Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Post Website online & Sitemap to Google search engine optimisation Device WP Plugin (website positioning)

    Post Website online & Sitemap to Google search engine optimisation Device WP Plugin (website positioning)

    Through this plugin, users visiting your WordPress website can submit their website and sitemap to Google. Traditionally website and sitemap submission is done through Google Webmasters Tools. But with this plugin, you can allow public users to do so from your own WordPress website.

    How this Plugin Works

    After you add a shortcode to a WordPress page or post, visitors can submit their website in 3 steps.

    Step 1 – Submitting Website to Google

    In the first step the user enters the url of his website. The user is authenticated with Google, and then the website is submitted to Google Webmasters.

    Step 2 – Verification of the Website

    Google requires that the website is verified prior to submitting the sitemap. Users are shown 4 options to verfy the website – Placing a HTML file, Adding a meta tag, Using Google Analytics and Using Google Tag Manager. The plugin generates the required verification files and meta tags.

    Step 3 – Submitting a Sitemap

    In the third step, the user can submit his sitemap to Google.

    SEO Starts with Google

    The start of SEO is obviously Google. Everyone wants their new website to be seen on Google. To be seen on Google it is very important to submit the website and sitemap to Google.

    Through this WordPress, visitors can do this from your website itself. This can make your website look good and useful to vistors. Especially when you have a SEO related website, you can use this plugin to guide your visitors to submit their new website to Google.

    Developer Features of the Plugin

    1. Plugin uses Google Site Verification and Google Search Console APIs to submit website and sitemap.
    2. All the files – PHP, CSS, JS & HTML are well commented.
    3. Necessary security features been added to the code, like verifying AJAX requests for XSS vulneribilities.
    4. The official Google SDK has not been used. The official SDK is huge (in MBs) and complicated. Instead required API calls have been implemented, and the total size of the API class is just 7Kb.
    5. All HTML elements in the code are suffixed so as to prevent conflict with other plugin.
    6. Plugin comes with a thorough documentation on how to install and use.
  • Top class Cryptocurrency Widgets for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    About Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets

    Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets plugin allows you to easily add various types of widgets with live cryptocurrency quotes to your website by using simple inline PHP snippets (injected into HTML code just like WordPress shortcodes).

    Plugin features

    • 350+ Cryptocurrencies are supported, including but not limited to Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Monero, Ripple, Dogecoin, Dash, Zcash, Waves.
    • All cryptocurrency quotes are retrieved in real-time and updated immediately.
    • Cryptocurrency data is delivered using Websockets technology, which eliminates any pressure on your web server.
    • Image logos are provided for each cryptocurrency.
    • All modern browsers are supported.

    Admin interface

    All widgets can be easily configured through native WordPress admin interface. You don’t need to manually construct or edit any HTML code. No technical skills are required to use this plugin.

    Widget types

    Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets plugin provides the following widget types:

    • Inline widgets
    • Box widgets
    • Spark charts widgets
    • Leaderboard widgets
    • Table widgets
    • Comparison widgets
    • Scrolling ticker widgets

    Widget templates

    Each widget type provides multiple templates and color themes to choose from, so you can always find one best suitable for your website.

    System requirements

    • PHP 5.4.x and above
    • JQuery 1.5 and above

    Have a regular JavaScript / PHP website? Please have a look at Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets (JS / PHP)

    Stay in touch

    Do you have a question or would like to suggest a feature? Contact us and we will do our best to help!

    Follow us on Facebook
    Ask a question

    Rate our product

    Please help us to make our product better and rate it with 5 stars. Your support is priceless.
    Please rate Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets 5 stars

    Changes history


  • Top rate Cryptocurrency Widgets for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    About Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets

    Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets plugin allows you to easily add various types of widgets with live cryptocurrency quotes to your website by using simple inline PHP snippets (injected into HTML code just like WordPress shortcodes).

