Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Room Administration with Customized Value Calendar (Calendars)

    Flexible date selection for a simple way to custom room price like weekend price, holiday pricem, and other event.
    It is possible too for add or edit room and change status available for each room.

    Easily integrate with book system like hotel, guest house or just room rent.

    Who can use this code ?

    If you have book system like hotel system, guest house or room rent, you can add this code for complement your features.


  • MailWizz EMA integration with Stripe Cost Gateway for Subscriptions (Add-ons)

    MailWizz EMA integration with Stripe Payment Gateway for Subscriptions

    Accept recurring payments with Stripe for your MailWizz EMA powered application!
    This extension allows your MailWizz EMA customers to subscribe to your price plans for monthly payments by using Stripe.

    INSTALL in a few easy steps

    – Login in the backend of your MailWizz EMA powered website and navigate to Extensions menu.
    – Hit the upload button and select the extension archive and upload it.
    – Enable the extension then click on it’s title to go to the extension settings page from where you can input your Stripe details.

    CONFIGURE the extension (after the above steps)

    – Create an account with Stripe

    – Go into the backend of your MailWizz powered website, click on left side menu: Monetization -> Payment gateways -> Stripe Subscriptions
    – Input your Stripe account details.

    TEST the integration

    Keep the extension in test/sandbox mode until you are done testing.
    After the extension is enabled you can use it to checkout and make sure everything works properly. No real charge will be made.
    Once you are sure everything looks fine, switch the extension in live mode.


    Please address any question, support ticket or any other query by using your mailwizz customer account.

  • Laravel Dynamic Web site with Admin Panel (LDWAP) (Challenge Administration Instruments)

    LDWAP is the best package for kick-start of laravel project. LDWAP made with latest twitter-bootstrap 3 library.

    You just need to configure this package and your website will be ready to go. Everything will be setup dynamically for frontend and everything can be managable from strong backend admin panel made with laravel 5 framework.

    You can manage your frontend website using backend admin panel. Here is the list of features that you will get with this LDWAP package.

    Frontend Features

    Home Page with Dynamic Slider

    • Page content can be change from admin panel page managment section and you can change slider images from slider management section.

    About Page

    • Page content can be change from admin panel page managment section.

    Team Page

    • Fully dynamic and managable from admin panel team management section. You can set team member firstname, lastname, role, facebook link, twitter link, linkedin link, googleplus link, stackoverflow link, descrition and photo.

    Service Page

    • This page will display all the services that you have added from admin panel. You can set Title, Description and Image from admin panel

    Portfolio Page with filtering options

    • This page will display all the portfolio items with category filter functionality which you have added from admin panel. It will display Portfolio Title, Project link, Description and Portfolio image.

    Contact Page with Enquiry Form

    • This page will display your contact details and location map which can be managable from admin panel and this page have enquiry form which can send email with all the details to admininstrator email address when any user made enquiry by submitting this form.

    Privacy Policy page

    • Page content can be change from admin panel page managment section.

    Terms & conditions Page

    • Page content can be change from admin panel page managment section.

    Admin Panel Backend Features

    Login with Forgot Password

    • Secure admin with login access and reset password functionality.


    • Dashboad with quick overview of all the modules.


    • Site setting form with these fields, Site title, Address, Map, Email, facebook, linkedin, twitter, googleplus and logo.


    • Admin profile form.

    Change Password

    • Admin can change password from here.

    Page Management

    • Page Add, Edit, Active/Inactive, Delete and listing with sort and search funcationality using Datatable.

    Slider Management

    • Slider Add, Edit, Active/Inactive, Delete and listing with sort and search funcationality using Datatable.

    Team Management

    • Team Add, Edit, Active/Inactive, Delete and listing with sort and search funcationality using Datatable.

    Service Management

    • Service Add, Edit, Active/Inactive, Delete and listing with sort and search funcationality using Datatable.

    Portfolio Management

    • Portfolio Category Add, Edit, Active/Inactive, Delete and listing with sort and search funcationality using Datatable.
    • Portfolio Add, Edit, Active/Inactive, Delete and listing with sort and search funcationality using Datatable.

    Enquiry Management

    • Enquiry list with opeartion like Pending/Answered, Delete, sorting and searching using Datatable.

