Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Checkout & Order acquired with Woocommerce web page for Visible Composer (eCommerce)

    Checkout & Order acquired with Woocommerce web page for Visible Composer (eCommerce)

    – Have you ever felt uncomfortable with the payment page as well as the order received site of your site? … If you are one of them then you have got solutions with this plugins :))

    – With this plugin it help you can control or sortable all content element of Visual Composer with content element of checkout page: minicart, builling ,coupon, payments, login,… And with order received page: thankyou order, order detail, customer detail, billing address, shipping address, …..Also, you can be additional items in page checkout & order recevied in the visual composer for create custom style for your page, you only to drag and drop element you want to show per page.

    You can see that in more detail

    Link demo: Here
    Video demo: Here
    version: 1.0

  • Brand Show off – Multi-Use WordPress Plugin (Interface Components)

    Brand Show off – Multi-Use WordPress Plugin (Interface Components)

    Logo Showcase WordPress plugin allow to Display a list of clients, supporters, partners or sponsors logos in your WordPress website easily. you can manage everything via options page.


    • Responsive Layout.
    • Clean Design & Code.
    • Support Multiple Column.
    • 12 Unique Style.
    • Logo Slider Style.
    • 20+ Logo Slider Options.
    • Logo Grid Style.
    • Logo Filter Style.
    • Logo List Style.
    • Display Logo By Category.
    • Order By (author, date, title, modified, random).
    • Order (ascending, descending).
    • Show/Hide Logo.
    • Logo height option.
    • Show/Hide logo Title.
    • Title Background color.
    • Title Text color.
    • Title Font Size.
    • Title Text Align.
    • Show/Hide logo Permalink.
    • Show/Hide logo Tooltip.
    • 4 Tooltip Position.
    • Tooltip Background Color.
    • Tooltip Text Color.
    • Tooltip width option.
    • Overlay color option.
    • Border color option.
    • Border Hover color option.
  • weebot – Improve-Chat-Bot (Miscellaneous)

    weebot – Improve-Chat-Bot (Miscellaneous)

    Advantages of a Support-Chat-Bot

    weebot recognizes duplicate questions and can provide answers, which are generated automatically. You never have to answer a question twice!
    Save a lot of time to your Support-Team!

    There are different types of questions like there are different types of answers. So you are able to choose between a few types which end in different events.

    add modules to your weebot and build your own serverside-rendered events to questions.

    Protect your Bot from Spam by activating Spam-Protect in the Settings.

    weebot can be translated into any language. There is an english and german translation included.

    You can show the Support-Chat only to logged in visitors.

    No Messages get lost. All users have the option to get answers via email. Search results will be displayed as fallback too.

    If you activate the Cross-Domain-option you will be able to include the Support-Chat on every Domain you want to.

    There are multiple Designs included but you can set up your own Theme or just edit the Styles.

    Predefined Answers
    You can filter questions by special keywords and if there is a matching then you can show predefined answers.

    Answers could be page-related, so you can define answers to questions for specific subpages.

    All questions, answers, users and settings can be managed in the backend.

    By adding Support-Users you set the option for Customers to contact them directly.

    Allow users to take Screenshots of your page and send them via the Support-Chat.

    Allow Users to upload Files into the Support-Chat.

    Online User
    Be able to track online Users and see exactly how many are online.

  • Ezinomatic Computerized Publish Generator and EzineArticles Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Ezinomatic Computerized Publish Generator and EzineArticles Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Ezinomatic Automatic Post Generator and EzineArticles Auto Poster Plugin

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Ezinomatic Automatic Post Generator and EzineArticles Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge (made in 2017) EzineArticles To WordPress and WordPress To EzineArticles post importer plugin that is ideal for auto blogging and automatic EzineArticles post publishing. It uses the EzineArticles API to turn your website into a auto blogging or even a money making machine!
    EzineArticles is the biggest article directory. No matter in which niche you are in, chances are you can make use of the site to drive traffic and generate prospects for your business.
    You can import post and automatically associate to them relevant images as post featured image from Pixabay (free to use images only). These images will be imported by keywords grabbed from the article content – so they will always be relevant to the article’s subject.
    Using this plugin, you can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:

    • Any public EzineArticles article content

    Other plugin features:

    • Automatic EzineArticles Article generator and poster every time you publish a new post to WordPress – with a wide range of settings (but respecting EzineArticles publishing rules)
    • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
    • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – great SEO value!
    • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
    • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
    • manually add post categories or tags to items
    • generate post or page or any other custom post type
    • define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
    • automatically generate a featured image for the post
    • enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
    • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
    • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
    • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
    • detailed plugin activity logging
    • scheduled rule runs
    • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
    • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
    • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
    • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content

    Try it out now

    Testing this plugin

    Plugin Requirements

    • PHP curl

    Learn more about this plugin

    Need support?

