Category: Forums

  • DV Shortcode Whitelist for bbPress, BuddyPress and WordPress Comments (Forums)

    DV Shortcode Whitelist for bbPress, BuddyPress and WordPress Comments (Forums)

    Shortcodes in WordPress comments, BuddyPress activities, bbPress topics and replies are disabled as default.

    For example, let’s say you have a calendar plugin that produces a browsable calendar, which you embed to a page with a shortcode. What if you want to publish this calendar in a sticky topic in a forum? The shortcode will not evaluated, so you will just see literally the shortcode…

    DV Shortcode Whitelist plugin allows you to enable the shortcodes in these fields with ease. You can enable all shortcodes or create whitelists to allow specific shortcodes.

    Also you can enable the shortcodes for specific user roles or capabilities. For example, you can only allow site admins and forum moderators to use shortcodes.

    Easy to use plugin settings allow you to enable or disable everything separately in a few clicks.

  • BBPress Envato Code Checker (Boards)

    BBPress Envato Code Checker (Boards)

    BBPress Envato Code Checker is allows you to set different user permissions for certain forums according user purchase status. With this plugin you can build support forum for Envato items.


    • BBPress support
    • 4 User Roles
    • 6 Roles Permissions
    • Uses latest API Version
    • Detailed Documentation
  • Drop Uploader for BBPress – Drag&Drop File Uploader Addon (Boards)

    Drop Uploader for BBPress – Drag&Drop File Uploader Addon (Boards)

    BBPress Drop Uploader WordPress plugin is allows you to add powerful Drag & Drop File Uploading area to your BBPress topics. You can set file maximum size, file type and amount limit for each topic. Also BBPress Drop Uploader supports Javascript file validation, so it can handle errors before file was uploaded.


    • BBPress plugin support
    • File Type Validation
    • File Size Validation
    • Limit the number of uploaded files
    • File Browse and Drag&Drop Methods Supported
    • Javascript Errors handling
    • Thumbnail and List files preview
    • Multilingual support
  • bbPress Consumer Ranks (Boards)

    bbPress Consumer Ranks (Boards)

    Create bbPress user ranks and badges for display on forums and user profiles. These are displayed next to the users posts on the forums and on their user profile. In addition you can display the users total post count.


    Increase user interaction with bbPress User Ranks, you can setup unlimited:

    User Ranks – Set posts to gain amount, show/hide the title and use an uploaded image.

    Star Ranks – Set posts to gain amount and stars.

    RPG Ranks – Set amount to increase per post (e.g. Mana = 1 post * 1.5 = 1.5), change RPG Rank display order.

    User Badges – Upload a badge and assign to all users with a specific forum role or individual users.

    Month Badges – Upload a badge which is shown if the user has been active recently and has been registered for more than x months.


    There are widgets and shortcodes available which allows you to list:

    Top RPG Ranks List
    Top Star Ranks List
    Top User Ranks List

    You can limit each list by x number of users.

    There are multiple options available which are described in the readme.

    Profile Page Display:

    In addition to appearing next to forum posts, rankings and badges will appear on the users profile page:


    Topics in Ranking Calculation
    Replies in Ranking Calculation
    Show Total Posts
    Enable User Ranks
    Enable Star Ranks
    Enable RPG Ranks
    Enable User Badges
    Enable Month Badges
    Enable Styling
    Refresh Lists (in seconds)

    Default styling is included, each element has its own unique classes which you can override in your own style sheets or alternatively you can disable our own style sheet altogether.

  • Combunity Boards: Easy, Up to date, Highly effective Boards for wordpress (Boards)

    Combunity Boards: Easy, Up to date, Highly effective Boards for wordpress (Boards)

    The Combunity Forums plugin cum theme is the most complete single plugin based solution to building your own Forum on WordPress. Built on the rock solid Combunity framework, featuring a very modern UI and packed with tons of features, Combunity Forums makes it a breeze for anyone to build their own online Forum with WordPress. Whether you’re a teacher building a discussion forum for your students, a hobbyist looking for like minded people, or a developer looking for a simple Support forum for your website, Combunity Forums is the tailor made solutioin for you!

    Combunity’s features include:

    Responsive Design

    Your Forum would look great on any kind of device.

    Supports Social Login system connected with 23 different providers

    Allow your users to register/login with their Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.

    Widgets for everything

    Forum Stats, Popular Posts, most active users etc.

    Completely customizable

    Every aspect of the Combunity-Forums theme can be completely customized using the built in WordPress Customizer.

