Author: alex

  • Easy Custom JS and CSS – Theme Customization for WordPress (Utilities)

    Easy Custom JS and CSS – Theme Customization for WordPress (Utilities)


    Customize your WordPress site’s appearance by easily adding custom CSS and JS code without even having to modify your theme or plugin files. This is perfect to tweak your site.

    Often when a theme or plugin updates it overwrites an old version of styles. That means anything you’d customized right in the code would be lost, potentially breaking your site depending on just what you’d changed. WordPress Easy Custom JS & CSS plugin lets you add custom javascript code, css custom styles and html markup to your site separately.

    If you don’t use a child theme and need to insert some customizations, you can take advantage of the inbuilt editor and easily create and insert custom css and js code into the header or footer. Once code is saved, it immediately influences the workings of your site.

    Since the code contained within the plugin is separate from your theme, it will be unaffected by the theme updating. If you do break something playing around, all you have to do is go back into the plugin interface and change a wrong item.


    Also the plugin has a powerful filter editor for creating complex rules. They are convenient to use when you want to include your custom code for a specific url, post, page, device, os, browser, also it will be useful to execute js or css at a concrete date, time, day of week and etc.


    Well, it’s a good theme and plugin customizer and a perfect solution to add additional styles and js codes to your site.

    Feature List

    • The code editor with syntax highlighting
    • The rich filter builder to construct inclusion rules
    • Include custom css and js code on the basis of a filter
    • Use inline embed method or include code as an external file
    • Custom css and js code can be in the header or footer area
    • Use custom javascript code and css styles inside the user or admin side or both
    • Minify JasaScript code and CSS styles to reduce file size
    • Support SCSS and LESS preprocessors
    • All editors use AJAX saving to avoid reloading
    • Create as many codes as you want
    • The code is served from the filesystem instead of the database for better performance
    • Help via Email
    • and so more..

    [thank you]

    Version 1.1.0 12/06/2018

    - First release

  • Autolinks Manager (SEO)

    Autolinks Manager (SEO)

    Applying autolinks in your website is a smart strategy to generate more visits on your pages, sell more products, earn money with a referral system or to improve your SEO.

    The Autolinks Manager plugin, with its advanced autolinks system and a great number of options, gives you the ability to apply this strategy at its maximum level.

    Please note that Autolinks Manager has been created by the same developers of Interlinks Manager, one the most effective and best rated SEO plugins currently available in CodeCanyon.

    The total control on the application of the autolinks is what really matters in an autolink plugin.

    Unaltered HTML

    The autolinks are applied on the fly by PHP when the post are displayed in the front-end and no changes are performed on the actual HTML of the post stored in the database. So you can at anytime add, remove or modify your autolinks without negative implications for your website.

    Custom Attributes

    The HTML link elements generated with the applications of autolinks can be created with:

    • Custom Title attribute to describe the linked document
    • Custom Target attribute to open the linked document in a new window or tab
    • Custom Nofollow attribute to instruct the search engines that the link should not influence the ranking of the link’s target

    Affected Posts

    Sometimes specific autolinks should not be applied on the entire website, but only activated with specific topics.

    That’s why with this plugin for each autolink you can determine:

    • In which post types the defined keyword should be automatically converted to a link
    • In which categories the defined keyword should be automatically converted to a link
    • In which tags the defined keyword should be automatically converted to a link
    • The term group, which is a list of terms that should be compared with the ones available on the posts where the autolinks are applied

    Advanced Match

    The search for occurrences of the keyword performed by the algorithm used to apply the autolink can be tuned based on your specific needs with the following options:

    • The Case Sensitive Search option to select if the defined keyword should match or not uppercase and lowercase variations
    • The Left Boundary option to match keywords preceded by a generic boundary or by a specific character
    • The Right Boundary option to match keywords followed by a generic boundary or by a specific character
    • The Keyword Before option to match occurrences preceded by a specific string
    • The Keyword After option to match occurrences followed by a specific string
    • The Limit option to determine the maximum number of matches of the defined keyword automatically converted to a link
    • The Priority option to determine the order used to apply the autolinks on the post

    Test Mode

    This feature, if enabled through the Test Mode plugin option, allows you to apply the autolinks on the front-end of your website only to the WordPress users that have the capability required to create and edit autolinks. So you can easily test the application of the autolinks in a production environment without actually changing the content of the posts for your visitors and for the search engines.

