Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • JSON To Bootstrap Desk – jQuery Plugin (Varieties)

    JSON To Bootstrap Table is a jQuery plugin that displays a bootstrap responsive table for JSON. In JavaScript, we usually get data (in the form of JSON) from backend using ajax and then display a table (sometimes with pagination and edit/delete buttons). So this plugin makes it super easy to display a responsive bootstrap table with pagination and action buttons. You only need to parse your JSON and pass it to the plugin and the table will be automatically created.

    Please watch the video preview before checking the live demo.
    Click here to view video preview.

    Click here if you need Code Generators for PHP, C#, VB.Net and Entity Framework.


    • It automatically creates a bootstrap table.
    • You can display pagination as required.
    • Total number of pages and records is shown in the pagination section.
    • It displays a responsive table.
    • It displays smart titles for header row (e.g. “FirstName” to “First Name” or “Country_Name” to “Country Name”).
    • You can specify any page size (the number of records per page).
    • You can specify primary key column. It is needed if you want to display action buttons (edit/delete).
    • You can specify to show/hide edit/delete buttons.
    • You can provide custom titles for header row.
    • Examples provided in the documentation.


    • data: The data that is displayed in the bootstrap table.
    • header: It is an array of strings that will be used for header row titles.
    • keyColumn: It is the primary key column/property name. It is needed if you want to display edit/delete buttons.
    • pageSize: It is the number of records displayed per page.
    • addEditIcon: It indicates whether edit button should be shown in the table.
    • addDeleteIcon: It indicates whether delete button should be shown in the table.
    • displayKeyColumn: It indicates whether primary key column should be shown in the table.
    • enablePagination: It indicates whether pagination should be displayed.


    • data(): It gets data of the table.
    • data(data): It sets data of the table. The table will be refreshed when this method is called.


    • onEditButtonClick(id): It is triggered when an edit button is clicked.
    • onDeleteButtonClick(id): It is triggered when a delete button is clicked.


    There is no built-in functionality for editing/deleting a record. You will get value of the primary key and then you can send a request to your server to get/edit/delete the record.

    More Useful Items:

    1. C# Code Generator for SQL Server/MS Access
    2. C# Code Generator for MySQL
    3. C# and VB.Net Code Generator for Entity Framework
    4. PHP Code Generator
    5. Email Scheduler and Bulk Email Sender with Bootstrap
    6. ASP.Net MultiTextBoxInput Web Server Control
    7. Multi Textbox Input jQuery Plugin
    8. Android SMS Filter with Material Design
  • Google Map Course Optimization (Kinds)

    Google Map Path Optimization is a JavaScript code that optimizes path for multiple locations. This code is useful if you are new to a city and you want to visit multiple locations. As you are new to the city and you don’t know where to visit first, second and so on. You will need to enter all the locations where you want to visit and will specify your start/end (source/destination) locations. By clicking the Display button, all the locations will be displayed on the map with proper order so that to minimize your travel time.

    Please watch the video preview before checking the live demo.
    Click here to view video preview.

    Click here if you need Code Generators for PHP, C#, VB.Net and Entity Framework.


    • It optimizes path for multiple locations.
    • It uses the Google Maps Directions API to display directions on the map.
    • It adds marker on the map on click and uses GeoCoder to get address of that location.
    • It uses google maps autocomplete for searching a location.
    • It utilizes the places library.
    • It supports various travel modes (Driving, Walking and Bicycling).
    • You can display directions with or without optimization as required.
    • It uses the bootstrap UI.

    How To Use?

    1. Add Locations:

      • Enter a location in the Location box.
      • Click the Add button.
      • The specified location will be added to both Source and Destination drop down lists.
      • You can also click on the map on your desired location to get address of that location.
        The address will be displayed in the Location text box.
      • Add all the locations you want to visit.
    2. Select Source Location:
      Select a location from the Source drop down list from where you want to start the visit.
    3. Select Destination Location:
      Select a location from the Destination drop down list that you want to visit in the end (your final destination address).
      Check Same as Source check box if you want to come back to the Source address.
    4. Specify Your Travel Mode:
      Select your desired travel mode from the Travel Mode drop down list.
    5. Path Optimization:
      Check Optimize Path check box if you want to optimize the path. If you want to visit multiple locations
      and you don’t know where to visit first, second and so on then check this option to display the directions in the proper
      order so that to minimize your travel time.
    6. Display Directions:
      Click the Display button to display the directions.
      Click the Directions Description tab to view all the steps with distance and duration.
    7. Clearing Locations:
      If you want to clear all locations then click the Clear button and click OK
      from the confirmation dialog. The form will also be reset.

