond those of a regular page builder, as with “Visual Composer” you can edit your website both from your admin panel by drag and drop, but more importantly, directly from the frontend (directly from the website itself).
    No wonder it’s the best selling page builder of all times, used in over a milion websites, and it’s included FOR FREE in Qu.
    View full Visual Composer description

    Slider Revolution

    Create amazing sliders with this amazing plugin. Unleash your imagination, because Revolution Slider most probably supports any idea you might have. Words are pretty much redundant, please check out this plugin and see the magic it’s capable of. This plugin is included FOR FREE in Qu.
    View full Slider Revolution description

    Save Your Designs

    This feature is never before seen in a theme, and it’s gonna save you a lot of time and effort.
    1. Design your website with Qu.
    2. Save the design, just like you would save any file. Save it under a new name, or overwrite another design.
    3. Save as many designs as you want.
    4. Activate the design you like most, whenever you want. All the settings of the activated design are now live.
    5. Activate, edit or remove any design at any time.
    Can you even imagine how much time this feature is going to save you?

    Live Customizer

    The LIVE CUSTOMIZER allows you to see in real time all the changes you make to your website’s design. It’s really awesome, and it saves you a lot of time and effort, plus it’s way more fun to work with. It’s just like painting, where you see exactly what’s happening in real time.

    The Most Complex And Versatile Portfolios/Galleries Engine

    • Combine the Portfolio/Gallery main you want, with the Portfolio Single/Lightbox you want.
    • Add the portfolios and galleries to any of your pages, jsut like you would add any element.
    • Build your grid the way you want to, with our state of the art visual grid builder, which allows you to control the dimensions of each thumb, giving you total control over the portfolio layout.
    • Opt between normal pages, fullscreen liquid or fullscreen fixed pages
    • Opt between grid or masonry thumbnails
    • Opt between pagination, infinite scroll with lazy loading, or none of the two
    • Re-order you portfolio items with drag and drop, and also find them quickly, as they have thumbnails in the backend, for time saving

    Classic Portfolio

    • 2, 3, 4, 5 columns
    • Optional custom thumb size for every thumbnail, with our visual grid builder, or masonry thumbnail
    • Custom thumbnail spacing
    • Supports “Classic single normal”, Classic single fullscreen”, “Item lightbox”, “Classic lightbox”
    • Optional ajax filters
    • Optional pagination, with custom number of thumbnails per page, or infinite scroll with lazy loading, or no pagination or infinite scroll whatsoever
    • Custom order with thumbnails and number
    • Supports normal pages, fullscreen liquid or fullscreen fixed pages
    • Can be added to any page, just like any other element

    Fullscreen Stack Portfolio

    • 2, 3, 4, 5 columns
    • Optional custom thumb size for every thumbnail, with our visual grid builder, or masonry thumbnail
    • Custom thumbnail spacing
    • Supports “Classic single normal”, Classic single fullscreen”, “Item lightbox”, “Classic lightbox”
    • Optional ajax filters
    • Optional pagination, with custom number of thumbnails per page, or infinite scroll with lazy loading, or no pagination or infinite scroll whatsoever
    • Custom order with thumbnails and number
    • Supports normal pages, fullscreen liquid or fullscreen fixed pages
    • Can be added to any page, just like any other element

    Expandable Portfolio

    • 2, 3, 4, 5 columns
    • Optional custom thumb size for every thumbnail, with our visual grid builder
    • Custom thumbnail spacing
    • 2 portfolio single styles (“Expandable single small” and “Expandable single wide”)
    • Supports image, slider, local video, youtube video, vimeo video and video with cover image
    • Custom order with thumbnails and number
    • Supports normal pages, fullscreen liquid or fullscreen fixed pages
    • Can be added to any page, just like any other element
    • 2, 3, 4, 5 columns
    • Optional custom thumb size for every thumbnail, with our visual grid builder, or masonry thumbnail
    • Custom thumbnail spacing
    • Supports “Classic single normal”, Classic single fullscreen”, “Item lightbox”, “Classic lightbox”
    • Optional ajax filters
    • Optional pagination, with custom number of thumbnails per page, or infinite scroll with lazy loading, or no pagination or infinite scroll whatsoever
    • Custom order with thumbnails and number
    • Supports normal pages, fullscreen liquid or fullscreen fixed pages
    • Can be added to any page, just like any other element
    • Supports image, slider, local video, youtube video, vimeo video and video with cover image
    • This gallery does not use a lightbox, it loads the media directly in-page
    • Smooth animated transitions
    • This gallery is the only gallery that cannot be added to pages, as it requires its own separate page
    • Optional description
    • Custom order with thumbnails and number

