Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Weblog CrossPoster WordPress Bundle via CodeRevolution (Miscellaneous)

    Weblog CrossPoster WordPress Bundle via CodeRevolution (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Blog CrossPoster WordPress Bundle by CodeRevolution

    Get massive savings with exclusive Blog CrossPoster WordPress Bundle! Explore it and benefit from it now!

    What is this plugin about?

    Blog CrossPoster WordPress Bundle by CodeRevolution is a powerful collection of WordPress plugins that post TO and FROM the most popular blogging networks like WordPress, Tumblr and Blogspot.
    With this item, you benefit from a unique discount!
    Note that I will also add future WordPress plugins that fit in this category to this bundle and if you buy it now, you will have also access to all my future work in this category (automatic posting to and from blogging networks) without any future fees!

    At the moment, included items are:

    Need support?

    Just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.


    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-08-06

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better item!

    All plugins are WordPress 4.8 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Do you like our work and want more of it? Check out this plugin bundle!

  • Weblog CrossPoster WordPress Bundle via CodeRevolution (Miscellaneous)

    Weblog CrossPoster WordPress Bundle via CodeRevolution (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Blog CrossPoster WordPress Bundle by CodeRevolution

    Get massive savings with exclusive Blog CrossPoster WordPress Bundle! Explore it and benefit from it now!

    What is this plugin about?

    Blog CrossPoster WordPress Bundle by CodeRevolution is a powerful collection of WordPress plugins that post TO and FROM the most popular blogging networks like WordPress, Tumblr and Blogspot.
    With this item, you benefit from a unique discount!
    Note that I will also add future WordPress plugins that fit in this category to this bundle and if you buy it now, you will have also access to all my future work in this category (automatic posting to and from blogging networks) without any future fees!

    At the moment, included items are:

    Need support?

    Just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.


    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-08-06

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better item!

    All plugins are WordPress 4.8 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Do you like our work and want more of it? Check out this plugin bundle!

  • FAQ & Knowledgebase WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQ & Knowledgebase WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQ & Knowledgebase WordPress plugin with Voting System is an ultimate tool to easily create and organize your FAQs list or Knowledge Base. Monitor and measure each FAQ item performance based on website visitors feedback and accordingly adjust your knowledge base.

    The list of features:

    1/ Voting and rating monitoring system
    2/ Drag and Drop interface to reorder FAQs, FAQ Categories
    3/ Lightening fast AJAX Search
    4/ FAQs Alphabetical filtering
    5/ Sidebar Widget available
    6/ Break FAQs into vertical / horizontal tabs
    7/ Break FAQs into categories
    8/ Display FAQs in random order.
    9/ Show or hide all meta, category, date, author, voting
    10/ Supports Videos and Images
    11/ FAQs display shortcode
    12/ Fully responsive layout
    13/ Blazing fast
    14/ SEO friendly
    15/ Clean and light code
    16/ Does not affect website performance and speed
    17/ Unlimited FAQs and categories
    18/ Totally customizable style and adjustable elements:
    Choose font, Search icons color, Search placeholder color, Search text color, Search alphabet color, Search alphabet hover background, Search alphabet active background, Search alphabet active color, Main background, Item default state background, Item hover background, Item meta background, Item content background, Item voting background, Item font color, Item icons color, Item arrow color, Item active arrow color, Voting button background (yes), Voting button color (yes), Voting button background (no), Voting button color (no), Category header background, Category header color, Category active tab background, Category tab color.

  • Everest Counter – Gorgeous Stat Counter Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Everest Counter – Gorgeous Stat Counter Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Sales page part 1

    Sales page part 2

    Everest Counter is a perfect plugin if you want to showcase statistics values of :

    1. Your achievements (x awards won, x projects completed, x years of excellence etc).
    2. Your team strength / excellence (x top managers, x line managers, x country directors)
    3. Your store / business strength in numbers(x branches, x Service centers, x customer support centers etc)
    4. Your product ranges (x Type 1 products, x type 2 products, x type 3 products)
    5. Your process (x days of development cycle, x round of testing)

    And any other your key business statistics which empowers your brand and increases your business value.

    Now, showcase your key business statistics in our 15 stunning beautiful layout including image/ video background.

    No coding needed! Just 5 minutes setup and configuration! Works perfectly with all ‘well coded’ themes!

    Grab your copy now!


