Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Neighborhood Locations WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Neighborhood Locations WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Nearby Places is an extension of Progress Map WordPress plugin. The “Nearby Places” plugin allows you to display various places – also known as “Points of Interest” – nearby a location/post on the map.


    The plugin was designed to be used with the posts/locations added from “Progress Map”. It also provides a powerful search form that allows the users to target their position or to enter a given address, then, display all nearby points of interest.


    The power of this plugin doesn’t end here. This plugin supports all the place types in Google Maps. When a user selects a place type (e.g. Schools), a list of all nearby places will be displayed. Each place comes with a details page that can be accessed by the user in order see the place address, distance, website, … photos and reviews. The user will have the possibility to display the route to the place on the map, the possibility to switch between the different travel modes (Driving, Transit, Walking & Bycicling), and the possibility to display the directions to the place. All of this was designed to be displayed inside a widget without the need to reload the browser’s page.

    The plugin was designed with customization in mind. It can be customized from the admin panel in order to match the general look of your website.

    To use this plugin, you must install “Progress Map WordPress Plugin”!


    Icons made by Freepik from

  • Self Hosted Brief URLs – Add-on for Straightforward Social Share Buttons (Add-ons)

    Self Hosted Brief URLs – Add-on for Straightforward Social Share Buttons (Add-ons)


    Self-Hosted Short URLs add-on for Easy Social Share Buttons generates short addresses by your own server. In this way we avoid all short URL services that requires tones of keys and APIs and works slow with a lot of limitations. Using Self-hosted Short URL your short addresses will be associated with your domain/domains, which has really much advantages than whatever external service.

    Faster2-01Self-hosted Short URLs associate the short links with your domain(s). Each time the short address is executed there will be no call to external service. The whole process runs on your server. And you know the less calls the fast speed execution. In short – it is faster that external service.


    Create short URLs closely appropriate to your needs. There are no limitations about the number or the type of the symbols. The only thing you should care about is your intention. Your imagination ensure the variety. Self-Hosted URL provides the rest.

    SEO 4-01

     Self-Hosted URL follows the redirection code standard. It is fully compatible with Social Share Optimization meta tags. This will make your custom personalized short addresses search engine detectable.




    Self-hosted Short URLs add-on supports integration with second domain, shorter than your basic domain. The mirror domain is used to make the domain name shorter, too. Combined with the Self-hosted Short URLs add-on main feature – to shorten the page/post address, the integration with that shorter second domain will give you the freedom to control both of the components of the links – the domain name and the page/post name.Automatic Feature1-01When Self-Hosted Short URL add-on is set to automatic mode of short links generation the address’ names will be prepared with random symbols. At the add-on’s settings menu you can choose the parameters of th? auto generation:

    Customized Feature-01

    Self-Hosted Short URL add-on can be used to prepare customized short links. Extremely easy to set. Just type the custom address and save.

    ?????????? ??? ?? ? ?????????? ?? ? ?????????? ????? ?????? ?? Short URL ? edit mode ?? ??????????, ?????? ?? ???? ??????. ??? ?????????? ???????? ?? ?? ????? ????? ? ?? ?? ???????? ?????? ???? ??????.

    Affiliate Connection-01

    Self-Hosted Short URL add-on can be used to prepare short addresses not only for pages from your site, but also for external links that you use on your installation. That feature is helpful for affiliate links, because allows to name the affiliate address as you decide with no restrictions and limitations. So there will be no mark for the user if that link is with affiliate code.

    ?????????? – ??????? ???? ?? ???????????? ??? ?????? Hide redirection – ????? ??????????.

    On media feature-01

    For on media sharing action it is impossible to use external short URL service. These services require user security authentication. But for  sharing on media because of the share technology that authentication can’t be done in secure way to protect all user’s keys.

    For on media sharing option self-hosted short URL is the only way to shorten your share link. Self-hosted short URLs add-on automatically generates short address without no authentication keys needed and the user’s data remain safe.

  • Layer – One Web page Navigation Extension (Add-ons)

    Layer – One Web page Navigation Extension (Add-ons)

    Layer – One Page Navigation Extension

    Layer – One Page Navigation Extension is help to build easy nevigation option in just one click do not extra option to add one by one element, this extension is powerfull to make nevigation of your page at any position.