    Portfolio Single Item / Lightboxes

    • Classic Single Normal
    • – Supports image, slider, local video, youtube video, vimeo video and video with cover image, and of course description/information

    • Classic Single Fullscreen
    • – Supports image and slider, and of course description/information

    • Item Lightbox
    • – Supports image, slider, local video, youtube video, vimeo video and video with cover image, and of course description/information

    • Custom Classic Lightbox
    • – Supports image, slider, local video, youtube video, vimeo video and video with cover image, and of course description/information

    • Expandable Single Small (Portfolio Expandable only)
    • – Supports image, slider, local video, youtube video, vimeo video and video with cover image, and of course description/information

    • Expandable Single Wide (Portfolio Expandable only)
    • – Supports image, slider, local video, youtube video, vimeo video and video with cover image, and of course description/information

    • In Page Lightbox (Lights Out Gallery only)
    • – Supports image, slider, local video, youtube video, vimeo video and video with cover image, and of course description/information

    Complete Set Of Elements

    Qu comes with a complete set of elements, both light and dark, so you can create stunning pages. All elements are highly customizable to suit your needs.

    Free Updates And Upgrades

    Qu was born, but it continues being built as we speak, as we’re going to make it bigger and better, as this is a long term commitment. The best thing about it is that you will always receive all future updates and features for free. You only pay for Qu once!

    Fast And Reliable Support

    We know how important support is, so we put together a dedicated support staff to answer your questions lightning fast. Qu also comes with an extended manual, but please note that Qu is extremely intuitive and easy to use.

    One Click Demo Install

    No worries when installing Qu, it’s easy even for people that never saw WordPress. Just lay back, relax, and have fun, we sure did when building it :)

    Responsive And Retina Ready

    Responsive is no longer a thing of wonder, but retina ready still is. Well, Qu Creative has them both. We know how important it is for you that your visitors have the best experience possible when browsing your website, so we made Q Creative ultra friendly with ALL devices, retina devices included.

    Child Themes

    If the customization possibilities are not enough for you, which is impossible, you can paste your custom CSS into the Child Theme that Qu comes with. We doubt you will ever need though.


    The blog supports custom post types (single image, slider, youtube video, vimeo video, local video, and any video type with image cover) and the sidebar is fully widgetized.

    The footer is fully widgetized, and it’s optional per page. It works on all types of pages: normal, fullscreen liquid and fullscreen fixed. The reason we made it optional is because with Qu you can achieve outstanding looks even without a footer, unlike most regular websites that tend to look “unfinished” without a footer. With Qu, you are in total control of every particulor detail of your website.

    Translation Ready And RTL Text

    For users that prefer other languages besides English, we included the .po files, and the theme is Right To Left Text ready.

    Just a few fields where Qu fits perfectly

    agency, studio, fashion, photography, video production, motion design, product design, restaurant, cuisine, blog, gym, fitness, fine arts,, beauty salon, spa, portfolio, music, television, media, theatre, museum, art gallery, illustration, industrial design, make-up, hair styling, jewellery, entertainment, graphic design, web design, game design, interior design, architecture, acting, multimedia, landscape design, costume design, dance school, hotels, resorts, vacations, holidays, cafe, bakery, cakery, modeling, fitness, blogging


    Preview image are not included in the package,
    Stock Adobe (previously known as Fotolia)

  • Exporter for MegaPoll – Analytics, Responses and Outcomes (Varieties)

    Exporter for MegaPoll – Analytics, Responses and Outcomes (Varieties)

    Exporter for MegaPoll is a premium addon to the MegaPoll: WordPress Poll and Survey Builder Plugin plugin. It adds the ability to exports reports to PDF and HTML files.

    This plugin is not a standalone application. You’d need MegaPoll: WordPress Poll and Survey Builder Plugin to use it.

    Minimum Requirements

    • WordPress version: 3.5.x+
    • PHP version: 5.3.x+
    • PHP ZIP Library
    • PHP GD2 Extension
    • PHP mb_string Module
    • PHP Memory at least 256MB (512MB recommended)
    • MegaPoll – WordPress Form Builder, Version 1.7.3 or greater

    List of Features

    • Export Analytics: You can export the analytics of a poll or survey.
    • Email PDF Attachments: You can send responses as PDF attachments to both users and administrators.
    • Export Results: You can export the results of a poll or survey.


