Category: Media

  • Lana Image Optimizer for WordPress (Media)

    Lana Image Optimizer for WordPress (Media)

    Lana Image Optimizer
    Important! - GD library
    Online Demo
    Online Documentation
    Lana Image Optimizer

    With the help of the Lana Image Optimizer you can convert the uploaded images into small sized JPG’s.

    Username: demo
    Password: demo

    Online Documentation:

    Current version: 1.0.0

    Version 1.0.0
     - Added Lana Image Optimizer
  • rPlayer – Radio Player for WordPress (Media)

    rPlayer – Radio Player for WordPress (Media)

    rPlayer – Radio Player for WordPress, supported unlimited radio stations SHOUTCAST & ICECAST.
    Play your favorite online radio directly in the player.
    Album Artwork, iTunes API is used to retrieve all the album artwork.
    Single or multiple radio stations support, with song history.


    Only Radio Stream Needed
    Just add the radio stream and the player will get current playing song and song cover.

    Shoutcast & Icecast Support
    It supports ShoutCast and IceCast radio streaming. The radio stream should be MP3 type. It will also play AAC streams but only on browsers which support AAC.

    Mobile Compatible
    It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.

    iTunes API
    The player uses iTunes API to display the photo of the current playing singer.

    Highly Customizable
    You can create any color scheme, having the possibility to integrate it in any design.

    Sticky Player
    You can choose the side where to display the player at the bottom left or bottom right.

    Multiple Instances
    You can insert multiple radio stations on your player.

    Song History
    Radio listeners can see the name of the tracks that were played before.

    Free Updates
    Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.

    Notes for IOS/Android (restrictions imposed by Apple/Google):
    1. The autoplay will not work because IOS/Android disables autoplay feature and it can’t be controlled from JS
    2. Volume controllers will not work on IOS/Android. You’ll have to adjust the volume with physical buttons of the mobile device.
    3. ShoutCast version below 2.0 doesn’t function on iOS 11. Please update ShoutCast server to at least v2.0
    4. Icecast 2.4 kh4/kh5 do not function on iOS 11. Older versions (2.3.3 Kstrong1) and standard Icecast 2.4.1 do function correctly. Please update IceCast server to latest version.

    Note for Safari & Chrome (restrictions imposed by Apple & Google):
    Starting with Safari 11 and Chrome 66 the autoplay will not work because Apple & Google disabled autoplay feature and it can’t be controlled from JS

    It will automatically get the history for ShoutCast streams. For IceCast streams it will generate the history as the radio plays.

  • iPages – Flipbook PDF Viewer For WordPress (Media)

    iPages – Flipbook PDF Viewer For WordPress (Media)


    [lite version]

    Create Realistic Responsive HTML5 Flipbook

    iPages Flipbook PDF Viewer is a lightweight and rich-feature WordPress plugin helps you create great interactive digital HTML5 flipbooks. With this plugin you are able to easily make media books for your site that empower publishers and bloggers to create more engaging content. It provides an easy way for you to convert static PDF documents or image sets into the online magazine, interactive catalogs, media brochures or booklets in minutes. The plugin can be deployed easily and runs on all modern browsers and mobile devices.



    • 3 render book modes – two & one page flip, swipe
    • 2 data sources – PDF & images or mix each other
    • 2 themes – light & dark theme included
    • Markers – add images, stickers, links or text to any page
    • Multiple instances – create as many items as you want in the same page
    • Thumbnails – the side panel with page miniatures
    • Outline – bookmarks and external links
    • Keyboard navigation – arrows can be used for the book navigation
    • Multilevel zoom – scale books pages to make better look
    • Share – share a link with friends
    • Fullscreen – you can toggle from the normal state to fullscreen and back
    • Download – allow to download PDF document
    • Progressive Loading PDF – load the PDF in chunks for a better experience
    • JSON config – load parameters from an external file
    • AJAX saving – save your config without page reloading
    • Progress bars – informing about loading status
    • Powerful interface – over 100 options
    • Code editors – add extra css styles or js code with syntax highlighting
    • Customization – create you own theme instead default
    • Help via email

    [thank you]


    The license of this plugin is for one website. If you want to use the plugin on another websites you need to purchase licenses for each.

