Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Interlinks Supervisor (web optimization)

    Interlinks Supervisor (web optimization)

    One of the most important SEO strategy is to build a
    smart and effective internal links structure, with an optimized number of
    internal links for each post, that are at the same time relevant for the
    search engines and natural for the readers.

    The Interlinks Manager plugin provides you a series of tools that helps
    you develop this structure, so you can increase your website visits, sell
    more products or convert more users.

    Inside the Dashboard menu, with
    regular expressions applied to your posts, and by tracking the users
    clicks, this plugin is able to retrieve information such as the number
    of manual internal links, the number of auto internal links, the number
    of visits generated with your internal links, the optimization status
    and more.

    With these information at your disposal will be easy for you to add or
    remove internal links when needed, and always keep an optimized number
    of internal links in every post.

    The Juice menu gives you
    information about the flow of link juice on the URLs of your website,
    and provides, for each URL, a detailed list of all the single links that
    contribute to generate the overall link juice.

    The Interlinks Suggestions
    meta box is a tool that helps you find articles related with the post
    being edited. By taking advantage of this algorithm you can save the
    time normally spent manually looking for new appropriate internal links.

    The algorithm considers several factors, and is able to give priority
    to specific posts when their titles include a word that are also present
    in the post being edited, or to give priority, include or exclude posts
    that belongs to specific categories, tags or custom post types.

    The exact behavior of the algorithm used to retrieve suggestions can be
    modified through the plugin options, so you can enhance its precision
    and make it perfect for your specific situation.

    With the AIL ( auto internal
    links ) menu you are able convert specific keywords or phrases to
    internal links. This feature can be especially useful in the following

    A Wiki Knowledge Base
    for your blog

    Let’s say that you have a blog that talks about search engines
    optimization and you want to convert each term that is part of your
    glossary of SEO terms in a link to the post with the definition of the
    term. To achieve this simply start by adding a new keyword or phrase (
    that in this case corresponds to a SEO term of your glossary ) and the
    URL path that should be used as a destination, repeat the process for
    all your SEO terms and you are ready to go.

    In a situation where you have a large amount of posts at your disposal
    and you need more visitors on the pages where you are selling products (
    or converting users ), you could, for example, decide to convert to a
    link each keyword or phrase related to the pages where your selling
    products. A good selection of keywords and phrases would be for example
    composed by “our products”, “premium area”, “my book”, “get the book”,
    “our custom t-shirt”, “our supplements”, “the newsletter”, etc.

    If you are for example a server administrator, and you want to increase
    the importance of your best articles, you can use automatic links to
    convert phrases like “configure
    a server”, “CentOS guide”, “learn server administration”, “Windows
    Server”, etc. and point the keyword to the actual articles.

    Common concerns with links automatically generated are that you don’t
    want to:

    • Accidentally create too many auto internal links
    • Generate problems with your website SEO
    • Annoy your visitors

    So I have included options that allow you to have under control the
    application of your
    auto internal links:

    • Custom keywords or phrases boundaries to avoid accidental
      applications of your autolinks
    • Selection of post types where the autolinks should be applied
    • Maximum number of conversion of a single keyword in a single post
    • Maximum number of conversions of all the keywords in a single post
    • Case sensitive or insensitive match ( selectable for each keyword )
    • Open the link in a new browser tab ( selectable for each keyword )
    • Application of the rel=”nofollow” ( selectable for each keyword )
    • Priority of the substitution of the keywords ( this ensure that the
      most important keywords are always converted when the defined
      maximum number of conversions of the keywords would prevent this to
      happen, this option is also useful to determine which keywords/phrases
      should be converted first if for example a post includes a phrase that
      should be converted, but that phrase also includes keywords that
      should be converted )
    • A customizable list of protected tags, useful to avoid accidental
      substitutions of keywords inside specific tags
    • A test mode that allows you to create autolinks and get statistics
      without actually apply them when the blog is read by normal visitors
      and search engines, so you can actually activate the autolinks to the
      public only when you are satisfied with the private result

    Track the clicks

    If, after applying your internal links strategy, you are wondering if your
    changes are really helping the website performance, you can track every
    click made by your visitors on your internal links and have specific
    answers. The following information are provided:

    • The post that received the click ( available for each single click )
    • The date on which the link has been clicked ( available for each
      single click )
    • The target of the clicked link ( available for each single click )
    • The type of the link, manual internal link or auto internal link (
      available for each single click )
    • The number of visits generated with the internal links included in a
      specific post ( this stat is available as as a table column in the Dashboard menu )

    Note that if you don’t want to track the internal links you are free to
    disable this feature with the plugin options.

    Interlinks Manager also includes a meta box able to tell you if the
    number of internal links of the post is optimized. This suggestion is
    not based based on fixed criteria you may disagree with, instead, your
    custom defined values and the length of the considered post will be

    The purpose is that, if you are going to apply an internal links
    strategy, having a suggested number of internal links helps you identify
    which posts needs to be edited and which posts already have a proper
    number of internal links.