    Plugin features

    • 350+ Cryptocurrencies are supported, including but not limited to Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Monero, Ripple, Dogecoin, Dash, Zcash, Waves.
    • All cryptocurrency quotes are retrieved in real-time and updated immediately.
    • Cryptocurrency data is delivered using Websockets technology, which eliminates any pressure on your web server.
    • Image logos are provided for each cryptocurrency.
    • All modern browsers are supported.

    Admin interface

    All widgets can be easily configured through native WordPress admin interface. You don’t need to manually construct or edit any HTML code. No technical skills are required to use this plugin.

    Widget types

    Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets plugin provides the following widget types:

    • Inline widgets
    • Box widgets
    • Spark charts widgets
    • Leaderboard widgets
    • Table widgets
    • Comparison widgets
    • Scrolling ticker widgets

    Widget templates

    Each widget type provides multiple templates and color themes to choose from, so you can always find one best suitable for your website.

    System requirements

    • PHP 5.4.x and above
    • JQuery 1.5 and above

    Have a regular JavaScript / PHP website? Please have a look at Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets (JS / PHP)

    Stay in touch

    Do you have a question or would like to suggest a feature? Contact us and we will do our best to help!

    Follow us on Facebook
    Ask a question

    Rate our product

    Please help us to make our product better and rate it with 5 stars. Your support is priceless.
    Please rate Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets 5 stars

    Changes history


  • CQPIM Undertaking Administration – Reporting Add-On (Add-ons)

    CQPIM Undertaking Administration – Reporting Add-On (Add-ons)

    CQPIM Project Management – Reporting Add-On

    This add-on for the CQPIM Core plugin enables you to generate reports from CQPIM Core data and display on screen as well as export in various formats (PDF, CSV, Excel, Print, Copy)

    The plugin requires CQPIM Core v3.2.2 or higher.

    Getting Started

    To install the plugin, first make sure you have CQPIM 3.2.2 or higher. Upload the zip file through WordPress and Activate the plugin.


    This is a zero configuration plugin, which means once it is installed it can be used straight away. The Reporting section can be found in the CQPIM Core admin menu.

    Which reports are available?

    • Project Time
    • Project Income
    • Project Income / Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Team Member Time Entries
    • Team Member Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Income
    • Income by Client
    • Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Income / Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Sales Tax Total
    • Secondary Sales Tax Total
    • Supplier Spending (Requires Expenses Add-On)

    How does it work?

    The reporting add-on has been designed to be as easy to use as possible. Everything can be run from one page.

    Simply select a report type, and an item if required (eg. a specific Project or Team Member).

    Choose an optional date range and hit Generate Report.

    Your chosen report will be displayed underneath the Report Generation form.

    You can change the Items per Page, and you can export the report in various formats by clicking on one of the export buttons.

  • Multiline information add for contact kind 7 (Add-ons)

    Multiline information add for contact kind 7 (Add-ons)

    Multiline files upload for contact form 7 allows user to attach unlimited files to upload to Contact Form 7 in wordpress website, User can upload unlimited files one by one, selected files will be displayed nicely on the screen. User can even delete the already selected file. Admin can set to send all attached files via email. All files will be combined into one ZIP file. This plugin is configurable. You can change the style of the buttons and files list. You can also use your own custom section to show the uploaded files.

  • CQPIM Mission Administration – Reporting Add-On (Add-ons)

    CQPIM Mission Administration – Reporting Add-On (Add-ons)

    CQPIM Project Management – Reporting Add-On

    This add-on for the CQPIM Core plugin enables you to generate reports from CQPIM Core data and display on screen as well as export in various formats (PDF, CSV, Excel, Print, Copy)

    The plugin requires CQPIM Core v3.2.2 or higher.

    Getting Started

    To install the plugin, first make sure you have CQPIM 3.2.2 or higher. Upload the zip file through WordPress and Activate the plugin.


