Category: Forums

  • bbPress Final (Boards)

    bbPress Final (Boards)


    This plugin will extend your bbPress forums with additional dynamic information about the users which can be edited anytime, and displays these info in the topic/reply author details snippet in bbPress forums.


    All the currently supported features are listed below. This plugin allows you to add the following elements after topic/reply author’s details in bbPress forums:

    Topics count

    Displays the topics count of the topic/reply author.

    Replies count

    Displays the replies count of the topic/reply author.

    Online status

    Shows when (time) a user is/was online, if BuddyPress is activated.

    User country

    Displays a flag of the user’s country, this country can be selected while editing the user’s bbPress profile, “About Yourself” section.

    Social profiles (10+)

    Shows a list of the user set social profiles, which can be edited anytime in the bbPress user profile edit “Contact Info” section. Social profiles currently include a website, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Linkedin, YouTube, Tumblr, Soundcloud, Reddit, Myspace, Github, WordPress, Instagram, Email and Flickr.

    A BuddyPress Private Message link, linking to the BuddyPress compose message page, to contact this user if bp is activated and PM component is enabled.

    Registration date

    Displays how long a user is a member of the website.

    Profile edit

    Links to the bbPress profile edit page. Can be seen by logged-in user only, and in their topics/replies only (except for admin, shows in all snippets )


    screenshot currently not available

    Admin settings

    screenshot currently not available

  • bbPress Get admission to – Restrict Discussion board Get admission to (Boards)

    bbPress Get admission to – Restrict Discussion board Get admission to (Boards)

    bbPress Access is a simple but effective add-on for bbPress powered WordPress sites. Using this plugin you can restrict access to your bbPress pages for group of users or based on login check.
    This plugin will redirect them to a custom page that you create, if the user is not permitted to view the forum. You can create a custom page and set that.
    Restrictions will be available on all bbPress pages and that can be done based on different roles, login conditions.

  • bbPress Job Tracker (Boards)

    bbPress Job Tracker (Boards)

    bbPress Activity Tracker tracks all bbPress forum activities and notify you about the topic status so that you won’t miss any single thread. The plugin comes with a autopost scheduler where you can schedule a reply to be posted automatically after a specified period of time. If you have a busy forum then this plugin could be a lifesaver.

  • bbPress shortcodes for Visible Composer (Boards)

    bbPress shortcodes for Visible Composer (Boards)

    Missing shortcodes for bbPress in Visual Composer?
    No problem, this is a simple plugin which purpose is to add just that.

  • MiwoVoice – Speak about Your Ideas (Boards)

    MiwoVoice – Speak about Your Ideas (Boards)

    Always wanted to receive feedbacks from visitors ? Listen to the visitors voice and distribute your services by involving your visitors into it through MiwoVoice.

    MiwoVoice is a WordPress User Feedback plugin that provides a platform to share, vote and discuss ideas through your users and/or visitors. Let the visitors discuss and decide which idea will be the best for you.


    • Unlimited ideas
    • AJAX Interface
    • Catchy design (UserVoice style)
    • Bad words filter
    • SEF URLs and SEO (Metadata)
    • Avatar support with Gravatar
    • Built-in comments system
    • Social media sharing
    • Advanced configuration options
    • Easy-to-use interface
    • Shortcodes support
    • On-site automatic upgrades
    • Migration tools

    Full Feature List:

    Migration tools

    You can migrate your data from The Events Calendar, Spider Event Calendar, Events Manager, Event Espresso and Event Organiser plugins within a couple of clicks.


    Note: This is the MiwoVoice Pro 6 plan which includes 6 months of high-priority support.

  • Cinnamon Boards – Built-in WordPress Boards (Boards)

    Cinnamon Boards – Built-in WordPress Boards (Boards)

    Cinammon Boards is a WordPress forum plugin with a light footprint, responsive structure and user accessibility. The forum uses custom post types and all information is structured as a forum (categories, forums and topics). It can easily be integrated into any theme without losing any of its functionality.

    Cinnamon Boards acts like a real forum, with categories, forums, topics, threads and messages, but it is heavily integrated into WordPress, taking advantage of the user/author system, Akismet and theme blending.

    Cinnamon Boards works out of the box, with no options to set, except for the creation of categories and forums.

    Demo #1

    Demo #2

  • bbPress Thanks – WordPress Plugin (Boards)

    bbPress Thanks – WordPress Plugin (Boards)

    bbPress Thanks is a WordPress plugin that works with bbPress forums. It places a text area field in the forms used to create a new topic or reply or edit an existing one. Content entered here is hidden from users and only visible when they thank the content, click a Thanks button.
    The user who authored the content and moderators can always see the content.


    Basically, the flow is as follows:

    1. A user enters hidden content using the topic or reply forms
    2. Another user sees the topic or reply. Content is not directly shown in the topic or reply, but instead, a message stating that there’s hidden content plus a Thanks button is shown.
    3. User clicks the Thanks button
    4. Content is revealed for this user
    5. User is added to the list of thanking users

    See the screenshots for more details.


    • textarea element for topic and reply forms to enter the hidden content
    • hidden content entered by users is only visible to themselves, moderators and other forum participants that show appreciation by clicking the Thanks button
    • option to load the page with any hidden content initially collapsed and an arrow to expand and view it
    • display a few user names and put the rest in a collapsible area
    • or show only how many users thanked the content, without user names
    • name displayed is what users select in User Profile > Display Name
    • meta box in topic or reply editing screen in WP Admin to edit the hidden content
    • customize colors from plugin settings page using visual controls
    • enter Custom CSS in settings page to closely match your site’s appearance
    • developers can take advantage of the WordPress filters and Javascript event included
    • font icons that look great in normal and high density displays like Retina display
    • support for Right-to-Left (RTL) languages
    • complete documentation
    • friendly and experienced support

    Access the support forum

    Support forum

    If you need help with customization, come to the support forums!