    More Useful Items:

    1. C# Code Generator for SQL Server/MS Access
    2. C# Code Generator for MySQL
    3. C# and VB.Net Code Generator for Entity Framework
    4. PHP Code Generator
    5. Email Scheduler and Bulk Email Sender with Bootstrap
    6. ASP.Net MultiTextBoxInput Web Server Control
    7. Multi Textbox Input jQuery Plugin
    8. Android SMS Filter with Material Design
  • Squeeze Web page Generator Loopy! (Miscellaneous)

    Generate your Squeeze Pages and convert like crazy!!

    What’s a Squeeze Page?

    A Squeeze Page is your spear-head. It’s a landing page with one purpose, one action and one unique link. Get your job done with our squeeze pages :D

    Change Log

    November 27, 2016 – Version 1.1

    ### Added
     * Squeeze Template #2 - The RoadRunner

    November 25, 2016 – Version 1.0

    ### Added
     * Squeeze Template #1 - Uncle Scrooge

    File Formats Included

    1. jQuery script (Javascript)
    2. CSS script
    3. Sample HTML (ready to use!)

    Other Assets Used

    1. Fonts from Google Fonts
    2. Icons from Font Awesome

    For any other queries, please directly contact us via email

    Icons made by OCHA from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

  • Inventory and Foreign exchange Markets Warmth Maps (Miscellaneous)

    Stock and Forex Markets Heat Maps

    Stock and Forex Markets Heat Maps is a JavaScript / PHP plugin, which displays a world map with countries colored according to how their major stock indices perform or how their national currency is traded against USD at the moment. Bring your website visitors up to speed with global economic trends!

    Please note that this is NOT a WordPress plugin. A separate WordPress plugin will be available shortly.

    Supported currency pairs / stock indices

    All currency pairs rates against USD are displayed in the Forex Heat Map. The following stock indices are covered in the Stock Heat Map:

    • S&P 500 (United States)
    • FTSE 100 (United Kingdom)
    • DAX (Germany)
    • CAC 40 (France)
    • Nikkei 225 (Japan)
    • Hang Seng (Hong Kong)
    • KOSPI Composite Index (South Korea)
    • TSEC Weighted Index (Taiwan)
    • AEX index (Netherlands)
    • BEL 20 (Belgium)
    • OMX Stockholm 30 (Sweden)
    • MICEX Index (Russia)
    • JKSE Composite Index (Indonesia)
    • IPSA Santiago De Chile (Chile)
    • ISEQ Overall Index (Ireland)
    • Straits Times Index (STI) (Singapore)
    • Oslo Børs All Share Index (Norway)
    • IBEX 35 (Spain)
    • S&P/ASX 200 (Australia)
    • NZX 50 (New Zealand)
    • SSE Composite Index (China)
    • BSE Sensex 30 (India)
    • Bovespa Index (Brazil)
    • S&P/TSX 60 Index (Canada)
    • IPC (Mexico)
    • PSEi Index (Philippines)
    • FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (Malaysia)
    • KSE 100 Index (Pakistan)
    • SET Index (Thailand)
    • PX 50 (Czech Republic)
    • OMX Copenhagen 20 (Denmark)
    • OMX Helsinki 25 (Finland)
    • FTSE MIB Index (Italy)
    • WIG 20 (Poland)
    • BUX 25 (Hungary)
    • PSI 20 (Portugal)
    • SSMI (Switzerland)
    • BIST 100 (Turkey)
    • IBC general index (Venezuela)
    • CASE 30 (Egypt)
    • TA 100 (Israel)
    • MERVAL (Argentina)
    • S&P/BVL Peru General Index (Peru)
    • OMX Iceland All-Share PI (Iceland)
    • Athens Composite Index (Greece)

    System requirements

    • PHP 5.4+

    Stay in touch

    Do you have a question or would like to suggest a feature? Contact us and we will do our best to help!

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    Rate our product

    Please help us to make our product better and rate it with 5 stars. Your support is priceless.
    Please rate Stock and Forex Markets Heat Maps with 5 stars

  • easy Stick jQuery plugin (Miscellaneous)

    jQuery plugin to fixing any element on your page when scrolling.

    How to use and features look on live preview page.


    • index.html – this file with item description
    • demo.html – plugin demo page with manual
    • css/bootstrap.min.css – styles of bootstrap framework. Use for stylization demo page and this page. NOT necessarily for plugin
    • css/page.css – Use for stylization demo page. NOT necessarily for plugin
    • css/ – source map file for page.css
    • css/simpleStick.css – Use for for plugin work
    • css/ – source map file for simpleStick.css
    • scss/page.scss – source of page.css
    • scss/simpleStick.scss – source of simpleStick.css
    • js/jquery-3.1.0.min.js – jQuery library. NECESSARILY for plugin use
    • js/simpleStick.js – main file of plugin
    • js/simpleStick.min.js – compressed version of simpleStick.js
  • Straightforward Kind JSON – jQuery Plugin (Kinds)

    Easy Form JSON is a jQuery plugin that serializes and deserializes a form. Serialization is the process of converting form data to JSON and Deserialization is the process of displaying JSON in the relevant form elements. You just need to create a form and you don’t need to get or put data manually.