    Export the generated data to your
    favorite spreadsheet software

    The data about your internal links, the link juice and the tracked
    links can be exported through the Export
    section available in the plugin menus. The generated CSV
    files can then be imported in your favorite spreadsheet software to
    perform your custom analyses, modify, share or print the data.

    Enable specific plugin parts to certain
    user roles

    In the Options menu you can
    select the capabilities required to get access on specific plugin
    features, so you can for example enable the Interlinks
    meta box for your contributors and editors and leave
    the other features disabled for them, give to a special user role the
    ability to perform analysis on your posts and so on.

    Feel free to use this plugin on large
    amount of data

    Before releasing this plugin I created bots and downloaded entire
    websites, tested the plugin on large amount of data and optimized the
    regular expressions and each single database query to make it able to
    work on every possible situation.

    Just to give you an idea, with this plugin you can get information
    about the internal links or the link juice of 100.000 posts in about 120
    seconds ( please note that factors other than the number of posts might
    increase or decrease the actual time required to perform an analysis,
    more info are available in the plugin documentation ), this means that
    when normally used for example with your latest 1.000 you can generate
    the results almost instantly.

    You can even use the plugin with websites that have millions of posts,
    although I limited the maximum number of posts that can be analyzed in a
    single iteration to 100.000 to avoid long waiting time and a possible
    complete consumption of the PHP memory.

    No external services are involved

    This plugin make use of regular expressions to analyze your posts and
    doesn’t use any external service, this means that once you get this
    plugin you can perform your analyses an unlimited number of time. There
    is only you, regular expressions, and your server CPU that does the

    Multisite Ready

    This plugin can also be used on a WordPress
    , and supports both a Network Activation ( the plugin will
    be activated on all the sites of your WordPress Network in a single step
    ) and a Single Site Activation ( your plugin will be manually activated
    on single sites of the network ).

    Multilanguage Ready

    Interlinks Manager comes by default in English and Italian, if you want
    to translate the plugin in another language simply create a translation
    file or manually translate it with a multilanguage plugin.

  • wordpress OpenPanel – Responsive Panel for WordPress (Interface Components)

    wordpress OpenPanel – Responsive Panel for WordPress (Interface Components)

    WP OpenPanel is a WordPress plugin that is used to open full screen panels on your sites. You can add and manage unlimited panels with rich contents like text, images and also HTML code like creating posts in WordPress. You can use shortcodes and HTML code to add panel buttons into your posts, widgets and themes.


    • Support Responsive Design.
    • Unlimited Panels.
    • AJAX load.
    • Open Panels in Panels.
    • Support CSS customization.
    • Support WordPress 3.5 or greater.


    WP OpenPanel Documentation

    Before Purchase:

    My items are always provided with demos. So please check my demos and Support Information before purchasing.

    If you have any questions related to my items you can go to my Support Zone and open tickets.

    My Portfolio

    MaterialStart – Responsive Fullscreen Panel

    MaterialStart jQuery

    OpenMes – Open Messages With Animation Effects

    OpenMes - Open Messages With Animation Effects

    Nuxion jQuery – Responsive UX Navigation Menu Bar

    Nuxion jQuery - Responsive UX Navigation Menu Bar

    TileBox jQuery – Modern Responsive LightBox

    TileBox jQuery Responsive LightBox

    Tabion jQuery – Modern Responsive Tab Accordion Switcher

    Tabion jQuery - Modern Responsive Tab Accordion Switcher

    Tabion – Metro Tab Accordion Switcher CSS

    Tabion - Metro Tab Accordion Switcher CSS

    OneSlider – Responsive Slider With Interactive Content

    OneSlider - Responsive Slider With Interactive Content

    ScreenSlider – Responsive Touch Presentation


    MetroBox – Responsive LightBox

    Metro Tab jQuery

    Metro Tabs jQuery

  • The Market – WooZone Associates Theme (Add-ons)

    The Market – WooZone Associates Theme (Add-ons)


    • integration of Slider Revolution
    • fonts customization – integrated over 600 Google fonts
    • typography spacing & custom font sizes
    • customization on shop page
      • select how many products to display
      • select if you wish to display star rating
      • select if you wish to display general description
      • select if you wish to display product category
      • select if you wish to display product tags
    • select if you wish to display partners carousel in footer area

    The Market is a premium unique theme built exclusive for our WooZone Amazon Affiliates Plugin.

    we decided to build a theme that fits perfectly with our plugin, without using unnecessary features & functions that other sophisticated themes might have.

    You can easily create & customize a woocommerce store using the theme, and sell anything from amazon as affiliate.

    That way, you can take advantage of the amazon’s affiliation program, and easily earn advertising fees.

  • wordpress Picasa Fast Insert (Media)

    wordpress Picasa Fast Insert (Media)

    Get all albums and photos from a Google+ or Picasa user, see a preview, insert into the content, save to media library or set as featured image very easy & quickly.