    Just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-05-15

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.7 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Through this plugin you are able to grab content from EzineArticles that does not necessary belong to you or which are not under your control. If you grab copyrighted material without the author’s permission, the plugin’s developer does not assume any responsibility for your actions. Also, the plugin’s developer has no control over the nature, content and availability of grabbed material.

  • Visible Composer Any place (Widgets)

    For Documentation, please visit:

    VC Anywhere plugin now allows you to use the very known Visual Composer almost everywhere on your website, even on Widgets.

    Awesome Features:

    • Create Custom Composers to be directly added to sidebars without even moving to Widgets Page
    • Append/Prepend the composed sidebar to existing sidebar
    • Replace the existing sidebar with brand new composed sidebar
    • Place the composed sidebar in between the existing sidebar at your desired position
    • Developer friendly

    Demo Login

    Username: demo
    Password: password

  • WordPress Media Folders (Media)

    WordPress Media Folders (Media)

    WP Media Folders

    WP Media Folders is powerful WordPress plugin for organizing thousands of files into handy folders hierarchy. It turns Media Library into high quality WordPress File Manager that works similar to your PC’s file explorer.


    Uploading Nested Folders

    Drag&Drop nested folders with tons of files
    from your PC directly to WordPress Media Library by one click.


    3rd Party Compatible

    Compatible with WooCommerce, Visual Composer, Divi Builder,
    any Themes, any other plugins that use default “Add Media” dialog.


    Count of Files in Folders

    See count of files that displays a real files count
    inside the folder and all sub-folders in it with any depth.


    Moving Folders & Files

    Drag&Drop selected folders and files between
    different folders using folders tree or folders explorer with no effort.


    Creating Folder

    You can create new folder using “Add Folder” button
    using folders tree at the left or folders list above files list.


    Renaming Folder

    You can rename folder inline using pen icon
    that appears when your mouse cursor slides over the folder.


    Deleting Folders

    You can delete folder using dustbin icon over the folder.
    It automatically removes all nested folders and files. Be careful!


    Regenerating Thumbnails

    You can regenerate selected thumbnails using
    Bulk actions. It automatically regenerates thumbnails for all nested files.


  • Final Twitter Feed Professional (Social Networking)

    Final Twitter Feed Professional (Social Networking)

    The only plugin you are going to need to display any twitter feeds, You can display feeds with Unlimited Shortcodes and Widgets, Cache the feeds to speed your website, Finally the most important feature is you won’t need to edit any code to dispaly the feeds in your already designed templates, NOW You can generate unlimited json urls and loop through them, Don’t know what loop means ? No problem you will get a ready code to just paste in your template.

    • Create unlimted feeds with unlimited shortcodes.
    • Create unlimted feeds with WP REST API URLS.
    • Create unlimited feeds with widgets.
    • Cache all the feeds so it won’t slow down your site.
    • Display your feeds with already designed templates including slider.
    • Display your feeds with your already designed template with WP REST URLS.

  • The Situations Calendar Single Experience Web page Builder (Add-ons)

    A plugin that allows for a free form layout of The Events Calendar Single Event Page builder with Visual Composer.

  • Kinds To DB – wordpress Plugin to Store Kinds in DB and xls (Utilities)

    Kinds To DB – wordpress Plugin to Store Kinds in DB and xls (Utilities)

    Forms to DB – WordPress Plugin

    Forms To DB is a WordPress Plugin to generate Forms via a drag and drop builder to display in your website.

    All the form submits then will be saved to the WordPress database and you will be able to save the Forms Reports in Google Drive, Dropbox or just simply download an .xls file.

    Also you can see all the submits from the WordPress backend.

    Third party software:

    • Bootstrap
    • JQuery
    • JQuery Form Builder
    • Ace CSS Editor
    • Dropbox Saver API
    • Save to Drive button
    • PHPExcel
  • wordpress: Resizable Multicolor Countdown (Utilities)

    wordpress: Resizable Multicolor Countdown (Utilities)

    This tool is the the countdown which comes with flipping animation. You can adjust the color of the back panel so that it has changed over time. Or you can use a static color. The colors are set to digits, the rear panel and signatures. It uses vector data to draw the digits and the panels of the countdown, there is no change in the quality of the displayed drawings when it gets resized.

    • Resizable;
    • Changes color over time;
    • Editable colors;
    • Widgets and shortcode.

    • zip-file;
    • Instructions.