Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Masonry Grid Resize Builder – WP Add-on VisualComposer (Add-ons)

    Masonry Grid Resize Builder – WP Add-on VisualComposer (Add-ons)

    Masonry Grid Resize Builder plugin in the Visual Composer is a ultra-customizable plugin that lets you create unlimited layout grid style in minutes. Masonry Grid Resize Builder can be used to present your blog posts, custom post types, custom taxonomies/categories, woocommerce layout (add to cart ajax) …


    • Fully Responsive & Mobile Ready
    • Drag Resize Build Layout
    • 3 Filter Header Layout
    • Woocommerce Layout(Ajax add to cart)
    • Ajax Loadmore (Scroll & Button)
    • Imagelightbox effect smooth
    • Easy Add-more & Customise Layout
    • Video Tutorial
    • Document online(coming soon)

    # Resize Item

    # Loadmore Ajax

    # Filter effect

  • WordPress Header Customizer (Utilities)

    WordPress Header Customizer (Utilities)


    Header Customizer is a WordPress plugin developed by vmux which enables you to modify your header by live previewing it at the same time.
    Only after you are happy with your settings, you can save and publish it safely.
    This Documentation is intended to help you configure and get the most of your Header Customizer.

    Header Customizer is a premium WordPress plugin which can replace your WordPress header entirely, is responsive and also has a sticky feature. It enables you to have up to four layers of navigation in your header.

    It’s purpose is to make your website more useful, user friendly and to improve the general look and feel, even on phones and tablets.

    You can modify your header visually using WordPress Customizer API,
    which enables you to make changes to the header while looking at your website at the same time.

    Installing Header Customizer

    This plugin requires minimum WordPress version 3.4.

    You can install Header Customizer via FTP (or copy it by any other techniques) in the following manner:

    1. Download the plugin from and extract the contents
    2. Copy the awesome-header folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins page in WordPress dashboard
    4. Put following code inside your content: <?php echo apply_filters('hc_print_header', ''); ?>
    • Most of the time it would be in your header.php file, right after opening <body> tag

    Next, using WordPress Customization you can start customizing! Simply inside admin area go to Appearance -> Customize. There choose Header Customizer pane to use this plugin’s features. I prepared you nice gif so you don’t feel confused:


    Insert Header Into Your Theme

    Simply insert following code right below <body> tag:

    <?php echo apply_filters('hc_print_header', ''); ?>

    And that is it. You’ll be able to see changes while modifying your header through Header Customizer!

    General Settings

    Header Customizer can replace your theme’s header and it can appear once a user scrolls down and your theme’s header disappears from sight (sticky option).

    This panel contains following settings:

    1. Header width – width of the header content
    2. Stretch header width? – should header wrapper stretch the whole width of a browser?
    3. Header left position – if your header is sticky, you should use this option if you don’t want header to be horizontally on the center
    4. Margin top
    5. Margin bottom
    6. Margin left
    7. Margin right
    8. Google Font – choose font for the header; there are more specific options for fonts (e.g. only for logo area) but this is for the whole header at once
    9. Custom CSS – you can type any CSS here; make sure to start your CSS definitions with ”.hc-wrap ” so you don’t mess with other website’s CSS definitions

    Here you can see some playing around inside General Settings (click on this image to see it fully enlarged):

    general settings

    Middle Header

    Middle Header is section of Header Customizer which contains logo area (logo & description) and main menu (with submenus). You can customize following:

    1. Header type – how are your logo and menus placed; by default logo goes on the left side, while main menu goes to the right side of the header; you can set them both centrally aligned, or move menu to the left next to the logo
    2. Background color – background color of middle header, solid color with transparency set optionally through color picker
    3. Background image – background image of middle header (overrides background color)
    4. Background image repeat – background image of middle header (overrides background color)
    5. Background image attachmentthe background-attachment property sets whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page; it’s great to set parallax effect for example if set to “fixed”
    6. Background image positionthe background-position property sets the starting position of a background image
    7. Background image sizethe background-size property specifies the size of the background images
    8. Padding (top/bottom) – padding of middle header so you can fit vertically your menu or logo nicely
    9. Padding (left/right) – padding of middle header so you can set the distance of inner content from left or right side of the screen
    10. Border top (and bottom, left, right) color – not visible until border width is set to at least 1 (one) pixel (px)
    11. Border top (and bottom, left, right) width – width of the border
    12. Top left (and bottom left, top right, bottom right) radius – border radius of the middle header

