Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • wordpress Consumer Cleaner (Utilities)

    wordpress Consumer Cleaner (Utilities)

    For most WordPress site owners, spam registrations are the biggest issue they have to deal with. Daily they receive hundreds new registrations despite of active Captcha Plugins.

    Having a lot of users in your database can dramatically slow down your site and affect your search engine ranking.

    Cleaning your user database is a challenging task and it needs a lot of time to identify Spam or inactive users. WP User Cleaner will help you to get your WordPress clean. It will detect inactive users and you can delete thousands of users with just a single click.

    WP User Cleaner will work perfectly with WooCommerce, too. For example you can delete all users who have never purchased a product and who have not logged in for a defined number of days.

    WP User Cleaner comes with a very simple drag & drop Dashboard with several useful widgets:



    • TOTAL USERS section displays the total number of registered users on your site.
    • TOTAL CUSTOMERS will show up if you have WooCommerce installed and it displayed the total number of users who have completed at least one order.
    • ACTIVE USERS shows how many users have logged in on your site within a defined number of days (See settings section).
    • INACTIVE USERS shows how many users have not been logged in within a defined number of days (See settings section).
    • DELETED USERS shows how many inactive users have already been deleted.
    • BLOCKED REGISTRATIONS will count all users that have tried to register on your site by using a temporary email address. This will only work if you set “Temporary Email” to “Disallow” on the settings section.

    Blocked Registrations

    Blocked Registrations Graph

    On this section you will see a graph that shows how many users registrations have been blocked within the last 7 days

    User Cleaner Rule

    This section allows you to clean up your user database by generating your own rules.

    User Cleaner Rule


    On this section you are able to adjust plugin settings.


    • Temporary Emails: Here you can allow or disallow registrations with temporary email addresses (like,,,…). Currently WP User Cleaner will check 140+ temporary email providers.
    • Inactivity Limit: Set after how many days of inactivity a user should me marked as inactive.


    WP User Cleaner will add two new columns on your User’s overview page: Last Login and Status


    • Last Login will display the date when the user has logged in the last time
    • Status will display if the user has been active since the defined number of days (See settings section).


    If you disallow registrations with temporary email addresses then users who try to register with such an email address will get an error message during the registration.

    Register Error


    v1.0.0 - 2016-01-04
      - Initial Release
  • Developed Analytics – Buttons X Add-on (Add-ons)

    Developed Analytics – Buttons X Add-on (Add-ons)

    Note: This is an add-on that works only with Buttons X – Powerful Button Builder For WordPress.

    Advanced Analytics for Buttons X provides you detailed information on each click made to a button. You get exact click time, Visitor I.P. Address, Button Outgoing/Outbound link, Service Provider, Visitor Country, Visitor State and Visitor Town.

    Please note that click is recorded instantly but click count and IP related details are updated every hour.

    Analytics report page


    Analytics on button edit page


    You will also see side meta box showcasing the total number of clicks on that particular button.

    Analytics on dashboard

    On dashboard it shows 10 latest button clicks.



    World Class Support!

    We manage technical queries through the item page and are proud of our One Day Turnaround!


    Initial Release.
  • Developed Analytics – Buttons X Add-on (Add-ons)

    Developed Analytics – Buttons X Add-on (Add-ons)

    Note: This is an add-on that works only with Buttons X – Powerful Button Builder For WordPress.

    Advanced Analytics for Buttons X provides you detailed information on each click made to a button. You get exact click time, Visitor I.P. Address, Button Outgoing/Outbound link, Service Provider, Visitor Country, Visitor State and Visitor Town.

    Please note that click is recorded instantly but click count and IP related details are updated every hour.

    Analytics report page


    Analytics on button edit page


    You will also see side meta box showcasing the total number of clicks on that particular button.

    Analytics on dashboard

    On dashboard it shows 10 latest button clicks.



    World Class Support!

    We manage technical queries through the item page and are proud of our One Day Turnaround!


    Initial Release.
  • VC Glowing Historical past (Add-ons)

    VC Glowing Historical past (Add-ons)

    This addon helps you can set background Sparkling to Visual Composer Row / Column elements.

    Also, you can you to set up a default background Sparkling for all other pages/posts.

    Requires: HTML5 canvas.

    Features list:

    • Set a Sparkling Effect to Visual Composer Row/Column elements.
    • Visual Composer addon: WYSIWYG with VC Frontend editor.
    • Set a default Sparkling Background for all pages/posts.
    • Custom Particle via Settings page.
    • Powerful Inline Preview: you will see preview immediately each when edit options.
    • Very easy to use and configure.
    • Support WP Themify Ultra
    • Support Vertikal Theme

    Customize options:

    • Background: Color, Image, Gradient
    • Unlimited Color
    • Interaction
    • More options: please check screenshot images

    May you like these items:

    VC Row Background Particles All in One (Save up to $86 – 13 Premium items In One)

    Visual Composer Toolkit (Save up to $26 – 5 Premium addons In One)


    • Base on Sparkling Blue by Tiffany Rayside

    Change Log

    Version 1.0

    - First release version.
  • Customized Types and Scripts (Utilities)

    Customized Types and Scripts (Utilities)

    This WordPress Plugin lets you to add custom css and javascript code for each page, post and custom post type separately. That code will run only on that page/post which optimize the site.

