Build calendars with static and dynamic ranges for your WordPress pages. Once the calendar is set up, publish it, and run it via shortcode on page, post or widget area.
- Posts published that day
- Posts published that day in particular category
- Posts with clause for that day (post meta, ACF etc.)
- Any post type (eg. product)
- Create rules for: every day, every Monday…Sunday, odd-even days, and run different functions & configurations
- Create your own display function
- Combine all above in logic way
Create static and dynamic calendar ranges:
- Static – for given start and end date, eg. January 1, 2017, to July 15, 2017
- Dynamic – use pseudo values for date: now, +30 days, +1 month, +1 year, -15 days etc.
Style your calendars in any way you want to override default styling (fonts, colors, sizing).
- Create own global styling defaults for your calendars
- Override each styling setting at individual calendars
- Style headings, day names, cell contents, calendar width, borders, colors
- Insert own CSS class names in calendar DOM tree
This plugin provides calendar functionality to the front-end of your WordPress installation. Users with no experience of programming are able to set up calendars for own needs by implementing instructions from this page and connected ‘How To’ posts. For advanced users, there is an ability to code own cell display functions or edit the default one, placing it in own functions.php file.
Plugin in action
Posts by date published

Posts by date happening (events) matched via Custom Fields (or ACF)

Posts by date happening (events) matched via Custom Fields (or ACF) and Category name; added custom CSS classes

Working hours: cells filled with the resault of the custom .PHP function instead of Goo Calendar default built-in loop function

Dashboard admin section
Create unlimited number of calendars

Plugin main settings

Each calendar settings

Documentations & Demo
documentation at official page: Goo Calendar
Goo Calendar Demo