    Here you can see some playing around with backgrounds inside Middle Header (click on images to see them fully enlarged):

    middle background color

    middle background image

    Here you can see some playing around border radius of the Middle Header so it looks rounded>

    border radius of middle header

    Top Header

    Top Header is another important section of Header Customizer. It contains (same as bottom header) left and right side, which goes centrally aligned when responsive mode is turned on (when your screen size is small, i.e. size set in Responsive Header panel). You can choose for both sides to have either: some other menu, breadcrumbs, current page title or search box. Following are settings that you can modify:

    1. Enabled? – is the Top Header enabled at all? (checkbox)
    2. Left menu side type – choose between menu, breadcrumbs, current page title or search box for the left side of Top Header
    3. Right menu side type – choose between menu, breadcrumbs, current page title or search box for the right side of Top Header
    4. Background color – same here as for Middle Header
    5. Background image – same here as for Middle Header
    6. Background image repeat – same here as for Middle Header
    7. Background image attachment – same here as for Middle Header
    8. Background image position – same here as for Middle Header
    9. Background image size – same here as for Middle Header
    10. Google font family – choose font family only for this (top) header; you may contact me if you need more fonts added
    11. Font size – choose font size only for this (top) header
    12. Border top (and bottom, left, right) color – same here as for Middle Header
    13. Border top (and bottom, left, right) width – same here as for Middle Header
    14. Padding (top/bottom) – same here as for Middle Header
    15. Padding (left/right) – same here as for Middle Header
    16. Link margin (left/right) – margins between links (for example menu items)
    17. Link padding – paddings (top, bottom, left, right) of all links
    18. Menu item padding (left/right) – left and right paddings of menu items only (if menu is set to one of left or right sides); applicable to LI (list) tags of menu
    19. Menu item padding (top/bottom) – top and bottom paddings of menu items only (same applies here)
    20. Link color (and hover color, background color, hover background color) – colors of links
    21. Text color – color of texts (“non-links”, i.e. breadcrumb’s last piece or page title)
    22. Link border color – all four (top, bottom, left, right) borders color; not visible until border width is set to at least 1 (one) px (pixel)
    23. Link border width – all four (top, bottom, left, right) borders width for links
    24. Link border radius – all four (top, bottom, left, right) borders radius for links
    25. Top left (and bottom left, top right, bottom right) radius – same here as for Middle Header

    Bottom Header

    Bottom Header is another important section of Header Customizer. It contains (same as bottom header) left and right side, which goes centrally aligned when responsive mode is turned on (when your screen size is small, i.e. size set in Responsive Header panel). You can choose for both sides to have either: some other menu, breadcrumbs, current page title or search box. Following are settings that you can modify:

    1. Enabled? – is the Bottom Header enabled at all? (checkbox)
    2. Left menu side type – same here as for Top Header
    3. Right menu side type – same here as for Bottom Header
    4. Background color – same here as for Middle Header
    5. Background image – same here as for Middle Header
    6. Background image repeat – same here as for Middle Header
    7. Background image attachment – same here as for Middle Header
    8. Background image position – same here as for Middle Header
    9. Background image size – same here as for Middle Header
    10. Google font family – same here as for Top Header
    11. Font size – same here as for Top Header
    12. Border top (and bottom, left, right) color – same here as for Middle Header
    13. Border top (and bottom, left, right) width – same here as for Middle Header
    14. Padding (top/bottom) – same here as for Middle Header (exists only if you’re currently not on front page)
    15. Padding (top/bottom) on front page – this is same as above except it’s only when you’re on home page! When you’re on page other than home or front (depends on your WordPress settings) then this option won’t exist
    16. Padding (left/right) – same here as for Middle Header
    17. Text color – same here as for Top Header
    18. Link color (and hover color) – same here as for Top Header
    19. Margins for menu items (left/right) – if menu is selected to be on left or right side, this will be their left and right margins
    20. Top left (and bottom left, top right, bottom right) radius – same here as for Middle Header