    Another cool feature is that you can add general styles and scripts for whole site, only homepage or on all custom post types.

  • VT Slick Carousel WordPress Plugin  (Add-ons)

    VT Slick Carousel WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)


    Available Features

    • Visual Composer integrated
    • Multiple Templates Available
    • Post Query
    • Abstract Carousel
    • Widgets
    • Shortcodes

    Click here to see the demo of the plugin.


    Check the link here for the documentation of the plugin.


  • Supports are available by submitting tickets via ticksy
  • 5stars_text

    We’d be very grateful, it helps us a lot and this is the link on how you give a feedback for purchased items and rate them.

    Thanks! :)

  • AntiBlock Commercials Supervisor – beat AdBlock with WP (Merchandising)

    AntiBlock Commercials Supervisor – beat AdBlock with WP (Merchandising)

    Plugin works in two modes:

    • for all users – banners will be displayed for all visitors
    • only for AdBlock users – banners will be displayed only for visitors who block ads

    In the second case, you can use at the same time eg. AdSense and banners from the plugin. When AdSense is blocked – then AntiBlock works.

    What can be promoted in alternative banners? You can use affiliate programs: CPL, CPS, etc. (demanding not use them js code)

    This plugin is the best way to recover the money lost by blocking ads!

  • CPS Single Enter kind (Varieties)

    CPS Single Enter kind (Varieties)

    This single input form brings the concept of separation of concern so that user concentrates only on one text box and are not distracted by other text box in the form. Only when they click next button they get to see the next text box. Once user fills all the fields and submits the form the details are mailed to the email address specified in the Admin Panel. You can add unlimited no of fields to the form via back-end. Its a very new concept and many modern websites are using it. So if you want to provide your user with a sleek, modern and distinct look and feel of a form you should surely use this form in your WordPress website.


    • Modern look and feel
    • Transition effect of form labels and text box
    • users get to deal with only once text box at a time
    • Last label is to fill captcha so that there is no spam
    • unlimited no of fields can be added from WordPress Admin
    • Complete form detail send to the email specified in back-end
  • Codex Documentation Device (Miscellaneous)

    Codex Documentation Device (Miscellaneous)

    Codex is a documentation system plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily create beautiful, step-based documentation showing text, images/videos and/or code with a choice of seven different layouts.


    • Choose from seven different step layouts to assign to each Codex document
    • Steps have up to three sections, with each set to display text, code or images/videos
    • Use shortcodes and widgets to display table of contents, and document listings
    • Responsive and mobile friendly
    • Codex documents are standard WordPress custom post type so are easily displayable by any theme.
    • Developers can add their own layouts and use their own CSS styling

    Check the screenshots above.


    Visit the Codex online guide for comprehensive instructions.

    Creating and editing Codex documents

    For information on creating and editing Codex documents, read this document.

    Displaying Codex documents

    Documents in Codex use the WordPress custom post type method. Your theme will already have the means to display Codex documents, as it does any page or post or other custom post type. Therefore, if you were to open a Codex document, your theme will automatically choose one of its templates to display it.

    Read this document for further information on displaying Codex documents.

    Displaying Codex document listings and table of contents

    You can add Codex documents manually to your menus. But to make it easier, Codex has a widget and shortcode for displaying document indexes.

    Thus, you could setup a specific page as your Codex index, insert the widget, then provide a link to that page in your menus.

    There is also a widget and shortcode for display table of contents on Codex document pages.

    Read this document for further information on Codex widgets and shortcodes.

  • WordPress Inventive Banners Builder (Interface Parts)

    WordPress Inventive Banners Builder (Interface Parts)


    WP Creative Banners Builder is a unique plugin for WordPress allowing you to easily create nice and animated banners directly from the backend of your website.

    It comes with powerful tools to generate 3D depth, shadows and sprite animations in a few clicks.
    You can easily upload and manage your own pictures as objects or textures, edit existing banners, change colors and options of each element.

    Generated banners are 100% HTML5 & CSS3 powered and super fast to load.


    • Intuitive and powerful visual editor
    • Create and manage as many banners as you want
    • Import and manage your own pictures as objects, sprites or textures
    • Positioning of objects by simple drag & drop
    • Easily apply an effect of depth to your objects (automatic calculation based on the central vanishing point)
    • Easily apply shadows to your objects (smart positioning projection)
    • Quickly create nice animations importing sprites and freely edit the timing
    • Animations can be played automatically or only when the mouse hovers the element
    • Each object can open a link or execute javascript on click
    • Freely edit textures and colors of each element
    • Smart display of objects and side walls depending on the resolution of the visitor
    • 4 ways to easily integrate your banners on your website :
      • Using shortcode
      • Using the dedicated Visual Composer module
      • Pasting a single div directly in the code of your theme
      • Or simply replace an existing element using its id or css class
    • Easily import & export your banners
    • 3 demonstration banners and all their graphics included
    • Compatible with WP AI Assistant: make your banners intelligent
    • Reactive support


    If you like this plugin, remember to vote !


    If you need help, contact me from my envato profile


    PHP Plugins

    PHP Flat Visual Chat

    PHP Flat Estimation and Payment Forms