    User Experience

    Laravel 5 Framework

    Responsive twitter-bootstrap theme

    Responsive Admin Panel

    Latest jquery and font-awesome library

    Powerful Admin Panel with secure login

    How to Configure

    Extract zip package

    Update .env file and set below variables

    • DB_DATABASE=demo_ldwap
    • DB_USERNAME=root
    • DB_PASSWORD=root

    Create database and import demo_ldwap.sql (attached).

    Thats its you are ready to go.


    Please note that in live demo any operation like: add, edit, delete, active/inactive will not take effect. These all operations will work in purchased version.

    Frontend URL

    Admin URL

    • username=admin
    • password=admin123

    Change Log : 5th December 2016

    -Fixed: line no.38, 39 and 40 there was a typing error.
    -Removed: Remove the unnecessary files i.e.
    -Removed: Remove the unnecessary files i.e.
  • iPlay – On-line Flash Video games Platform (Pictures and Media)

    Online Demo:

    Administrator Login

    Password : demo


    • 100% Responsive Design
    • Powerful Admin Panel
    • Login with Email, Facebook, Twitter or Google plus
    • Prevent Spam Emails
    • Active or Deactive Users
    • Users Notifications
    • Pwerful Ads System
    • Tags System
    • Share Games
    • News Section
    • Flat Design
    • Game stats
    • AJAX Likee
    • AJAX Comments
    • 15 Seconds Installation
    • Clean Code
    • Admin can Add Custom Pages
    • Contact Page
    • Add Categories
    • Control Submissions
    • Control Comments


    • PHP >= 5.5.9
    • MCrypt PHP Extension (enabled by default)
    • PDO Extension (enabled by default)
    • php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default)
    • MySQL Database
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • GD PHP Extension

    Technologies Used:

    • Laravel Framework 5.2
    • JQuery
    • Many Other Popular Libraries & Frameworks

    iWatch - Video Sharing Platform - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

  • Laundry Carrier PHP script (PHP Scripts)

    A new complete laundry service PHP script with powerful admin panel features
    – Laundry Service.

    Live Demo – Laundry Service PHP Script

    The details below can be used to login to the demo:
    Live Demo:

    Username: 1234567890
    Password: test

    Admin panel Demo Link:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    (Note: After Extended License purchase please contact us for installation )


    • Fully functional Laundry Service PHP script
      Laundry Service PHP script helps you to launch fully functional laundry website. its works like plug & play.
    • Documentation
      Extended documentation available for laundry service
    • Mobile Friendly
      Responsive mobile device features are available.
    • Post order
      A user friendly form available to post a order. Admin can manage service available areas from admin panel
    • Paypal Integrated
      Both paypal online payments & cash method integrated
    • Manage Package
      Admin can manage packages like ordinary service (or) urgent service
    • Add / Remove Services & Sub-Services
      Admin can add / remove any services & sub services from backend.
    • Manage orders & users
      Admin can manage orders & users easily from admin panel
    • Login / Registration
      User login, registration & forgot password available
    • Hire a cleaner
      Anyone can apply for cleaner job through a form submission. admin will be notified after submission
    • Contact Form
      User friendly contact form available
    • Powered by Bootstrap
      its build with bootstrap framework.
    • SEO friendly
      Finally its comes with SEO friendly. Admin can manage keywords & meta description from admin panel.
    • Support Tickets
      Let you open tickets to keep track of any incident. It also supports email tickets –

    Version History 2.2: (Dec 5, 2016)

     - Small bugs fixed
     - Documentation updated

    Version History 1.0: (Nov 17, 2016)

     - Initial release
  • Job Board Platform for Symfony (Miscellaneous)

    Demo Site Credentials

    * Demo content is refreshed after 10 minutes.

    Read Before Purchasing

    Please note that this is not WordPress theme but Symfony application so please do not expect same user experience. Installation, adding new features, maintenance requires
    completely different skillset as WordPress themes. For example installation requires good hosting(VPS with SSH access), composer and knowledge of file permissions. So be aware
    that you must spend extra time.

    Job Applications

    Users are able to post their proposals with the cover text to jobs which are interested in. After sending the proposal company which posted the job is informed via email about new application.