    We usually create a form to get input from user. We usually get data from the form elements one by one manually and we also set the form element value manually that takes a lot of time when we create lots of forms. Our plugin makes it super easy to get data from the form in JSON format. It also makes it extremely easy to display values in the relevant form elements from JSON. We just need to provide IDs and names for each form element. Also in the JSON the property name/key should be same as the form element name.

    Please watch the video preview before checking the live demo.
    Click here to view video preview.

    Click here if you need Code Generators for PHP, C#, VB.Net and Entity Framework.


    • It serializes form data to JSON.
    • It displays values in the form elements from JSON (the most important feature of the plugin).
    • It supports checkboxes and radio buttons.
    • It supports drop down and multi select lists.
    • It supports textarea and text boxes.
    • It supports password and hidden fields.
    • It supports HTML5 input types (color, date, datetime, number etc.).
    • Documentation and demo included.


    • data: The data that is displayed in the form. It is in JSON format. Note that the property name/key should be same as the element name (not id) of the form. Also provide a unique id for each element of the form.
    • serializeDisabledItems: It indicates whether disabled form elements should be serialized.


    • data(): It gets data from the form in JSON format.
    • data(data): It sets data of the form. It should be in JSON format. Note that the property name/key should be same as the element name (not id) of the form. Also provide a unique id for each element of the form.

    More Useful Items:

    1. C# Code Generator for SQL Server/MS Access
    2. C# Code Generator for MySQL
    3. C# and VB.Net Code Generator for Entity Framework
    4. PHP Code Generator
    5. Email Scheduler and Bulk Email Sender with Bootstrap
    6. ASP.Net MultiTextBoxInput Web Server Control
    7. Multi Textbox Input jQuery Plugin
    8. Android SMS Filter with Material Design
  • TotalScroll – Multi-Column Format Scrolling jQuery Plugin (Navigation)

    Modern Scrolling for Your Website!

    TotalScroll plugin was created for multicolumn websites and with it you can adjust your menu column or sidebar’s scrolling speed. Column scroll speed is set as a value between 0-1, where 1 corresponds to default browser scrolling speed. Also TotalScroll can control amount of offset for every column and prevent it from being scrolled too much.

    Among other with TotalScroll you can make any column sticky simply by assigning a “ts-sticky” class; use its build-in “Reveal on Scroll” feature to add CSS3 animations to the content as you scroll down the page. Also plugin is fully responsive and works with most fixed/fluid grids

    Key Features

    • Created for multi-column websites
    • Works on Android and iOS devices
    • Not restricted to specific grid system
    • Bootstrap v3 ready
    • Configurable column scroll speed
    • CSS3 for extra smooth performance
    • Dynamic recognition of layout change
    • Configurable “single column” break point
    • Build in “reveal-on-scroll” feature
    • compliant code
    • Well documented


    # version 1.0 (Nov 23, 2016)
    - plugin released!

    Credits & Sources

    Photos used in preview are from

  • Royal 3D Carousel (Sliders)

    Royal 3D Carousel is a fully 3D multimedia carousel slider plugin that allows to display multimedia content with an unique original layout from a 3D perspective. It’s perfect for any kind of presentation, for anyone that wants to deliver a great impact to thier visitors. It runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, IOS, Android and Windows. When a thumbnail is clicked you can choose to do nothing, display multimedia content using our great revolution lightbox or to open a new webpage. The lightbox has support for image, video (mp4), audio (mp3), Vimeo, YouTube, iFrame, Google maps and flash. Royal 3D Carousel has high performance using OOP code and the latest CSS techniques, ready for mobile with swipe, very flexible, easy to setup and extremely customizable.

    Responsive / Fluid layout with autoscale function.

    Mobile and desktop optimized (Ipad demo here!).

    Optional scroll and swipe functions for the desktop and mobile devices.

    Optional mouse Wheel support – navigation with mouse wheel scrolling.

    Optionalkeyboard support – the left and right arrows can be used for navigation through the thumbnails.

    Optional Categories Menu.

    Support for unlimited categories and each category can have any number of thumbnails.

    The option to start at a specific category.

    Customizable thumbnails size and topology geometry.

    Customizable description text for the center thumbnail.

    Customizable controls – each button, bullets navigatio, scrollbar component is optional.

    Customizable reflection for the thumbnails.

    Custom action for the thumbnail click.

