Author: alex

  • wordpress PDO Crud – Crud & Kind Builder Plugin for WP (Types)

    wordpress PDO Crud – Crud & Kind Builder Plugin for WP (Types)

    Convert your wordpress website in powerful CRM, web application easily

    Wordpress PDO Crud is powerful wordpress plugin to build forms and perform CRUD operation on frontend and backend both. It is built using PDOCrud php script which is an advance PHP based CRUD application. PDOCrud application helps to perform complete crud operations by just writing 2-3 lines of code only. You can build forms directly from database tables in few seconds just by writing 2-3 lines of code. All insert/update/delete/view code is managed by the script.


    Shortcode Demo
    Details about PDOcrud
    Demo for PDOCrud features (All these features are also available in this plugin)

    Wordpress PDO Crud provides various shortcodes that can be used to perform the PDOCrud operations directly from backend so that a non technical person can also use the application.

    You can use both shortcodes and core php code to perform CRUD operations. You can perform crud operation in frontend as well as backend.

    You can perform crud operation on WordPress any table or if you want to use the some other database, you just need to change the config database settings only.

    PDOCrud Script Details

    Almost in each web application, we need to write many-many lines of codes to perform insert, update, delete and read database
    tables operations. PDOCrud script does this work by just writing 2 lines of code. This will do add, edit, update and delete basic operation along with several other operation, like pagination, records per page, search etc. Apart from these, you can customize the table and form data in
    many ways as per requirement by writing simple line of codes. Many javascript plugins are also added that help to perform many other tasks also. Script has many features to ease the development process. You can build simple web application and backend cms using the script easily.


    1. Very easy syntax and just 2 lines of code for default crud operations
    2. Generate forms directly from database
    3. Multiple Skin support
    4. Supports left join operation
    5. Auto generation of insert/update forms directly from database tables
    6. Change label name, hide label
    7. Remove fields, Show particular fields, Change field type, change display order of fields easily
    8. Many commonly used plugins integrated
    9. Popup form
    10. Multistep form
    11. Export form data in pdf, xml, csv and excel
    12. Callback functions for PHP and Javascript
    13. Ajax based submission
    14. Addition of static fields like terms & condition, confirm password
    15. PHP and JS Validations
    16. Various settings and customization
    17. Field encryption for frontend
    18. Field addon, field description and tooltips
    19. Different type of template support, by default works with bootstrap
    20. Enqueue js and css
    21. Add new plugins easily
    22. Many different types of fields available
    23. Multilanguage support
    24. Data binding of field from another table/ array
    25. Load dependent data on change of some field like on change of country, load states
    26. Normal, horizontal and inline form type available
    27. Add css class and various data attributes
    28. Support for rtl by adding external css
    29. Recaptcha and PHP based Captcha support
    30. Google map support
    31. Column switch option
    32. Add new action buttons
    33. Perform raw database related operations
    34. Add filter(where) condition easily
    35. Print and export in csv, excel, pdf
    36. Search for all fields and particular field
    37. Multiple delete option
    38. Fast loading using ajax
    39. Best practices and easy to customized
    40. Login (Select) form validations

    Min requirement for the script
    PHP Version 5.3 and above
    Must have write access for download folder



  • Final Row Heritage – Visible composer Add On (Add-ons)

    Final Row Heritage – Visible composer Add On (Add-ons)

    Ultimate Row Background Visual Composer Addon is one of the futuristic addon of Visual composer to make your wordpress website development way too easy yet creative and modern

    It have tons of modern functionalities and lots of versatile options.

    Addon is divided in to three layers, which will be used to make millions of different layouts.

    DEEP LAYER This is foundation layer of row with all classic and modern options.

    1. Blank (This Layer will be disappeared.)
    2. Solid Color
    3. Gradient Color
    4. Animated Background Color
    5. Creative Background Image
    6. Creative Background Video
    7. Image Gallery with effects

    MIDDLE LAYER This is the middle layer of our row section with lots of creative and unique options.

    1. Canvas Effects
    2. Add Modern Mouse Hover Parallax Layer
    3. Auto Moving Layer
    4. Modern Image Effect

    TOP LAYER This is the Top Most Layer of your row background, Which helps to look your content better.

    1. Normal Color
    2. Gradient Color
    3. Texture Image

    Please take a look at our other Visual composer addons too.

