Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Breaking Information Addon For Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Breaking Information Addon For Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Easy & Powerful breaking news Addon for Visual Composer that allows you to create animated breaking news ticker for your site within few minutes. Addon comes 11 predefined themes with custom theme builder and 16 smooth news ticker animation feature. So, you can create eye catching breaking news ticker for your site requirements.

    Addon also gives you the front end editing feature too. Here goes the full feature lists of Addon-

    Note: You need to install both Visual Composer & BWL Breaking News Manager plugin to use “Breaking News Addon For Visual Composer”.


    – Display breaking news any where of site.

    – Easy to use and flexible customization feature.

    – Custom breaking news block for visual composer.

    – 16 smooth news ticker animation.

    – 11 predefined theme with custom theme builder.

    – 7 custom ticker navigation button.

    – RTL supported news ticker.

    – Responsive ticker layout.

    – Custom ticker filter.

    – Ready for localization.

    – Front end editing with Visual Composer.

    – Quick installation and super easy to use.

    – Extensive Documentation.

    -6 Months premium support & Free Lifetime updates.

    BWL Advanced FAQ Manager

    BWL Knowledge Base Manager

    BWL Pro Voting Manager WordPress Plugin

    2016, March, 15 - v 1.0.0 - Initial release
  • PrivateContent – Top class Plans add-on (Add-ons)

    PrivateContent – Top class Plans add-on (Add-ons)

    Note: this is an add-on. You must have at least PrivateContent v5.1 and WooCommerce v2.1 to use it.

    Turn PrivateContent into a true premium membership platform. The add-on takes advantage of WooCommerce systems to handle payments and set subscription time limits.

    Pay and time-limited subscriptions for PrivateContent

    PrivateContent is known to be a free membership plugin, but what if you want to make money with your website?

    Premium Plans add-on satisfies this need, turning the original plugin into a true platform to monetize your contents and set time limits.

    It is based on the most popular wordpress e-commerce system: wooCommerce!
    Using its powerful, stable and extensibile systems to create subscription plans and manage payments, offering the most complete e-commerce experience you can have today.

    As per LCweb’s philosophy, you have complete fredom on setup: plans can be free or also without time limit.
    You can even set a trial period, applied to new registered users.

    Premium plans could be also a great way to allow only trusted users into your list: in fact is possible to automatically enable pending users after successful payment.

    Seamless integration

    But what does it implies for existing users? Nothing!
    Existing users are detached from Premium Plans systems and by default are still able to login.

    Obviously is possible to bulk assign a plan to them or just do this individually.
    Whole add-on systems are totally automated: from registration to subscription activation and expiration check.

    You’ll be able to control orders and payments status through WooCommerce, as well as edit user’s plan, status and expiration date in “edit user” page.

    Plan-based contents restriction

    One of PrivateContent core functions is the power to control website elements visibility.
    Premium plans add-on extends this system, adding the ability to restrict elements basing also on subscription plans.

    This is an essential tool for anyone wanting to create a multilevel premium content website.

    Automatic renewal system

    Renewal system is totally automated: once expired, login form’s message will ask user to renew and pay the new order, without any delay.

    Is also possible to let users change their plans on renewal. Maximum flexibility with ease!

    Automatic renewal system

    Complete integration also on design side, adapting to PrivateContent styles and having plenty of customization fields to manage colors.

    Three layouts: one for one-column forms and two for fluid ones.

    Walkthrough videos

    To make this add-on easy for everyone there are videos explaining each step necessary to setup and use it:


    See the changelog here

  • LayersWP Widget Enhacer (Utilities)

    LayersWP Widget Enhacer (Utilities)

    LayersWP Widget Enhancer

    LayersWP Widget Enhancer is a lightweight, simple and powerfull plugin that will add new and useful options to every Widget made for LayersWP, including Layers Pro and third party plugins.

    Under design bar->advanced, you will see new available options.

    Available Options

  • Widget Size: Choose the desired widget size as you normally do with columns and combine widgets in the same row
  • Widget Animation: Over 70 CSS animation activated on mouse scroll
  • Stick widget: Attach featured widgets at window top on mouse scroll
  • Title Font: Use different fonts on every widget title
  • Content Font: Use different fonts on every widget content
  • Background Attachment: Choose between Scroll (Normal) and fixed attachment
  • WordPress Google Analytics Professional (website positioning)

    WordPress Google Analytics Professional (website positioning)

    WP Google Analytics Pro allows you to add Google Analytics tracking code to your website and see statistics from Google Analytics right in your WP-Admin Dashboard.