    Logo Area

    Logo area is part of your header which contains logo (as text or image link) and site description. Following are the settings you can modify:

    1. Logo image – image as your logo
    2. Logo type – set type of your logo: link image or link text
    3. Logo text – site title by default
    4. Maximum width – it’s useful not to stretch when header goes responsive
    5. Padding (top/bottom) – top and bottom paddings; play around to set it vertically nicely against main menu
    6. Google font family – for textual logo only
    7. Google font family for description – for description only
    8. Show logo area? – yes or no (checkbox); if you need to remove logo area completely
    9. Show logo? – yes or no (checkbox); if you need to remove logo only
    10. Show logo description? – yes or no (checkbox); if you need to remove description (tagline) only
    11. Site title color (and hover color) – if your logo is textual, set it’s color here
    12. Site description color – color of logo description (tagline)
    13. Site title font size – font size for textual logo
    14. Site description font size – font size for description (tagline)

    Main Menu

    Main menu is part of header which is placed inside Middle Header alongside with logo area. It’s submenus are placed within Main Submenus section. Following are the settings you can modify:

    1. Link color (and hover color, active color) – these options are only for link (<a> tags) colors; active color is color of a link when on current page
    2. Font size – font size of menu items
    3. Google font family – font family of menu items
    4. Show submenu arrows? – checkbox; show arrow pointing down for menu items which have submenus
    5. Menu margin left (and right) – margin left and right of the whole menu (not menu items!)
    6. Link background color (and hover and active background colors) – only for links
    7. Link border radius – only for links, so they can be “rounded”
    8. Menu item background colors (and hover, active background colors) – for list items (<li> tags!)
    9. Menu items padding (top/bottom) – list tag paddings, so you can align with logo area nicely
    10. Menu items padding (left/right)
    11. Menu items margin (top/bottom)
    12. Menu items margin (left/right)
    13. Menu links padding (top/bottom) – for links (<a> tags)
    14. Menu links padding (left/right) – same
    15. Menu item border top (and bottom, left, right) color – border colors for list items
    16. Menu item border top (and bottom, left, right) width – border width
    17. Menu item top-left (and top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right) radius – each of these options have possibility to exclude all other items except first or last item, so the whole menu looks “rounded” (take a look at the gif example below!)

    To setup main menu, first you need to set any menu you have saved before to be placed to “HC Main Menu” location. Take a look at the following example:

    main menu setup

    Here’s how you can modify link colors for example:

    menu item colors

    Main Submenus

    Submenus appear on hover or click on main menu items. There are up to four levels of submenus to choose how deep submenus will go. Many more options are here, so let’s list them below:

    1. Submenus depth – like stated previously, you can choose how many levels of submenus you’ve got
    2. Show submenu on mouse hover? – whether to click or hover main menu items or submenu items in order to show submenus; responsive header will always react on tap (click)
    3. Background color – background color of all submenus
    4. Min. width – minimum width that your submenus take; by default it’s set to auto
    5. Font size – font size of all submenu items
    6. Border color – border color of all four sides of one submenu column: top, bottom, left, right
    7. Border top (and bottom, left, right) width – four separate options for borders’ width
    8. Menu items border top (and bottom) color – border color of submenu links (except first one, or last one if it’s bottom color)
    9. Menu items border top (and bottom) width – border width of submenu links (except first one, or last one if it’s bottom width)
    10. Shadow – shadow set using CSS property box-shadow; it’s set in text field using full definition, e.g. 2px 2px 2px 2px rgba(85, 85, 85, 0.8) and when you make changes to any of the values you can see them live as you type


    Breadcrumbs are great for improving your website’s visibility on Search Engines and SEO. Header Customizer’s breadcrumbs implement definition.

