Tempo is one of the most powerful, most amazing and the most flexible WordPress Theme on ThemeForest.
Tempo is multi-purpose, multi page and one page template coded with latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques.
It is built on top of Twitter Bootstrap v3.3.4. Code is SEO optimized, very well organized and modular so you can build any layouts with your imagination.
Along with other features tempo is also packed with some premium and 5star plugins worth $49.
These plugins include
Cube Portfolio $17 value,
LivIcons $14 value and
Cloud Slider $18 value.
Some salient features of Tempo are it’s amazing look, flexible design, multi-location contact page,
top & off canvas navigation options, advanced multi level mega menu, stylish page titles,
optimized responsive behavior, infinite scroll blog and portfolio pages, masonry blog with
front-end title search, beautiful shop demos, landing page demos, single page demos.
There is lot more… check demos

WordPress Pages Included
- about1
- about2
- about3
- blog-masonry-2col
- blog-masonry-3col
- blog-masonry-4col
- blog-masonry-fullwidth
- blog-masonry-infinite
- blog-masonry-sidebar
- coming-soon
- coming-soon-event
- contact1-single-location
- contact2-single-location
- contact3-multi-location
- faq1
- faq2
- faq3
- feature-alerts
- feature-bootstrap-tables
- feature-buttons
- feature-carousels
- feature-charts-bar
- feature-charts-doughnut
- feature-charts-line
- feature-charts-pie
- feature-charts-polar-area
- feature-charts-radar
- feature-content-boxes1
- feature-content-boxes2
- feature-footer1
- feature-footer2
- feature-footer3
- feature-form-elements
- feature-funfacts
- feature-gallery1
- feature-gallery2
- feature-icon-boxes
- feature-icon-hover-effects
- feature-icons
- feature-livicons
- feature-nav-light
- feature-nav-off-canvas-light
- feature-nav-off-canvas-transparent
- feature-nav-transparent
- feature-on-scroll-animations
- feature-page-title1-video-bg
- feature-page-title1
- feature-page-title2-video-bg
- feature-page-title2
- feature-page-title3-video-bg
- feature-page-title3
- feature-page-title4-video-bg
- feature-page-title4
- feature-page-title5-video-bg
- feature-page-title5
- feature-page-title6-video-bg
- feature-page-title6
- feature-pricing-tables
- feature-progress-bars
- feature-responsive-videos
- feature-section-background-options
- feature-section-headers
- feature-sidebar-widgets
- feature-slideshows
- feature-subscription-forms
- feature-tabs
- feature-tabs-to-accordion
- feature-team-boxes
- feature-testimonials
- feature-thumbnail-boxes
- feature-toggle-and-accordion
- feature-typography
- hiring
- home-agency
- home-blog1
- home-blog2
- home-blog3
- home-construction
- home-corporate
- home-creative
- home-portfolio
- home-shop1
- home-shop2
- home-shop3
- index
- landing-page-app
- landing-page-horizontal-form
- landing-page-vertical-form
- login
- portfolio-agency-2col
- portfolio-agency-3col
- portfolio-agency-4col
- portfolio-agency-fullwidth
- portfolio-agency-infinite
- portfolio-awesome-work-2col
- portfolio-awesome-work-3col
- portfolio-awesome-work-4col
- portfolio-awesome-work-fullwidth
- portfolio-awesome-work-infinite
- portfolio-creative-2col
- portfolio-creative-3col
- portfolio-creative-4col
- portfolio-creative-fullwidth
- portfolio-creative-infinite
- portfolio-juicy-projects-2col
- portfolio-juicy-projects-3col
- portfolio-juicy-projects-4col
- portfolio-juicy-projects-fullwidth
- portfolio-juicy-projects-infinite
- portfolio-juicy-projects-mosaic
- portfolio-lightbox-gallery-2col
- portfolio-lightbox-gallery-3col
- portfolio-lightbox-gallery-4col
- portfolio-lightbox-gallery-fullwidth
- portfolio-lightbox-gallery-infinite
- portfolio-masonry-2col
- portfolio-masonry-3col
- portfolio-masonry-4col
- portfolio-masonry-alt-2col
- portfolio-masonry-alt-3col
- portfolio-masonry-alt-4col
- portfolio-masonry-alt-fullwidth
- portfolio-masonry-alt-infinite
- portfolio-masonry-fullwidth
- portfolio-masonry-infinite
- portfolio-minimal-2col
- portfolio-minimal-3col
- portfolio-minimal-4col
- portfolio-minimal-fullwidth
- portfolio-minimal-infinite
- portfolio-mosaic-fullwidth
- product
- project
- register
- services1
- services2
- services3
- shop-style1-2col
- shop-style1-3col
- shop-style1-4col
- shop-style1-fullwidth
- shop-style1-infinite
- shop-style1-sidebar
- shop-style2-2col
- shop-style2-3col
- shop-style2-4col
- shop-style2-fullwidth
- shop-style2-infinite
- shop-style2-sidebar
- shop-style3-2col
- shop-style3-3col
- shop-style3-4col
- shop-style3-fullwidth
- shop-style3-infinite
- shop-style3-sidebar
- single-page-agency
- single-page-creative
- single-page-personal
- single-post-style1
- single-post-style2
- single-post-style3
- single-post-title-video-bg
- team
- portfolio single project pages
- 404
NOTE: Please note that images used in demo are not bundled with theme due to copyright issues. Images used in tempo were collected from following resources:
March 08, 2016 – Version 1.0
- Initial Release