    Please refer to the working admin demo to see what exact features you will be getting before buying. If you think certain feature should be a part of the plugin but is not present, then you can open a thread on our Support Forum. If we see the feature is really important to the community, then we shall do our best to add it to the future version.

  • Gravity Varieties IBAN Validation (Varieties)

    Gravity Varieties IBAN Validation (Varieties)

    +Gravity Forms IBAN validation

    This add-on for Gravity Forms adds the option to validate if the users’ input is a valid IBAN bank account number.
    The check is done when the user submits the form and it will show an error if the input is not correct. Only if this error is resolved the form can be actually be submitted.

    In case of an invalid IBAN account number, the default Gravity Forms error message will be displayed in the language that Gravity Forms is set up in.

    +How to validate IBAN in Gravity Forms:

    By installing this plugin besides Gravity Forms (premium plugin) you will be able validate IBAN account numbers through two ways:

    1. Apply a IBAN mask to existing fields
      You can apply a IBAN mask to regular text input fields that are already set up in your form. The mask will show as a placeholder inside the input element (eg. [____ ____ ____ __]). It validates the account number when submitting the form.
    2. Add a new IBAN input field to your form
      You can add a new field to your form. It validates the account number when submitting the form.

    +Requirements and dependencies

  • Put up Information Scrollers for Visible Composer WP Plugin (Add-ons)

    Put up Information Scrollers for Visible Composer WP Plugin (Add-ons)

    The best way to showcase your Post News Scrollers inside of Visual Composer page builder. Choose from 6 customizable Post News Scrollers layouts we created just for your needs. This pack is truly awesome and unique in its design and usability.

    Post News Scrollers Features

    • Fully Visual Composer Compatible
    • 6 Post News Scrollers to choose from
    • Fully Responsive
    • Editable Colors
    • Editable Fields
    • CSS3
    • Multiple Post News Scrollers in one page
    • and many others features

  • Imguromatic Computerized Put up Generator and Imgur Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Imguromatic Computerized Put up Generator and Imgur Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Imguromatic Automatic Post Generator and Imgur Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Imguromatic Automatic Post Generator and Imgur Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge (made in 2017) Imgur To WordPress and WordPress To Imgur post importer plugin that is ideal for auto blogging and automatic Imgur post publishing. It uses Imgur public content to turn your website into a auto blogging or even a money making machine!
    It also can be used to automatically publish Imgur photos or animated gifs to your Imgur profile every time you publish a new post to your blog.
    Using this plugin, you can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:

    • Query keyword based search for images or animated gifs

    Other plugin features:

    • Automatic Imgur Post generator every time you publish a new post to WordPress
    • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
    • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – great SEO value!
    • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
    • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
    • manually add post categories or tags to items
    • generate post or page or any custom post type
    • define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
    • automatically generate a featured image for the post
    • enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
    • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
    • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
    • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
    • detailed plugin activity logging
    • scheduled rule runs
    • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
    • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
    • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
    • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content

    Try it out now

    Testing this plugin

    • You can test the plugin’s functionality using the ‘Test Site Generator’. Here you can try the plugin’s full functionality. Note that the generated testing blog will be deleted automatically after 24 hours.

    Plugin Requirements

    PHP 5.0.0 or higher
    php CURL extension (install to Debian/Ubuntu etc with apt-get install php5-curl )
    PHP DOM -> how to install it (if you don’t have it, but probably you already have it):

    Learn more about this plugin

    Need support?

    Just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-10-26

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.8 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Through this plugin you are able to grab content from Imgur that does not necessary belong to you or which are not under your control. Images and media uploaded to Imgur belong to the author that created the image or media. If you grab copyrighted material without the author’s permission, the plugin’s developer does not assume any responsibility for your actions. Also, the plugin’s developer has no control over the nature, content and availability of grabbed material.

    Do you like our work and want more of it?
    Check out this MEGA plugin bundle or this SOCIAL plugin bundle.

