Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • WordPress Knowledge Importer (Utilities)

    WordPress Knowledge Importer (Utilities)

    WordPress Data Import and Automated Post Creation plugin exclusive to CodeCanyon. Manual or automated data management and post creation. All standard WP options available, unlimited custom fields for applying post meta, category creation and more.

  • Alike – Any submit comparability WordPress (Utilities)

    Alike – Any submit comparability WordPress (Utilities)

    Its a comparison plugin that will help you to make compare between WordPress custom posts , property, products etc. It has excellent admin settings where user can generate the logic of the comparison, they will able to add fields and different settings regarding the comparison.

    online documentation :

  • Cornerstone Web page Builder (Utilities)

    Overview – Learn about all the incredible Cornerstone features and functionality.
    Elements Demo – See just a sample of the Cornerstone Elements in action.
    Changelog – Detailed notes for each update and version so you can stay updated.
    Support Forums – First time Themeco customer? Register. Returning? Login.
    Knowledge Base – Cornerstone walkthroughs, video tutorials, articles, and more.
    Launch Party Thread – Join the discussion! Share bug reports and feature requests.

  • WooCommerce Class Article Professional (search engine marketing)

    WooCommerce Class Article Professional (search engine marketing)

    This Plugin Adds Advanced Category Article Field in WooCommerce Product Category Editor of WordPress, it also Support Custom Taxonomies for default post types (i.e. tags, terms)

    Why add content to WooCommerce Product Category Pages

    Without unique, useful content a category page is really just a list of posts, each with a small amount of content that is duplicated on the actual post page itself. All other things being equal, a category page with unique, useful content is going to out-rank one without it. Furthermore, the content at the top of the page can help user visitors through the conversion funnel, help answer common questions, and offer an opportunity to introduce your branding and voice.

    What type of content to put on WooCommerce Product Category Pages

    One word: Useful. What you want to do here is answer common questions and instruct the visitor on what to do next. Explain the difference between major brands, or call out the most popular models. Do not simply write filler copy for search engines. And, above all, do not just write a generic description that goes on all category pages, even if you dynamically change the category name.

    Shortcode Support

    Full HTML Editor


  • Boost your WooCommerce Product Category SEO
  • Full Text Editor
  • Use Images, links, Heading or Paragraphs
  • Display This field anywhere in your category page.
  • Support Shortcode.
  • Highly Customizable.
  • Support Documentation
  • After sales support
  • SEO Recommendations

    For Category Pagination use rel=”prev” and rel=”next” so that Search Engines can find out relation between category pages.


  • If your issue is General, use comments and i will try to respond within 24 hours.
  • If your issue is specific to your site or hosting then inbox me with your details i will provide support.
  • Then Place any review.
  • bbPress Messages – personal messages plugin for bbPress boards (Boards)

    bbPress Messages – personal messages plugin for bbPress boards (Boards)

    Important: This plugin requires bbPress to function. More info.

    bbPress Messages is a light and elegant plugin that brings private messages feature to your WordPress forums with bbPress plugin.

    See it in action (DEMO)
    More information

    bbPress Messages Features:

    Here are some of the features powered by bbPress Messages plugin which we can cover for the meantime:

    Message media:

    You can insert links, images and video links in the message typing area and they will be automatically converted and parsed into media. To embed a YouTube video into a message, all you need to do is to paste its link. Links are automatically embedded, for instance inserting will produce a link to the Google homepage..

    For images, you will have to wrap the image source URL in the BBcode tags img.

    Videos are recognized from YouTube, Vimeo and DailyMotion for the meantime.

    Message status:

    Once you send a message, the user will be notified via email to read the message online. Once the message is read, it will show you once when the message was seen by our recipient.

    Users can mark messages unread, this must be a handy feature for certain reasons..

    Conversation archives:

    You can easily archive or un-archive a conversation, and find your archives in the archived messages section.

    Email notifications:

    When you send out a message, the recipient will then get notified by email as long as their preferences allow.

    User blocking/unblocking:

    You can toggle on/off this feature through the settings panel. It is very useful for users to block messages from other users; when a user has blocked another, both of them will not be able to exchange messages and they will get a notice on top of the message typing area which is disabled in this case.

    User online status:

    This is an out-of-the-box built-in feature. Users online status is updated frequently when users are active on the site, and it is shown in the messaging area..

    How it is being updated: as we mentioned before, this is not an instant messaging plugin so it is getting updated every time a logged in users views some page on the site..


    there are few shortcodes that you can use to output dynamic content and user data and information.

    • [bbpm-unread-count user=”(user_id)”]: This shortcode outputs the number of unread messages a user has. This user can be specified in the user shortcode attribute.
    • [bbpm-archives-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays a count of how many archived conversations a user has.
    • [bbpm-contact-link user=”(user_id)”]: Outputs the dynamic contact link for the target user. in other words, it can take you to where you can exchange messages with the user in the shortcode attribute.
    • [bbpm-messages-link user=”(user_id)”]: Displays the dynamic link to messages area.
    • [bbpm-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Counts the total messages the user has.
    • [bbpm-sent-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays a count of the total messages sent by the user specified.
    • [bbpm-received-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays the count of the total messages received by the targeted user.