    Sources and Credits

    Version 1.0.0 21/08/2018

    - First release

  • MV 360 Tour (Media)

    MV 360 Tour (Media)

    With MV 360 Tour you can create amazing virtual tours through WordPress and without programming.
    Using the plugin is very simple; once you have uploaded an equirectangular image, you can add HotSpots through which you can view multimedia content or move from one panorama to another.
    The plugin is responsive, your tours can be viewed from any device.
    Compatible with the main themes and plugins, including WPML, Visual Composer, Divi.

  • Flipbook WordPress Plugin Ambre (Media)

    Flipbook WordPress Plugin Ambre (Media)

    WordPress FlipBook

    PDF to Flipbook

    You can create a book directly from the PDF file. Pdf file is automatically converted to jpg files.

    PDF render

    Book can read PDF files without converting to jpg files. Used is an awesome library PDF.js.
    PDF.js works in the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE10+. Limited support for Safari, Android and IE9. For more information click here. Of course there is support for links in the pdf file

    JPG to Flipbook

    You can upload all your pages at once – no need to add each page separately.

    Manually adding pages

    You can also add pages separately ( you can make also text in wysiwyg editor ).

    4 techniques show flipbook

    shortcode – you can put flipbook anywhere in content ( page, post, custom post etc)
    template – you can add flipbook as an independent template in the whole browser window, the advantage is that it is 100% working with all theme ( no conflict with css styles etc…. )
    lightbox – You can put the link text or image link anywhere in content on your site. When you click on the link loads a book as a lightbox. So you can have an unlimited number of book on one page. Lightbox works also with deeplinking.
    bookshelf – When you click on the link loads a book as a lightbox. So you can have an unlimited number of book on one page. Lightbox works also with deeplinking

    You can show preview your books as a carousel. See here ( click the first icon at the top )


    Right to left flpibook for eastern countries.

    See my Books:

    All Features:

    • flipbook is based on the library turn.js 3rd release. Library “turn.js 3rd release” is not included. You need to download it separately here.This library is free to personal use. If you need for commercial use – here you can buy license “3rd release”.Cost of License “turn.js 3rd release” is 45$ for five domains ( 9$ per domain).
    • Bookshelf WordPress Plugin +14$
    • pdf support ( you can create a book directly from the PDF file , Pdf file is automatically converted to jpg files )
    • pdf render ( book can read PDF files without converting to jpg files. Used is an awesome library PDF.js )
    • support for links in pdf files
    • multiple books – carousel 3d view
    • hotspots
    • support multiple file upload ( you can upload all your pages at once – no need to add each page separately )
    • works on the iPad,iPhone etc. ( no Flash Player needed )
    • support for tags in WYSIWYG editor:
    • – heading – h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6
      – paragraph – p
      – link – a
      – list – ul,li
      – img and float right and left for image
      Pages in Flipbook does not have support for all the html characters.
      New characters html will be added with new updates.

    • reverse flip book for the eastern countries (right to left)
    • three techniques show flipbook:
      – shortcode – you can put flipbook anywhere in content ( page, post, custom post etc)
      – template – you can add flipbook as an independent template in the whole browser window, the advantage is that it is 100% working with all theme ( no conflict with css styles etc…. )
      – lightbox – you can put text link, image link anywhere in content on your site, when you click on the link loads a book as a lightbox
      – bookshelf – when you click on the link loads a book as a lightbox. So you can have an unlimited number of book on one page. Lightbox works also with deeplinking
    • insert scripts in section head – only subpages where is the shortcode flipbook
    • you can disable / enable individual icons in the admin panel
    • icon fullScreen ( only works under FF and Chrome )
    • you can change the zoom to double click the mouse
    • you can change the zoom step for zoomIn and for zoomOut
    • you can enable / disable deeplinking (string at the end of the browser’s address)
    • youtube videos are shown on a layer above book
    • responsive design
    • unlimited number of pages in flipbook
    • lazy loading ( if you have a lot of pages – book will load faster, Example 1: If the current page is 8-9 – then are loaded only pages 8-9, 10-11 and 6-7 ; Example 2: If the current page is 1 – then are loaded only pages 1,2,3,4,5,6 )
    • you can create an unlimited number of flipbooks on one theme
    • double pages
    • show all pages
    • excellent tools to zoom
    • and other…



  • SVG Draw Animation for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) (Media)

    SVG Draw Animation for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) (Media)

    SVG Draw Animation for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) lets you upload your own SVGs and animate them to look like they’re being drawn onto your website.

