Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Flagged Content material – Let guests file and flag posts, feedback and extra to Admin – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Flagged Content material – Let guests file and flag posts, feedback and extra to Admin – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Flagged_Content lets visitors flag, report or provide feedback about posts, pages, comments, custom post types and many other types of content. Post and comments don’t need to be patrolled anymore—let visitors find the bad ones and flag them for your review. There are a number of reasons why visitors should be allowed to flag content and communicate issues about your website:

    • Posts can have broken links which were missed or information in an article may no longer be relevant
    • A page containing an embed no longer works and there’s no easy way for you to scan for non-working embeds
    • A comment may contain inappropriate material or a spam comment may have snuck past moderation
    • A bbPress reply may be off topic or contains swear words
    • A custom post type is no longer functioning correctly or has inaccurate information
    • Lets your website users feel like they have a voice and that they are essential in helping your site grow
    • These are just a few of many reasons that this plugin helps lighten your administrative work while keeping your content fresh and your users happy

    Many non-WordPress sites use moderation systems allowing users to report broken, inappropriate or questionnable content to the sites. Flagged_Content brings commonly used and very helpful moderator functionality to the WordPress frontend.

    Flagged_Content automatically injects a button (or link) in the content allowing users to flag that content. Clicking on the flag button reveals a form allowing the visitor to detail the reason for reporting the content. The form presented to visitors is customizable: the user can (or must if you decide) enter a name, email, reason for flagging this content and a brief description. After submission of the form, the submission is sent to the admin side as a flag and is viewable by administrators.

    Compatible with a variety of WordPress content

    • Visitors can flag the standard builtin wordpress content: posts, pages, media and comments
    • Visitors can report custom post types added through plugins such as Custom Post Type UI
    • bbPress – Visitors can flag topics and replies under a single topic page
    • WooCommerce – Products and the reviews within the product can be flagged
    • Easy Digital Downloads – Visitors can report downloads


    Flagged_Content automatically adds the button into the content for you.

    Stylize and Customize

    Many different options are available to style the buttons used by visitors to flag an item. Add an icon, alter the label, change the colors of the button, change the button to a link, choose
    how it is placed, etc. The form presented to a visitor can capture different information and fields can be made optional or mandatory. The form fields include name, email, reason, and description.

    Different forms can be used for different types of content. For example, customize the forms so visitors only need to select a reason for flagging a comment, but must enter a description when flagging a post or page.

    Intuitive Backend for Admins

    The admin page centralizes and lists all flags submitted for the site. The item that was flagged is shown and and can easily be viewed or edited. Information on the submitter is also
    included along with a date for easy sorting. Flags come in in pending status, and can be deleted to keep the list of flags page clean and organized, or they can be marked as completed
    for future reference.


    Written in a way to limit processing when the plugin is not needed. Minimizes resource usage by avoiding burdening each page request with needless scripts and files.

    Feature Recap

    • Customizable form: Choose whether to display each field in the form and whether it’s a required field.
    • Customize messages: Alter the wording on the form to fit your site.
    • Flags displayed in backend: Organized and listed in one area. Easy access to the flagged items.
    • Limit who can flag: Let everyone flag or restrict it to only logged in users.
    • Email notifications: The plugin can send out email notifications when a visitor submits a flag.
    • Customize notifications: The email notifications can have their subject and body customized to include different types of information. A limit can also be placed on how often email notifications are sent.
    • Spam protection: Attempts to prevent flagging by bots through several different measures.
    • Lightweight: Limits when the plugin code is run to prevent unnecessary processing and script loading.
    • Mobile device support: The frontend form shown to visitors is reponsive and will change to suit mobile devices.
    • Multisite support (partial): Tested (and adapted) to work in multisite installations. Extensive testing has not yet been done, but appears to work well. Can add a link here to homepage with further / complete explanation).


    Being a paid plugin customer entitles you to help when you need it and gives you a voice in improving the plugin.

    • Tutorials: Quickly gets you running with easy to follow tutorials.
    • Contact us: We always read and address support needs for premium customers.
    • Feature requests: Submit feature requests for consideration.



    Tested in PHP 5.6.25+ and WordPress 4.5.3+. Earlier versions may work with the plugin, but cannot be guaranteed.