    For many shortcodes, if you don’t specify a user ID in the user attribute, then the target user will be the current logged in user.


    Messages are being displayed in pages, you can set how many messages to show per single page, or how many conversations to show per page.

    The pagination uses clean slugs which are easy to remember and SEO friendly.

    Custom slugs:

    Through the admin panel, you can set the slugs for messages area and archives area.

    bbPress Messages uses clean slugs with custom rewrite rules which makes the URLs very easy to remember (UX), and SEO friendly..


    The PRO version of bbPress Messages comes with few widgets, fancy ones, which render dynamic information and user data.

    There are 4 widgets powered so far:

    • bbPM welcome: this light white widget with gray borders shows few useful links for current user with welcoming note. The list of links contains an avatar, link to messages, archives, profile edit for updating preferences and a log out link.
    • bbPM search form: outputs a search form allowing the current user to search and find their messages.
    • bbPM blocked users: displays a list of the current user’s blocked users if found, if not then a small custom note.
    • bbPM active users: shows a list of the recent active users, with their avatars, links and last seen record. You can specify the maximum users the show while adding the widget in the widgets dashboard.

    Most of these widgets will return nothing while the user is logged out, except the last one.

    Admin settings:

    Through the admin settings page, you can update various settings, the format of the help text and the notification email body, pagination settings, slugs..

    User preferences:

    Users can choose whether to be notified or not by email of new messages received.

    Users can also update a note of their own which shows before someone opts to send them a message for the first time.

    Email template:

    This template can be edited while you copy the plugin file to your child theme. The notification email is HTML content-type so you can design it the way you want..

    Child theme:

    To make your custom modifications, besides using the action and filter hooks we provided, you can copy the entire plugin file to your child theme, and there you can open the files to overwrite them.

    You can overwrite all the files found in assets/ and themes/ directories. Other than that, core files, any changes you make there are not being applied.

    If you are not certain about making your custom changes, please never hesitate to use our support forums.

    Clean design and more:

    This plugin is crafted with care, clean responsive design which respects child modifications.

    There are other handy features, you should be discovering them as you use this plugin in your forums :)


    To find support, please create yourself a free account in our support forums. Please do not send us messages here for support threads, instead open a support topic in the forums we linked to earlier.


    0.1 – initial release. —, 2016

  • Ditty Fb Ticker (Social Networking)

    Ditty Fb Ticker (Social Networking)

    Check out my themes on ThemeForest!

    Ditty Facebook Ticker 1.0.0

    This plugin requires Ditty News Ticker to be installed.

    Create a dynamic display of Facebook posts and Facebook Album images on your site. With a multitude of settings you can create a feed with your personal timelines or a combination of Facebook page feeds. Display feeds in a scroller, rotator, list, or widget. Please refer to the Ditty News Ticker documentation page for in depth descriptions of all settings.

    Different ways to use this plugin

    • Display a scrolling Facebook feed widget
    • Display a rotating Facebook feed widget
    • Display a list Facebook feed widget
    • Display a feed for all of your Facebook pages
    • Display a rotating gallery of your Facebook photo albums
    • Use your imagination to display the Facebook feed of your dreams!

    What’s NEW from Metaphor Creations:

    Update Log

    = 1.0.0 =

    • Initial upload of Ditty Facebook Ticker
  • ZoomTimeline – Visible Composer Timeline % (Add-ons)

    ZoomTimeline – Visible Composer Timeline % (Add-ons)

    Ultimate Timeline Intro – top

    Looking for a company timeline ? A shipping log ? Shipping history ? Personal History ? A cool timeline slider ? This plugin has it all. No matter the needs for a timeline, the six modes included cover all the timeline needs.

    Awesome for – company timeline, time line, history, company history, shipping history, parcel track display, timeline slider.

    ZoomTimeline Features

    • HTML5 technology – zoomtimeline uses the latest html5 tehniques ( like Histroy API ) to deliver a never seen before experience to your clients
    • fully responsive – looks great from mobile to HD
    • six modes – full skins to fit every brand
    • CSS3 technology – this player uses cutting-edge css3
    • SCSS Powered – easy for developers to modify
    • Retina-ready – graphics have double resolution for smooth retina viewing
    • easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
    • iPhone / iPad optimized – this gallery has been optimized for Apple touch devices
    • Android optimized – this component has been tested on Android 4.0 and works awesome
    • developer / SASS powered – this component’s CSS has been built on top of SASS which means SASS users will have an easy time modifying the skins. For non-SASS users it’s no problem either because CSS files ( generated by SASS ) are provided
    • 100% css skinable – want to make slight modifications to the skins ? The skins are 100% built from the css and it is very easy to edit with css knowledge
    • SEO friendly – built with search engine optimization on mind from the ground up, the Testimonial Rotator uses non hidden valid html markup to build the widget
    • compatible with all major browsers, including IE – compatible from IE9 to IE11, Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox

    Other Great Plugins


  • Content material Community Distribution (Utilities)

    Content material Community Distribution (Utilities)

    If you have multisite installation with two or more web sites in your network, sometimes you need to publish same content to all sites in your network or on some of them. Content Distribution gives you ability to select network sites and distribute content when creating or editing posts or pages. Content Distribution also can distribute pages and taxonomie terms.