Category: Forms

  • jWizard Kinds – WordPress Type Creator (Varieties)

    jWizard Kinds – WordPress Type Creator (Varieties)

    jWizard Forms allows you to create forms for your specific needs with a sleek drag-and-drop interface with multiple options for each element. You can easily decide on the layout of the form you create by adding the number of elements you desire per line, and you will be able to add specific parameters for dropdowns as well as data ranges that are accepted as input information.

    • Effortless creation of forms via drag-and-drop interface with layout sensitivity
    • Matches the .css of the target page or post
    • The form shortcode makes it easy to use it anywhere without engaging in complicated case-sensitive coding
    • The much needed option to consolidate form input data via *.xls or *.csv exports
    • Forms can be created, edited, or re-used
    • The versatile form manager allows you to see all form project information at a glance
    • The input data is available directly in your Dashboard without need of additional accounts on different sites
    • Forms can accommodate most needs: RSVP lists, directories, questionnaires, order forms, wedding gift organizers, car rental, contact forms, customer support – you name it, jWizard Forms can do it
    • The intuitive backend layout makes it easy to create or edit your forms
    • Forms can be created in any language
    • You decide on the final layout by creating different input fields on different rows
    • You can select from basic entry elements (text, select, checkbox, radio, text area, password) or extra elements (captcha image, html, email, or calendar)
    • You will be able to choose the specificity of input data (how many characters are allowed, special characters that need to be included, obligatory/supplementary entries, dropdown elements, successful entry or error messages, spam protection, etc.)
    • The forms match the CSS of the target page or post, which means that you will not need to create additional settings or recode the shortcode plugin in order to use it instantly
    • The form panel allows you to see all input data, eliminate duplicate or erroneous submissions, as well as to see in a table format the entries
    • You can export the entries for HTML (.csv) or for data editing software (*.xls) at any moment
    • You can re-use form templates you have already created, thus minimizing your workload for your future form creation needs
    • Entirely compatible with running versions of WordPress, forthcoming support for WordPress platform major changes

    10 versatile elements

    Quick lookup and editing

    Export data in *.xls or *.csv

    Easy shortcode integration

  • Exporter for FSQM Professional – Experiences & Submissions (Kinds)

    Exporter for FSQM Professional – Experiences & Submissions (Kinds)

    Online Product Demo
    Documentation & Startup GuideOnline Support

    Buy FSQM Pro

    Product Features

    Sample XLSXMicrosoft Office Open XML Format Spreadsheet

    Sample PDFPortable Document Format

    Sample XLSWorksheet

    Sample HTMLHypertext Markup Language

    Sample CSVComma Separated Values

    Sample PDF SubmissionPortable Document Format

    Exporter for FSQM Pro is a premium addon to the popular WP Feedback, Survey & Quiz Manager – Pro plugin. It adds the ability to exports reports to XLSX, PDF, XLS and/or HTML files. Also, it enables you to download the submissions under any form to a RAW CSV file for manual analysis.

    This plugin is not a standalone application. You’d need WP Feedback, Survey & Quiz Manager – Pro to use it. WP Feedback, Survey & Quiz Manager – Pro is a premium WordPress Plugin using which you can easily create unlimited nice looking tabbed or paginated or simple forms with MCQ and/or FreeType Questions with custom validation. All submissions are stored in the database for complete analysis.

    FSQM Pro

    Feature List:

    • Export Reports: Extends the report functionality of FSQM Pro to export it in forms of XLSX, PDF, XLS and/or HTML file. The format is same as the original plugin. Charts are created dynamically for XLSX files which you can open in MS Excel 2007 or similar software. For the rest of the formats, charts are rendered to jpg files.
    • Persistent Reports: When you create a report, the addon gives you an option to show it on your site as a persistent report. The advantage is, it will not query your live database and will save a lot of bandwidth.
    • Export Submissions to CSV: If you are a stastistician, then you’d probably want to anaylyze the RAW data yourself. FSQM Pro stores all the submissions in a serialized format which makes it impossible for direct database exports. But with Exporter for FSQM Pro, you can easily export all the submissions in a properly formatted CSV file, where columns represents your questions and rows represents the submissions.
    • Download Submission as PDF: Exporter for FSQM Pro further extends the functionality to give you and your users ability to download a submission in form of a PDF file.
    • PDF Customizability: The PDFs can be customized very easily if you know a little bit of CSS. For your convenience, we even provided a template CSS to start with. Just change the color codes and you are done.
    • PDF Extensibility: Furthermore, any PDF/HTML the addon generates will include the template you’ve provided. This ensures, you can brand almost every aspect of the output.

