Category: Wordpress Templates
Hostme – LayersWP Multipurpose Youngster Theme (Miscellaneous)
Layers Hostme Theme is clean and minimal responsive design built with LayersWP Site Builder which is easy to use with drag and drop option. We have implemented many shortcodes and widgets in the layerswp framework which makes your project easier and better than before and can be used for multipurpose websites such as hosting, business, portfolio, and other as well.
Layers Hostme Child Theme has many features like sliders on any page anywhere, Unlimited portfolios, Masonry Blog without or with sidebars, Portfolio, 500+ Google fonts, Custom widgets and much much more…
WHCMS CompatibleTheme Features List
- Business Hours Plugin worth $12
- Static Image Slider
- Video Stage Slider
- Supports YouTube and Vimeo too.
- 5 Header Styles
- Compatible with WHMCS
- Requires WHMCS Bridge Plugin for WHMCS
- Layers WHMCS Domain Checker Widget
- Layers Twitter Widget
- Layers Flickr Widget
- Fontawesome Compatible
- Layers Portfolio Display
- Normal Portfolios
- 1 column portfolio
- 2 column portfolio
- 3 column portfolio
- 4 column portfolio
- Left Sidebar option
- Right Sidebar option
- Left + Right Sidebar option
- Full width page option
- Assign Slider to any page and anywhere
- Fullwidth Section Parallax Background
- 500+ Google Web Fonts
- Widgetized Footer
- Progress Bar Horizontal
- Google Map Layers Widget
- Demo Spacer Shortcode with margins
- 4 Dividers Thin, Fat, Dotted & Dashed
- Highlight Styles
- Full width Section Layout with Background Colors
- Custom Widgets
- Flickr
- Contact Info
- Multiple Threaded Comments
- 9 Post Formats (Standard, Aside, Audio, Link, Image, Gallery, Quote, Status, Video)
- Built in Page Builder.
- Advanced Options Panel (Import or Export for options settings.)
- Blog Style Layout
- Stretched and Boxed Layout Section
- Extensive Documentation
- Requires LayersWP Parent Theme
- Localization ready
- WordPress MU Compatible
- WordPress 4.1 +
Note : Images, Audios and videos are not included in the downloadable package of this theme. Images are from Flickr under the Creative Commons license.
Giza – A Multi Thought Theme For Writers (Blogging / Journal)
Introducing Giza.
Giza gives professional writers, bloggers, magazines and podcasters a beautifully crafted platform to post compelling content in a variety of formats—while providing readers with an unforgettably engaging experience.
Multiple layouts.
- Grid Minimal
- Grid Minimal Sidebar
- Grid Standard
- Grid Standard Sidebar
- Grid Masonry Minimal
- Grid Masonry Standard
- Standard
- Standard Sidebar
- Full Width Post
- Sidebar Post
Theme features.
- Multiple Custom Templates
- 2 Post Thumbnail Styles: Minimal & Standard
- Multiple Post Types.
- Campaign Monitor & MailChimp Form Integration
- Instagram Feed Styling
- WordPress 4.1 Tested & Approved
- WordPress Live Customizer
- Fully Responsive
- Built on Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Stunning CSS3 Animations, Transitions & Hover Effects
- Unlimited Page Layouts
- Right & Left Menu Positions
- Search Engine Optimised
- Clean & Validated Code
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- 3D Parallax Backgrounds
- Light & Dark Element Styles
- Full Google Fonts Library
- Multi-Purpose Usage
- Font Awesome & Linecons Icons
- Quick Demo Content Import
- Animated Counters & Progress Bars
- 20+ Content Shortcodes
- Touch Swipe Carousel
- Unlimited Colors
- Clean Minimal Blog
- Colourised Google Maps
- First Class Customer Support
- Dynamic Footer
- Easy Favicon Upload
- Slider Video & Mobile Modal
- 100% Translatable & WPML Compatible
- 1-Click Updates.
- And much more…
Plugins included.
Free resources.
Save time and money with beautifully handcrafted design resources for your next project. It’s on us!
After-sales services.
Support & 1-click updates.
When purchasing a Pixelobject theme from Envato, you will receive 1 year access to dedicated support and 1-click updates. After 1 year, you can renew for another year at a 20% discount.
Access to our support forums are restricted to verified buyers only, and support times are between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (GMT). To gain access, register on our website using your product code.
Note: Support is offered to customers via our forums only. Support-related queries via email and tweets will be directed back to the forum.
Auto Hire – Automotive Condominium WordPress Theme (Retail)
Auto Rent is a Car Rental WordPress Theme crafted with a clean & modern design. Auto Rent offers a wide variety of options including a booking system and a very fast filtering system that allows instant search
v1.0.1(28 april 2015) -Offline documentation included
Atto – Multi-Function WordPress Trade Theme (Company)
Atto is a professional WordPress Theme made for your modern business. You can use it to create your own unique styles for different needs and purposes.