    Please note: The plugin is automatically injected within a theme. There are many different themes which all work differently and the plugin cannot account for every possible theme.
    The plugin should look fine with the majority of themes. Otherwise, CSS can be used to adjust the styling and make it work within your theme.

  • Distinctive Hover Results – VC Addon (Add-ons)

    Distinctive Hover Results – VC Addon (Add-ons)

    Unique hover effects is a collection of most attractive hover effects with caption and image animations. It gives you full control over captions and animation and create unlimited using visual composer griding. It contains pure CSS3 animations and effects without use of any other dependency.


    • 6+ Image Animations
    • 8+ Image Animations
    • Custom Layouts
    • Pure CSS3 Animations
    • 100% Fully Responsive
    • Custom Font Sizes
    • External Linking
    • Predefined Styles and Colors
    • Custom Settings for every Single Image
    • Completely Custom Content
    • Easy and Fastest to Setup
    • All Major browser supported
    • 24/7 Support
    • Support within 12 hours
  • House Quickly Web page (Utilities)

    House Quickly Web page (Utilities)

    Space Soon Page is a coming soon page WordPress plugin with a countdown timer.
    Using this plugin you will be able to work on your site while your visitors see the coming soon page.

    – Change background.
    – Set social icons.
    – Disable the site for non-admin users.
    – Cross browser support.
    – Mobile adaptive.
    – Simple and Friendly user interface.
    – Ease of use.

    Live Demo

    How it works?

  • WordPress FONT ADDER (Utilities)

    WordPress FONT ADDER (Utilities)

    By WP FONT ADDER plugin you can Adding the Favorite Fonts to your WordPress editor, and you have this fonts in your
    Local Site. Uploading the Favorite Fonts, Give and exporting & Importing the Fonts, Managing The fonts, use the
    Fonts in Front the WordPress and Admin Panel, and more.


    • Adding custom fonts to WordPress editor

    • Change the default font admin panel

    • Ability to backup and restore fonts

    • The ability to define the desired size of the WordPress editor

    • Using archive fonts ready

    :: Adding custom fonts to WordPress editor

    You can use any font you like in WordPress, Only you need the woff type from the font and importing this file to WP
    FONT ADDER, if your font not have the woff type, no problem! you can use by ttf types files and importing in more
    online website changers and give onetime woff type about your likely font!


    :: Change the default font admin panel

    More admin WordPress sites Have been exhausted from the Default font in admin panel, By WP FONT ADDER You can
    choosing the default font in admin dashboard, easily!

    :: Ability to backup and restore fonts

    By this Plugin you can give Backup from your fonts, and importing the this backup in anytime. in the other words,
    you have Custom Pack and using again by this pack in new project.

    :: The ability to define the desired size of the WordPress editor

    In other plugins, The Custom size is 9 to 36 px, by WP FONT ADDER you can choose the custom sizes in your editor,
    for exapmle yu can choose the 72 px or any size.

    :: Using archive fonts ready

    By Import ability, you can importing the Ready Font packs easily. for using the ready Font Packs can go to this
    and downloading Font Packs and importing in your plugin.

  • Khara – Final Coming Quickly & Repairs Plugin (Utilities)

    Khara – Final Coming Quickly & Repairs Plugin (Utilities)

    Khara is a responsive minimal, business under construction / landing page / one page WordPress Plugin. This minimal template is packed with a countdown timer, ajax contact form, social icons.

    With this WordPress Plugin you will be able to work on your site/theme while your visitors see the under construction page. When you’re done just disable it in the admin and your new site will be live. You can then keep using it whenever you need to take your site into maintenance mode.


    • Powerful Admin Panel
    • 6 predefined Color Skins
    • JavaScript Countdown Timer
    • Font Awesome icons
    • Particle Background animation
    • and much more…
  • Fb-like Photograph Grid for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Fb-like Photograph Grid for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Facebook-like Photo Grid is an addon for Visual Composer which allows to display first (1-6) images of your gallery in a grid view as you seen on Facebook timeline. Click on the thumbnail will display all images in a fullscreen, navigatable modal popup just like the gallery lightbox.

  • Grasp Addons for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Grasp Addons for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Master Addons for Visual Composer will be increase your business to next level.

    It will comes with 30+ Visual Composer elements + 110+ Predefined Templates. Totally unique, premium & totally infinity usage Visual Composer elements.