    Minimum System Requirements:

    Before purchasing, please make sure your server meets the following minimum requirements.

    • WordPress version: 3.5.x+
    • PHP version: 5.2.x+
    • MySQL version: 5+
    • PHP XML Library
    • PHP ZIP Library
    • PHP GD2 Extension
    • PHP mb_string Module
    • PHP Memory at least 256MB (512MB recommended)
    • WP Feedback, Survey & Quiz Manager – Pro, Version 2.1.6 or greater.

    The application has been tested on WordPress 3.5 to 3.6 and should work with all updated versions. We shall release updates and patches if anything is found not working.


    Due to extensive resource consumptions during exports, the plugin will require at least 256MB of memory. The more the better. Also, this will work only for WP Feedback, Survey & Quiz Manager – Pro, Version 2.1.6 or greater. You might need to update the main plugin before you wish to install this.


    Please refer to the working admin demo to see what exact features you will be getting before buying. If you think certain feature should be a part of the plugin but is not present, then you can open a thread on our Support Forum.
    If we see the feature is really important to the community, then we shall do our best to add it to the future version.

    Credits & Acknowledgement

    Thank you for your interest in Exporter for FSQM Pro. The following Tools were used during the development of this project.

    • PHPExcel: We forked PHPExcel to provide the XLSX, XLS, PDF and HTML downloads with customizability.
    • mPDF: For generating all PDFs.
    • jpGraph: For rendering all static charts.

    • WordPress
      : The best platform ever.

    Proposed Features (Not yet implemented)

    * You suggest!


    Active Channel 1.0.x

    Version 1.0.1 (1 Oct, 2013)
    * Added: Download button option on User Portal Page for FSQM Pro v2.2.0
    * Added: Translation po file
    Files Edited
    Version 1.0.0 (26 Sep, 2013)
    * Initial Release

    Flag Counter

  • WPCC – WordPress Mission Value Calculator plugin (Kinds)

    WPCC – WordPress Mission Value Calculator plugin (Kinds)

    WordPress Project Cost Calculator is a WordPress plugin, using which complex cost calculation forms can be built easily. If you want your customers to have an idea of how much it will cost them for using your services, this is the plugin all you need. Below are the main features of WPCC – WordPress Project Cost Calculator

    You can use basic html elements naming checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes and textboxes.
    Supported by all major browsers starting from IE 6 and above
    Visitor can mail the calculated output to their as well as admin's E-mail.
    It comes with its own form generator, to make the designing smooth, easy and fast.
    These can be embeded in wordpress pages, posts, etc via shortcodes.
    Custom fields can also be generated to get non-calculational output like name and address.
    Emails can be customized as needed.
    There can be multiple forms on same page.
    Very low file size, less resource consuming and easy to understand
  • FormCraft – Top rate WordPress Type Builder (Kinds)

    FormCraft – Top rate WordPress Type Builder (Kinds)


    The download package does include the documentation, but I have also prepared a comprehensive online documentation.

    Illustrative List of Features

    • Amazing new fields (smiley rating, star rating, thumb rating, sliders, range, date …)
    • Over 23 fields, in all
    • Retina-optimized images for fields
    • Responsive forms
    • AJAX-powered form interface. Send forms without re-loading the page
    • Form validation
    • Auto-save form data for the end-user
    • Conditional laws to show or hide fields
    • File uploader with support for multiple files
    • Embed maps, videos and other widgets
    • Export and Import forms across different installations of FormCraft
    • Free online form template gallery
    • Form analytics in WordPress
    • Different ways to show forms (popup, slide up, fly in, widget)
    • Drag and drop, GUI form builder
    • Get all submissions in your inbox
    • Access all submissions and uploaded files from the WordPress admin
    • Create multi-column layouts with the click of a button
    • Get all submissions in your inbox
    • Send auto-responders
    • Comprehensive documentation
    • Compressed form data
    • Dedicated form page

    Form Templates

    Visit our online form template gallery


    1. MailChimp
    2. AWeber
    3. Campaign Monitor
    4. MyMail

    To use the MailChimp / AWeber / Campaign Monitor integrations, download this free plugin
    Read our integration guide


    If you are having trouble installing the plugin, click here for a step-by-step guide to installing plugins on WordPress.


    Note: Updates can make some important changes to the form styles. After over-writing the plugin files of the new version with the old one (do not delete the formcraft dir or the old files; simple overwrite them), check all your forms. If the styles are off at some places, go to the form builder, remove, and re-add those fields.