    Important Note: This plugin doesn’t contain SVGs.

    Important Note: Animating fills & text in SVGs aren’t supported. The plugin will try its best to convert the SVG into outlines – Text will be hidden, and fills will be outlined instead.

    You can also access some editing options, like changing the SVG size, stroke width and color, as well as choosing the animation style and speed.

    Awesome Features

    • Animates SVGs using a “live drawing” effect
    • Converts SVGs into outlines
    • Change SVG stroke / outline color and thickness
    • Choose from 3 different drawing animation styles: Delayed, Simultaneous, and One by One
    • Adjust animation speed
    • Compatible with other Super Bundle plugins – use with our SVG Icons feature to get an SVG icon picker!
    • WordPress coding standards
    • WPBakery Page Builder Addon (formerly Visual Composer)

    Enjoying the Plugin?

    Be sure to leave a rating and review and show us some love.


    Version 1.0

    * Initial release

  • Ely – WordPress Gallery Plugin (Media)

    Ely – WordPress Gallery Plugin (Media)

    Create awesome, elegant and perfect galleries easily in wordpress. Ely Gallery is a super fun and easy to use plugin. you can create your galleries from the wordpress editor.
    You can display a gallery in a post, page or even in a widget area.

    • Wedding album photo gallery
    • Portfolio photo gallery
    • Product showcase photo gallery
    • Anything with Photos!


    • Easily create your images from the wordpress editor ( TinyMCE ).
    • Fully Responsive and Touch Support.
    • Super Elegant Lightbox.
    • Justified, Grid and Fullwidth Display Designs.
    • Ability to use the gallery in Widget.
    • Easily create your images from the wordpress editor.
    • Ability to create unlimited number of Galleries, Albums and images.
    • Tested on all modern browsers.
    • Good Documentation.

  • Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin (Media)

    Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin (Media)

    What is Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin?

    Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin is a powerful and extremely customizable responsive radio player for your website that can be installed in any wordpress theme, it runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, IOS, Android, Windows mobile or desktop. Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin supports unlimited radio stations (Shoutcast / Icecast) , also as a bonus can play mp3 files but it’s main purpose is to play shoutcast/ iceacst stations. Packed with huge amount of features like, extensive external API, deeplinking, private / password protected play, encrypt radio station source / path, popup window, multiple share buttons, customizable skin, Shoutcast and Icecast support, Shoutcast history, server info, makes it most impressive and complete radio player available on sale.

    Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin main features:

    Responsive layout.

    Optional encrypt radio station source / path. Using this feature will not allow a user / software to see / steal the radio station source / path from the page source.

    Mobile and desktop optimized.

    Uninterrupted audio playback across web pages (popup player in a separate window and browse the web while listening to music without interuptions!).
    Optional playlist window.

    Shortcode generator

    The option to randomize the playlist.

    Optional deeplinking (unique and sharable link for the current track).

    SHOUTCAST & ICECAST support. Play your favorite online radio directly in the player.

    Optional support for mp3 audio.

    The HTML markup playlists can be created manullay or generated from a database.

    Three type of hover effects for the playlist window selector thumbnails.

    Optional playlist and playlist window selector auto open (the player can start with the playlist or playlist window selector visible or hidden).

    Optional playlist search.

    Lazy scrolling / loading, the possibility to initialize URP on scroll when the product is visible in the page, this way for example if the product is in a section of a webpage that is not visible it will not be initialized, instead the URP will be initalized only when the user is scrolling to that section in which URP is added.

    Optional server info current listeners, station title, genre, bitrate.

    Fast Data Gathering, direct requests to Server via JSONP. Fast and automatic update.

    Album Artwork, iTunes API is used to retrieve all the album artwork.

