Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Hexagon Grid Gallery Addon for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Hexagon Grid Gallery Addon for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    You can create responsive hexagon style galleries with Hexagon Grid Gallery Addon for Visual Composer WordPress Plugin in any page. Hexagon Grid Gallery addon will display your images and galleries awesomely in in anywhere.

    Free Item Support


    Top Features

    • Create hexagon grid gallery in few second
    • Predefined templates included
    • Highly customizable & fully responsive
    • Just install and go in a second
    • Extensive free support & documentation


    • Initial Release ( Sep-20-2016 )
  • Bookly Deposit Funds (Add-on) (Add-ons)

    Bookly Deposit Funds (Add-on) (Add-ons)

    Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly plugin. View Bookly page at Codecanyon.

    The Deposit Payments add-on for your Bookly plugin allows you to set up a minimum amount that has to be paid at the time of booking. Each service and even staff member can be set up individually. And the deposit amount can be determined as a percentage of the appointment cost or as a hard amount.
    The add-on will of course update your payment list as well and give special attention to whether a deposit was paid to cover a portion of the appointment cost, or whether it was paid in full.

    Purchase the add-on, install it and set it up in under 10 min.

    Please read how to set up and use Bookly Deposit Payments add-on at our detailed documentation.

  • The Wunderbar (Add-ons)

    The Wunderbar (Add-ons)

    Wunderbar is a WYSIWYG editor for virtually any WordPress site and theme. Wunderbar puts full-featured visual editing on every page. You make your changes right on the page itself – not from the back end admin – so you can see exactly what you r fonts, colors, styles, links, tables, and images will look like. No guessing, no wasted time.

    Our formatting toolbar looks and works like a familiar word processor, making editing intuitive and fast. Drag and drop images or files, create hyperlinks, and more. Wherever the Wunderbar cursor appears – posts, pages, content, titles, excerpts – you can edit it quickly and with unlimited undo in case you make an error.

    Wunderbar will change the way you think about editing in WordPress!

  • WordPress Instagram Plugin Posting (Social Networking)

    WordPress Instagram Plugin Posting (Social Networking)

    WordPress Instagram Plugin Posting helps to exclude the manual work while posting from WordPress to Instagram. The plugin posts video and images automatically from WordPress to Instagram according to settings. It supports WooCommerce Product, WordPress Page, WordPress Post.


    • Multiple Accounts – the ability to use any number of accounts.
    • Proxies support – use a proxy for Instagram accounts.
    • Images support – posting images from WordPress to Instagram.
    • Video support ? posting video from WordPress to Instagram. Video should be less than one minute.
    • Different post types – WooCommerce Product, WordPress Page, WordPress Post.
    • Categories posting – just select categories and post to Instagram.
    • Schedule posting – set the time interval for posting.

    Change Log

    Semtemper 15, 2016 ? Version 1.0.1

    * Code improvements

    Semtemper 10, 2016 ? Version 1.0.0

    * Initial release
  • Simple Digital Downloads EDD classes dropdown (Miscellaneous)

    Simple Digital Downloads EDD classes dropdown (Miscellaneous)

    Easy digital downloads categories dropdown

    Easy digital downloads categories as accordion

    With this plugin you can show your EDD categories as accordion.

    You can use the plugin from tinymce ( the default WP editor on posts/pages ) , as a widget , as a visual composer module or directly on your PHP files via the code that the plugin generates for you

    You have the options to :


    Show or hide categories that dont have any products associated


    Show or hide the counter of products for each category


    If set to YES , clicking on a category that has subcategories will take the user to that category page . If set to NO it will just expand the subcategories


    Show or hide current category from the dropdown. This works only when inside EDD category pages.


    Select any category you dont want to show on the dropdown


    How to order the categories ( by name , slug , ID , number of downloads each category has )


    Order ascending or descending


    Enter the number of px you want the font of dropdown to be. If left empty the default font size of the theme will be used


    Select the normal font color. If left empty the default font size of the theme will be used


    Select the text color on mouse over. If left empty the default font size of the theme will be used


    Select the background color of dropdown. If left empty the default font size of the theme will be used


    Select the background color on mouse over. If left empty the default font size of the theme will be used


    Select the icon to be used for expand icon.


    Select the icon to be used for collapse icon


    Enter a CSS class to be added to the dropdown. In this way you can reference it on your custom css.


    In case you want to directly use PHP then copy paste this code

    Click here

    The plugin is traslatable via PO/MO files and english and italian are already included.

  • JSC Fields – WordPress Meta Fields Made Straightforward (Interface Components)

    JSC Fields – WordPress Meta Fields Made Straightforward (Interface Components)

    Note, the demo login is:
    username: demo
    password: demo

    Building out meta fields in the WordPress dashboard can be a tedious process. First you have to setup your fields in HTML, save them in WordPress using PHP, and then wire it up using Javascript (that is, if you want to do anything cool).