    • 15 different layout to choose
    • No of column display settings – mobile, tablet, desktops
    • Background settings – background color, background image, background videos – youtube, viemo, html5 supports. Parallax enable options, Overlay options

      Background Settings

    • Column configuration settings
    • Create unlimted stat counter
    • Stat counter consist of icon, count number, title & subtitle and clickable link. Options to configure font family, font size and font color for each section.

      Item elements

    • Icon supports – Fontawesome icons, dashicons, genericons
    • Stat count can be rearranged as per need.

    Lifetime Dedicated Support

    – You can find us anytime when you have some queries, problems or with any valuable suggestions for plugin or us. You can find us through following ways:

    Constant Free Upgrades

    – Not fixed on dates, but we assure you to provide you new updates and feature upgrade in the plugin at regular basis.

    Get latest updates

    Like our Facebook page and get latest updates:

    Update logs

    Version 1.0.0 (4th August 2017)
    - Inital release of a plugin

    Check out our other great plugins

  • CL Pricing Desk – VC Addon (Add-ons)

    CL Pricing Desk – VC Addon (Add-ons)

    CL Pricing Table – VC Addon for Visual Composer plugin is the most complete and fully featured pricing table. It’s giving you all the options you need to build unique and responsive pricing plans and comparison tables. Anyone can create unique pricing plan with customize color, font awesome icons and customize buttons or 3rd party button code easily.


    • 15 Awesome Styles Build-in
    • 100% Fully Responsive
    • Unlimited Color Style
    • Support Paypal or any 3rd party button Code
    • Badges with Custom Text
    • CSS3 Animations
    • Hover Animations
    • Easy to Customize
    • Clean and Standard Code
    • 24/7 Support
    • Demo Data Included
    • Well Documented
  • Memberlist layouts for UserPro (Add-ons)

    Memberlist layouts for UserPro (Add-ons)

    Now you can display your UserPro members list in visually stunning ways! . The addon provides many different layouts and each layout has a different effect which gives it a beautiful dynamic touch.

    Note : This addon works along with UserPro and is compatible with UserPro v4.9.13 onwards.

  • WordPress Replica – Reproduction any WordPress construction (Utilities)

    WordPress Replica – Reproduction any WordPress construction (Utilities)

    A simple but unique plugin that allows you to clone posts, pages, custom post types, widgets, sidebars, menus, menu items, categories, tags, custom taxonomies and a lot more..

    Watch Video Overview:

    <iframe width=”640” height=”360” src=”” frameborder=”0” allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • Recipeomatic Automated Recipe Publish Generator Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Recipeomatic Automated Recipe Publish Generator Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Recipeomatic Automatic Recipe Post Generator Plugin

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Recipeomatic Automatic Recipe Post Generator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge (made in 2017) cooking recipe related content importer, using Edamam database. It is ideal for auto blogging and automatic reipe related content post publishing. It uses the Edamam API to turn your website into a auto blogging or even a money making machine!
    Using this plugin, you can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules.

    Other plugin features:

    • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
    • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – great SEO value!
    • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
    • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
    • manually add post categories or tags to items
    • generate post or page or any other custom post type
    • define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
    • automatically generate a featured image for the post
    • enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
    • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
    • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
    • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
    • detailed plugin activity logging
    • scheduled rule runs
    • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
    • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
    • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
    • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content

    Try it out now

    Testing this plugin

    Plugin Requirements

    • PHP curl

    Learn more about this plugin

    Need support?

    Just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-08-04

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.8 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Through this plugin you are able to grab content from different recipe websites that does not necessary belong to you or which are not under your control. Also, the plugin’s developer has no control over the nature, content and availability of grabbed material.

    Do you like our work and want more of it? Check out this plugin bundle!

  • Woocommerce Customise Product Format For Visible Composer (eCommerce)

    Woocommerce Customise Product Format For Visible Composer (eCommerce)

    SPEED UP building Woocommerce Layouts From : shop page, product category page, product single , product Tags,…


    + Create a product category page in your style.(with Visual Composer)
    + Just drag and drop interface without code.
    + Customize woocommerce page Shop
    + Customize woocommerce page Product Category
    + Customize woocommerce page Product Tags
    + Customize woocommerce page Single Product
    + And more…. Would you like to use it?
    user: product
    pass: product
    version: 1.0