    Do you want to earn money with your design?

    If you have design like our predefined templates, we’ll pay to you $1 for each template! Just Contact Us with your template with us and get your $$$. We’ll pay you instantly and your template/s will be added within our predefined templates!

    What Will You Get With Current Version v1.0.0?

    • Master Add-ons for Visual Composer (Needs:VC Installed & Activated)
    • 30+ unique elements with infinity possibilitiesaa
    • 110+ Predefined templates & a lot of presets.
    • One click use each elements, layouts, presets in layout section
    • Module basis structure; this means you can activate/deactivate each one
    • Lifetime Future Updates
    • Countinious Lifetime #1 Premium Support
    • Documentation
    • Freebies
    • Videos

    live_test_drive get_your_gift













    Master Addons for Visual Composer Elements List

    All elements included the plugin. You can use them with one click!

    1. Advanced Bullet
    2. Advanced Text
    3. Before After Image
    4. Call to Action
    5. Image Carousel
    6. Change Words
    7. Counter
    8. Divider
    9. Expanding Grid
    10. Font Icon
    11. Gallery Timeline
    12. Glide Slider
    13. Google Maps
    14. Hexagon Grid
    15. HotSpot
    16. iHover Effects
    17. Image Gallery Hover effects
    18. Image Icon
    19. Image Shape
    20. Image Hover Effects
    21. Image Skew
    22. Intense Gallery
    23. Simple News Ticker
    24. Post Display
    25. Price Table Modern
    26. Price Table Softy
    27. Scroll Animated Sections
    28. Team Members
    29. Team Profiles
    30. Testimonial
    31. Dropcap
    32. Tiled News
    33. Typed Text
    34. Video Carousel
    35. Video Gallery

    Free Item Support


    Help Videos


    v1.0.0 ( April-19-2017 )

    Initial Release

  • Fb-like Picture Grid for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Fb-like Picture Grid for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Facebook-like Photo Grid is an addon for Visual Composer which allows to display first (1-6) images of your gallery in a grid view as you seen on Facebook timeline. Click on the thumbnail will display all images in a fullscreen, navigatable modal popup just like the gallery lightbox.

  • Grasp Addons for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Grasp Addons for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Master Addons for Visual Composer will be increase your business to next level.

    It will comes with 30+ Visual Composer elements + 110+ Predefined Templates. Totally unique, premium & totally infinity usage Visual Composer elements.

    Do you want to earn money with your design?

    If you have design like our predefined templates, we’ll pay to you $1 for each template! Just Contact Us with your template with us and get your $$$. We’ll pay you instantly and your template/s will be added within our predefined templates!

    What Will You Get With Current Version v1.0.0?

    • Master Add-ons for Visual Composer (Needs:VC Installed & Activated)
    • 30+ unique elements with infinity possibilitiesaa
    • 110+ Predefined templates & a lot of presets.
    • One click use each elements, layouts, presets in layout section
    • Module basis structure; this means you can activate/deactivate each one
    • Lifetime Future Updates
    • Countinious Lifetime #1 Premium Support
    • Documentation
    • Freebies
    • Videos

    live_test_drive get_your_gift













    Master Addons for Visual Composer Elements List

    All elements included the plugin. You can use them with one click!

    1. Advanced Bullet
    2. Advanced Text
    3. Before After Image
    4. Call to Action
    5. Image Carousel
    6. Change Words
    7. Counter
    8. Divider
    9. Expanding Grid
    10. Font Icon
    11. Gallery Timeline
    12. Glide Slider
    13. Google Maps
    14. Hexagon Grid
    15. HotSpot
    16. iHover Effects
    17. Image Gallery Hover effects
    18. Image Icon
    19. Image Shape
    20. Image Hover Effects
    21. Image Skew
    22. Intense Gallery
    23. Simple News Ticker
    24. Post Display
    25. Price Table Modern
    26. Price Table Softy
    27. Scroll Animated Sections
    28. Team Members
    29. Team Profiles
    30. Testimonial
    31. Dropcap
    32. Tiled News
    33. Typed Text
    34. Video Carousel
    35. Video Gallery

    Free Item Support


    Help Videos


    v1.0.0 ( April-19-2017 )

    Initial Release