Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • ImportWP – WordPress XML & CSV Importer (Utilities)

    ImportWP – WordPress XML & CSV Importer (Utilities)

    ImportWP is an Advanced WordPress CSV/XML Importer, allowing you to easily drag and drop data into import templates. ImportWP has been built with developers in mind allowing import templates to be easily created and mapped to post_types, taxonomies, users, or tables.

    WordPress Importer Plugin Features:

    ImportWP WordPress plugin was built to be both simple to use and have the flexibility for complex WordPress imports.

    Import XML files

    XML files added to the importer are able to have their contents previewed giving you control over what is a record/row, and within that record what data should be used.

    Import CSV files

    CSV files added to importers can be viewed and processed allowing you to visualy peek into the file, allowing you to select what column should be used.

    Import image and attachments

    Download attachments via FTP or remote URLs, attach them to the imported object, or set them as a featured image.

    Import WordPress Users

    Easily bulk import WordPress users, configuring common user settings, setup user roles dynamically or choose for a dropdown, send WordPress registration email.

    Import WordPress Post-Types and Pages

    Import WordPress Posts, Pages, or any custom post-type registered by your theme or plugins, setup relationships with categories/taxonomies, and import featured images and attachments.

    Import WordPress Taxonomies and Categories

    Import WordPress categories, tags, or any theme or plugin registered taxonomy along with its hierarchical structure.

    Import to WordPress Custom Fields

    Import custom field data to any WordPress Post-Type, Page, or WordPress user, allowing you to manually or dynamically set the custom field key and values.

    Import History Log

    A history of all records that have been imported is available to view in each importer, showing a total of imported records and whether a record has been created, updated or deleted and how many .

    Schedule imports

    Easily run the import when you want, or schedule it to run at a later date, on a specific time, or even have it import on a set interval allowing you to keep your website in sync automatically

    Create, Update, and Delete Permissions

    Set whether the importer can create new records, update existing, or delete records that have been previously been imported.

  • Mega Major Extensions – All-in-one Visible Composer Addons (Add-ons)

    Mega Major Extensions – All-in-one Visible Composer Addons (Add-ons)


    Mega Main Addons Extensions
    Suggest Feature
    Mega Useful extensions
    Mega Addons Unlimited Colors
    700+ Google Fonts
    Mega Addons 2000+ Icons Pack
    Mega Menu 1600+ Icons Pack
    Responsive WordPress Design
    Highest level of compatibility
    Mega Main Friendly Support

    Awesome set of Add-ons. All add-ons are compatible to each other and can be extended. You can get unlimited amount of combinations by mixing the add-ons.

    Suggestion – Solution. Tell us what you need and probably you’ll get it with the next update. Suggest new feature

    Buy only useful. Add-ons are divided into thematic groups, so you can buy only features that useful for you. Or take a complete set of add-ons in order to feel the full force of Mega Main Extensions.

    Unlimited Colors. You can easy change colors for any element. You can use flat colors and gradients. This will help you customize your website without coding.

    700+ Google Fonts. You can use more than 700 Google fonts to customize headers and other content of your site. Just a few clicks in the dashboard and it is ready. So easy!

    2000+ Vector Icons. Use over 2000 vector icons in the content of your website. Vector icons are sharp graphics which will look great on any devices with any resolution.

    High Code Quality. The modern approach to programming provides: ideal structure, good readability and compliance with global standards.

    Responsive Design. Responsive Design of Each Single Element. Looks perfect on any device with any screen resolution. Made with attention to details by experienced elite author.

    Highest level of compatibility. Mega Main Extensions totally compatible with any WordPress Theme, all versions of Visual Composer and other VC Addons.

    Friendly Support. We usually come back to you in less than 24 hours. Our support staff would be happy to help you solve any issues and listens to your suggestions. Open Support ticket

    Instructions for Update
    Updates history

    2.0.0 (2017.04.04) – require setting only those options that did not exist previously.

    - Initial Release.
    - Added Global Skins option.
    - Added options to customize Annotations.
    - Added options to customize Tooltips.
    - Added options to customize Animation.
    - Improved Framework.
    - Improved Auto Updater.
    - Improved compatibility with PHP 7.x.
    - Fixed few small bugs.
  • Gram Publish – Instagram Computerized For WP (Social Networking)

    Gram Publish – Instagram Computerized For WP (Social Networking)

    Are you having trouble posting product from wordpress to your Instagram account? Let Gram Post help you do this. With Gram Post you can post all your images from WordPress to your Instagram account with just one click and with smart features.

  • Easter 3D – Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Easter 3D – Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Included in Fly! 3D

    • Easy integration to any site
    • 9+ images included
    • Animation smoothly fades when page scrolls down
    • Setting to show animation once and save feature in cookie for session or number of days
    • Hide button with custom styles and hiding modes: session and any number of days
    • Modern and smooth animation
    • IE11+ support
    • Advanced 3D realism
    • Live camera
    • Fully Responsive
    • Highly optimized code
    • Developed with pure object oriented JavaScript
    • Extremely Comprehensive Documentation
    • No Complicated HTML Structures
    • Rigorously Tested on Actual Devices for Real World Performance Metrics
    • Excellent Authors Experience over 10 years

    • Browsers: Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer 11+, Firefox and Opera
    • Platforms: Android, iOS, Mac OS and Windows

    It works in Mobile devices, enable mobiles in settings.
    If browser does not support WebGL, Canvas renderer will be used.
    If browser do not support plugin, it will be suspended without any actions.

