Category: Media

  • YouTube Playlists Movies Anyplace (Media)

    YouTube Playlists Movies Anyplace (Media)

    The Youtube Playlist Anywhere Plugin is a WordPress plugin that allow you to display videos from any youtube Playlist anywhere on wordpress blog/website like pages , posts , widgets , sidebars e.t.c with a responsive layout and a built-in lightbox. You Can place it wherever you want it to show.There is admin panel to setup video hover color , text title color e.t.c

    Note : If you want any additional function to be added , please do a comment and we will try to update the plugin.

    Main Features:

    Easy Implementaion

    Light, easy to use admin interface ,Just a small string will show a whole channel with its videos on any type of post or page or sidebar.

    Color Selection using Color Picker

    Admin Panel allow to change the border color of thumbnails and the title color of the video using built-in color picker.

    Buillt-In Lighbox Video Player

    Plugin come with a built-in lightbox video player which is also responsive and play the video using ajax on the same page.

    Multi Columns/Layout Support

    Using the Width setting of SHORTCODE you can select the layout of videos of a channel to be in one column or in two columns or more then two columns.
    Also you can use fixed and responsive layout by setting mwidth=”” (for responsoive) or mwidth=”900” for fixed….


    Plugin show channel videos and play them in Responsive layout, so it is not a problem which device is being used to browse your website.

    Unlimited playlists

    You can add/show unlimited playlists on each post or page , for each channel you have to add a shortcode something like that : [showplaylist id=”plumplard” mwidth=”900” iwidth=”300” total=”5”] here plumplard is a ID of playlist created on Youtube.

    All Post Types Supported

    You can show videos from any channel by adding it to playlist on each type of post. Even its page or post or article or sidebar , you can show videos from playlists everywhere.

    Custom Post Types Support

    It works with custom post types too.So no worry if your theme have any custom post types.

    Video Tutorial: How to Use Plugin

    Coming soon

  • Allground – Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress (Media)

    Allground – Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress (Media)

    Allground is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create responsive fullscreen backgrounds using:

    • images
    • YouTube videos
    • hosted or linked videos

    Note: seeing the demo within CodeCanyon might show a browser scrollbar since the site is embedded in CC’s iframe. For a real preview, click Remove Frame at the top left, or click Allground Demo


    Create fullscreen backgrounds using images that you can upload to your site or link externally.

    • Use a single image with a link and caption, or a sequence of images, each one with its caption and link.
    • You can set the link to open in a new tab.
    • Drag and drop the images in the editor to adjust their order.
    • Choose whether to show controls to go back and forth through the images.
    • Set the pause length before changing images and the fading transition speed


    Upload an MP4 video to create a fullscreen background and add a WebM video for Opera compatibility.

    • Mobile devices performance is not affected and will use a fullscreen image instead.
    • You can also link from a external source like a CDN or another server you have.

    YouTube Videos

    Play a single video or enqueue videos to build a playlist.

    • Drag and drop them in the admin editor to arrange their playback order as desired.
    • Adjust the volume or even mute the single video or playlist.
    • Show or hide play/pause and mute/unmute buttons.
    • Specify whether to loop the video or playlist in order to play it continuously.
    • Set the starting time for the video in seconds.
    • Choose whether to show related videos or not after a video or a playlist ends.
    • Mobile devices are served an uploaded image or use YouTube’s default thumbnail for better performance.

    More Features

    • Choose the default background to show throughout the site
    • Select a specific background when editing your post, page or custom post type
    • Specify a background when adding and editing a category, tag and custom taxonomy
    • Create the backgrounds once and reuse them as needed
    • Choose not to use it in the entire site, but only in specific posts, pages or custom post types and/or categories, tags and custom taxonomies
    • Advanced users can take advantages of the JavaScript events included for each background type to control it externally and perform actions.
    • Write custom styling directly in the plugin settings to have your settings always safe during updates.
    • Enter custom JavaScript directly in the plugin settings and keep them safe during updates.
    • Fully translatable
    • Full spanish translation included
    • Admin with support for Right to Left RTL languages
    • Good documentation and prompt support

    Access the support forum

    Support forum

    If you need help with customization, come to the support forums!

    See Also

    AllSlider - WordPress Responsive Slider Carousel - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

    Alldion – Responsive Accordion for WordPress

    Alldion - Responsive accordion for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

    Rotating Tabs Widget for WordPress

    Tabs Widget for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

    Product Slider Carousel for WooCommerce - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

  • Bloggie Put up Kind (Media)

    Bloggie Put up Kind (Media)


    Bloggie is a powerful and responsive post manager that can be used as blog, portfolio, gallery or other specific purposes. The plugin incorporates a new post manager in your current theme, that includes many customizable options for every single bloggie post.

    You may display photos, videos, soundcloud music, only text, and more.

    The ajax call (the way that the plugin loads the new posts when you scroll down) improve the capabilities of the blog and gives a better experience to user of your site.
    Also, when you click on a post, the plugin calls the single post page, incorporating it in the current layout this new call.

    You can add as many bloggie blog as you want, always adapting it to the templates of your prefered theme. (Also, you could display post only from a specific category, as a news layout)

    Please note that Bloggie DOESN’T USE NORMAL POSTS. uses only posts added with the bloggie post manager.

    What you can do in every single post

    • Display Titles: on/off.
    • Subtitles: on/off.
    • Featured Media: Images, Music, Video, None
    • Icons: 300+ Font awesome Icons .
    • Excerpt or Contenton/off
    • Date & Comments on/off
    • Comments: Allow or denied comments

    Also, you can change the colors and background colors of options mentiones above.