    Animated track title text if the text does not fit.

    Six skins included along with the psd files.

    Private / password protected tracks (audio or video), This feature can be seen in action by playing this track. Please note the test password is Melinda but it can be set to any string.

    Optional start at random station.

    If mp3 is used, only mp3 file required to play audio across all devices.

    HEX / CSS color support, the buttons colors can be modified with simple CSS by passing a hexadecimal color(ex: #FF0000) and even more, we have done it in a cool way that all graphics will retain the texture and at the same time apply the chosen color, example here.

    The option to start at a specific station from the playlist.

    Single or multiple radio stations support.

    Powerful API included.

    You can include multiple instances on the same page.

    Multiple instances automatically pause/stop playback when new track is started.

    Start volume value.


    Optional track thumbnail.

    Playlist button (optional).

    Playlist selector button (optional).

    Share button and share window with multiple social media sharing websites (optional).

    Pop-up player button (optional).

    Equalizer animation (optional).

    Detailed documentation and sample files.

    Tags: radio, shoutcast, icecast, music, html5, mp3, streaming, playlist, mobile, responsive, plugin, radio station, history, live, search

  • Vertical Royal 3D Coverflow WordPress Plugin (Media)

    Vertical Royal 3D Coverflow WordPress Plugin (Media)

    What is Vertical Royal 3D Coverflow WordPress Plugin

    Vertical Royal 3D Coverflow WordPress Plugin is a fully 3D multimedia coverflow slider plugin for wordpress that will work in any theme and allows to display multimedia content with an unique original layout from a 3D perspective. It’s perfect for any kind of presentation, for anyone that wants to deliver a great impact to thier visitors. It runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, IOS, Android and Windows. When a thumbnail is clicked you can choose to do nothing, display multimedia content using our great revolution lightbox or to open a new webpage. The lightbox has support for image, video (mp4), audio (mp3), Vimeo, YouTube, iFrame, Google maps and flash. Vertical Royal 3D Coverflow WordPress Plugin has high performance using OOP code and the latest CSS techniques, ready for mobile with swipe, very flexible, easy to setup and extremely customizable.

    Vertical Royal 3D Coverflow WordPress Plugin main features:

    Responsive / Fluid layout with autoscale function.

    Mobile and desktop optimized.

    Shortcode generator.

    Optional scroll and swipe functions for the desktop and mobile devices.

    Optional Mouse Wheel support – navigation with mouse wheel scrolling.

    Keyboard support – the left and right arrows can be used for navigation through the thumbnails.

    Optional Categories Menu.

    Support for unlimited categories and each category can have any number of thumbnails.

    The option to start at a specific category.

    Customizable thumbnails size and topology geometry.

    Customizable description text for the center thumbnail.

    Customizable controls – each button and scrollbar component can be changed.

    Customizable reflection for the thumbnails.

    Custom action for the thumbnail click.

    Revolution lightbox used to display multimedia content. When a thumbnail is clicked the lightbox can be used to display image, video (mp4), audio (mp3), Vimeo, YouTube, iFrame, Google maps or flash.

    Customizable controls – each button, scrollbar, bullets navigation, component is optional and can be modified.

    Thumbnails HTML content or images support.

    Optional and customizable Shadow Box Gradient for the thumbnails.

    Custom action for the thumbnail click.

    Powerful API included.

    You can include multiple instances on the same page.

    Slideshow Autoplay.

    Three skins included.

    Detailed documentation and examples files.

    Powerful API included.

    Tones of other features.

    Add in any part of your web page:

    Set any coverflow size (width and height) with full responsive or fluid width layout.

    Set, set any thumbnail size (width and height) configure to pixel perfection the 3d and 2d, parameters like x axis rotation and orientation, y axis rotation and orientation, space between thumbnails, z depth. offset to fine tune the coverflow position and geometry, thumbnails positions and so much more.

    All buttons and scrollbar are optional so you can strip the skin as you like for example leaving only the thumbnails coverflow visible, as you can see in this example the scrollbar is disabled / removed, the same can be applied to all buttons and controls.

    The possibility to install and use it in any webpage type (wordpress, joomla etc).