    Version 1.3.7 (6th December, 2013)

    1. File upload bug fix

    Version 1.3.6 (3rd December, 2013)

    1. Fileupload javascript conflict fix
    2. Submissions show the URL of the form

    Version 1.3.5 (18th Nov, 2013)

    1. Several changes to improve the performance of the form builder
    2. CSS changes for better compatibility with themes
    3. Changes in the auto-save feature to improve performance, and increase in default auto-save interval
    4. Made the captcha field case-insensitive

    Version 1.3.4 (4th Nov, 2013)

    1. New feature: Templating in auto-responders. Read more here
    2. Change in email notification settings for better compatibility
    3. Bug fix: other small bug fixes

    Version 1.3.3 (5 October, 2013)

    1. Bug fix: delay in updating datepicker
    2. Bug fix: CSS and font conflict fix
    3. Bug fix: multiple email recipients fix

    Version 1.3.2 (26th September, 2013)

    1. New feature: ability to export and import forms across installations of FormCraft
    2. New feature: free online form template gallery
    3. Bug fix: stuck ‘save’ button on the add-ons panel
    4. Bug fix: icon conflict fix
    5. Bug fix: sending test emails to multiple recipients

    Version 1.3.1 (21st September, 2013)

    1. Improved email layout
    2. Improved date-picker
    3. Bug fix: cog stuck on submit
    4. Bug fix: placeholders for date and time field
    5. Bug fix: placeholders on mobile
    6. Bug fix: math captcha

    Version 1.3 (11th September, 2013)

    1. New feature: use of tooltips for instructions in the form, instead of plain text
    2. New feature: improved functionality for popup, sticky, and fly in forms
    3. New feature: ability to print form submissions from the FormCraft admin
    4. Improved formatting of email notifications for submissions
    5. Fixed a styling conflict with WordPress 3.6 affecting checkboxes and radios
    6. Numerous other bug fixes, and small styling enhancements

    Version 1.2.1 (24th August, 2013)

    1. Formatting bug fix

    Version 1.2 (23rd August, 2013)

    1. AWeber integration
    2. Campaign Monitor integration
    3. Improved email notification formatting
    4. New features and options for the datepicker
    5. Option to use SSL for emails (fix for users having a problem using their Gmail account to send emails)
    6. Fix: overlapping text for checkboxes and radios
    7. Other small bug fixes

    Version 1.1 (13th August, 2013)

    1. MailChimp integration
    2. MyMail integration
    3. Significantly reduced download package size
    4. Minor JavaScript bug fix for color-picker
    5. LB Evolved Remark for WP (Kinds)

      LB Evolved Remark for WP (Kinds)

      LB Advanced Comment is a WordPress plugin. It works to enhance your comment section with BBCode, Video, Image, Emoticons, etc…


      • Comment text formatting (Bold, Underline, Italic)
      • Includes video (Youtube/Vimeo)
      • Includes image
      • Link
      • Insert emoticons
      • Code highlight (PHP/JS/CSS)
      • Like/Dislike a comment
      • Subscription to receive new comment notification via email
      • Mark comment as “Spam”


      07, Jul 2013

      • (Fix) Emoticons doesn’t load if comment embed video
      • (Fix) Error shows when select “Subscible” email. Thanks to alexus13

      1.0 – Release

    6. X Varieties – WordPress Kind Creator Plugin (Varieties)

      X Varieties – WordPress Kind Creator Plugin (Varieties)

      Themes/Color Schemes are applied accordingly to form input elements, error messages, confirmation messages, help text and the submit button! So no need to style every element, save time by simple using presets (which can also be modified!)
      Take a minute and to check out the live demo to preview the color schemes on a dark or light theme.

      What buyers are saying…

      Why waste valuable time with complex editing and endless trail and error?
      With X Forms you have all the support you need and never have to worry about online forms again!

      See more details below

      Form elements include:

      • Common Field Types:
        • Single Line Text Field
        • Multi-Line Text Area
        • Dropdown Select
        • Single Radio Button
        • Single Checkbox
        • File Uploader
        • Auto Complete
      • Pre-Formatted Fields:
        • Email Address (Checks for a valid email address)
        • Phone Number (Checks for a valid phone number)
        • Date Picker (Popup calendar selection)
        • Time Picker (Popup time selection)
        • Numbers Only (Allows only a numerical value: 0-9)
        • Text Only (Allows only a alphabetical value: A-Z a-z)
      • Field Groups:
        • Radio Button Group
        • Checkbox Group
      • Other Elements:
        • Headings 1-6
        • Text Paragraph (allows HTML)
        • Horizontal Divider

      4 Layout selections

      • 1 column
      • 1 column half width
      • 2 columns
      • 3 columns

      Built in Anti-Spam

      That’s right!, all form submission you’ll receive are submitted by humans and not robots! This is done without using Captha which is proved to annoy most users!