    1. Font size – font size of breadcrumbs only
    2. Google font family – font family for breadcrumbs only
    3. Show home page link? – whether breadcrumbs show link to home page; by default it does
    4. Separator text – separator character(s) which sit in between page links
    5. Separator color – color of separator text
    6. Separator margins (left/right) – separator margins

    Note: Breadcrumbs are placed in Top or Bottom header, but first you need to activate any of them and place Breadcrumbs as left or right side menu, like so:


    Page Title

    Page title is very suitable to be placed on bottom part of the header. It shows page name of the current page. You can modify the following:

    1. Color – color of page title
    2. Show on home page? – whether to show title for home page
    3. Margin top/bottom
    4. Font size – font size of page title only
    5. Font family – font family of page title only

    Note: To have page title you must select it as left or right side menu in Top or Bottom headers.

    Search box should be integral part of your header if you would like to have it there instead of, for example, on sidebar. You can change many settings here:

    1. Color – text color only; color of typed text (not placeholder)
    2. Width – basic width of the box
    3. Font size – font size of search text
    4. Font family – font family of search text
    5. Background color – background color of the box
    6. Placeholder – placeholder of input field
    7. Border color – border color of the box
    8. Border width – border width of the box
    9. Padding top/bottom (and left/right) – paddings of input field
    10. Margin top (and bottom, left, right – margins of the box
    11. Border radius top-left (and top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right) – border radius of the search box

    Note: To have search box you must select it as left or right side menu in Top or Bottom headers.

    Responsive Header

    Responsive header appears when your screen size (which you can also set) is small enough for your header so it transforms making it appealing for your phone or tablet. You can set following options:

    1. Responsive Width – width which defines breaking point between desktop and responsive header; when you load your website on screen sizes below this point your header will look “minified”
    2. Hamburger Color – “hamburger” icon appears instead of your main menu, which you can click on to show the menu on small screens but this time the menu items are ordered below each other

    Sticky Header

    And finally, the sticky header. As most of us are already familiar with this term, it means that your header “sticks” on top of your website even when you start scrolling down the content. Sticky header greatly
    improves bounce rate of your visitors. You can turn it off and on by simply check/uncheck the checkbox. For now you are presented with following settings:

    1. Is sticky header enabled? – as mentioned above, you can easily enable/disable sticky header with this checkbox
    2. Offset – in pixels, this is the distance how long you scroll until the header sticks to the top; it can also be set to zero so your header becomes sticky immediately
    3. Padding top/bottom for Top Header – paddings only for Top Header; this is very helpful so you can for example make header smaller in height when it becomes sticky (with nice transition effect)
    4. Padding top/bottom for Middle Header – same as point above but for Middle Header
    5. Padding top/bottom for Bottom Header – same as point above but for Bottom Header
    6. Show Top Header? – you can hide (or not) Top Header completely when the header becomes sticky
    7. Show Middle Header? – same as point above but for Middle Header
    8. Show Bottom Header? – same as point above but for Bottom Header

    sticky header


    You can find uninstall (delete) option after you deactivate the plugin from the Plugins page.

    Keep in mind that when you delete Header Customizer you will also delete all of its color, menu and any other settings. If you only deactivate the plugin, its settings will remain and will not need to be entered again if plugin is re-activated.

    For support requests please use my support page. If you like the plugin, please take the time to rate it. It means a lot to me.

  • Fast Experience Calendar (Calendars)

    Fast Experience Calendar (Calendars)

    Quick Event Calendar is a very simple, performant and WordPress-integrated event calendar plugin.

    Quick Event Calendar allows you to add posts, events or any other custom post type to a flexible, responsive calendar which can be placed in a post, page or widget.