    Blog Options

    • Columns: Two, three, or four columns Layout
    • Posts per Load:
    • Loading Posts Message Message in every new Load
    • No more Posts Message:
    • Filter by category or display all:
    • Ascending or Descending Order: Call to action Premade Box
    • Order By: Date, Title, Comments, etc..



    Other Options

    • Google Fonts: 600+ Google fonts for titles and content
    • Loading background Color:

    Bloggie Post Screenshot

    Updates / Changelog

    v1.05 – September 16, 2013

    • Improvements on code

    v1.03 – July 24, 2013

    • Improvements on code

    v1.02 – June 29, 2013

    • Fixed CSS styles for firefox
    • Fixed minor bug on opera

    v1.01 – June 01, 2013

    This Update corrects the call to a single bloggie post on click, even in wordpress multisite installations

    • Fixed use of main template
  • Helpful Video Participant (Media)

    Helpful Video Participant (Media)

    Useful Video Player allows you to embed videos to your WordPress powered website without hassle.

    Among the basic features other plugins might offer you, Useful Video Player will enable you to create playlists, use videos as ads, add overlay text and images, as well as use featured images for your videos.

    Instead of crowding up your WordPress interface with a lot of intricate menus, Useful Video Player will create a section in your WordPress administrator menu right after installation. From that tab you can manage your videos and edit their settings, as well as create and organize playlists.

    Adding a video has never been easier. The video will be uploaded to your WordPress media folder right from your browser – a click of a button is everything you need!

    Turn your video into a video advertisement and play it before any other video from your website. Monetize from external advertisers, or just promote your own product!

    Create and organize playlists to provide a great way for publishing videos on the same subject or from the same date.

    Use the Useful Video Player widget to place a static video or playlist wherever you want in one of the sidebars of your theme.

    Besides these useful features that Useful Video Player provides, we have improved upon the basic features that website owners require.

    Instead of having only one video that can be used as an advertisement, you can have as many as you want!

    This way, you can set up different video ads for different videos you serve, thus making everything seem more dynamic.

    Use the Skip option to allow users to skip your advertisement after a certain number of seconds, or as soon as it starts, just to give them the option to get to the content without wasting time.

    You can use text or images that will be shown in the top section of your player in order to drive more traffic outwards from your website, to products you might sell on another websites. Of course, to do this, you will need to use Hyperlinks on your text or images, and with our improved features, it only takes the completion of one field with a URL to make this possible.

    Choosing the link target properly will open the hyperlink accordingly.

    When introducing videos to your posts or pages, all you have to do is click a single button in your WordPress toolbar. Select the video or playlist, adjust the size of the player and style, and select if you want to autoplay.

    Autoplaying will start the video automatically, but if an ad is configured to play before, the ad will play automatically first!

    If you don’t use the autoplay feature, you can set a Featured Image, which will be shown in the player until the user clicks it to play.

  • WP Exterior Media Grabber (Media)

    WP Exterior Media Grabber (Media)


    Please go to WordPress External Media Grabber(WPEMG) and login with user/pass: demo/demo for check out demo action.


    WordPress External Media Grabber will remote grab media from external url link to your server and add them to WordPress media library.

    With WordPress External Media Grabber, you don’t need many time for save external file to your computer and re-upload.

    WordPress External Media Grabber support total over 100 file type extensions. WordPress External Media Grabber can grab direct popular file extension as image file (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .gif, .png, .bmp, .tif, .tiff, .ico), document file (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx,
    .mdb, …), text file (.txt, .html,.css, .asc, .csv, …), audio file (.wav, .mp3, .wma, …) , video file (.wmv, .avi, .divx, .mov, .mpeg, .mp4, .mkv, .flv, …), flash file (.swf), zip file (.zip, .gz

  • WP Youtube Channel Any place Plugin (Media)

    WP Youtube Channel Any place Plugin (Media)

    The WordPress Youtube Channel Anywhere Plugin is a wordpress plugin that allow you to display specific number of videos from any youtube channel anywhere on wordpress blog/website like pages , posts , widgets , sidebars e.t.c with a responsive layout and a built-in lightbox.
    Just a samll piece of text to place wherever you want it to show.Manage the video title color , hover border color e.t.c in Admin Settings Menu.

    Note : If you want any additional function to be added , please do a comment and we will try to update the plugin.

    Update ::::: ScreenShots of New Control Panel


    Main Features:

    Easy Implementaion

    Light, easy to use admin interface ,Just a small string will show a whole channel with its videos on any type of post or page or sidebar.

    Color Selection using Color Picker

    Admin Panel allow to change the border color of thumbnails and the title color of the video using built-in color picker.

    Buillt-In Lighbox Video Player

    Plugin come with a built-in lightbox video player which is also responsive and play the video using ajax on the same page.

    Multi Columns/Layout Support

    Using the Width setting of SHORTCODE you can select the layout of videos of a channel to be in one column or in two columns or more then two columns.


    Plugin show channel videos and play them in Responsive layout, so it is not a problem which device is being used to browse your website.

    Unlimited Channels

    You can add/show unlimited channels on each post or page , for each channel you have to add a shortcode something like that : [showchannel user=”plumplard” mwidth=”900” iwidth=”300” total=”5”] here plumplard is a username of channel.

    All Post Types Supported

    You can show videos from channel on each type of post. Even its page or post or article or sidebar , you can show videos from channels everywhere.

    Custom Post Types Support

    It works with custom post types too.So no worry if your theme have any custom post types.


    Added CURL Support

    Added New Control Panel to Generate Shortcodes

    Added Ability to show 1000+ Videos from a channel on one page or mulitple pages

    Added “PLAY” icon on each video thumbnail

    Added new LightBox to support JQUERY version in new WP versions

    Added Support to Show or Hide Video Titles