    Revolution lightbox used to display multimedia content. When a thumbnail is clicked the lightbox can be used to display image, video (mp4), audio (mp3), Vimeo, YouTube, iFrame, Google maps or flash.

    Customizable controls – each button, scrollbar, bullets navigation, component is optional and can be modified.

    Optional and customizable Shadow Box Gradient for the thumbnails.

    Custom action for the thumbnail click.

    Powerful API included.

    You can include multiple instances on the same page.

    Slideshow Autoplay.

    Three skins included.

    Detailed documentation and examples files.

    Powerful API included.

    Tones of other features.

  • Expose – Scroll Disclose Animations jQuery Plugin (Pictures and Media)

    Reveal - Responsive

    Reveal - Documentation

    Reveal - Support

    Reveal - Bootstrap and Foundation

    Reveal - Buy Now

    Reveal – Scroll Reveal Animations jQuery Plugin

    Reveal by pixevil is a scroll reveal animations framework with unlimited animation possibilities. Reveal animations can be used with any element in your page. Built with the use of jQuery, GSAP and Animus, Reveal is guaranteed to offer an unmatched scroll reveal animation and design experience.

    It’s showtime!

    Scroll reveal animations for any element. Simpler than ever.

    Reveal is amazing because of how simple its syntax is for creating custom keyframed animations. You don’t need to learn complicated JavaScript to create beautiful scroll reveal animations for any element of your page. You can write your own animations on the fly or use one of the 50+ animation presets. We like to keep things simple for you.

    data-reveal="opacity 0, scale 2" 


    Touch Enabled

    Touch interactions are essential to any website. Reveal offers a seamless mobile-friendly experience on all touch devices.

    Animate Anything

    Apply impressive scroll reveal animations and effects to anything on your page. Whatever it is, reveal can animate it.

    Usage Ready

    All the assets used for reveal are included in the download! HTML, CSS, SASS, JS, CoffeeScript, Images and Fonts.

    Well Documented

    Everything you need to know about reveal can be found in one easy to follow documentation with live examples.

    Beginner Friendly

    Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced developer, we offer easy-to-follow guides for a great development experience.

    Bootstrap and Foundation

    Reveal is compatible with any front-end framework and has been tested with both Bootstrap and Foundation.

    Easy Animation Syntax

    You don’t need to know code to know animations when it comes to the Animus framework: a simple, readable syntax.

    50+ Animation Presets

    Whenever wondering what animations to choose, you can use one of the beautiful hand tailored animation presets.

    Custom Keyframed Animations

    Literally unlimited animation possibilities. Create your own keyframed animations to offer an unique user experience.

    Animation Controls

    Want the element to repeat the reveal animation? With reveal, you can easily create looping and repeating animations.

    Durations and Easings

    All of your animations can have a custom duration and easing. No useless fiddling with CSS classes.

    Beautifully Responsive

    Reveal looks absolutely stunning, from phones and tablets to laptops and desktops. Design one time, look good every time.


    Reveal can be used with jQuery 1.7+ and is perfectly compatible with all major browsers, including IE9.

    Lifetime Updates

    Once purchased, you will have free lifetime access to all the future updates and features that reveal has to offer.

  • Actual-time FOREX Charts (Miscellaneous)

    About Real-time FOREX Charts

    Real-time FOREX Charts is a JavaScript / jQuery plugin, which allows you to add an interactive FOREX chart to your website. Currency rates are updated in real time. The plugin exposes a number of options that let you customize look and feel of the chart. Visitors can select currency pair and type of chart (line, smoothed line, area, step or candlestick).

    Do you have a WordPress website? Get Real-time FOREX Charts for WordPress

    Supported currency pairs

    • AUD/JPY
    • AUD/USD
    • EUR/AUD
    • EUR/CAD
    • EUR/CHF
    • EUR/GBP
    • EUR/JPY
    • EUR/USD
    • GBP/AUD
    • GBP/JPY
    • GBP/USD
    • USD/CAD
    • USD/CHF
    • USD/JPY
    • AUD/CAD
    • AUD/CHF
    • AUD/NZD
    • AUD/PLN
    • EUR/NZD
    • GBP/CAD
    • GBP/CHF
    • GBP/NOK
    • GBP/NZD
    • GBP/PLN
    • NZD/JPY
    • NZD/USD
    • USD/MXN
    • USD/NOK
    • USD/PLN
    • USD/SEK


    Charting library is provided by amCharts.

    Stay in touch

    Do you have a question or would like to suggest a feature? Contact us and we will do our best to help!

    Follow us on Facebook
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    Rate our product

    Please help us to make our product better and rate it with 5 stars. Your support is priceless.
    Please rate Real-time FOREX Charts with 5 stars