    Quick Event Calendar adapts to any existing (custom) post type and can replace any other events plugin with little to no effort. It also includes some nice themes, with more coming soon.

  • CashMedia – Promote Your Video and Audio Media Recordsdata (Media)

    CashMedia – Promote Your Video and Audio Media Recordsdata (Media)

    This is a premium WP plugin for selling and buying of your media files, it also gives you a chance to preview the Video or Audio.

  • Layer Pictures – Visible Composer Addons (Add-ons)

    Layer Pictures – Visible Composer Addons (Add-ons)

    If you are familiar with Visual composer and you love creating websites with this revolutionary plugin you will love the new Visual Composer Layer Images plugin!

    With a bit of imagination and a little of photoshop skills you will be able to create incredible websites. The Layers Images plugins aka VCli is the perfect plugin for portfolio websites.

    How it works?

    You simple need an empty section, row or column, or any other elements that will wrap all the images together. Simple upload one image at a time, set the desired animation and layer position and voila! You are done.


  • wordpress Computer Notifications via Emres (Utilities)

    wordpress Computer Notifications via Emres (Utilities)


    WordPress plugin, which allows sending notifications directly to user’s desktop screen, if even he minimized browser, or watching another site in another window. Desktop Notifications based on HTML5.Notifications, but work also in Mozilla, Opera, ect. and some other popular browsers, see more details here.

    Our notifications can be fully customized, with images, text and audio. You can play any sound you like on Desktop Notifications not to let user pass it.

    Desktop Notifications is great tool to improve your web site interactions with users: rise their uptime, page views, involve to comments and actions, turn back more often. Our plugin integrated to Woocommerce, bbPress, BuddyPress Activity plugin actions, that makes it useful for e-commerce issues. By “Desktop Notifications” you can increase cross-sales, up-sales and average purchases, sell more new goods and wakeup “sleeping” customers.


    • HTML5 Notifications
    • Simple install and usage
    • Various OS support (Windows, MacOS, Linux (Ubuntu, ect.))
    • Various browsers support (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, ect. see more here)
    • Unlimited number of notifications
    • Unlimited number of categories
    • Notification customization: title, text, icon, audio, on click redirect
    • Duplicate notification protection
    • Integrated with Woocommerce, BuddyPress Activity, bbPress
    • Integrated with any WordPress plugin providing public post types
    • Triggers to customize notifications with inline data
    • More than 100 events variations to notify users:
      • WordPress mass notifications:
        • Post created, updated, trashed, ect.
        • Comments new/update
        • User register and login
      • WordPress personal notifications:
        • User’s posts publish, updated, commented, ect.
        • Comment moderated
        • User login/register
      • WordPress schedule notifications:
        • Time interval mass notifications
      • Woocommerce notifications:
        • On add to cart and proceed checkout
        • On “thank you” page
        • On new product
        • On update product
        • On trash product
      • bbPress notifications:
        • On new/update/trash Topics
        • On new/update/trash Replies
        • On new/update/trash Forums
      • BuddyPress Activity notifications:
        • Any activity posts: xprofile, friendship, regular acivities, group records
        • Read BuddyPress Activity documentation for more information
      • Any other plugins, that provide WordPress public post types
  • Mortar – Visible Composer Addons Bundle (Add-ons)

    Mortar – Visible Composer Addons Bundle (Add-ons)

    It contains 4 visual composer add-ons which will help you to include in your projects, the following: JPS Ajax Post Layout, Smart One Page Navigation, Parallax Engine, Video-Advertising. It will be updated as soon as we have added new addon …


    • JPS Ajax Post Layout – Addon For Visual Composer – 18$ value – find out more
    • Smart One Page Navigation – Addon For Visual Composer – 15$ value – find out more
    • Parallax Engine – Addon For Visual Composer – 15$ value – find out more
    • Video Advertising – Addon For Visual Composer – 14$ value – find out more

    Mortar – Visual Composer Addons Bundle Products