  • ViralPress Professional WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

    ViralPress Professional WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

    ViralPress Pro is a very easy to use WordPress plugin to find viral content from Facebook. ViralPress Pro helps you in finding and analyzing the content which went Viral in your business niche. Within a few seconds, you can easily find why is a particular Facebook page so popular by exploring its most popular (viral) content using ViralPress Pro WordPress plugin.

  • aWeather Forecast (Widgets)

    aWeather Forecast (Widgets)

    aWeather Forecast is a elegant wordpress plugin for displaying weather conditions for places across the world.


    • 4 Animated Header
    • You can add your own video or image
    • 18 Animated icons
    • Chose City
    • Chose Units Format
    • Change font by using Google Fonts (Over 700 Fonts)
    • Color customizable (Weather Icons and Text)

    What widget displays:

    • Time
    • City
    • Current Weather Icon
    • Current Weather Conditions
    • Current Temperature
    • Wind Speed and Direction
    • Pressure
    • Humidity
    • Min and Max Temperature

    Forecast by:

  • WooCommerce Product Layouts (Add-ons)

    WooCommerce Product Layouts (Add-ons)

    Is a plugin that helps you easy to display product with multi layouts, it will be an auxiliary equipment which provides you can control product display in everywhere and every form as your desire.



    • Fully Ajax load products.
    • 15+ layouts. EX: Grid, List, Smart Box, Carousel, Slider, Masonry…
    • Support pagination, infinite scroll, ajax loadmore products.
    • User-friendly
    • Easily customize styles
    • Unlimited colors.
    • Flexible Configuration.
    • Fully Responsive.
    • Multi select products: include categories, tags, orderby (latest products, best sellers, top rated, recent review, price, random…).
    • Compatible with popular plugins: YITH WooCommerce Quick View, YITH WooCommerce Compare, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist…
    • Compatible with popular Theme
    • And so much more…

    This plugin is an add-on for Visual Composer

  • Fb Analytics for WordPress (Add-ons)

    Fb Analytics for WordPress (Add-ons)

    Facebook Analytics is a Get Facebook Likes addon allows you track your visitors likes, comments on your website per day. It sends data to Google Analytics using Analytics API so you can view and get report easily in Google Analytics.

    Facebook Analytics Features

    Different between Facebook Analytics and Page Insight

    Facebook Analytics works with your website and track likes, comments of your websites posts while Page Insight works with your Facebook Page and track likes, shares, comments of your Facebook Posts.

    Facebook Analytics is a Get Facebook Likes addon

    Get Facebook Likes interacts with Facebook Graph API and saves your Facebook likes, shares, comments to post meta so you can do some awesome stuff that you think it’s impossible before like sort posts by likes or shares, or comments, like to view, etc…

    To install Facebook Analytics, you’ll need to install Get Facebook Likes. It’s fast, simple and totally free.

    Change Logs

    Version 1.0 – March 07, 2016

    Initial Release
  • Webagency Widget – Multi-web page builder plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Webagency Widget – Multi-web page builder plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Webagency Widget – Multi-website builder for wordpress

    Add a multi-website builder to your wordpress website.
    Offer both free and premium websites to your subscribers.
    Extremely easy to use.
    Create as many sites as you like and manage them within WordPress admin.

    View the main features below.

    Easy installation

    Installing is Easy. Upload and activate the plugin. Add the Webagency Widget to your sidebar

    Your blog visitors can now create website

    Registion included a domain suggestion tool.

    Visitors who register for a website are automatically turned to subscribers.

    Custom CMS for subscribers

    Your subscribers will now have access to a CMS allowing them to create multiple websites

    The CMS is structured as followed

    • Website detail
    • Google Map with drag and drop Marker selector
    • Social links (facebook, twitter, instagram…ect)
    • Banners
      • Upload images with text and description to be used in animated sliders
    • Pages
    • Projects/Portfolio
      • Projects categories
        • Projects
        • Upload multiple images
    • Product Categories
      • Products Categories
        • Products
        • Upload multiple Images


    Webagency Widget creates it’s own custom tables to store data.
    So that the script will never interfere with the data you already have onto your wordpress blog

    Easy to use interface

    The CMS uses an ajax interface powered by Jquery, no need to wait for page to be reloaded. You get access to you data instantly

    Webagency Widget creates clean, modern and customizable websites.

    Fully responsive and customizable designs

    Ecommerce technology used allow your subscribers to run a paypal online store from the websites they’ve created.

    Customizable themes

    Sell domain packages to your subscribers

    Charge your subscribers to host the website under a domain name while using your website builder.

    View demo

  • Born For Share (Social Networking)

    Born For Share (Social Networking)

    Using born for share plugin any wordpress site.Every website author want to use social share buttons.born for share made for them.born for share is ideal choice for start to create custom social share buttons and share counters.You can set share button 5 different position. born for share plugin also support share widget and text tweet.