  • Seline – Ingenious Multi Goal WordPress Theme (Inventive)

    Seline – Ingenious Multi Goal WordPress Theme (Inventive)

    Clean, Customizable & Powerful Multi Purpose WordPress Theme

    Selie is a Beautiful, Professional, Clean, Modern, User Friendly, Mobile Friendly, Fast-loading, Highly Customizable, Flexible and functional WordPress theme. Seline Allows you to taste the different layout blog style. There are five different blog style layout and 3 different single blog style layout. Seline will add value to your WordPress site as beautiful blog page design. You can switch with any blog layouts anytime, no coding skill required.

    Also there is plenty of shortcode like as About, Bottom Margin, Bottom Padding, Call To Action, Counter Up, Elegent Box, Google Map, Image, Latest Blog, Latest Blog No Column, Portfolio, Pricing Table, Secion, Services, Subscribe, Team Member 01, Team Member 02, Testimonial 01, Testimonial 02, Top Margin, Top Padding, Grid Builder, Accordion, Contact Form and lot more

    Seline Features

    • One Click Demo Install
    • Advanced Form Builder
    • Unyson Page Builder
    • 25+ Shortcode
    • Unlimited Colors
    • 60+ Portfolio Variation
    • 10 Unique Home Page
    • 4 Unique Contact Page
    • 7 Unique About Style
    • 5 Unique Service Style
    • 5 Unique Blog Style
    • 5 Unique Team Style
    • 3 Unique Pricing Table
    • 4 Header Style
    • Masonary Gallery Layout
    • Powerful Shortcode
    • Fully Resonsive
    • Unlimited Animations
    • Advanced Theme Options
    • Grid Builder
    • Advanced Typography
    • Fast Loading
    • Responsive
    • Google Fonts
  • JetMenu – Mega Menu for Web page Builder Elementor (Add-ons)

    JetMenu – Mega Menu for Web page Builder Elementor (Add-ons)

    JetMenu Overview

    is a top-notch mega menu plugin. It allows you creating a fully responsive mega menu with dropdown items, rich in content modules, all the process clear and easy.


    Even a beginner will cope with building a mega menu using JetMenu plugin. The piece will also suit the developers, as it has versatile customization options, great intuitive interface and dazzling functionality!

    Its key feature is that one doesn’t need coding skills to build a fascinating menu with JetMenu plugin. Everything can be done just with its pre-built functionality, in a smooth and easy way.

    JetMenu frees your potential when it comes to creating uncommon mega menu items. And the process is rather simple, has much in common with building pages with Elementor. Actually, one can add to menu the same modules as when using Elementor and filling up the pages with content.

    This great menu plugin will make you want to discover a creative streak in you, as it has so many versatile appearance settings. Add shadows to your mega menu, create dropdown menu items, use adjustable paddings and borders, apply eye-catching badges and use flexible backgrounds to create a truly professional-looking menu, which will create the first impression of your website!

    And there are so much more curious features to JetMenu, such as a true abundance of vibrant colors at hand when styling up the menu, multiple icons. The menu created with JetMenu plugin will be fully responsive, sharing the same responsiveness treats with the well-known Elementor content builder plugin.


    Easy to use

    JetMenu breaks all your beliefs about creating mega menu, making the task easy and smooth even for those who don’t possess any coding skills. You’ll enjoy the way you will be able to add menu items and stuff them with content in the exactly same way you’re able to add content modules to the page with Elementor!

    Highly customizable

    Enjoy the true abundance of customization options with JetMenu mega menu plugin! It has every means to assist you in creating unique style using shadows, custom paddings and borders and classy icons to build an attractively-looking mega menu!


    With JetMenu plugin you’ll get the most versatile content modules, that will assist you in creating loads of attractively-looking menu items, filled with imagery, posts and multimedia content. Feel free to express your unique vision of menu with JetMenu plugin!

    Fully Responsive

    What is important about JetMenu is that this plugin is fully responsive! It gives you the opportunity to make it look great on different kinds of screens. Regardless of what device your visitor uses, JetMenu will work properly and look its best!

    Magnificent Badges

    To attract your visitors’ attention you can easily use beautiful badges to mark menu items as trending, hot or new. Add stylish badges to your mega menu to make the navigation process smoother and adorn your menu with sparkling colors!

    Abundant colors

    A true vibrancy of colors is within reach with JetMenu mega menu plugin! Relish in the complete palette including all colors of the world to make your menu look stylish and classy!

    Customizable backgrounds

    Use different eye-catching backgrounds with JetMenu plugin! You can fix the background width, set your custom background, and there are still so many more options allowing you to make a perfect background for the menu items!