    MarkDown editor for posts

    Makes creating new threads and replies a breeze for your users.

    Socially synced user profiles and profile photos

    For users who choose to register with the Social Login system

    AJAX powered post submissions

    Customizable sidebar placements

    Complete Emoji support

    Thread Locking support

    Approve/Reject Threads

    Allows you to reject threads which don’t tend to abide by your Community’s rules and send them a notification.

    Support for User Mailboxes

    Which allows users to interact with each other privately(PM).

    Support for Following/Subscribing to Forums

    Allows users to subscribe to their favorite forums.

    Support for sticky threads

    Built-in user notification system

    Send notifications to users every time they subscribe to a forum, get replied to or generally interact on the site.

    Email based notifications

    Stay connected with your users even when they’re not on your site.

    Reply nesting

    Reply nesting makes it easier for users to scroll through long discussions and gets coverage for all posts whether long or short.

    Built in moderator system

    General users can be assigned the moderator role using which they can manage forums.

    Support for Custom Analytics scripts including Google Analytics

    Rich documentation

    Combunity Forums comes with a very comprehensive documentation which includes well written instructions for both beginners as well as advanced users and developers. Documentation covers basic setup guides to advanced topics such as extending Combunity.

    Automated updates

    With built in automated updates you wont’ need to download the theme each time we update it. Simply click the update button in your WordPress Dashboard and you would be automatically updated to the latest version of Combunity Forums without any hassle.

    Brilliant Support from the Combunity HQ

    We don’t just sell you a product and disappear. Rather we stand by it, no matter whenever you need our help, we’re simply there. You won’t ever feel deserted with Combunity. Experiencing difficulties? Found a bug? Have a suggestion? simply contact us via the Combunity Support Portal and we’d be there at your service.

  • Contact Type 7 – Google Excel Sheets Extension (Boards)

    Contact Type 7 – Google Excel Sheets Extension (Boards)

    Contact Form Sheets allows you to integrate your contact form with Google Sheets. It helps you automate spreadsheets for your advantage. Create forms and capture results instantly in your spreadsheets. Populate your projects faster.

    Please note that this plugin uses Sheetsu ( API in order to connect to your Google Sheets.

  • bbPress Labels – Matter labels for bbPress (Boards)

    bbPress Labels – Matter labels for bbPress (Boards)

    This plugin helps you to show topic labels on your forum. We have labels like: New topic, new question, replied topic, closed topic, new announcement. This plugins is very helpful for your forum when you using the forum for support your products.

    By showing labels on the forum, you will easy to find out which topic has new question or which topic is new. Each labels has different icon, background color, you can change from Dashboard.

    We can change the icon size, icon font size. Show icon by user role like Keymaster, Moderator or Visitor.

    Let’s make your forum better with this plugin.

  • bbPress Messages – personal messages plugin for bbPress boards (Boards)

    bbPress Messages – personal messages plugin for bbPress boards (Boards)

    Important: This plugin requires bbPress to function. More info.

    bbPress Messages is a light and elegant plugin that brings private messages feature to your WordPress forums with bbPress plugin.

    See it in action (DEMO)
    More information

    bbPress Messages Features:

    Here are some of the features powered by bbPress Messages plugin which we can cover for the meantime:

    Message media:

    You can insert links, images and video links in the message typing area and they will be automatically converted and parsed into media. To embed a YouTube video into a message, all you need to do is to paste its link. Links are automatically embedded, for instance inserting will produce a link to the Google homepage..

    For images, you will have to wrap the image source URL in the BBcode tags img.

    Videos are recognized from YouTube, Vimeo and DailyMotion for the meantime.

    Message status:

    Once you send a message, the user will be notified via email to read the message online. Once the message is read, it will show you once when the message was seen by our recipient.

    Users can mark messages unread, this must be a handy feature for certain reasons..

    Conversation archives:

    You can easily archive or un-archive a conversation, and find your archives in the archived messages section.

    Email notifications:

    When you send out a message, the recipient will then get notified by email as long as their preferences allow.

    User blocking/unblocking:

    You can toggle on/off this feature through the settings panel. It is very useful for users to block messages from other users; when a user has blocked another, both of them will not be able to exchange messages and they will get a notice on top of the message typing area which is disabled in this case.

    User online status:

    This is an out-of-the-box built-in feature. Users online status is updated frequently when users are active on the site, and it is shown in the messaging area..