      Clever Admin Panel Layout

      The admin interface/panel is very easy to use. You can find all you need on one single screen, no jumping around to different pages to get things done! All forms and their settings are immediately accessible by a single click. There is no loading time once the page is open, if you click something you get it instantly…in other words, no fancy animated loading icons to frustrate you during your form setup.

      Visual Editor

      Well, with 25 themes to choose from it should be hard to not to find something to not fit your theme…But just in case we’ve added a visual editor that allows you to change individual form elements or change the same element group as a whole by using the following settings:

      • Font: change element’s the font color, family, alignment, letter spacing, line height and transition (uppercase, lowercase, capitalize)
      • Dimensions: change the element’s width and height
      • Background: change the element’s background to solid color, linear gradient (2 colors from left to right, top to bottom, right to left, bottom to top), radial gradient (2 colors to and from as a circle or ellipse)
      • Padding: change the space between the element border inwards (left right, bottom, top)
      • Margin: change the space between the element border outwards (left, right, bottom, top)
      • Border: change the border style as solid, dashed or dotted…Change the border thickness…Change the border color and change the border radius (rounded corners)

      Form entry storage and export

      All form entries are stored and can be retrieved from the admin panel. These entries can also be exported as a .csv file for further use!

      Send Confirmation Mails

      Send professional custom confirmation mails to your clients upon completing a form.

      Multiple forms on a single page

      Add more then on form on a single page for example one (or more) in the page content, one (or more) in the footer and one (or more) in the sidebar.

      Create your own templates

      Creating a template is easy, simply create a form and use the duplicate form function!


      Up to WordPress 3.6!

      If you have a need to create and customize good looking forms, you came to the right place!

      View Change log

    7. WordPress FrontEnd Type – Multi-Goal Posting Type (Varieties)

      WordPress FrontEnd Type – Multi-Goal Posting Type (Varieties)

      Flexible, Extendable and many extra plugins will be FREE, All extra plugins available at the page end.

      If this plugin is useful, could You please help me rate it? it will be a big encouragement to improve for me


      I. What is it?

      • WP FrontEnd Form (WPF) is a WordPress Plugin, use to create a posting form at Front-End with shortcode support.
      • WPF support unlimit Custom Post Types (CPT) , unlimit Taxonomies, unlimit meta fields and multiple input fields with different multiple purpose as:
        • Can use to create a Blog posting form.
        • Can use to create a News posting form.
        • Can use to create a contact form with different fields support.
        • Can use to create a Job posting form.
        • Can use to create Portfolio posting form with multiple Upload fields.
        • And so much more.
      • Payment support (options): if You want to pay for the author, who post the article on your site, You can easy do that by enable Payment feature.

      II. What features does it have?

      • Translatable
      • Shortcode tool.
      • Widget.
      • Setting post status default.
      • Setting guest posting.
      • Setting upload featured image.
      • Setting Recaptcha to prevent spamming.
      • Scheduling delete article rejected.
      • Control field support
        • Textfield control.
        • Email field control.(html5)
        • Textarea Field control.
        • Visual editor control. – WordPress Editor default.
        • Select Field control.
        • File Field control.
        • Datetime Picker control.
        • Hidden control.
      • Transactions management support (if enable payment feature)
      • Payment: if you want to enable Payment feature, you can pay for the Author, who post the article on your site, and they can make the withdrawal, you can pay for this withdrawal by pay on Paypal.
        • Enable or disable payment, Paypal support
        • Allow setting currency.
        • Allow setting Cost per article.
        • Allow setting Withdrawal Minimum.
        • Withdrawal form
        • Earnings list.
        • History list: listing all history as withdrawals and earnings.
        • Allow setting payment notification.
      • Notification
        • Allow setting subject and content email notification when article rejected.
        • Allow setting subject and content email notification when article approved.
      • Sign In form
      • [V3] Sign Up form.
      • [V3] Allow user delete their posts.
      • [V3] Allow user edit their posts.
      • Profile updating form.
      • All actions are handled by Ajax.

      III. How to use?


      • Unzip the file.
      • Copy wp-frontend-form folder to wp-content/plugins.
      • Go to Plugins/Installed plugin, find WP FrontEnd Form and click active.