The theme comes with powerful yet user-frendly Theme Options and a Visual Layout Builder so that you can create pages in minutes without dealing with code.What you get:
- Drag and Drop Layout Builder, Visual Composer ($28 value)
- Full Width & Boxed Layout
- #1 Slider Plugin Included ($18 value)
- Tons of Features and Elements
- Fully Responsive
- Advanced Theme Options Panel
- Multiple Header and Footer Styles
- Image or Text Logo Type
- Custom Shortcodes
- Fast and Light-Weight
- Smooth Parallax Scrolling
- 400+ Font Awesome Icons included
- Super Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Template
- Typography Options with Google Fonts Support
- Section backgrounds (Color, Image, Video)
- Backgrounds Sections Effects (Parallax, Fixed, Animated, Default)
- Sticky Header
- Background Videos
- Translation Ready (using .po files)
- Clean Code
- Swipe Menu for Mobile Devices
- Includes different post types (testimonials, team members, works/portfolio)
- Google Maps Integrated
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- CSS Animations
- Custom WordPress widgets and VisualComposer widgets
- Contact Form 7 Support
- Made With Debug Mode TRUE
Demo Site Images
Note: Images used on the preview site are for demonstration purposes only and they are not included in the download file.
Need support? We got you covered.
You can leave a comment here or use the contact form on our author page to contact us and we’ll get back to you.
Anga – Multipurpose Dependent and Ingenious Theme (Ingenious)
Anga means light. Anga is light. Built to make a difference, to be multi functional and elegant at the same time.
We won’t promise that we’ll fulfill your magic wishes, but we do promise that Anga will fulfill it’s purpose, being an awesome showcase engine.
Light weight? Yes. Customizable? Sure. Clean & minimal? Of course.
These characteristics and unlimited possibilities make Anga well fit to build your online portfolio without the need of writing a single line of code.
Sure we didn’t reinvent modules, theme options or visual composer, but we brought minimal features to the case studies that will change the way that you created and presented your work to your potential client. With it’s mockup modules Anga allows both creative and technical minds present their products and services without having to worry for .psd actions. Just upload and select the desired mockup.
Anga comes in light and dark, we didn’t go crazy on the preset skins. We believe that will limit you.
Home Pages
- 12 Customizable Home pages
- Optional Custom Slider With Layered Device & Browser Mockups
- Unlimited Layout Possibilities
- 10+ Custom Visual Composer Modules
- 33 Visual Composer Custom Templates
- Full Screen Home Slider
- Custom Slider
- Image
- Video Embed (Youtube & Vimeo)
- Hide Elements Button (Optional)
- Thumbnails (Optional)
- Auto-play (Optional)
- One, Two or Multi Column view
- Optional Margin Gaps
- Project Case Study and Slider View
- Builded with Modules
- Slider
- Grid
- Gallery View
- Video Options
- Images with Description (You Can easily create a Z-Pattern in your Single Portfolio)
- Mockup Modules for Mobile, Tablet and Browser With Position, Color and Orientation Options
- Unlimited Case Study Options
- Grid and Slide Album View
- Three different layout types
- Margins options
- Masonry option
- Full Width option
- Three Different Post Grids With 5 Different Post Formats
- 3 Post types (Portfolio, Gallery, Post)
Other features
- Builded With Visual Composer
- Parallax Options
- 11 Page Templates
- Powerful Option Panel (Main, Header, Footer, Branding options)
- Responsive Design
- Translation Ready (.mo and .po files included)
- Video Support on Sliders (Youtube and Vimeo)
- 500+ Google
- Fonts Social
- Responsive Ready
- Share Buttons
- 2 Different Menu Types (Normal and Fixed) with Full Width option
- Different Hover styles
- 11 custom Modules for Portfolio post type
- 4 Custom widgets
- 3 Sidebars (Main, Alternative, Footer)
- Including 404, Search, Archive Pages
- 2 types of logo (Image with retina display & text logo with font, color, size options)
- Supports Post formats (Standard, Video, Audio, Image)
- Short-code Generator (Build Short-codes easily using our UI)
Glyph – Responsive Information, Blogging & Journal WordPress Theme (Weblog / Journal)
Glyph – Responsive News, Blog & Magazine WP Theme
Glyph is a killer typography news blog and magazine wordpress template. The main focus is on the titles and images while the rest of the theme is clean and light. It will keep your visitors focused on the blog posts and on your content. Glyph has a few nifty tricks to make your next news theme stand out. You can set main “Hero” image and add some dynamic to your website. Footer offers tons of options from blog post grid to most popular post with related posts in a big image. Glyph comes with 3 versions of the menu. Standard menu in a header, hidden menu with a “burger” icon and a static side menu. You have also 3 options for the way blog archive is displayed. You can display it in a list, in a dynamic grid or in a standard grid. There are a lot of other useful options in the theme but the main advantage of Glyph is how easy you can set it up and begin blogging. Try it out, you won’t regret it.