    How it is being updated: as we mentioned before, this is not an instant messaging plugin so it is getting updated every time a logged in users views some page on the site..


    there are few shortcodes that you can use to output dynamic content and user data and information.

    • [bbpm-unread-count user=”(user_id)”]: This shortcode outputs the number of unread messages a user has. This user can be specified in the user shortcode attribute.
    • [bbpm-archives-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays a count of how many archived conversations a user has.
    • [bbpm-contact-link user=”(user_id)”]: Outputs the dynamic contact link for the target user. in other words, it can take you to where you can exchange messages with the user in the shortcode attribute.
    • [bbpm-messages-link user=”(user_id)”]: Displays the dynamic link to messages area.
    • [bbpm-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Counts the total messages the user has.
    • [bbpm-sent-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays a count of the total messages sent by the user specified.
    • [bbpm-received-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays the count of the total messages received by the targeted user.

    For many shortcodes, if you don’t specify a user ID in the user attribute, then the target user will be the current logged in user.


    Messages are being displayed in pages, you can set how many messages to show per single page, or how many conversations to show per page.

    The pagination uses clean slugs which are easy to remember and SEO friendly.

    Custom slugs:

    Through the admin panel, you can set the slugs for messages area and archives area.

    bbPress Messages uses clean slugs with custom rewrite rules which makes the URLs very easy to remember (UX), and SEO friendly..


    The PRO version of bbPress Messages comes with few widgets, fancy ones, which render dynamic information and user data.

    There are 4 widgets powered so far:

    • bbPM welcome: this light white widget with gray borders shows few useful links for current user with welcoming note. The list of links contains an avatar, link to messages, archives, profile edit for updating preferences and a log out link.
    • bbPM search form: outputs a search form allowing the current user to search and find their messages.
    • bbPM blocked users: displays a list of the current user’s blocked users if found, if not then a small custom note.
    • bbPM active users: shows a list of the recent active users, with their avatars, links and last seen record. You can specify the maximum users the show while adding the widget in the widgets dashboard.

    Most of these widgets will return nothing while the user is logged out, except the last one.

    Admin settings:

    Through the admin settings page, you can update various settings, the format of the help text and the notification email body, pagination settings, slugs..

    User preferences:

    Users can choose whether to be notified or not by email of new messages received.

    Users can also update a note of their own which shows before someone opts to send them a message for the first time.

    Email template:

    This template can be edited while you copy the plugin file to your child theme. The notification email is HTML content-type so you can design it the way you want..

    Child theme:

    To make your custom modifications, besides using the action and filter hooks we provided, you can copy the entire plugin file to your child theme, and there you can open the files to overwrite them.

    You can overwrite all the files found in assets/ and themes/ directories. Other than that, core files, any changes you make there are not being applied.

    If you are not certain about making your custom changes, please never hesitate to use our support forums.

    Clean design and more:

    This plugin is crafted with care, clean responsive design which respects child modifications.

    There are other handy features, you should be discovering them as you use this plugin in your forums :)


    To find support, please create yourself a free account in our support forums. Please do not send us messages here for support threads, instead open a support topic in the forums we linked to earlier.


    0.1 – initial release. —, 2016

  • DW Query & Resolution Professional WordPress Plugin (Boards)

    DW Query & Resolution Professional WordPress Plugin (Boards)

    DW Question & Answer Pro is an all-time favourite question & answer plugin for WordPress. Your WordPress site will have a full-featured question & answer section like StackOverflow, Quora or Yahoo Answers.

    What Our Customer Says

    With over 2 years of development, DW Question & Answer lite has been serving 10,000 websites all over the world. We are happy to have many up votes and happy customers, here are some of those:

    Features List

    With the DW Question & Answer Pro, we provide you with many new features as well as special support priority for our customers. Here are some of the highlights to show why DW Question & Answer Pro plugin should be a strong contender compared with other existing plugins in this category.

    Questions Listing Page

    DW Question & Answer Pro provides you with a short-code, helping you display all questions on one page at your choice. Besides, the question listing page also integrates with many features such as Filter, Sort, Pagination, Search, etc.

    Ask Question Form

    You can set ask question form on a sidebar or a separate page. With this feature, users can set the title question, provide detailed descriptions with HTML or Markdown, assign it to a category and tag it to help increase site exposure.

    Manage Questions on Front-End

    All features (such as edit, delete, sticky, follow, change question status) can be handled from front-end. This makes it easier for users to decentralize members rights on your website, allowing you to manage the community in an easy and convenient way.