    Full Feature

    • 4 Position Support
    • background gradient support
    • Very easy to use
    • smooth CSS animations
    • 20+ Dot Animation Style
  • DYNAMO – WordPress Information Technology Utility (Utilities)

    DYNAMO – WordPress Information Technology Utility (Utilities)

    Dynamo is a powerful and accurate content generation utility for WordPress blogs. You can turn your Excel, CSV, or XML data sources into WordPress database instantly. High speed, multi-threaded, and accurate data generation – directly saves data to WordPress WXR file. A must have tool for developers and freelancers to build WordPress database in no-time.

    With Dynamo, you can manage multiple WordPress projects (WXRs), import data from several data sources, support for custom posts/fields, preview data before uploading into WordPress, source to target(WP) fields mapping, Split large WXR file into smaller pieces to avoid timeout issues while importing and much more.


    You can turn your Excel, CSV, or XML data sources into WordPress database instantly. Using Dynamo you can,

    1. Turn Excel/CSV/XML into WordPress Database
    2. Generate Blog Content Quickly and Easily
    3. Work in Isolated Mode (No connectivity required)
    4. Build Demo Data for WordPress themes
    5. Generate Test Data for Blog Testing
    6. Split Large Data file into smaller chunks (WXR) for Easy Import – Avoid Timeout Issues
    7. Quickly Import Demo/Test Data into WordPress
    8. Clean Dashboard & Multilingual Support
    9. Copy entire or partial content to another site
    10. Support for Post, Page, Category, Tags and Feature Image


    Below are some of the main features of the Dynamo.

    • Work Offline – No Internet Needed for Dynamo. Generate content offline and import data into WordPress later on.
    • Easy-to-Use – Engage with an easy-to-use interface that allows you to generate content with just one click.
    • Comprehensive – Turn your data sources (Excel, CSV, or XML) into WordPress database instantly using a powerful and accurate WordPress content generation utility.
    • WXR Splitter – Split Large Data file into smaller chunks (WXRs) for Easy Import of blog content.


    In order to run this tool, you should meet the following requirements.

    1. .NET Framework 4.0 or above (Download here:

    Note: Dynamo runs on Windows Platforms only but we are working hard to make Linux release soon. Stay tuned for update!


    Download 15-day free trial here to evaluate this product. Please note that the trial version will stop working after 15 days, but full functionality will return when you purchase and register the product with a valid license file.

    The license key will be sent separately once you buy the product or request for the trial.


    Installing Dynamo in Windows is quite easy and you don’t need any additional software for running Dynamo. Simply run the setup and start working with Dynamo.

    We recommend you to try our awesome product.

    Thank you!


    Getting Started:

  • WooCommerce integration for UserPro (Add-ons)

    WooCommerce integration for UserPro (Add-ons)

    Note: This is an addon. You must have UserPro to use it.

    Get the best of both worlds – UserPro and WooCommerce. This addon seamlessly integrates WooCommerce with UserPro.

    The Essentials
      List all your WooCommerce orders on your profile page
      List recently purchased products on profile page
      View order details from profile page
      Re-order from your profile page
      Display total number of orders and total amount on ‘Orders Tab’
      Addon supports 7 different languages including French, Spanish

    Plugin Settings
      Admin can enable disable orders tab
      Admin can enable disable purchased products tab
      Admin can set the number of products to be shown on purchase tab

  • Off Web page search engine optimization plugin (search engine optimization)

    Off Web page search engine optimization plugin (search engine optimization)

    Off Page SEO plugin is a plugin developed to help you get better rankings and get control over your off-page SEO activities! You don’t need to use external service for getting your rankings or writing backlinks to your Excel Sheet any more. From now on, you can simply use your WordPress!

    Lets take a close look at the plugin’s features.

    Rank reporter
    Every 3 days, the script automatically controls your ranking in Google for the specified keywords and URLs. You get a full report in your email box.

    As this is a key functionality of the plugin, we took a good care of it. We have three methods of getting your ranking. From Google results directly, using proxy and if those two pretty much exact methods fails, we are connected to Google Search API. You don’t need to worry about choosing the right method – its automatic!

    Once the automatic rank control is finished, you get a report into your mailbox so you can keep eye on your ranking progress.

    Record & watch backlinks
    Make notes about your backlinks and see their influence on ranking. Have full control over the expenses. Also, make sure your link is not deleted – the plugin check your backlinks every 5 days and lets you know if they are being deleted.

    Get new backlinks
    We are offering opportunities to get a new backlinks that will help your positions in Google.

    Social Share Counter
    The plugin goes through all posts from the post types that you specify and counts how many shares there are on various social sites and keeps this number updated!

    Connect to Google Webmaster Tools API
    See data from Google Webmaster Tools in your WordPress administration! You will get stats for every keyword and page you are getting ranks for.