    Unparalleled performance using OOP code and the GPU for render the coverflow.

    Easy installation and configuration.

    Once downloaded you will have access to a detailed documentation and examples from which the required installation code can be copied and pasted into your webpage. It is a very simple process.

    What our clients are saying:

    Tags: audio, canvas, coverflow, css3, gallery, html5, multimedia, photo, portfolio, responsive, video, vimeo, wordpress, youtube

  • Advisor Quiz (Media)

    Advisor Quiz (Media)

    Advisor Quiz is a Premium WordPress plugin to develop quizzes with results that include content or product suggestions based on user’s answers. Compatible with WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads and Custom Post Types.

    See Quiz Demos

    Take advantage of the enormous quiz marketing and engagement potential, segment your visitors based on their interests and make informed content/product suggestions to improve conversions and get leads.

    You don’t need to attach recommendations to each quiz, the plugin will still work as a normal quiz builder and you can still take advantage of it.

    4 Quiz Types

    Content Filter – New to WordPress!

    Build a group of questions and answers that will act as filters for your content or products. More than a quiz, this will act as a wizard or assistant. Disguise your advanced search as a quiz to engage users and allow them to find the perfect match of content or products. Each answer will correspond to a filter and in the end all filters will be merged and performed search query to find the matches. You can also setup dependent questions, that will only display if users selected a specific answer on a previous question. The possibility are endless. Perfect for online shops to allow users to search the perfect product in a more engaging way, improving conversions. Help them find the perfect Christmas and birthday presents or valentine’s day gifts, for example. An Interactive Gift finder, a tool to create a guided purchase experience.

    Trivia Quiz

    The most common quiz type, where you can test your users knowledge. Build questions with a correct answer or a group of correct answers and provide feedback depending on their score. To each feedback you prepare you can attach content or products recommendations. You can choose to display a set of random questions each time the quiz loads, allow multiple answers questions and reveal an explanation after the questions are answered.

    Personality Quiz

    Probably the most popular and viral kind of quiz. Ask questions to your users that will provide a profile in the end based on those answers. To each profile/personality you create you can attach content/product suggestions. This is a great way to segment your users based on their interests and personality. You can display more than one profile/personality in the end.

    Count Quiz

    Simple concept, but big potential. Ask one or more questions to your users where there isn’t a right or wrong answer, they will simply have to select as many answers as it fits them, depending on the question. For example, ask them how many different types of food they already tried from the list, or number of places they have visited. The user will get feedback based on the amount of options selected. You can attach products or content suggestions to each feedback created or you can setup suggestions to each answer entry and display suggestions based on the answers the user choose or didn’t choose. You could for example recommend articles about places they didn’t visit or links to recipes of food they didn’t try yet.

    3 Layouts


    This layout will work as a slider presentation and each question will have an image in the background. One question will display at a time. Perfect if you want your user to focus on the quiz and engage him with beautiful background images.

    Image Grid

    The most common quiz layout, where each question and answers can have images.


    If you’re looking for something more simple and don’t want to depend on images, you can use the Minimal layout, which doesn’t use images and still looks clean and appealing.

    Customize the layouts

    Each layout has a set of options that you can change to make the quizzes fit your website better. You can customize the text labels of warnings and buttons and the visuals of the quiz:

    • Edit the colours and fonts of each layout
    • Edit the icons used for the answers checkboxes
    • Add images and rich media to enhance your quizzes
    • You can also add custom CSS and JS to your quiz, if you’re an experienced user and want to customize the quiz even further.

    Content Suggestions made easy

    The different types of quizzes will allow you to include suggestions based on different factors, but to set the suggestions you’ll always use the ‘Query Builder’ which will allow you to select which type of content to suggest, which hopefully will include everything from your website, from Pages, Blog Posts, Custom Post Type entries like Team Entries, Portfolio, Testimonials and even WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads products. You can then narrow down the content, filtering by any taxonomy like categories and tags, search for keywords or for WooCommerce Products, you can also filter by price, availability, among other parameters. You also have some simple layout rules on how the suggestions will display.

