Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • College Administration Machine for wordpress (Add-ons)

    College Administration Machine for wordpress (Add-ons)

    School management system who work with SMS web based application.

    In wordpress application you will able to add students, teacher, librarian and parents users. And they automaticaly add to SMS system. Also you are able to login all of users to they account to SMS system and they can back to WordPress. Only you need to setup URL to installed SMS application and in SMS application in settings URL to WordPress application.

    SMS web and wordpress with this plugin need to be in same domain!

    version 1.0 - November 18, 2016

    • Initial version
  • Merry Christmas – Illustrated/Animated Coming Quickly Plugin (Utilities)

    Merry Christmas – Illustrated/Animated Coming Quickly Plugin (Utilities)

    Merry Christmas – LESS/Bootstrap powered, Illustrated, Animated, Coming Soon/404/Landing page

    Merry Christmas is a HTML5/CSS3 optimized, bootstrap powered responsive, retina ready illustrated parallax theme perfect for landing pages, coming soon and 404 pages. Theme comes with working Google Map and Contact Form 7 support

    Please note that “demo” text only appears for preview. In the download zip, you can access all the images without any text on it.

    Also note that you will need to install Contact Form 7 plug-in to be able to use the contact form

  • Social Tabs Widget for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Social Tabs Widget for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Combine all social network buttons in simple and elegant tabs and place them where you want on your website. Select from 14 Social Services (25 Social Buttons and Widgets) and 2 custom buttons (RSS and Print)

    Social Buttons included into widget:

    • Facebook Like Button, Facebook Page Plugin (Like Box)
    • Twitter Follow Button
    • YouTube Subscribe Button
    • Vimeo Blog Badge
    • Google +1 Button, Google Share Button
    • Pinterest Save Button, Pinterest Follow Button, Pinterest Pin Widget, Pinterest Board, Pinterest Profile
    • Instagram Badge
    • Tumblr Post Button, Tumblr Follow Button, Tumblr Staff Button
    • Snapchat Snapcode
    • Flickr Badge
    • LinkedIn Share Button, LinkedIn Follow Company Buton
    • StumbleUpon Badge
    • Reddit Button with Points, Reddit Interactive Button, Reddit Other Button
    • Delicious Save This
    • RSS Button
    • Print Button


    • 14 Social Services (25 Social Buttons and Widgets)
    • 2 Custom Buttons (RSS and Print)
    • No images included (all icons are Font Awesome)
    • Support for high-resolution displays
    • Full documentation
  • JT Pricing Desk (Widgets)

    JT Pricing Desk (Widgets)

    Create and publish responsive and modern pricing tables.

    Basic Info

    JT Pricing Table is a WordPress widget that lets you create responsive pricing tables with up to 4 columns. You can select between 6 styles, choose to display a “Buy Now” button with your text and URL and select a currency including €, $, £, ¥, ₩ and ₹. It is also compatible with WordPress 4.5 and newer versions.


    JT Pricing Table - Features


    We provide support with every purchase through our website. For more info, you can visit our FAQs page.


    We provide both online and offline documentations (in HTML format) in order to access it easily anytime. You can find the documentations of all our items on our website.


    In order to build this widget, we used:

  • Scrapes – Net scraper plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Scrapes – Net scraper plugin for WordPress (Utilities)


    Ready to go.
    It is designed to use without any coding. Upload it to your WordPress site, activate and use, that’s all.

    Multiple tasks.
    Run multiple tasks which have different scraping features simultaneously and without limitation.

    Native content.
    Scraped content supports all WordPress inputs like title, excerpt, content, date, author one by one.

    Featured image.
    Choose featured image of the content from the gallery or use the source content image automatically.

    Custom fields.
    Scrape the required custom field values for your needs from the source content except WordPress default inputs.

    Generated categories.
    Add the scraped content to your existing categories or create the same category to your web site from the source.

    Custom post types.
    It supports custom post types and custom taxonomies which are created by your plugins or themes, adjusts the content to your structure.

    HTML support.
    Scrape cleaned text content from the source or whole HTML area with all the tags.

    Unique check.
    If you wish, prevent duplicate content entry and only update the existing content.

    Plan B.
    If anything goes wrong because of an error, plugin may stop the current process and skips next if you want.

    Detailed logs.
    Every action from the plugin is logged in details and ready whenever you want to view.

    High performance.
    Coded neatly, aims to achieve the high performance with the minimum system requirements.

    3 Easy steps

    • Enter source URL that you would like to scrape content from.
    • Select the scraper type and set the options as needs
    • Save and go!

    Use case ideas

    • Track and archive any single web page.
    • Scrape latest currency information inside your post.
    • Scrape current weather forecast.
    • Scrape live scores to any of your posts.
    • Scrape job listings and bulletin boards.
    • Create an affiliate site by scraping products.
    • Create an e-commerce site by scraping products as WooCommerce products
    • Create an image gallery by scraping images.
    • Create a blog or magazine site by scraping blog posts from different sources.
    • Create a music, video or movie site by scraping embed codes from services.
    • Create a news site by scraping RSS or Atom feeds form feed URLs
    • And much more up to your imagination.

    Can I scrape from any web site?

    You can scrape content from almost every web site that you open in your browser. Just be sure that the content is not generated dynamically by javascript (Such as load more buttons or with lazy load by scrolling down).