    Candidate & Company Access

    Job Platform implements single access for both roles. So each role is able to create unlimited amount of companies or candidate resume. By using this approach we had decreased application complexity which makes it more flexible.

    Awesome User Experience

    We created this platform application as much simple as possible. Users after signing in will be able to access one simple navigation with all necessary functionality.

    Monetization Options

    With the Job Platform, you can monetize your business. At the moment application supports micro transactions for publishing the job and making the job sticky at the top of the list.

    Payment Gateways

    Application support commonly used payment gateway PayPal. If your country does not support, not a problem at all. We implemented bank transfer option for your customers as well. Are you looking for certain payment gateway? If so feel free to contact us through item comments section with your future request.

    Premium Design

    Our job application includes professional design with the great use experience. So by purchasing Job Platform you can immediately deploy your application without changing the CSS to get great looking website.

    Super Admin Section

    In application we implemented Sonata admin bundle so it is possible to change some database objects within admin panel. Please note that application does not implement edit of all fields. We picked only the most important fields and tables.

    Favorite Jobs

    Users are able to collect list of their favorite jobs so they can return to them back later for example if they completed the profile.

    Profile Builder

    Profile builder allows to add unlimited amount of educations and experiences. Of course it is possible to add phone, website, social accounts and other important information.


    After event in application users could be notified via an email about new situation. Currently application supports events when the orders is completed, new registration accomplished and new job application posted. If you are looking for some sort of new notification feel free to contact us through item section on ThemeForest.

    Save Search Queries

    Application supports saving search queries for the future usage. Users are able to access their saved queries and instantly use complex searches created before.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How can I translate my website?

    All translations are handled by Symfony framework. In you can find an example how to parse all translation strings from the Symfony bundles(in our case AppBundle and FrontBundle). The multilanguage support is up to you. Application at the moment does not have any recommended way how to handle multiple languages at the same time.

    Where I can edit my homepage?

    Homepage is regular Symfony view situated inside “src/JobPlatform/FrontBundle/Resources/views/Front/index.html.twig”. If you want to change the layout, descriptions or images, it is required to change that template by writing custom HTML and CSS code. Application does not contain CMS nor page builder.

    I am missing field X and functionality Y. What I have to do?

    Product is sold as it is so if you are looking for customizations you can ping as through item comments section if we are planning new features otherwise we recommend you to hire local developer who will be able to help you with development.

    Item does not have good documentation because I can not find how to change functionality X.

    Product is build upon the Symfony framework so the Symfony knowledge is required for changing the functionality or layout of application. It is not possible for us to document everything so we decided to put into documentation only necessary information about application like configs.

    I’m unable to install plugin on my hosting.

    Before installing plugin you must make sure that you are capable of using composer, .htaccess or nginx config files and configuring permissions. We are not providing free installation services. If you think, that you found bug in theme, feel free to contact us through comments section. Don’t forget to attach error message and step by step process how to replicate an issue. Here you can see installation example.

    Which PHP extensions are required?

    It is mandatory to have installed all extensions required by Symfony plus the PHP Intl extension which is used to format currencies so the website will not work without PHP Intl.



    • Images on our demo site are not a part of package. Downloadable package contains only placeholders.

    Tags: job, job board, job portal, employee, carrer, resume, candidate, recruiter, listing, symfony

    v1.0.2 12/06/2016

    * IMPROVEMENT: Symfony 3.2 support
    * FIX: featuring job
    * FIX: categories listing display featured jobs first
    * FIX: categories listing display current category in filter

    v1.0.1- 11/27/2016

    * IMPROVEMENT: documentation config.yml better example
    * IMPROVEMENT: updated composer dependencies
    * FIX: search functionality
    * FIX: undefined payments
    * FIX: checkout wrong form parameter

    SximoUI is a powerful automation tool that can generate a full set of PHP quickly from MySQL. You can instantly create web sites that allow users to view, edit, search, add and delete records on the web. SximoUI is designed for high flexibility, numerous options enable you to generate PHP applications that best suits your needs. The generated codes are clean, straightforward and easy-to-customize. SximoUI can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced develpers alike

  • Dvee Retailer – eCommerce CMS with PayPal (Procuring Carts)

    Dvee Cart

    Dvee is an Ecommerce system build on a solid modular CodeIgniter framework. It’s a simple and convenient way to setup, monitor and manage your store. Dvee is built to help you to start selling your products with very little effort and simple modules and packages like inventory management, order management, online payments, a robust shopping cart and much more.