      • Go to WP FrontEnd Form

      • Create a Page by Go to Pages/Add New



        Result after publish page

        With taxonomy support

        Extended with multiple Control type

        Extended with Payment feature

      Support and Documents

      There is always a copy of the documentation included with the download, but you can also find the latest release of the documentation online here Or send the question at

      Extra plugins

      1. WP FrontEnd Form ContactForm PluginScreenshots
        - WP FrontEnd Form's extra plugin, use to build ContactForm with email notification support
        - Changelog:
        V 1.0 - 07/08/2013
        + Initial Release

      Customer testimonials


      07/31/2013 – v.3.3 New

      [Fix] Editor width.
      [Fix] DatetimePicker
      [Fix] submit same element ID in a page.

      07/26/2013 – v.3.2 New

      [Fix] Load recaptcha library.
      [Fix] Fix wpautop.

      07/18/2013 – v.3.1 New

      [New] Adding Fluid grid system layout shortcode, ==>
      [New] Adding term_includes attribute, Custom the item for showing.
      [New] Adding term_excludes attribute, Custom the item for hiding. 

      07/16/2013 – v.3 New

      [Update] Fixe Editor control.
      [New] Adding Sign In Form use Shortcode.
      [New] Adding Sign Un Form use Shortcode.
      [New] Adding posts listing, Custom Post Type Support.
      [New] Allow user edit their posts.
      [New] Allow user delete their posts.

      07/08/2013 – v.2.1 update

      [Update] Fix hidden field.
      [Update] Load posting success alert.

      07/05/2013 – v.2

      [New] Improve Shortcode Tool by add new options.
      [New] Add Main Setting Page.
      [New] Add hidden Field.
      [Update] Remove "Allow Guest send new Post" at Setting page, replace by option in Shortcode.
      [Update] Remove "Display "Add Media" button" at Setting page, replace by option in Shortcode.
      [Update] Remove "Allow upload Featured Image" at Setting page, replace by option in Shortcode.
      [Update] Remove "Use Recaptcha to prevent spamming" at Setting page, replace by option in Shortcode.

      07/04/2013 – v.1

      Initial Release
    8. M Captcha for WP (Kinds)

      M Captcha for WP (Kinds)

      Captcha is basically used to distinguish human and automated bot. A Captcha image shows a random pattern which the user has to type or draw.

      M Captcha is new way to prevent spam by asking user to draw a randomly generated pattern. M Captcha is targeted for touch screen device as drawing a pattern on the touch screen is far easier than typing in the textbox. It works well on every major desktop and mobile browser. For device without touch screen, pattern can be drawn using mouse.

      M Captcha shows a randomly generated pattern with 9 dots connected via different lines and arrows indicates that order of connected dots. User will require drawing similar pattern as shown in the Captcha image, by connecting dots in same order as shown in the Captcha image either by touching screen or using mouse.

      M Captcha is fully customizable, you can change the color of arrows, color of connecting lines, background color, captch type, displaying numbers etc. User can reset the Captcha image or can also redraw if he accidently drawn wrong pattern, without refreshing page.

      This plugin works with all standard WordPress forms: comments, login, register and lost password and even you can use it with custom forms also. The settings for each form can be tweaked and configured individually.

      Settings Page

      Mcaptcha Settings

      Click here to check documentation

      To see working examples, click here to see a basic example

      See example of simple captcha in registeration form

      See example of simple captcha in lost password form

      See example of comment

      See example of mcaptca in custom form



      If you like this plugin, kindly rate it. It will motivate me to add more functionality to this plugin.Thanks :)

    9. RSVP and Marriage ceremony Invitation (Types)

      RSVP and Marriage ceremony Invitation (Types)

      documentation Support

      WordPress plugin for RSVP and email wedding invitation sending. Wedding invitation template included.


      • Fully administrable guest list, add/edit/delete and sort your guests;
      • Statistics per menu types (standard/kids/vegetarian);
      • Statistics per RSVP status (Yes/No/Pending);
      • Wedding invitation – Invite your guests to attend your wedding with our beautiful and customizable email invitation;
      • Send invites to multiple guests at the same time;
      • Customize the text on the invitation and send different invitations to different people;
      • Add the RSVP form to any page as WordPress shortcode;
      • Email matching check on RSVP form, so only the people you invited can RSVP;
      • Nonintrusive css style for RSVP form, it will keep the look and feel of your theme.


      • V 1.3 [01 Nov 2013]
        Added textarea message field.
      • V 1.2 [30 Aug 2013]
        Modified classes names to avoid error due to naming conflicts with other plugins or themes.
      • V 1.1 [5 June 2013]
        Added “Disable email validation”/captcha option to RSVP form.
      • V 1.0 [22 May 2013]
        Initial release.