Author: alex

  • Projectopia WP Project Management – ULTIMATE VERSION (Utilities)

    Projectopia WP Project Management – ULTIMATE VERSION (Utilities)

    Projectopia Ultimate – WordPress Project Management Plugin

    Projectopia Ultimate is our fully featured Project Management Solution, incorporating our Projectopia Core Plugin and all add-on plugins for a single price point.

    Projectopia Ultimate features the latest versions of the following plugins –

    Projectopia Ultimate will also be updated to include all future add-ons in the same package, so when we release a new add-on, it will be included in free future updates to the Projectopia Ultimate plugin!

    Please ensure that your environment meets the requirements for each of our plugins, you can see a list of requirements for each item by clicking the links above.


    The Ultimate plugin contains Projectopia Core and all available add-ons. Unzip your download and install Projectopia Core, and then install each add-on from the Add-Ons folder in the download.

  • Elyasa – Responsive Coming Soon WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Elyasa – Responsive Coming Soon WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Elyasa is a creative and professional coming soon WordPress Plugin built with Bootstrap framework. It includes Ajax MailChimp subscription, Contact Form and Google Maps.

    With this WordPress Plugin you will be able to work on your site/theme while your visitors see the under construction page. When you’re done just disable it in the Axis admin and your new site will be live. You can then keep using it whenever you need to take your site into maintenance mode.

    The HTML version of this plugin is now available.

    Features Included:

    • Powerful Admin Panel
    • Fully Responsive Design
    • Retina ready
    • Built with Bootstrap
    • 3 Style Variations
      • Fullscreen Single Image Background
      • Fullscreen Image Slideshow Background
      • Fullscreen Youtube Video Background
    • Typography based on Google Web Fonts
    • Working Contact Form
    • Font Awesome & Linea icons
    • FlipTimer jQuery Countdown (Save $8)
    • CSS3 Animations
    • Mailchimp integrated
    • 6 predefined Color Skins
    • Allow Access by IP address or exclude url
    • W3C Valid HTML code
    • Easy to Customize
    • Help file is included

    File Types:

    • PHP Files
    • HTML Files
    • CSS Files
    • JS Files

    Google Web Fonts:



    Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download package.

  • Elementor Page Builder – YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist (Add-ons)

    Elementor Page Builder – YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist (Add-ons)

    Elementor Page Builder - YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist
    Elementor Page Builder - YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlists
    Elementor Page Builder - YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist

    Video Top Preview

    Elementor Page Builder - YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist

    List Layout

    Elementor Page Builder - YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist

    YouTube Content Popup

    Elementor Page Builder - YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist

    YouTube Ads Support in Video

    Elementor Page Builder - YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist

    YouTube Playlist Style-1

    Elementor Page Builder - YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist

    YouTube Playlist Style-2

    YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist for WordPress

    YouTube Feed : User, Channel and Playlist for WordPress

    • Responsive Layout option.
    • YouTube of an Page feed
    • Masonary and Fitrow Layout
    • 8 Style Available
    • YouTube Masonry/Fitrow Layout
    • YouTube Carousel
    • User, Channel and Playlist video
    • 3 popup style
    • Timeline Feed
    • 5 to 1 Columns Support
    • Custom backgrond Color and hover background color
    • Loadmore Pagination
    • Support Multi Language
  • Visual Composer – Ultimate Popup Notification (Add-ons)

    Visual Composer – Ultimate Popup Notification (Add-ons)

    Visual Composer – Ultimate Popup Notification

    Different Style of notification
    Add backgroud image
    Unlimied color combination
    Different Notification position
    Limitless possibilities
    Easy to use
    All theme support
    Set cookie lifetime

    Our Other Plugins

    Visual Composer - Ultimate Magic Popup - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

  • Magazinify | News Addon for Elementor Page Builder (Add-ons)

    Magazinify | News Addon for Elementor Page Builder (Add-ons)

    Magazinify is the perfect and stylish addon for Elementor Page Builder to present your ideas online. You can easily create news blocks to your needs, that will engaging visitors and potential clients. This addon makes your website’s design more interesting for your visitors. It helps you to easily manage your website content simply drag and drop, seriously no programming knowledge required.

  • Zapp Proxy Server Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Zapp Proxy Server Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Zapp Proxy Server Plugin

    Do you want to protect your online privacy? Than you should check out this plugin!

    What is this plugin about?