    See Also

    Allground – Responsive Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress

    Allground - Responsive Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress

    Alldion – Responsive Accordion for WordPress

    Alldion - Responsive accordion for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

    Rotating Tabs Widget for WordPress

    Tabs Widget for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

  • wordpress Professional Discussion board Gadget (Boards)

    wordpress Professional Discussion board Gadget (Boards)

    WP Pro Forum System

    The WP Pro Forum system allows you to add a forum to your website. It has many powerfull features to create a professional looking forum with easy! The forum is created to work on the frontend of your website but admins are able to manage all forums, topics, replies, categories and tags from the admin area aswel.

    List of Features

    • Create Topics: All registered users can create topics using the standard WordPress text editor included in the plugin.
    • Create Replies: All registered users can reply on topics.
    • Create Comments: All registered users can write extra comments on replies.
    • Upload Images: If enabled all registered users can upload images into their topics and replies using the standard WordPress image uploader.
    • Add Code: If enabled all registerd users can add clean code (HTML, CSS, PHP, …) to their topics and replies using the custom shortcode included by the forum plugin.
    • Edit Topics, Replies and Comments: All registered users can update/ remove their own topics, replies or comments from the frontend. Admins are able to edit/ remove all content from the frontend and the admin backend.
    • Close Topics:
    • All registered users can close their own topics. Admins can close all topics.

    • Like Topics & Replies:
    • All registered users can like topics and replies.

    • Share Topics & replies:
    • Everyone visiting the forum can share links to each topic or reply.

    • Customize the style:
    • Make sure the forum fits into your theme. You can change the style and the way the pages look to make sure they look exactly like your website!

  • bbPress Non-public Content material WordPress Plugin (Boards)

    bbPress Non-public Content material WordPress Plugin (Boards)

    Private Content is a WordPress plugin that works with bbPress forums. It places a text area field in the forms to create a new topic or reply or editing an existing one. Content entered here is hidden from users and only visible by the moderators and the user who authored the topic or reply.

    This is useful for example if you run a support forum where your users need to share sensitive information and you don’t want to disrupt the thread flow asking a user to send it to a private email address. Users can enter the private information in this field and it will be kept hidden for everyone but the moderator and themselves.

    If you allow topic or reply editing, users can edit this information at any time editing the thread entry.


    • textarea element for topic and reply forms to enter private information
    • private information entered by users is only visible to moderators and themselves
    • option to load the page with the private content initially collapsed, adding an arrow to expand it and view it
    • customize colors from plugin settings page using visual controls
    • enter Custom CSS in settings page to closely match your site’s appearance
    • developers can take advantage of the filters included
    • font icons that look great in normal and high density displays like Retina display
    • support for Right-to-Left (RTL) languages
    • complete documentation
    • friendly and experienced support
  • Good bbPress nVerify (Boards)

    Good bbPress nVerify (Boards)

    Plugin Home Page
    Support Forums
    Follow on Twitter
    Video on Youtube

    Plugin Information

    This plugin is created for all authors selling products through Envato Marketplaces and using WordPress with bbPress plugin to provide support for customers. Using Smart bbPress nVerify, you can set up forums protection so that users are required to enter valid purchase code for your Envato products. You can assign one or more products to individual bbPress forums. Plugin requires use of WordPress version 3.3 or newer and bbPress plugin version 2.3 or newer.

    Plugin stores purchase codes users entered, and each code needs to be entered only once, and later visits to support forum will automatically verify that code exists. This way, verification process is not intrusive on your customers and doesn’t require using code with every visit.

    Plugin uses Enavto API to verify purchase codes.

    Control how forums restrictions are applied

    Control how forums restrictions are applied
    You can restrict access to forums using three options: restrict access to forum (hides even the list of topics in protected forum), restrict access to new topic form (user can see list of topics, but form is not available) and restrict access to actual topic content.

    Simple form for entering purchase code

    Simple form for entering purchase code
    Restriction screen shows list of products assigned to a forum (so the users know which plugin license they need), and you have one field to enter purchase code and button to verify it. Depending on the verification (done through AJAX) user will see error or success message. If code is verified, page will refresh and show protected content. If the Envato API is not responding for some reason (maintenance on Envato), message will be displayed and user should wait before attempting verification again.

    Restriction templates can be customized

    Restriction templates can be customized
    Default templates plugin has to display restriction message, also show the user step by step information on how to get the purchase code. All templates plugin have can be overriden by the theme so you can customize further the way those pages look like.

    Administration panels with list of users with purchase codes

    Administration panels with list of users with purchase codes
    On plugins panel in the administration, you can see list of all users with registered purchase codes. You can filter the list by product and sort it by user ID or username. You can see all the information aboout each purchase code.

    Other Plugin Features Included

    • Auto revalidation of purchase codes in case the purchase is refunded or reversed.
    • Restrict use of one purchase code for one user account.
    • Control user roles that will have unrestricted access to protected forums.
    • Allow items from more than one Envato author for individual forums.
    • Support for Multisite WordPress mode

    System and WordPress Requirements

    • WordPress 3.3 or newer
    • bbPress plugin for WordPress 2.3 or newer
    • PHP 5.2.4 or newer


    • Plugin depends on the templates loading system in the core of bbPress plugin. If you use some other system to replace bbPress templates loading and control, you will need to adjust that to work with Smart bbPress nVerify.
    • Plugin stores purchase information into database connected to users on your support forum. This means that your customers must register for an account on your website to access support forum.


    Version 1.0 / 2013.12.11.
    • First version