    For any kind of support or queries feel free to contact us on

  • Nina – A Minimal and Ingenious Portfolio WordPress Theme (Inventive)

    Nina – A Minimal and Ingenious Portfolio WordPress Theme (Inventive)

    Nina is a simple and minimal portfolio theme created jump start your site as quckk as possible. But at the same time it feature all the various ways to present your gallery. Tired of all the bloated and complex WordPress themes? We have created Nina especially with this in mind. Of course it also features some additional shortcodes to make your content pop the way you want. Modern and clean, we have made sure that it will make your works the primary focus when browsing. Featuring plethora of ways to present your portfolio – grid, image and video gallery, masonry layout, and a way to resize the thumbnails into many aspect ratios. You can adjust them in any way – including columns and spacings.

    Nina Features

    More Features

    • WordPress 4.6+ Ready
    • Fully Responsive
    • Built with Bootstrap 3
    • Extremely Easy to Setup
    • Aspect Ratio Support – 1:1, 3:1, 3:2, 4:3, 16:9, 1:3, 2:3, 3:4, 9:16
    • 1 Click Demo Install
    • Custom Grid Spacing and Number of Columns
    • SEO Optimized
    • Clean & Minimalistic Design
    • 700+ Google Fonts
    • WPML Support and Translation Ready – *.pot file included
    • Custom CSS Field
    • 2000+ Iconsmind Premium Icons
    • Threaded Post-Comments
    • Free Updates
    • Documentation & Theme Support

    Let the people do the talking

    Inez Review


    Support covers getting setup, trouble using any features, and bug fixes. Send your questions via the Support tab of the theme. We’ll do everything I can to help, as far as it’s not connected with 3rd party plugins or modifications.

    Subsolar Designs Subscription

  • Tirex – Responsive Multi-Objective Theme (Company)

    Tirex – Responsive Multi-Objective Theme (Company)

    Tirex – Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme.

    Tirex is a modern, fully responsive multi-purpose WordPress Theme. Suited for all kind websites – business, corporate, product, agency, portfolio, photography, blog and many more.

    Build with modern tools and plenty of options which allows you to create fantastic websites in minutes.

    It comes with powerful Page Builder and advanced Styling options.


    • Page Builder included
    • 25+ Shortcodes & Widgets
    • Extended Styling Options
    • Unlimited Colors
    • Translation Ready
    • Responsive & Retina Ready
    • Clean, Modern and Trendy
    • Child Theme Support
    • Extended Blog Options
    • 2 Blog Layouts (Grid and Classic)
    • Extended Portfolio Options
    • 2-4 Columns Portfolios
    • 2 Portfolio Layouts (Grid and Classic)
    • Unlimited Sidebars
    • One Click Demo Importer
    • and many more…

  • Mailbox Advertising – E-mail Advertising and marketing Utility For WordPress (Newsletters)

    Mailbox Advertising – E-mail Advertising and marketing Utility For WordPress (Newsletters)

    Mailbox Marketing – Email Marketing Platform For WordPress

    Mailbox Marketing is a simple to use, Full-Featured Email Marketing Platform built as a WordPress Plugin. It is great for creating Newsletter Campaigns as well as many other types of Email Marketing Campaigns.


    Click Here For Demo

    Username: mm-demo

    Password: mm-demo

    Say Goodbye To Monthly Subscription Fees

    With Mailbox Marketing, you will never pay another monthly subscription fee like you do on sites such as MailChimp and Constant Contact. When you use those type of service providers, you can spend upwards of $1,000 or more a year which will only increase as your list of subscribers grow.

    New Features & Functionality

    Mailbox Marketing is actively developed and has new features and functionality always in the works. If you have a feature you want to suggest, send us an email and let us know. We would love to hear from you!

    Fast, Friendly & Reliable Customer Support

    We firmly believe that having fast, friendly and reliable Customer Support is important. We constantly strive to offer the best Support possible. The plugin comes with 6 months of Free Plugin Support with the ability to purchases extended Support if you need it.

    Unlimited Everything!

    When you use Mailbox Marketing, there are no limits. Send an unlimited number of campaigns! Create an unlimited number of lists! Have an unlimited numbers of subscribers. There are absolutely no restrictions or limits on anything inside to plugin. There is not one Email Marketing Service Provider that could possibly offer you that same no-limit guarantee.

    Autoresponder Campaigns

    You can create Autoresponder Campaigns which send responses such as “Thank You” emails when someone new subscribes to your list.

    SMTP Server Email Sending

    In the plugin settings, you can connect your SMTP Server to handle sending your campaign emails. If you don’t have an SMTP Server, you can use the default “PHP Mail” Send Method which allows emails to be sent from your web server using the PHP Programming Language. That also happens to be a much cheaper way for you to send emails.