    Random Prioritization

    The advanced Random Prioritization option is extremely useful to randomize on a per-post basis the order used to apply the autolinks with the same priority and as a consequence to ensure a better distribution of the autolinks.

    General Limit

    A limit for the maximum number of autolinks allowed in the same post can be determined with a fixed value assigned to the General Limit (Amount) option or automatically calculated based on the length of the post and the value assigned to the General Limit (Characters per Autolink) option.

    The use of the General Limit feature is recommended to limit the application of the autolinks to a reasonable amount.

    Same URL Limit

    Use this option to limit the number of autolinks with the same URL to a specified value. This option is useful when you have multiple keywords that point to the same resource and you want to limit the number of times that a resource is linked.

    Protected Tags

    With this option you can instruct the algorithm to not apply the autolinks on specific HTML tags present in your posts.

    Let’s say that you don’t want to add autolinks inside the main headings, the tables and the code snippets. Simply add the list “h1, h2, h3, table, code” in the Protected Tags option and you are done.


    The plugin includes the possibility to categorize your autolinks, this is extremely useful when you have a high number of autolinks used for different purposes.

    For example you can:

    • Create autolinks to convert keywords that are part of a glossary and include them in the “Wiki” category
    • Create autolinks to convert keywords associated with products sold by an external website and include them in the “Referral” category
    • Create autolinks to convert keywords associated with your best articles and include them in the “Internal Links” category

    Meta box

    The Autolinks Manager meta box allows you to disable the application of the autolinks on a per-post basis. Simply visit the post where you don’t want to apply the autolinks and set to “No” the Enable Autolinks select-box available in the meta box.

    Wizard Mode

    This special menu gives you the ability to generate multiple autolinks in a single operation.

    This is a list of tasks that can be performed in few seconds in the Wizard menu:

    • Create multiple different autolinks
    • Import existing autolinks available in a spreadsheet document
    • Create multiple autolinks with the same keyword and different URLs
    • Create multiple autolinks with different keywords and the same URL

    The clicks performed by the visitors on the applied autolinks can be optionally tracked.

    The following information on the single clicks are available in the Tracking menu:

    • The ID of the tracked click
    • The IP address of the user that performed the click
    • The date on which the autolink has been clicked
    • The autolink associated with the tracked click
    • The post, page or custom post type that includes the autolink that received the click

    Please note that if you don’t want to collect personal data the plugin gives you the ability to:

    • Disable the link tracking feature
    • Delete on demand the tracked clicks associated with specific IP addresses


    Use the Statistics menu to generate statistics about the autolinks applied in the posts, pages and custom post types of your blog.

    For each post you will be able to know the exact number of autolinks applied and the number of clicks generated with the autolinks.

    Extremely Customizable

    With the 50 general options you can control various aspects of the plugin. You can for example set the default values for the new autolinks, control how the analysis performed on the posts should be executed, enable or disable the link tracking feature, give access to the plugin menus only to users with specific capabilities, customize the pagination system used in the back-end and control advanced aspects associated with the application of the autolinks.

    Gutenberg Ready

    WordPress is changing and the TinyMCE editor will soon be replaced with the new Gutenberg Editor, a page builder that uses blocks to create all types of content.

    This plugin allows you to select exactly on which Gutenberg blocks the autolinks should be applied. So you can be very precise in the application of the autolinks and avoid any kind of issue associated with the application of autolinks on Gutenberg blocks.

