Show the tags in product detail and let your customer search by them.
Author: alex
Magento 2 Store By way of Model (Magento Extensions)
Many times customer wants to shop on the basis of different brands. ‘Shop By Brand Extension’ enables users to find products related to different brands easily. Admin can create different brands and assign different products to a particular brand from the admin panel.
Key Features
Flexible look and feel.
Customer can find product of particular brand easily.
Admin can create brand and assign products into particular brand from admin panel.
Admin can set Top Menu of brand from admin panel.
Setting of sidebar of brand listing from admin Panel.
Magento 2 Wpblog (Magento Extensions)
Admin can add post , manage post
Key Features
Home page blog post slider
Customer can see list of post and show detail
Admin can create post.
Admin can set post limit which is display on front.
Setting of sidebar of post listing from admin Panel.
MagniPopup – Modal/Popup for Cornerstone (WordPress)
MagniPopup – Modal/Popup for Cornerstone allows you to easily add a Popup/ModalBox to your cornerstone page builder powered website.
When you install this plugin it would automatically add a new element on your cornerstone’s list of elements named as MagniPopup which would allow you to put a popup/modallbox to any page you want.The plugin allows you to have 4 different types of popup such as HTML, IFRAME, VIDEO and ALERT. You can also put multiple modal box/popups on a single page without having and issues.
- Easily add Popup to your Cornerstone Powered website.
- Allows to use any custom html or shortcode for the modal content.
- Allows you to use any external website(iframe) inside modal box.
- Works perfectly with Youtube/Vimeo videos and google maps..
- Easily customize the look and feel of the modal box with just few clicks.
- Ability to put custom Headline and Subtitle for the popup.
- Allows you to display icons on modal/popup header.
- Very easy plugin settings to control different colors of the modalbox/popup.
- Trigger the popup on any type of element click just by providing the id/class of the element to the plugin.
- Allows to open modalbox/popup automatically when opening a page.
- Easily hide the popup header, hide full screen button etc.
- 100% responsive and works across all major browsers.
- Works with all modern browsers and across all platforms.
Support & Queries
You can contact us directly via the comments section of the plugin or mail us on
Change log
15th Nov 2016 - ver 1.0 - Initial Release
Block Share Whatsapp (Prestashop)
Adds a WhatsApp share button into posts, custom post types or pages.