    This is a zero configuration plugin, which means once it is installed it can be used straight away. The Reporting section can be found in the CQPIM Core admin menu.

    Which reports are available?

    • Project Time
    • Project Income
    • Project Income / Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Team Member Time Entries
    • Team Member Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Income
    • Income by Client
    • Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Income / Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Sales Tax Total
    • Secondary Sales Tax Total
    • Supplier Spending (Requires Expenses Add-On)

    How does it work?

    The reporting add-on has been designed to be as easy to use as possible. Everything can be run from one page.

    Simply select a report type, and an item if required (eg. a specific Project or Team Member).

    Choose an optional date range and hit Generate Report.

    Your chosen report will be displayed underneath the Report Generation form.

    You can change the Items per Page, and you can export the report in various formats by clicking on one of the export buttons.

  • Multiline recordsdata add for contact kind 7 (Add-ons)

    Multiline recordsdata add for contact kind 7 (Add-ons)

    Multiline files upload for contact form 7 allows user to attach unlimited files to upload to Contact Form 7 in wordpress website, User can upload unlimited files one by one, selected files will be displayed nicely on the screen. User can even delete the already selected file. Admin can set to send all attached files via email. All files will be combined into one ZIP file. This plugin is configurable. You can change the style of the buttons and files list. You can also use your own custom section to show the uploaded files.

  • WordPress Enqueue Supervisor (Utilities)

    WordPress Enqueue Supervisor (Utilities)

    This is simple and very helpful plugin you can use to wp enqueue scripts and stylesheets on the page or globally through out the site. It is very useful when you want to include any custom JavaScript or Stylesheet on some specific page or globally across the site without touching the code of theme.

    The global scripts and styles can be overridden on the specific pages as well. For that you will specify the same handle name.

    It also manages defer, and async for JavaScript file, which eliminates the issue of render blocking javascript.

    Also, you can use async option for css to eliminate the issue of render blocking css. This should be used with caution though, since it may result into FOUC (flash of unstyled content).


    • Place the unzipped plugin folder into the wp-content/plugins/ folder.
    • Activate the plugin from wp-admin -> plugins section.
    • You will see the WP Enqueue Manager in each page and posts. Also, there is global setting available under WP Enqueue Manager section in the sidebar of admin panel.

    Note that the page must have used wp_footer() function which normally is the case in most themes.

  • Visible Composer – Fb,YouTube Channel,Vimeo,Twitter,Instagram Social Streams Grid With Carousel (Add-ons)

    Visual Composer - Facebook,YouTube Channel,Vimeo,Twitter,Instagram Social Streams Grid With Carousel
    Social Streams - visual composer

    Facebook Popup

    facebook Social Streams

    YouTube Popup

    youtube Social Streams

    Instagram Popup

    instagram Social Streams

    Vimeo Popup

    vimeo Social Streams

    Twitter Popup

    twitter Social Streams

    Visual Composer – Facebook,YouTube Channel,Vimeo,Twitter,Instagram Social Streams Grid With Carousel

    • Responsive Design Layouts.
    • 6 Style Available
    • Inline Social read popup
    • Inline Only image popup
    • Social carousel
    • Custom Columns Layout
    • Custom backgrond Color and hover background color
    • Fitrow and Masonry Grid Layout
    • Show more Pagination
    • Multi Filtering
    • Social Share icon for each post in popup
    • 60+ animation effects
  • Gravity Kinds Shade or Picture Possibility Swatches (Kinds)

    Gravity Kinds Shade or Picture Possibility Swatches (Kinds)

    Gravity Forms Color or Image Option Swatches. Convert your normal variable attribute dropdown select to nicely looking color or image select.


    • Easy use
    • Working all version Gravity Forms
    • Supports color/image/text option swatches and dropdown select.
    • Works on mobile devices.
    • And more…


    15/09/2017: (version 1.0)
    - Version 1.0 Initial Release