    CSV Ready

    The support for the CSV format includes two separate aspects:

    Importable Data

    From the Wizard menu you can import your existing autolinks available in a CSV archive. The process is very simple:

    1. Open the CSV file that includes your autolinks with your favorite spreadsheet editor
    2. Copy your data in the clipboard
    3. Paste the data in the spreadsheet editor embedded in the Wizard menu
    4. Click the Generate Autolinks button

    Exportable Data

    The data about your autolinks and the tracked clicks can be exported through the Export CSV section available in the plugin menus. The generated CSV files can then be imported in your favorite spreadsheet software to perform custom analyses, modify, share or print the data.

    Import and Export

    The import and export feature available in Autolinks Manager allows you to archive your collections of autolinks, categories and term groups as XML files.

    This is extremely useful because:

    • Works as backup system for your autolinks, categories and term groups
    • You can move your autolinks, categories and term groups between different websites

    Multisite Ready

    This plugin can be used on a WordPress Network, and supports both a Network Activation (the plugin will be activated on all the sites of your WordPress Network in a single step) and a Single Site Activation (the plugin will be manually activated on single sites of the network)

    Multilanguage Ready

    Autolinks Manager comes by default in English and Italian, if you want to translate the plugin in another language simply create a translation file or manually translate it with a multilanguage plugin.

    High Quality Support

    Support for this plugin is provided in English and Italian directly via email by the plugin developers. If you experience any problems or if you need detailed technical info about specific plugin parts you are in good hands

    Video Tutorials


    This plugin makes use of the following resources:

    For each library you can find the actual copy of the license inside the folder used to store the library files.

    Do you care about your website’s SEO?

    Improve your internal links structure and get more visits on your WordPress website with the Interlinks Manager plugin.

    Implement now the hreflang attribute

    Increase the search visibility, the indexation rate, the number of impressions and avoid duplicate content by implementing hreflang with the Hreflang Manager plugin.

  • Conditional Content Blocks for NEX-Forms (Forms)

    Conditional Content Blocks for NEX-Forms (Forms)

    Conditional Content Blocks – An add-on for
    NEX-Forms – The Ultimate WordPress Form

    This add-on gives you the ability to change content in its place using conditional logic blocks in emails and PDF’s. You can also use this to change email recipients or any email attribute based on what users select or input into your forms

    How does it work?

    Lets create a scenario where we will have 2 types of content displayed when a user select A or B from our field called “Product”.

    The shortcode is constructed as follows:

    [nfccb field=”field_name” value=”conditional_value”]Content displayed if the field’s value is equal to the value specified[/nfccb]

    So let say we want to diplay some content but only if a user select A from the Product field. We will add this in our email body or PDF content body:

    [nfccb field=”product” value=”A”]You have chosen product A and here are some info relevant to product B etc etc[/nfccb]

    So let say we want to diplay some content but only if a user select B from the Product field. We will add this in our email body or PDF content body:

    [nfccb field=”product” value=”B”]You have chosen product B and here are some info relevant to product B etc etc[/nfccb]

    So in your content you will have both these blocks in the same location in your HTML or plain text body, so basically the the content in this area gets replaced according to the selection.

    [nfccb field=”product” value”A”]You have chosen product A and here are some info relevant to product B etc etc[/nfccb]
    [nfccb field=”product” value”B”]You have chosen product B and here are some info relevant to product B etc etc[/nfccb]

    If A is selected only the content displayed in the shortcode specifying value A will be displayed and not B…and visa versa

    This can also be done for Email Recipients, Email Subjects, From Address, From Name and redirects after submit.

  • WPForms – Infusionsoft Integration (Forms)

    WPForms – Infusionsoft Integration (Forms)



    WPForms – Infusionsoft Integration plugin can integrate Contacts between your WordPress WPForms and Infusionsoft. Easily add automatically Contacts into Infusionsoft when people submit a WPForms form on your site.