    Zapp Proxy Server Plugin for WordPress is a powerful tool to create a personal proxy server on your WordPress host.

    Our intuitive, easy-to-use system allows you to create a a proxy server by just installing the plugin. After installation, you will be able to use your website as a proxy server, out of the box.

    What You Can Do With This Plugin?

    • Use your WordPress server as a private proxy server
    • Create API keys to restrict external access to the plugin’s functionality
    • Blacklist/ Whitelist URLs that will or will not be able to be accessed using the custom proxy server
    • Enable CORS (cross-origin resource sharing)
    • Enable caching for accessed resources – a copy of the webpage will be kept on your server, for a predefined period of time, for later use
    • You can use external proxies instead of your server’s IP
    • Change the User Agent that is visible for accessed websites
    • Prevent robots from indexing proxied pages
    • This plugin also has a responsive design, is fully mobile compatible, is translations ready, is optimized for speed – has no speed impact and benefits of lifetime updates and support.

    Testing Zapp Proxy Server Plugin

    You can test the Zapp Proxy Server Plugin on this page:

    Learn more about this plugin

    Need support?

    Please check our knowledge base, it may have the answer to your question or a solution for your issue. If not, just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0 Release Date 2018-07-09

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.9 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Do you like our work and want more of it? Check out this plugin bundle!

    mega bundle by CodeRevolution

  • WP Exodus: Marketing Messages Popup When Visitors Try to Leave Your Site (Advertising)

    WP Exodus: Marketing Messages Popup When Visitors Try to Leave Your Site (Advertising)

    The need for Exodus

    Over 70% of your first-time website visitors exit, and never come back. WP-Exodus converts abandoning visitors into subscribers & repeat visitors.
    Exodus’ exit-intent mechanism detects user behavior and prompts them with a targeted page at the precise moment they are about to leave your website. This can skyrocket your conversions, decrease bounce rates and convert one-time visitors into your dedicated customers.

  • Bitcoin Digital Downloads and Terminal WordPress Plugin (eCommerce)

    Bitcoin Digital Downloads and Terminal WordPress Plugin (eCommerce)

    Bitcoin Digital Downloads WordPress Plugin is a complete solution that allows you to automate the delivery of digital products after your customers complete the purchase using bitcoin. Bitcoin Digital Downloads WordPress Plugin can also be used as a bitcoin payment terminal allowing you to receive bitcoin payments for things like freelance or contract work, donations and more. Download links are encrypted to prevent unauthorized downloads and can also have an expiry time.


    • Use any Bitcoin HD wallet of your choicen
    • All payments are sent directly to your own addresses in your own wallet, no middle man, no access to your private keys
    • An easy way to enable your WordPress install to accept Bitcoin
    • Automatic delivery of digital products
    • Allow download only after payment is confirmed
    • Secure encrypted download links
    • Link expiry time
    • Multiple currencies support
    • Custom or global email templates
    • Custom or global pricing
    • Mass upload using your FTP program
    • Buyers only need an email address to receive the download link and any bitcoin wallet of their choosing, no need for any kind of registration

    How does it work

    1) Upload your digital products to the products folder using FTP.

    2) For each product you can define a custom email template, a download link expiration time and a price in bitcoin or currencies such as USD, GBP, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD among others. Bitcoin conversion is automatic.

    3) In the admin dashboard you can then generate the download link code for the products you uploaded.

    4) Since the download link code is just a regular URL link, you can paste it anywhere such as in emails, in your WordPress posts, on your site, site footer, forum signatures, facebook, twitter and other social media. Let everyone know that you accept bitcoin.

    5) Customer clicks the link and gets redirected to the terminal page, customer enters the email where the download link will be sent and then a QR code is presented for the customer to pay in bitcoin.

    6) As soon as the customer pays and the transaction is seen in the bitcoin network, he will receive an encrypted download link via email.

    Email Templates

    Each product can have a custom email template or use a global default template. Templates can be in html or plain text format.

    Price conversion

    You can define price in bitcoin or normal currencies which get converted to bitcoin in real time using’s feed. Currencies supported are: USD, JPY, CNY, SGD, HKD, CAD, NZD, AUD, CLP, GBP, DKK, SEK, ISK, CHF, BRL, EUR, RUB, PLN, THB, KRW, TWD.

    A Bitcoin Terminal for your WordPress site

    Bitcoin Digital Downloads WordPress Plugin can also be used as a payment terminal in bitcoin to charge your clients for things like contract work or freelance gigs. It can also be us ed to generate donation button in bitcoin.