    JSC Fields shouts “never again!”, and makes it easy to create beautiful user interfaces directly in WordPress! With one simple JSON file in your theme or plugin, you can quickly create image galleries, file uploads, repeating fields, rows, columns, and tabbed interfaces (and this doesn’t even mention all of the standard inputs you expect: text, textarea, checkbox, radio, select, range, etc.).

    To get a better idea of how this all works, and what features are supported, read the documentation at or try the demo link at

    If you have any questions, email us at

  • Developed PayPal Button for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Developed PayPal Button for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Advanced PayPal Button is a Visual Composer addon that allows you to create unlimited number of Paypal “Buy It Now” and “Donate” buttons.


    • Drag-and-Drop Paypal Button Creation
    • Support for Custom Button Images
    • Add custom Shipping and Flat Tax Fees
    • Multicurrency Support
    • Sandbox Mode Support
    • Manage All Settings in One Place

      Customize to Match Your Website



      WP Hammer – WordPress resources, theme roundups and more

  • SCalc Calculators and Customized Charts (Utilities)

    SCalc Calculators and Customized Charts (Utilities)

    SCalcs generates three different interactive financial calculator and custom charts which are generated from tables. Every native HTML tables can be visualized as line, bar or radar chart.
    All charts can be exported or sent by mail. Custom charts can be shared also on facebook.

    Key Features

  • Three calculators with charts and table data
  • Five custom chart types for visualizing table data
  • Export and mailing functions for all calculators and charts
  • Facebook sharing for custom charts (facebook app id necessary)
  • Different chart types for calculators
  • Chart data table can be hidden
  • All charts are responsive
  • Multilingual with .po files
  • Many settings in admin panel
  • SCalc uses shortcodes to integrate in pages, posts or widgets (if your widgets supports shortcodes)

    Examples and info

    Custom chart examples


    Calculator shortcodes

    Custom chart shortcodes


    The download archive contains to plugins: SCalc and sk-library.
    You must install both within the wordpress plugin panel. Activate first sk-library and then SCalc.

    If you already have installed sk-library in version 1.3 you can omit this installation.

    SCalc contains an update checker so that you will be informed about plugin or library updates.



    Basically there are three possibilities:

  • [scalc type=?hourlyRate?]
  • [scalc type=?investment?]
  • [scalc type=?annuity?]
  • All basic settings and colors are made by the SCalc settings in the Settings panel. You will have three more options:
    type: as shown above
    height: pixel or percent numeric (i.e. ?100%? or ?300? for 300 px) (optional)
    width: same as height

    Be careful with width and height: Since charts are responsive, adjustment of width and / or height may lead to unwanted results.

    Custom Charts

    To add a custom chart you will need to things: The shortcode and a data table from which SCalc generates the datasets and labels.


    [schart type="line" symbol="?" height="300" width="200" show_table="1"]
    Here is the place for the table. It must be a valid HTML table.

    Colors can be set in the Settings panel SCalc. Same colors will used for calculators and custom charts.

    The options:
    type: line, bar, doughnut, pie (mandatory)
    symbol: Appendix for labels and legends (i.e. $) (optional)
    height: pixel or percent numeric (i.e. “100%” or “300” for 300 px) (optional)
    width: same as height
    thousands: , or . (defaults to ”,”. If your table data contains formatted numbers you must set this according to data format)
    decimals: , or . (defaults to ”.”. If your table data contains formatted numbers you must set this according to data format)
    show_table: “0” or “1” Display the data table or not (optional)

    Be careful with width and height: Since charts are responsive, adjustment of width and / or height may lead to unwanted results.

  • Velocity Skilled (Utilities)

    Velocity Skilled (Utilities)

    Speed Expert is a cache plugin that incorporates a myriad of advanced optimization techniques to make it stand out, delivering unprecedented speed gains on both desktop computers and mobile devices. It was designed from the ground up to work effectively with WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, WPML, and a large array of themes, so that you can speed up your international e-commerce site flawlessly and increase your conversion rates.

  • WordPress Offline First (Miscellaneous)

    WordPress Offline First (Miscellaneous)


    The WordPress plugin that help you control the content your users see, even when they are offline. It’s time to start thinking Offline First.


    Requires a secure connection to your site. So make sure your users visit your site over HTTPS (an SSL certificate is free with Let’s Encrypt or via CloudFlare).

    Browser Support

    WP Offline First works in any browser that supports ServiceWorkers. Currently this means:

    1. Chrome 40+
    2. Opera 27+
    3. Firefox 41+

    If your users are using a different or older browser, they will simply be unaffected. Nothing will break, and they simply won’t notice anything different.