    • Easily integrate WPForms form to Infusionsoft Contact
    • Integrated WPForms form can automatically add your site new form data to Infusionsoft Contact
    • Easily map your WPForms form fields to Infusionsoft Contact fields
    • Making customer relationship management simple
    • Integrate unlimited WPForms forms
    • Also, support Infusionsoft Contact custom fields (Text, Text Area, Dropdown, Radio, List Box, Name, Email, Phone Number, Yes/No, Currency, Whole Number, Decimal Number, Percent, Social Security Number, Date, Date/Time, Day of Week, Month, Year, State and Website)

    Author Ratings & Reviews

    Author Ratings & Reviews


     - Initial release
  • WPForms – HubSpot Integration (Forms)

    WPForms – HubSpot Integration (Forms)



    WPForms – HubSpot Integration plugin can integrate Contacts, Deals and Lead Capture Forms between your WordPress WPForms and HubSpot. Easily add automatically Contacts, Deals and Lead Capture Forms Lead into HubSpot when people submit a WPForms form on your site.


    • Easily integrate WPForms form to HubSpot Contacts
    • Easily integrate WPForms form to HubSpot Deals
    • Easily integrate WPForms form to HubSpot Lead Capture Forms
    • Integrated WPForms form can automatically add your site new form data to HubSpot Contacts
    • Integrated WPForms form can automatically add your site new form data to HubSpot Deals
    • Integrated WPForms form can automatically add your site new form data to HubSpot Lead Capture Forms Lead
    • Easily map your WPForms form fields to HubSpot Contacts, Deals and Lead Capture Forms fields
    • Also, support Hubspot custom fields.
    • Making customer relationship management simple
    • Integrate unlimited WPForms forms

    Author Ratings & Reviews

    Author Ratings & Reviews


     - Initial release
  • Bitcoin Tools PRO For WordPress (Widgets)

    Bitcoin Tools PRO For WordPress (Widgets)

    Bitcoin Tools PRO plugin allows you to easily add various types of Bitcoin Tools and Realtime Data via shortcodes and widgets to your WordPress website.

  • PepperMint – Creative WordPress Theme for Blogs/Mini-Magazines (Blog / Magazine)

    PepperMint – Creative WordPress Theme for Blogs/Mini-Magazines (Blog / Magazine)

    Peppermint, your new amazing blogging and mini-magazine theme.
    Peppermint is a very easy to work with WordPress Theme for bloggers/mini-magazines with modern look and strongly focusing on typography.

    Peppermint is our new WordPress theme that can be used for any kind of mini-magazines, viral blogs (lifestyle, fashion, etc) or any other personal website.
    Theme is fully responsive on iPhone, iPad and Android phones and tablets.

    Having problems? We are here to help.

    Theme Features

    • Minimal and Clean Design
    • 1-click Demo Install
    • 100% Responsive on any device
    • 3 Unique headers
    • 4 Footer widgets
    • Footer Instagram
    • 6 Unique banners (Boxed and Full width)

    Sidebar Layouts

    • Left Sidebar
    • Right Sidebar
    • No Sidebar

    Blog Layouts

    • List Layout
    • Grid Layout
    • Classic Layout
    • Masonry Layout


    • Author Widget
    • Ads Widget
    • Promo boxes Widget
    • Popular Posts Widget (Slider/List)
    • Social Widget
    • Instagram Widget
    • Twitter Widget
    • and many more…..


    • Drop cap
    • Custom Title
    • 3 Buttons
    • Google map
    • Accordion (2 Styles)
    • Message Boxes
    • Multiple Columns Options
    • Custom Lists

    Features List:

    • Responsive Design
    • Unlimited Colors & Layouts
    • Unique Homepage Layouts
    • 1 Click Import All Demo
    • Shortcodes for better content writing
    • Different Headers
    • Footer Widgets
    • Fully Responsive (Tested on Multiple Devices)
    • Modern & Clean Design
    • HTML5 and CSS3 Tableless Design
    • MailChimp Support (Ajax Newsletter)
    • Plenty of Widgets
    • Multiple Blog Layouts
      • Classic Layout
      • Grid Layout
      • List Layout
      • Masonry Layout
    • Conctact form 7 integrated and you can setup a contact form easily
    • Latest Tweets widget included
    • Instagram Widget included
    • Multiple Banner Styles
    • Social Sharing Features
    • SEO Optimized
    • Speed Optimized
    • Sticky Menu
    • Powerful Theme Options
    • Validate HTML5 Code
    • Cross-browser Compatbility
    • Google Fonts
    • Flat Design Style
    • Friendly Menu on Mobile
    • Easy to Customize
    • Documentation Available
    • FAST Support & Updates
    • And Much Much More…

    Documentation URL :
    *All photos are downloaded from third party (Unsplash/Pixabay) websites and are not included with the theme.