  • Layer – Row Separator Extension (Add-ons)

    Layer – Row Separator Extension (Add-ons)

    Layer – Row Separator Extension

    Layer – Row Separator Extension is special design for layerwp theme is surely make any site with just single click and easy to customize it, so this row separator extension is help you to make more powerfull option to make good single page design and easy to separate section from one two another.

    Full Feature Set

    • 20 Row separator design style
    • Top & bottom separators.
    • Very easy to use
    • Responsive
    • Change color of row separator
    • Content element support 70+ animation effect
  • Web page and content material controller for WordPress – Skilled Model (Utilities)

    Web page and content material controller for WordPress – Skilled Model (Utilities)

    Page and content controller for WordPress plugin is used to define rules for hiding, appending, replacing content for pages, generating, controlling shortcodes, wordpress multisite support, analytics and lot more features…

    You can now control pages and content like never before. Zero Coding and solves unlimited number of usecases.

    Demo: Click here for demo:

    Click here to know how this plugin works

    Page Rules are used to define rules for Pages based on the selected logical rule. Below are the important Page Rule features.

    Pages and Menu controlling:

    • User Profile : Hide pages or Menus using User Id, User Role, Email Id and Guest User.
    • Geolocation : Hide pages or Menus using Geolocation like Continent, Country, Region and City.
    • Date and Time : Hide Pages using date and time, Month, year, day.
    • Page by Request URL: Hide Pages using request URL.
    • Soft Page and Menu Hide: Pages are hidden logically but are accessible using direct URL.
    • We can control page like never before, define unlimited rules to hide pages and menus.

    Append dynamic content to Pages:

    Content can be appended dynamically using rules like (User Profile, Geo-location, Date and Time etc.)

    • Append dynamic content to the top/bottom of the page, we can also include html tags in dynamic content, more one the supported tags.
    • Append dynamic image of different sizes to the top/bottom of the page.
    • Append dynamic content with image background.
    • Append dynamic content at any location using generated “Shortcode”.
    • Show dynamic modal dialog with dynamic content.
    • Show dynamic image as modal dialog.
    • Show modal dialog with dynamic content and image background.

    Analytics features:

    • Request by Country : Provides the requests made to the site from each country.
      Useful to understand site traffic from different countries.
    • Requests by Device : Provides the requests made to the site from each device.
      Helps you the know the site traffic from different devices.
    • Page views : This chart provides the unique visitors on daily basis.
      We can further refine the Page view report by selecting an individual pages. See screenshots.
    • Unique visitors : This chart provides the unique visitors on daily basis.
      We can further refine the Unique visitors per page by selecting an individual pages. See screenshots.
    • No javascript : Customers don’t required to add any javascript to pages for analytics.
      This is a pure wordpress api based analytics.
    • Enable or disable Analytics : Enable or disable data capturing for analytics.
    • Supported Chart Types:
      • Pie Chart
      • Donut Chart
      • XY Line Chart
      • Bar Chart
      • Area Spline Chart
      • Area Chart

    Special features:

    • WordPress Multisite support : This plugin works with multisite, Customer can define page rules per individual site.
    • Complex Rule Support : Using this plugin we can define a very complex rule for hiding or appending content. i.e. Hide or append page content using logical rule like User is from US and accesing between dates and having user role as Editor etc
    • Generate Shortcode : This plugin has an unique feature of generating the short code dynamically. This feature is very helpful if you would like to control page content dynamically using short code.
    • Controlling Third-Party Shortcode : Control Third-Party shortcodes dynamically using logical rule. This feature is very useful if you do not like to render the Third-Party shortcode on some pages.
    • Redirect URL : Support Redirect URL for the pages which are hidden or restricted.
    • High Performance : All rules are evaluated at once and cached, this reduces the evaluation of rule for every request.
    • Exclude from Search : Excludes hidden pages from search.
    • Replace page content : Replaces complete page content.
    • Translation Ready : Localization ready, pot file included in this plugin.
    • Activate or Deactivate : Acitivate or deactivate a Rule.

    How it works:


    Click here to know how this plugin works

  • Layers – Superior Field (Add-ons)

    Layers – Superior Field (Add-ons)

    Layers – Awesome Box

    The Awesome Box of Unlimited Possibilities.

    1. Dividers
      1. Border
      2. Border with ICON
      3. Border with IMAGE
      4. Border with TEXT
    2. with Media
      1. Icon
      2. Image
    3. Styling
      1. Layout
    4. Button Styles
      1. Flat
      2. Outline
    5. Animations