    Social Sharing & Email Capture

    Each quiz will include some simple marketing tools. You can enable social share links at the end of the quiz together with the results, to allow users to share their result. You can also lock the result behind an email capture form, so the users only see the quiz result once they entered their email.

    Powerfull Analytics

    The plugin tracks the quiz activity and visits providing lots of data that you can use to improve the quiz and your website. You’ll be able to see how the quiz is helping your website, with click through data and conversions tracking. The statistics will include the following data:

    • Visits
    • Referrals
    • Number of Quiz Started
    • Number of Quizzes Finished
    • Answers
    • Results
    • Click through suggested content
    • New User Registrations after visitor took quiz
    • WooCommerce Product Purchases after user took quiz

    Embed it Anywhere with Shortcodes

    Each quiz will have a unique shortcode that you can use anywhere on your website in order to display the quiz. Easily integrate each quiz on a post or page, where you can have more content. This makes the quiz virtually compatible with all the themes, including the most popular: Divi, Avada, X-Theme, The7, Enfold, BeTheme and with all Page Builders, like the Divi Builder and Visual Composer, adding the shortcode to text modules.

    Ads Integration

    When building a quiz you’ll be able to integrate any kind of content on some areas. You can render shortcodes, add HTML content or embed javascript based ads. These are the areas where you can integrate content:

    • Before Results
    • After Results/Before Suggestions
    • After a certain number of Questions

    Multilingual Ready

    The plugin is ready to be translated and for each quiz you create you can customize the button labels and information, so you can have different quizzes for different languages.

    Full Features List

    • Works on every theme Shortcode Based
    • 4 quiz types: Content Filter, Trivia, Personality, Count
    • 3 Layouts: Presentation, Image Grid, Minimal
    • Fully Responsive
    • Attach Content Suggestions to results, including:
      • WooCommerce Products
      • Easy Digital Downloads
      • Posts and Pages
      • Custom Post Types, like Team Members, Testimonials, Portfolio…
    • General Quiz Features:
      • Create Questions and Answers with Images and other information
      • Hide Answers titles (and display only images)
      • Display one question at a time
      • Scroll to next question when displaying all questions
      • Display an Entry Screen with Start Quiz button
      • Display Progress bar
      • Set minimal width and height values
      • Enable Social Share Icons
      • Enable Email Request Form
    • Content Filter Features:
      • Choose which type of content to suggest
      • set number of maximum suggestions
      • Allow multiple answers
      • Conditional Answers
      • Attach content filter rules to each answer
      • Set importance of each question for final filter query
    • Trivia Quiz Features:
      • Set score based feedback
      • Attach suggestions based on score
      • Redirect to another URL based no score
      • Maximum number of questions to randomly display
      • Points per Answer
      • Multiple Answer questions
      • Partial scoring or All or Nothing for Multiple Answers Questions
      • Provide immediate correct/wrong feedback after user selected answer(s)
    • Personality Quiz Features:
      • Create different profiles
      • Attach content suggestions to each profile
      • Redirect based on profile match
      • Set how many profiles to display at the end
      • Allow multiple answers
      • Conditional Questions
      • Setup how many points each answers gives to each profile created
    • Count Quiz Features
      • Create feedback based on number of options selected
      • Attach Content Suggestions to Each Answer to be used on results
      • Or attach content suggestions to each feedback created
    • Tracking
      • Choose to track logged users or not
      • Track Visits
      • Referrals
      • Number of Quiz Started
      • Number of Quizzes Finished
      • Answers
      • Results
      • Click through suggested content
      • New User Registrations after visitor took quiz
      • WooCommerce Product Purchases after user took quiz
    • Content Integration
      • Before Results
      • After Results/Before Suggestions
      • After a certain number of Questions
    • Custom text for Button and all labels

    Usage Ideas

    • WooCommerce Quiz
    • Recommendation Engine
    • Viral Personality Quiz
    • Viral Trivia Quiz
    • Product Questionnaire
    • Guided Selling Tool
    • Service Finder
    • List Quiz
    • Marketing Tool
    • And much more…


    10/05/2018 – v1.0.1

    Bug fix to prevent conflict with other plugins or themes using redux framework

    09/05/2018 – v1.0

    Initial Release