    Give Us A Try & Make Your Business Better

    We are happy to say, Mailbox Marketing is full of features that will make your life easier. No matter what it is you desire from an Email Marketing Platform, we most likely will have you covered!

    If your curious, give it a try and see how it can help your business’s marketing efforts.


    You can get plugin support using our Plugin Support Ticket Form. You must first register for an account on our website to submit a Support Ticket. Please have your Purchase Code available when you create your account. It is required when creating your account.


    Version 1.0.2 (October 30th, 2016)

    • Bug Fix: Fixed a db query in /includes/functions/lists/lists-functions.php

    Version 1.0.1 (October 29th, 2016)

    • Bug Fix: Fixed a conditional function in /includes/functions/lists/lists-functions.php

    Version 1.0.0 (October 26th, 2016)

    • Initial Plugin Release
  • Magazinex – Journal/Blogging Theme (Blogging / Journal)

    Magazinex – Journal/Blogging Theme (Blogging / Journal)

    A Magazine and Advanced Blog Theme

    Magazinex is a WordPress theme that lets you write articles and blog posts with multiple formats. The Magazinex theme is excellent for a news, magazine or publishing site.

    Key Features:

    Magazinex theme is clean and flexible, has a fully responsive design. Theme has powerful customization options and drag & drop sortable Front Page’s sections.

    Fully customizable
    Can choose colors, header image, background color, logo image, fonts, category color badge, view options of the post, sidebar layout and much more.

    Customizable Header
    You can adjust the padding top and bottom (so adjust height), and adjust the transparency of the overlay.

    Drag & Drop Sections
    Front page template includes a content sections (recent posts, widgets, etc.) that are managed and sorted by the Customizer. Theme comes with frontpage elements as custom widgets.

    Multiple Blog Layouts
    Choose between the different layouts for your blog: Masonry with Sidebar, Masonry wide 2-3 columns (no Sidebar), One Column Blog with Large Image, One Column List Posts. You can also choose color for each category. In addition, the posts layouts can be chosen different for the Front page, Blog Page and Category Page.

    Post Formats
    Posts can be standard format, image & gallery, video & audio format. A special template Front page has a section show posts of the selected format.

    Sidebar Layout
    By default, the sidebar is set to the right. You can set sidebar to the left via the Customizer. Special arrangement of side panels (right/left) for each page.

    Custom Widgets
    The theme comes with custom widgets: Posts Box of the selected Category, Colors Column Posts List, Tabs Popular, Picked and Recent Posts, Recent Posts with highlighted the first post, and more.

    Advanced features
    Compatible with plugin’s: Jetpack WordPress, MailChimp, Contact Form 7. Built-in Related Posts. Built-in Author Box. Сustom templates: full width page template, contributors page template, front page template. Options displaying meta info of the post on the blog page and on single post. Area’s of the ads banner code on the front page, in the footer, and at the bottom of a single post.

  • Bookly Unique Hours (Add-on) (Add-ons)

    Bookly Unique Hours (Add-on) (Add-ons)

    Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly plugin. View Bookly page at Codecanyon.

    The Special Hours add-on allows you to set special price of services at specific hours within provider’s schedule. You can set up each service provider and even each service within a provider’s profile separately.

    Purchase the add-on, install it and set it up in under 10 min.

    Please read how to set up and use Bookly Special Hours add-on at our detailed documentation.

  • Website disabled web page 12 (Utilities)

    Website disabled web page 12 (Utilities)

    Site disabled page 12 is a WordPress plugin which tells site users that the site has been temporarily disabled.
    This is ideal for people who WordPress website is coming soon, or if administrator is updating website.

    – Admin options to customize the plugin.
    – Edit text page.
    – Change background.
    – Set social icons.
    – Font awesome icons support.
    – Ease of use.

    Live Demo

    Admin Panel
    User: Demo
    Password: Demo

  • LightPost wordpress – Lightbox for WP Submit (Utilities)

    LightPost wordpress – Lightbox for WP Submit (Utilities)

    LightPost WordPress is a tool for displaying posts or some section of posts in a customizable “lightbox”, your visitor can display your post on same page don’t need to reload the page in a professional and elegant LightBox then it gave them the possibility to navigate between posts.

    LightPost plugin is a full blown responsive lightbox that runs on all major browsers and mobile devices. It has support for image, video , YouTube, Vimeo, iFrame, HTML content, Google maps, soundCloud and more. it come with a costumizer and the possibility to add featured video for your post etc.