Intermedia lets you access all of your WordPress sites media libraries when authoring new posts and pages.
It’s secure, simple, and beautiful.
Intermedia lets you access all of your WordPress sites media libraries when authoring new posts and pages.
It’s secure, simple, and beautiful.
Stachethemes Event Calendar allows you to create and manage detailed online events for your website users.
Every event can contain detailed information like event description, map, photo gallery, event guests, schedule, file attachments, attach theme icons to the event and even weather forecast for the area where the event is located. You can invite people to attend or set reminders for calendar events.
From Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
Click “Browse” and pick Event Calendar archive.
Click “Install Now”.
After installation click “Active plugin”.
A new menu should appear named “Stachethemes Event Calendar“
From Dashboard go to Stachethemes Event Calendar > Calendars.
Fill Calendar Name, Color, Timezone and Visibility (public or private).
Click on “Create Calendar” button.
A new calendar should appear under “List with your created calendars”.
From Dashboard go to Stachethemes Event Calendar > Events.
Select Calendar from the list or create one if you haven’t created one yet.
Click on “Add Event” button.
Fill desired event details and click “Add Event”. Most event tabs are optional.
The plugin uses the shortcode [stachethemes_ec]
From Dashboard go to Pages or Posts
Add New Page or Post
Fill desired Post/Page title
Inside the Post/Page content write [stachethemes_ec]
Click Publish. This page will display the calendar when visited. You can place the shortcode in any existing Page or Post as well.
If you are uncomfortable writing shortcodes the plugin supports Visual Composer as well.
Shortcode default usage:
Displaying specific calendar only:
[stachethemes_ec cal=1,2,3]
where 1,2,3 are calendar ids
This is a wordpress attendance management system plugin for use any kind of organization or any office.
By using this plugin anyone can measure an organization’s or office’s employee’s working activity.There is a feature for punch in and punch out.While a user punch in,time tracking will start and while punch out time tracking will stop.After that admin can see which users worked how many hours.Basically it’s an system to take attendance and inform the working time to admin.
User Guide :
1. [atn-punch-button] Shortcode for generate punch in/out button.
2. [atn-punch-button time-tracker=on] Shortcode to generate punch in/out button with time tracker
Punch In : User will punch in while they start their work.After punch in their time tracking will start.
Punch Out : User will punch out while they stop their work and also time tracking will stop.
Activity Report : Admin will get working activity report in wp-admin panel.Username,in time,out time are fields in report.
Search/Filter/Ordering : Admin can search an specific user from report,filter the report depend on username or/with date range,order the report by ascending or descending.
User Guide :
This is a wordpress attendance management system plugin for use any kind of organization or any office.
By using this plugin anyone can measure an organization’s or office’s employee’s working activity.There is a feature for punch in and punch out.While a user punch in,time tracking will start and while punch out time tracking will stop.After that admin can see which users worked how many hours.Basically it’s an system to take attendance and inform the working time to admin.
User Guide :
1. [atn-punch-button] Shortcode for generate punch in/out button.
2. [atn-punch-button time-tracker=on] Shortcode to generate punch in/out button with time tracker
Punch In : User will punch in while they start their work.After punch in their time tracking will start.
Punch Out : User will punch out while they stop their work and also time tracking will stop.
Activity Report : Admin will get working activity report in wp-admin panel.Username,in time,out time are fields in report.
Search/Filter/Ordering : Admin can search an specific user from report,filter the report depend on username or/with date range,order the report by ascending or descending.
User Guide :
Also it gains you full control of your forms unique functionality and user submissions all the time. You no longer need to concern about having issues with email submissions as FCP form builder covers your back as your submission is always stored and displayed in your website backend so that you can check them anytime.
We also offer you to export your user submissions in an excel sheet to use it in your business processes and keep track of them all the time.
FCP Form Builder features :
Report Builder is and add-on for wpDataTables that instantly creates documents and spreadsheets filling your templates with actual data.
If you have a need to generate Word DOCX or Excel XLSX documents on your website filling them with actual data from database – Report Builder can automate this process for you. It uses wpDataTables as a data provider, and generates the documents on the fly.
Report Builder can be used to generate invoices, contracts, different stats and reports, transaction lists, welcome letters, commercial offers, statements, task trackers, exam lists, catalogs, and many more. See our examples gallery here.
All features are explained in detail in our demo site with online documentation with live examples.