    Most JavaScript enabled Browsers will make them work with no issues.

    * First public version

  • Google PageSpeed Insights Optimizer (website positioning)

    Google PageSpeed Insights Optimizer (website positioning)

    Google PageSpeed Insights Optimizer is a wordpress plugin developed to make site faster and meet google requirements. It adds instructions for static content caching (browser cache leverage), adds compressing of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Plugin compresses images without loosing quality. Additionally it checks for the other plugins that must be installed in order to get better speed of the site.

  • web optimization Membership Tracker WP Plugin (search engine optimisation)

    web optimization Membership Tracker WP Plugin (search engine optimisation)

    Seo Membership Tracker (SMT) is a Wp Plugin, that provide you the possibility to build your complete business with a low investiment plugin.

    You can provide Search Engine Ranking and Alexa Ranking to your clients, and earn money from their subscriptions.

    You have the total controll, the easy way for transform your wordpress website on Serp dashboard.


  • Paymaster – Multipurpose Cost Gateway (eCommerce)

    Paymaster – Multipurpose Cost Gateway (eCommerce)

    Paymaster – Multipurpose Payment Gateway is developed for School Management System, Hospital Management System and Gym Management System plugins.


  • Retailer Locator (Miscellaneous)

    Retailer Locator (Miscellaneous)


    • Custom list template
    • Right or Left position of list
    • Custom detail template
    • Custom marker icon
    • Custom fields
    • Opening Hours
    • Categories (each category with its own marker icon)
    • Maps Height or Full height of your Screen
    • Default latitude, longitude for map center
    • Default, Max, Min Zoom
    • Google Maps Control Buttons
    • Custom Google Map Style
    • Markercluster with custom image or custom css class
    • Sort locations by map center
    • Update list on dragend, zoom, resize
    • Panorama Options
    • Create Filter Options for Categories, default or your custom with your images and/or text
    • Simple search Options for list
    • Geolocation, only with https
    • AutoComplete to search for users location
    • Direction planner
    • Responsive Options
    • 2 Callbacks on list and detail update

    How to use

    1. Install jquery-store-locator plugin

    2. If you’re using categories, install taxonomies-images for custom category marker icons
    Go to Settings -> Taxonomy Images -> check Categories (Store Locator)
    Go to Store Locator -> Categories (Store Locator) add your categories and images

    3. Go to Settings -> Store Locator -> modify your settings and add Google Maps API Key

    4. Go to Store Locator -> Add new Address
    Fill in Geographic Inputs, you don’t need to fill the latitude, longitude, thats automatically.
    If you’re using custom fields, you can add/change the List and Detail Template at Settings -> Store Locator -> Template

    5. Call the plugin inside a post with [ storeLocator ]

    6. You need to modify your stylesheet

    7. You can create your language with PoEdit


    I’m using Bootstrap, it’s not included in the download. You have to adapt it to your theme

  • Vimeomatic Automated Publish Generator and Vimeo Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Vimeomatic Automatic Post Generator and Vimeo Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge (made in 2017) Vimeo To WordPress and WordPress To Vimeo post importer plugin that is ideal for auto blogging and automatical Vimeo post publishing. It uses the Vimeo native PHP API to turn your website into a auto blogging or even a money making machine!
    Content generated by this plugin, thanks to it’s ground breaking methods, is automatically considered as unique in term of SEO, by search engine bots.
    It also can be used to automatically publish Vimeo videos every time you publish a new post to your blog (that contains a valid link to a video file, which will be automatically uploaded).
    Using this plugin, you can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:

    • Predefined set of keywords
    • Vimeo user name
    • Vimeo channel name
    • Vimeo groups
    • Vimeo video tags
    • Vimeo video categories
    • Vimeo On Demand

    Other plugin features:

    • wide range of video search options: search for videos based on a search term, from a specific channel, from a specific user, from a specific category, tag name, group or from Vimeo On Demand, modify search order, and much more!
    • Automatical Vimeo video generator every time you publish a new post to WordPress containing a valid link to a video file
    • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
    • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – great SEO value!
    • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
    • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
    • manually add post categories or tags to items
    • generate post or page
    • Vimeo video player customizations: width, height, theme color, allow full screen, loop video, auto start video and much more
    • shortcode for including a Vimeo video embedded in a post
    • define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
    • automatically generate a featured image for the post
    • enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
    • import comments from the Vimeo video directly to your generated blog post
    • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
    • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
    • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
    • detailed plugin activity logging
    • scheduled rule runs
    • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
    • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
    • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
    • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content

    Try it out now

    Testing this plugin

    Plugin Requirements

    PHP 5.3 or higher
    php CURL extension (install to Debian/Ubuntu etc with apt-get install php5-curl)

    Need support?

    Just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.


    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-04-03

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.7 Tested!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!