    Dashboard Features

    • Product Manager
    • Category Manager
    • Banner Manager
    • Order Manager
    • User Manager
    • System Tools

      • Database Backup including files
      • Factory Reset

    Store Front Features

    • Product sorting based on price and attributes
    • Search algorithm with relevance sorting
    • Familiar and intuitive design
    • Search Engine Optimized URLs
    • A powerful shopping cart
    • User order management
    • System Tools

      • Database Backup including files
      • Factory Reset


    Store Front

    Store Admin

  • Crowdfunding Starter (Miscellaneous)

    What is it

    The Best Kickstarter for starting your own Fundraising Website.

    With this script you can make money with donations of users. Users has to buy digital coins before they can donate projects. You get a fee for every successful funded project. The ultimate solution to earn money and help making the world a better place

    Why do you need it

    Because why should you pay hundreds of dollars for a Crowdfunding script to start your own Kickstarter or Indigogo website if you can have it for almost free.

    Also, if you need the best script for creating your fundraising or crowdfunding website, invite fundraisers, donors and backers from the crowd to help fund member’s project(s), this script is a must have. It is a platform where people from around the world can post projects to raise funds from crowds of investors. Our Crowdfunding Starter is an advanced and innovative fundraising / crowdfunding platform that lets fundraisers raise funds from the crowd, also known as a crowdfunding website, or crowdfunding platform. It is up to you what kind of fundraising model you want for your project or website and how the fee is calculated.

    And because it provide you the best features you need for a strong website like:

    Flexible Funding Models: Crowdfunding Starter funding model can be set up as per your requirement. All or nothing (the Kickstarter way).
    Standalone Software: Coded in PHP 5 with our advanced structure. It does not require any 3rd party installation such as Magento, Joomla or WordPress.
    SEO Friendly Design: Crowdfunding Starter comes loaded with On-Page SEO and marketing modules, saving you thousands of dollars you would otherwise have to spend with other ready made cheap Fundraising Website Scripts.
    Customize it your way: This Crowdfunding Starter is 100% customizable. All updates are free forver, be it an addition of new features, new design UI or alteration requirement, we will be happy to help.

    Why investors are pouring millions into Crowdfunding Websites?

    Entrepreneurs biggest hurdle is finding funding for startups and business expansion. It is increasingly difficult to find bank loans or Venture Capital and more and more Entrepreneurs opt for online crowdfunding, where money is raised in smaller amounts from multiple backers and equity is not lost. This can not only help a new business survive but crowdfunding can help explore consumer acceptance of their product and further opportunities for growth and expansion. It is clear that your smartest move would be to launch a crowdfunding platform like Crowdfunding Starter.

    Valid on all browser

    Google Chrome
    Mozilla Firefox
    Internet Explorer (8+)

    See how it work

    Login with the demo admin account

    username: demo
    password: password

    Note: some parts are disabled in the demo but it will give you a good impression.

    Accept Payments

    Crowdfunding Starter integrates seamlessly with Stripe and PayPal.

    This allowing you to accept payments from your users. The is no hard configuration just login and change your account details.

    You decide how much to charge. You will earn the price of this script in no time.

    Ultimate Administrator Portal

    You can manage everything. Users, projects, categories, pages, payment settings, database settings, cronjobs, media files, news articles, finance information and many many more.

    Everything is integrated in the easy to use admin portal. Of course you can create new admin moderators if you like.

    Oh and by the way, everything is Extremely lightweight so your users has the best experience you can ever wish.

    Encourage Visitors to your websites

    If you want to convert your site traffic to money, then this script is the right one!