    Initial Release - v1.0

  • Smart Casa | Home Automation & Technologies WordPress Theme (Technology)

    Smart Casa | Home Automation & Technologies WordPress Theme (Technology)

    CURRENT VERSION 1.0 (see Change log at the bottom of this page)

    Smart Casa is a WordPress theme designed to serve a website of
    smart home technologies and solutions, home automation services, home security monitoring, video home and residential monitoring services, remote home control, artificial intelligence. The theme will be a great choice if you seek to introduce the new automatic home mobile app, home automation app, mobile control app, or voice control application.

    Smart Casa also fits interior design company or agency (as well as individual designer website), exterior design, architecture firm, construction bureau, individual designer’s and architect’s portfolio, home renovation store, furniture manufacturing and bloggers who are into interior design and smart home solutions.

    Key Features

    • Professional design
    • One-Click demo install
    • Modern, Flexible, Customizable
    • WordPress 4.0+ Tested and Approved
    • Built with HTML5 and CSS3 code
    • Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE10+
    • Slider Revolution & Swiper Slider included
    • Retina Images Support
    • User menu and Main menu support
    • Interactive Ajax Search
    • Flexible Colors & Typography
    • Layout Features:
      • 100% Responsive & Mobile-friendly
      • Boxed and Fullwidth page layouts
      • WPBakery Page Builder support – modify any page content easily
      • Customize Header and Footer Layouts in WPBakery Page Builder
    • Advanced Blog Settings:
      • Multiple Blog Styles
      • Flexible Layout Options
      • 20+ Post Animations
      • Customizable Blog Feed (choose from post types or categories)
      • Post views, likes and sharing buttons
      • Related Posts Section
    • Powerful Theme Framework:
      • Setting Inheritance and Override System
      • 750+ Customizer Options
      • Custom Post Types
      • Custom Widget Sets
      • Custom Shortcodes
      • Custom Theme Options Panel
      • Optimized for best performance
      • …and many more!
    • Plugins Compatibility:
      • Slider Revolution
      • WPBakery Page Builder
      • Contact Form 7
      • WooCoomerce
      • Essential Grid
      • MailChimp for WP
      • ThemeREX Addons
    • Fontello & Image Icons
    • Google Fonts
    • Professional Support
    • Detailed Documentation
    • Regular Updates
    • And many more

    All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. Images used in live preview are not included in the template.


    Google Fonts

    PLEASE, NOTE! The theme is designed for free WordPress version downloaded at only. We do not guarantee the theme’s full compatibility with installations on, due to limitations in website control and theme customization.

    Change log

    08.06.2018 Version 1.0 – Release

  • Modern Events Calendar – Responsive Event Scheduler and Booking For WordPress | Calendars (Calendars)

    Modern Events Calendar – Responsive Event Scheduler and Booking For WordPress | Calendars (Calendars)

    Test Demo Account

    username: demo
    password: demo

  • Bam Events – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin (Calendars)

    Bam Events – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin (Calendars)

    Bam Events is probably the easiest way to publish, manage and share events on WordPress.

    Designed to be the ultimate events calendar and management plugin for WordPress. Bam Events allows you to start creating and sharing events in minutes, with its simple and modern interface – Bam Events is really easy to get started.

    Developers can utilize the built-in hooks and filters to create custom event integrations or even completely custom views and templates. Bam Events was created to provide a perfect platform to build add-ons and scale your event’s website.


    Create single day events
    Create multi-day events
    Create all day events
    Create recurring events
    Create and save event location
    Create and save event organizers
    Set timezone for events
    WordPress customizer support
    Multiple archive types and styles
    Display event images on archive
    Fully localized including RTL support
    Google Map API
    Ajax archives
    Simple event management
    Developer friendly with extensive hooks & filters