    A demo of how the user can make a payment can be seen here:

    Please note, this demo is fully functional on the live bitcoin network. So all addresses and payments are real.


    • WordPress
    • Receive API key (free)
    • HD bitcoin wallet, most wallets nowadays are HD (Hierarchical Deterministic). offers a free online HD wallet but you can use any other HD wallet software.


    bitcoin easy digital downloads, wordpress bitcoin plugin, cryptocurrency, wordpress blockchain plugin, blockchain application, bitcoin buy now button, how can I accept bitcoin payments on my website, instagram button, facebook button.


    Can I trust this WordPress plugin with my’s Receive API?
    Yes, as the name implies, the’s Receive API can only be used to be notified about bitcoins received by your wallet. It cannot be used to spend bitcoins. So even if your site is hacked, your bitcoins will be safe.

    See more here:

  • FS Poster – Auto publish WP posts (Facebook,Twitter,Linkedin,Instagram,Pinterest,Reddir,VK,Tumblr) (Social Networking)

    FS Poster – Auto publish WP posts (Facebook,Twitter,Linkedin,Instagram,Pinterest,Reddir,VK,Tumblr) (Social Networking)


    If you want to post your WordPress contents automatically in social networks , for this FS Poster is a perfect choice.

    FS Poster supports 8 social networks: Facebook ( accounts, my pages, liked pages, groups ), Instagram , Twitter , Linkedin ( accounts, companies ) , Pinterest , Reddit , Tumblr , ( account, pages, groups, events ).


    Publish WordPress posts

    You will publish WordPress posts while creating a new or previously created.

    Publish WordPress pages

    You will publish WordPress pages while creating a new or previously created.

    Publish WordPress attachments

    You will publish WordPress media files (images, videos) while creating a new or previously created.

    Publish WordPress products ( WooCommerce )

    You will publish WooCommerce products while creating a new or previously created.

    8 social network integrated

    You will publish your posts/pages/products to 8 social networks in a same time:

    1. Facebook

      • Accounts
      • My Pages
      • Liked Pages
      • Groups
    2. Twitter ( accounts)
    3. Instagram ( accounts)
    4. Linkedin

      • Accounts
      • Companies
    5. Pinterest ( accounts)
    6. Reddit ( accounts)
    7. Tumblr ( accounts)

      • Accounts
      • Pages
      • Groups
      • Events

    Configure unlimited accounts, communities each Social Media

    You will publish your contents unlimited accounts, communities for each social media in a same time.

    Easy to use and user-friendly interface

    Our plugin is so easy to use, you will add your social network accounts in just 3 clicks. Our plugin interface so is user-friendly.

    Full control all accounts and communities

    If you don’t want to publish posts any account or communities, you will disable or delete them.

    Schedule posts

    You will schedule your posts. Control schedules, pause / play schedules, see full logs about scheduled posts and etc.

    Full logs

    You will see full logs about posts. Hits, Likes, Comments, Shares and etc.


    In insights also you will get counts of posts views. When anybody clicked the post link in a social network and entered your site , the number of view count will increasing. And as a result you will compare which social networks or accounts / communitys brings more visitors in to your site.

    Fully customize post message

    You will create a custom text with a keywords for posting.

    Unique URL

    You will unique your post URL for avoid dublicate content error.


    FS Poster plugin is fully translatable.

  • SVG Draw Animation for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) (Media)

    SVG Draw Animation for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) (Media)

    SVG Draw Animation for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) lets you upload your own SVGs and animate them to look like they’re being drawn onto your website.

    Important Note: This plugin doesn’t contain SVGs.

    Important Note: Animating fills & text in SVGs aren’t supported. The plugin will try its best to convert the SVG into outlines – Text will be hidden, and fills will be outlined instead.

    You can also access some editing options, like changing the SVG size, stroke width and color, as well as choosing the animation style and speed.

    Awesome Features

    • Animates SVGs using a “live drawing” effect
    • Converts SVGs into outlines
    • Change SVG stroke / outline color and thickness
    • Choose from 3 different drawing animation styles: Delayed, Simultaneous, and One by One
    • Adjust animation speed
    • Compatible with other Super Bundle plugins – use with our SVG Icons feature to get an SVG icon picker!
    • WordPress coding standards
    • WPBakery Page Builder Addon (formerly Visual Composer)

    Enjoying the Plugin?

    Be sure to leave a rating and review and show us some love.


    Version 1.0

    * Initial release