Standard Menu, Hidden Menu, Left Sidebar Menu
Glyph templates offers 3 different menus to choose from. Each of them can find a useful purpose in your next blog, news or magazine project and it will make you stand out from the crowd.
Standard Menu
This menu type is the most standard menu that you see everywhere on the web. It is positioned in the header it has all menu items displayed next to one another. This is always a safe choice.Left Sidebar Menu
This menu is positioned on the left side of your website and it offers a cool feature of presenting some of your posts right bellow the menu items. You can use this area to display your latest news, magazine or blog posts to make sure that the visitor will always see them.Hidden (burger) Menu
This menu is a great way to keep your header and overall website even cleaner. The menu is displayed in a form of a burger icon and the entire header consists of a logo, burger icon and a search field.Standard, List and Dynamic Blog Archive Grid
Blog post archives in Glyph are the main advantage of this news, blog and magazine theme. You have a choice of 3 different archive versions depending on the type of your blog.
Standard Grid
Although it is named standard blog post grid it is far from it. We have taken standard to a new level with this version of the grid. Blog posts are displayed in a form of “1/1 full width post” followed by “1/2 posts” and it rotates in that way.Dynamic Grid
Dynamic post archive has a primary function to make all your content on a page fun to read and scroll through. With the clear focus on the title, excerpt and image, this grid would be the prefect choice for almost any type of blog, news or magazine website.List Archive
List blog archive has a sole purpose of making your website more typographic. The focus is exclusively on the titles of blog posts. The inspiration for this post type was Medium blog website.Blog Post Readability Mode
We have done a lot of research before we decided to develop glyph theme and one of the main things that kept popping up as a must in a news, magazine or blog theme is a readable single blog post. With this in mind, we have created the most readable blog post on the market. You can activate this option in the Glyph backend and you will notice how the content of the blog post will shrink to make it easier for you to read. Check it out, its awesome.
Footer Posts Grid
You can activate this option from the Glyph backend and it will enable the most visited posts on your blog, news or magazine website to appear in a form of a grid above your footer. This is a great way to keep your visitors occupied with browsing through your website once they are done with reading the blog post.
Footer Popular Post with Related Posts
Another cool feature is a full-width-most-popular blog post above your footer with a couple of related posts on the side. Another nifty feature to make your visitors stay on your website and browse more content.
Easy-to-use Backend
Glyph has a intuitive backend that does not require too much time to set up but if you want to set a specific thing you can still do it. This feature makes it functional for both professionals and beginners.
All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.
ARC – Dependent Ingenious One Web page WordPress Theme (Ingenious)
ARC – Elegant Creative One Page WordPress Theme is a very clean and modern designed HTML5/CSS3 multipurpose theme for all creative people and agency / creative business.
Featuring 7 unique home page variants with Unlimited Colors, Fullscreen Image Sliders, Fullscreen Video, Parallax and Google Web Fonts integrated . Also includes additional pages such as news page, single-project page and with a working contact form
- WordPress 4.1
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Visual Composer – Drag and Drop layout ( Save $28 )
- Support Dark and Light version
- RTL Version Here
- Friendly Option Panel – Very easy for use
- Rentina Support
- WPML Compatible
- Contact Form 7
- So much Elements support for Visual Composer help you build a site like what you want
Bcreative – WordPress Inventive Theme (Inventive)
Template features
- Responsive – This theme is responsive to give a perfect user experience on all devices
- Boxed or fullwidth layout – This can be set globally or even per page!
- Built on Twitter Bootstrap – Pro Business uses Twitter Bootstrap. This means that a range of shortcodes are automatically supported. For ease of use you can use the Visual Composer, Easy Bootstrap Shortcode or any other plugin to easily add visuals to your website.
- Slider Revolution plugin included – This theme includes the Slider Revolution plugin, saving you $19
- Visual Composer plugin included – This theme includes the Visual Composer plugin, saving you $30
- WooCommerce plugin support – This theme has full support for the WooCommerce webshop plugin! This also includes a shopping-cart option in the navigation menu.
- Ninja Form plugin support – This theme includes styling for the Ninja Form plugin!
- Parallax Scrolling Section
- Shortcode Support
- Demo content included!
- Unlimited Color Options
- Moveable & Unlimited Sidebars – Move the sidebar to the left, the right, or hide it entirely for a fullwidth page or post! (global or page/post specific)
- Designed with HTML5 and CSS3
- Customizable Design & Code
- Unlimited Portfolio Layouts
- Unlimited Blog Layouts
- All installed Extensions are included
- Cross Browser Support
- Detailed Documentation Included
- Full Support
- + many more features
- More features coming soon