    Rich-text CMS to manage content with SummerNote
    Attractive admin dashboard
    Classification: means categorize your projects
    Payment gateway
    Commission management
    Staff Management
    User Management
    General Management
    Comments and Reviews
    Browse by category
    Projects Filters and sorting
    Rewards for funding projects
    Backers can comment on the projects
    Post unlimited projects
    Project video and description
    Project Image
    On-page SEO
    Email Verification
    Social Media Integration
    Auto mailers
    Set Goal or Target
    Create news articles
    Stripe and PayPal as payment systems
    Strong stratistics for analytics
    Strong stratistics for analytics
    Setup cronjobs to automate your life
    Send newsletters and marketing campaigns
    Manage your finance and income
    Full Admin Panel
    Create Admin Moderators if you like
    SEO URLS and extreme lightweight coded
    Responsive and tested on tv, desktop and mobile
    Very simple and clean cod
    User Guide Documentation
    Cross-browsing – The plugin works in all modern browsers.

    Final words

    The script includes the full source with documentation.
    The highly requested version of the Crowdfunding Starter script puts the power of fundraising into an easy to use script.

    Change log

    November 18, 2016,  Version 1.14

    - [NEW] Add fee to donations
    - [Bug Fix] Withdrawals amount Panel admin (Mark as paid)
    - [NEW] User’s country in profile
    - [NEW] Set maximum funding goals
    - [NEW] Integrated lazy cronjobs

    November 15, 2016,  Version 1.13

    - [Bug Fix] Enable / disable SEO links
    - [Bug Fix] Fixed bug with withdrawal amount
    - [NEW] Truncate text in the story of the campaign
    - [Bug Fix] Number/ Amount Goal / Limits
    - [NEW] Add search function

    November 1, 2016,  Version 1.12

    - [Bug Fix] Image uploader
    - [Bug Fix] Number/Amount Goal
    - [Improved] Improved text editor description
    - [NEW] Change Footer style
    - [NEW] Show name user in Admin Dashboard

    October 26, 2016,  Version 1.11

    [Bug Fix] Username error en RegisterController
    [NEW] Add Categories in filters
    [NEW] Dropzone integrated

    October 23, 2016,  Version 1.10

    [NEW] Add Wysiwyg editor SummerNote
    [NEW] Add Login and Sign Up
    [NEW] Add Categories
    [NEW] Add Stripe Payment
    [NEW] Add Withdrawals
    [NEW] Admin can set fee for each donation
    [NEW] Add Maximum amount for Campaing
    [NEW] Admin can pay directly to the users PayPal account (withdrawal of funds)

    October 22, 2016,  Version 1.09

    - Fixed: Updated to the new code standards.
    - Fixed: Flip boxes not working when added inside advanced carousel on mobile phones.
    - Fixed: Info list causing descriptions not aligned in the center of adjacent icons.
    - Fixed: Appear animation breaking for some users.
    - Lots of minor bug fixes and browser compatibility fixes.

    Just follow a few simple steps and your done. You dont know much about coding and webhosting? No problem. Everybody can set this up.

    Our documentation has screenshots, video tutorials and very clean information how to manage each part of the website. For the developers we also added the code structure part for custom changes.

  • Repairer – Restore/Workshop Administration Gadget 1.2 (Miscellaneous)

    Repairer – Repair/Workshop Management System is carefully developed for easy management of any type of repairshop/workshop. It’s actually an innovative, simple and powerful management tool, designed and developed for you. It’s just your trusty employee. It’s a web based system where you can manage reparations, clients, inventory, purchases etc.


    Password: password

    Quick Installation Guide

    Download .zip package
    Upload it to your server
    Extract the package
    Run the uploaded url via browser (EXAMPLE.COM/LMS/INSTALL). Here you have to provide the settings for LMS:

    • Hostname : database host name / IP
    • Database Name : create a mysql database for LMS on your host and write that name here
    • Database username : username of the created database (if applicable)
    • Database password : password of the created database

    Backend – Admin:

    1. Dashboard (graphical report)
    2. General settings (system customization)
    3. Client management
    4. Reparation management
    5. Inventory Management
    6. Purchases Managment
    7. Taxes, Models, Categories etc.
    8. Graphical Reports ( Stock & Finance )


    • Reparation Status
    • Login

    Notification/ Alert System

    Notify clients with their reparation status via E-Mail or SMS


    Want to know more about Repairer? Please read our Documentation