    You can check your website that you would like to scrape by disabling javascript from your browser settings and check if your content is still visible to you. Besides for serial type scraping make sure that a next page button is available and the content is not loading automatically on the current page.

  • wordpress Christmas Snow 12 (Utilities)

    wordpress Christmas Snow 12 (Utilities)

    WP Christmas Snow 12 is a WordPress plugin which allows you to add animated snow fall effects on your website.


    - Snow can be disabled on mobile devices.
    - Very easy to install.
    - Snow flake color can be set.
    - Number of snow flakes can be set.
    - Snow flake speed can be controlled.
    - Snow flake size can be set.
  • CountDown With Picture or Video Heritage – Responsive WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    CountDown With Picture or Video Heritage – Responsive WordPress Plugin (Utilities)




    You can use it as CountDown for: websites under construction,
    last minute offers, coming events, launching a new product,
    discounts interval… and much more

    video tutorial

    How To Create a Countdown For Your Website:
    How To Create a Countdown With Video Background:
    How To Create a Electronic Countdown:



    Extremly customizable

    Over 100 js options from where you can customize the plugin.

    Responsive Design

    The plugin is fully responsive and will adapt the browser/device resolution. Parameter to enable or disable responsive behavior.

    Begin Date & End Date

    Parameters to set the interval: Begin Date & End Date. The launching date contains: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Second

    CallBack Function

    You can define a CallBack function which will be executed when the CountDown will end.

    Multi Purpose Usage

    You can use it as CountDown for: websites under construction,
    last minute offers, coming events, launching a new product,
    discounts interval… and much more

    Two Versions

    ‘Circular’ and ‘Digital’ versions available. All customizable from parameters. The ‘Digital/Electronic’ version can be obtained by modifying the plugin parameters.


    Options to add social icons in order to promote your website on all the available channels.

    Logo Section

    Option to set your logo. Also, logo link available with parameter for _self or _blank

    Mobile Compatible

    It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.

    YouTube & Vimeo Support

    You can use YouTube or Vimeo video as video background

    Texture Over Images

    Optional parameter to add a texture over the images. In this manner you’ll not have to modify each image to add the texture.

    Two types of transitions

    You can select ‘Fade’ transition or ‘Slide’ transition to navigate between slides.

    Bottom Navigation Positioning

    You can position the bottom navigation to left, right or center. Option to set preview thumbs

    Touch Screen Navigation

    Parameter to enable touch screen navigation feature.

    Free Updates

    Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.


    If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.



    ***Version 1.0 Release Date: November 19, 2016
  • Rexpansive Builder Enlarge. Carried out! (Utilities)

    Rexpansive Builder Enlarge. Carried out! (Utilities)

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Plugin

    Rexpansive Builder – WordPress Plugin

    Create a unique and creative layout in total relax, thanks to expansion which lets you enlarge or move photos, texts and videos, without having to set anything up. As of today creating a layout is simple, you’ll realize as soon as you insert photos, videos or texts. With a straightforward expansion your layouts will be spectacular!Try here, right now!

    Automatic grid

    Our aim was to create a builder which was simple to use and as clean as possible, as today all the builders available on the market have too many functions and are so messy! Too many windows and numbers to enter. Thanks to this revolutionary approach, your user experience is improved by far because you can set the size of each element with the expansion and by looking at the page as a whole it’ll be much easier for you to create a nice web page quickly. We asked a dozen friends who used other page builders to test Rexpansive and they told us that with our builder they saved a lot of time to do the same things. The secret of our product is that users don’t have to think about how to edit the width or height of the different elements: this process needs to be natural.

    Main Features

    • Easy installation
    • Works with any post types
    • WordPress media library support
    • Woocommerce Integration
    • Youtube content (Videos)
    • Grid&Masonry
    • MP4 content
    • Order
    • Fast
    • Clone
    • Text Fill
    • Custom Code
    • Vertical alignment
    • Horizontal alignment
    • Link on blocks
    • User friendly
    • Option image
    • Anchor navigator
    • WPML Ready
    • Expansion blocks
    • WooCommerce compatible
    • Powerful panel
    • Distances management
    • Overlay blocks
    • Material design
    • Built-in lightbox
    • Mix Contents & Styles
    • Up to 12 columns
    • Multiple Instances (multiple grid per page)
    • Adjustable Rows/Columns/Spacings
    • 100% Responsive
    • Mobile Friendly
    • HTML5/CSS3
    • SEO Optimized
    • Free Updates & Premium Support
    • Developer Friendly
    • And so much more…
  • Placeholder photography (Media)

    Placeholder photography (Media)

    Plugin for adding placeholder image in to post if you don’t setted the featured image.

  • Auto Backup MySQL with VB.Internet Supply Code (.NET)

    Auto Backup MySQL with VB.Internet Supply Code (.NET)

    Auto Backup MySQL software is used to backup your MySQL database automatically remote/local. Now, you get source code (VB.NET). You can modify or combine with your project. You can set unlimited database with the backup time and location of the backup folder can be determined. This software can be easily installed and set up. Software will run automatically when the computer is turned on. With this software, you do not need to take the time to backup manually every time. Software is working 24 hours / 7 days as long as the server is powered on.

    Features :

    • Remote / Local
    • Automatic Start when Windows Logon
    • Set Backup Time for every Database
    • Set Backup Location for every Database
    • Can Backup Unlimited Database
    • Documentation

    Support :

    If you have problems & questions, contact me via contact form on my author profile.