    Answer / Comment feature

    Comment and answer feature are definitely indispensable in DW Question & Answer Pro. Answer form is supported in HTML or Markdown format. Your user can submit entry in private mode to provide confidential credentials such as website admin, FTP account in case you are using the Q&A as a helpdesk system.


    This is also a key feature in a Question & Answer system which can be considered as the biggest difference between the Q & A system and traditional Forum. This feature helps people vote for other people’s questions that they’re interested in. The user who submits vote will automatically get a notification email every time a new answer is added to this question.

    Views Count

    No need to instal any extra plugin, DW Question & Answer automatically counts views each time someone views the question. This feature of DW Question & Answers Pro helps you filter questions by the popularity on your website.

    Pick Best Answer

    The question owner can pick the best answer from his judgment, this answer will be stick right after the question, helping other readers easily and quickly find the right answer.

    Email Notifications

    Whenever there is a new question, answer or comment, the system will send an email to admin’s or question followers. DW Question & Answer email system also supports custom HTML template, which you can easily add custom style to your emails.

    Instant Search

    This is also an outstanding feature of DW Question & Answer. Ajax-based solution helps you quickly search information while entering parts of your text, a similar way you might see in Google.

    Anti-spam by reCaptcha / FunCaptcha

    To avoid spam, we integrate reCaptcha and FunCaptcha into Question and Answer form (it can be turn on/off).

    2 Custom Shortcodes

    • [dwqa-list-questions]: Display question list with filter, search, pagination, order.
    • [dwqa-ask-question]: Display ask question form.

    7 Custom Widgets

    • DWQA Categories / Tags: Show a list of question categories or tags.
    • DWQA Ask Form: Show question form.
    • DWQA Latest Questions: Show a list of latest questions.
    • DWQA Featured Questions: Show a list of featured questions.
    • DWQA Closed Questions: Show a list of closed questions.
    • DWQA Related Questions: Show a list of related questions on a single question.
    • DWQA Leaderboard: Show a list of most active members.

    Perfect fit with every WordPress theme

    With a lightweight and simple design, which inherited most of the attributes of WordPress themes available on the marketplace such as Twenty Ten to Twenty Sixteen, Avada, Genesis, Thesis, Divi, etc. We have tested this plugin with almost prominent themes in the marketplace, and our plugin is well compatible with most of them. In a few specific theme, it might need a bit tweaks to fully integrate our QA Pro plugin however, this should be minor customization only.

  • bbPress Thread Prefixes (Boards)

    bbPress Thread Prefixes (Boards)

    bbPress Thread Prefixes WordPress Plugin

    This plugin will add the feature of easily generating prefixes for topics and assigning groups of prefixes for each forum in the admin section.

    These prefixes can be a requirement for users while creating or editing topics, you can set the prefixes to filter the topic title and appear within titles, or appear separately as clickable icons which will pull up all topics that have this thread prefix assigned.

    You can set default colors and background colors with flexibility with color pickers, add further CSS styles and customize any prefix.

    You can also exclude users from assigning prefixes to topics and leave this tool for site moderators or admins only.

    Moderators or admins can set the prefix groups for forums in the post admin while creating or editing forums, and set prefix for topics when editing topics in the admin section.

    The thread prefixes feature is already available in several forum boards, such as MyBB, Xenforo and other softwares but not in bbPress.

    Prefix Styles

    Within topic title

    This setting will allow you to insert the selected prefix within the topic title which will be always filtered and set to contain the prefix. With this setting, you can still access the prefixes archives and pull topics which have the same prefix assigned.

    A live simple example of this is support forums; when a topic is marked resolved by a user, a prefix [Resloved] is being inserted right before the thread title: [Resloved] Topic title

    Separate prefix as icon

    With this setting on, prefixes will appear as styled icons, clickable or not, pointing to the archives page.

    You can style any prefix by its own while adding or editing the prefix as option in the plugin admin section

    Further extending & customization

    bbPress Thread Prefixes comes with ready action and filter hooks which you can use to easily add custom content and override settings and existing content etc.

    A list of hooks you can use is included in the plugin pack in a text file with examples and further information

    If you have suggestions or need more hooks, let me know.


    0.1 – initial release — January 2016

    Other bbPress Plugins:

    bbPress Ultimate: Social profiles, country flags and much more dynamic info to embed to forums and bbPress/BuddyPress profiles

    Sign up for the newsletter for more