    • Get all albums and photos from a Google+ or Picasa user
    • Quick insert images with original urls into the content
    • Upload images to Media Library then insert into the content
    • Use image as featured image
    • Allowed multiple select
  • WordPress – Rain Particle (Utilities)

    WordPress – Rain Particle (Utilities)

    The Rain Particle allows you to set a particle background per page (or post) as well as set up a default background for all other pages/posts.

    Also, you can set particle background to Visual Composer Row elements

    Requires: HTML5 canvas.

    Features list:

    • Set a default Particle Background for all pages/posts.
    • Active and use Shortcode to set Particle Background per page (or post).
    • Custom Particle via Settings page.
    • Inline Preview
    • Visual Composer addon.
    • Unlimited Color

    Customize options:

    • Background Color
    • Particle Settings
    • Inline Preview


    • Checked VC 4.8 – 28.10.2015
    • Checked VC 4.7.4 – 25.10.2015
    • WordPress 3.5+

    May you like these items:

    Plasma Particle

    Rainbow Grid Particle

    Rainbow Curves Particle

    Rainbow Pulsing Particle

    Rainbow Fireflies Particle

    WP – ParticleGround

    Visual Composer Toolkit


    • Rain by Delapierre Rodolphe

    Change Log

    Version 1.0 – 28.10.2015

    - First release version.
  • Rainbow Fireflies Particle (Utilities)

    Rainbow Fireflies Particle (Utilities)

    The Rainbow Fireflies Particle allows you to set a particle background per page (or post) as well as set up a default background for all other pages/posts.

    Also, you can set particle background to Visual Composer Row elements

    Requires: HTML5 canvas.

    Features list:

    • Set a default Particle Background for all pages/posts.
    • Active and use Shortcode to set Particle Background per page (or post).
    • Custom Particle via Settings page.
    • Inline Preview
    • Visual Composer addon.

    Customize options:

    • Background Color
    • Particle Settings
    • Connection Settings


    • Checked VC 4.8.1 – 26.10.2015
    • WordPress 3.5+

    May you like these items:

    Plasma Particle

    Rainbow Grid Particle

    Rainbow Curves Particle

    Rainbow Pulsing Particle

    Organic Lines Particle

    WP – ParticleGround

    Visual Composer Toolkit


    • Based on Rainbow Fireflies by Matei Copot

    Change Log

    Version 1.0 – 26.10.2015

    - First release version.
  • Picture Widget (Widgets)

    Picture Widget (Widgets)

    Key Features & Options

    Image Slider

    Full Responsive

    Image gallery

    Lightbox popup

    image Link

    Add Title

    Youtube video[auto video image capture ]

    Vimeo video [auto video image capture ]

    Duplicate widget

    Multi language : 9 language files can be found in language directory inside the plugin.

    WPML Support

    Supports override of template so that you can override the template for your theme

  • WebGrabber – WordPress HTML Scraping Plugin (Utilities)

    WebGrabber – WordPress HTML Scraping Plugin (Utilities)

    WebGrabber is a WordPress plugin that helps you automatically get HTML from a web page and display it on your blog post/page. The main benefit of using this plugin is that it grabs fresh data from the source whenever you open your page so your data always remains up-to-date. It’s especially useful when your source is frequently updated like stock quotes, news, prices, rankings, etc.


    WebGrabber cannot grab the following types of content:

    Videos: YouTube, Vimeo, and most other video sharing websites.

    Flash: The contents of flash files (the flash file itself can be retrieved).

    Content Visible Only to Registered Users: Profile page, inbox, etc.

    JavaScript Generated HTML: Content that is generated using AJAX, Angular.js, or other JavaScript techniques can’t be retrieved. You can check if a page uses these techniques by disabling JavaScript in your browser. If you can still see the content then you can scrape that page.

    Note that if the html you want to grab contains images with relative paths, they won’t show up on your page.


    We assumes no responsibility for any abusive use of this software product and/or violation of any terms of usage of the grabbed web pages. If you decide to use this software product, do it with responsibility and make sure that you are allowed to display the grabbed HTML contents from the web page by checking its terms of usage. This software product is sold exclusively on

  • Natural Strains Particle (Utilities)

    Natural Strains Particle (Utilities)

    The Organic Lines Particle allows you to set a particle background per page (or post) as well as set up a default background for all other pages/posts.

    Also, you can set particle background to Visual Composer Row elements

    Requires: HTML5 canvas.

    Features list:

    • Set a default Particle Background for all pages/posts.
    • Active and use Shortcode to set Particle Background per page (or post).
    • Custom Particle via Settings page.
    • Inline Preview
    • Visual Composer addon.

    Customize options:

    • Background Color
    • Speed
    • Range
    • Line Alpha


    • Checked VC 4.7.4 – 25.10.2015
    • WordPress 3.5+


    • Based on Organic Lines by Matei Copot

    Other VC addons:

    Change Log

    Version 1.0 – 25.10.2015

    - First release version.