Author: alex

  • Adventure Reserving Professional – WordPress Plugin  [paypal or offline] (Calendars)

    Adventure Reserving Professional – WordPress Plugin [paypal or offline] (Calendars)

    Admin DEMO:
    username: admin

    password: admin


    • Unlimited Events
    • PayPal Integration
    • Offline Booking
    • Quantity Booking – (v1.2)
    • Responsive Calendar Shortcode
    • Responsive Carousel shortcode – (v1.1)
    • Responsive Event Box shortcode
    • Responsive Event Button shortcode
    • List Events based on filters (eventBoxes) – (v1.1)
    • Coupon System – (v2.0)
    • Multiple Tickets Systems – (v2.0)
    • Event Reoccurence – (v2.0)
    • AJAX Control Panel
    • 300+ Settings
    • Change Currency, trigger features on and off – (v1.1, updated 2.1))
    • Sandbox integration
    • Offline booking form customization – (v1.2)
    • Every thing is customizable, from text ,color,size,padding,borders,border radius and much more.
    • Integrated Email Templates – (updated – v1.2)

    What Buyers are saying?

    ‘Buyers… This plugin is by far the best event calendar plugin on the market and I highly recommend it!! Rarely do you find a well programmed plugin combined with simple and clean aesthetics with modern css3 elements’! – rivusmed

    ‘Much appreciated! You sir, rock! This plugin not only visually looks better than anything else out there, but also works better and has a great back end setup that’s easy to use and understand, especially for the non-coder. Everything is customizable.’ -arcadence

    ‘Unbelievably good support, I mean it’s better than good, it is perfect. Some software that I’ve spent 20 times as much money on don’t compare.

    And the plugin works perfectly!’
    – Wendorff

    ’… MoeHaydar provides excellent support and the plugin works flawlessly …!’ -BabyFlash

    ‘Thank you! the plugin is awesome, and so as your support!’ – nilo

    ‘I purchased the plugin. It really is a great tool!’ – bconley

    ‘Beautiful plugin and awesome support! Thanks a bunch!’= lushcreative


    Event Box

    Event Creation



    Full screenshot 1

  • Caretta Climate Shortcode (Interface Parts)

    Caretta Climate Shortcode (Interface Parts)

    This is a beautiful weather slider shortcode and 42 weather types. Based on OpenWeatherMap.


    • Easy to use
    • Supported 17 languages
    • OpenWeatherMap API
    • 7 day weather forecast
    • 42 different weather types
    • Slider
    • Both F or C
    • Multiple uses on page


    icon pack

    Give us your support

    If you’ve purchased the plugin and like it, please, rate the plugin . It would be the greatest help.

    This shortcode works with:


  • Situations Calendar – WordPress Plugin DZS (Calendars)

    Situations Calendar – WordPress Plugin DZS (Calendars)

    Intro – top

    The events calendar you have to been waiting for. Simple to setup. Powerful. Documented. Fast. – DZS Events Calendar WordPress Plugin


    • easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
    • repeat events – support for repeat statuses on events – onlyonce, everymonth and everyyear
    • dzs tooltips included – a tooltip plugin from our portfolio is included to provide rich experience to your users
    • five skins – default and black
    • iPhone/iPad compatible – this plugin is compatible with iToys, even Android works
    • major browsers support – IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox fully tested
    • html supported – inline content is no problem for this plugin
    • powerful admin – harness the magic in DZS Sliders Admin V2
    • 2 widgets included, one is for events you set in the admin, and one is showing a calendar of all the posts dates.


    For updating, disable and delete the previous version, and install the new downloaded one. Or just unpack the zip you get from the download and overwrite the previous folder from wp-content/plugins/

    UPDATE 1.31 [ 11/6/2013 ]

    • [FIX] days algorithm fixed

    UPDATE 1.20 [ 09/20/2013 ]

    • [ADD] translation for each weekday and month names
    • [ADD] .po translation file in languages file for admin
    • [ADD] option for week start day ( Monday / Sunday )

    UPDATE 1.10 [ 07/31/2013 ]

    • [ADD] google calendar sync
    • [TWEAK] the tooltip opens in the left of the date if there is no space in the right
    • [TWEAK] tooltip skin
    • [FIX] some bugs


    By the way we are french so it will be cool to have the date and days writen in french. Do you have this option?

    From 1.20 you have options for that directly in the admin

    What do you get?

    • Calendar WordPress plugin – get creative!
    • documentation – extensive documentation on how to install & configure the plugin
    • free updates – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free
    • free support – for installation via my forum -> this is the fastest form of support
  • WordPress Occasions Calendar Plugin (Calendars)

    WordPress Occasions Calendar Plugin (Calendars)

    Events Calendar allows you to easily add to your own wordpress website a powerful interactive calendar to present your events.

    How it works

    Administrator can create one or more calendars (e.g. a calendar for each events category or for different locations…) with unlimited events to add.
    Events can last one or more days and you can add a lot of information such as starting and ending time and date for each event, number of available places, free or paid event admission, textual description, photos, videos, location map… etc.

    Have you got events in different cities? Create calendars with cities names and add all the events per city.
    Managing a convention center? Easy! Create a calendar for each room and add all the conferences.
    Are you a travel agent? Add to calendar all the vacations and tours of your agency.

    – number of events per day immediately visible
    – instantaneous preview the available events on rollover
    – made easier netsurfing in choosing months and days
    – possibility to share every event
    – easy to use interface

    – unlimited number of calendars to set (each calendar can refer to a different category)
    – unlimited number of events
    – each calendar has its own independent set of settings
    – once created a calendar, possibility to modify each event, one by one or in group, at any time
    – switch between US and UK date formats
    – you can add single and multiple day events
    – ability to add time (start/end) and a starting and ending date for each event you add
    – optionally add videos and a photo gallery for each event
    – possibility to add a google map for each event
    – optionally show tweets related to the event hashtag
    – possibility to show flickr photos with the keyword you have chosen for the event
    – you can spotlight the link to the online ticket store
    – possibility to add the event website link
    – bg and colors management
    – fully translatable to any language!
    – no coding skills required

  • Evenbrite Metropolis Situations Plugin (Calendars)

    Evenbrite Metropolis Situations Plugin (Calendars)


    The WordPress Eventbrite City Events  Plugin is a wordpress plugin that displays upcoming events in a particular city using the eventbrite API. The plugin uses a simple shortcode [city_events appkey=’YOUR_API_KEY’ city =’NAME_OF_THE_CITY’] and that’s all :)


    • Easily integrates with wordpress.
    • Can easily customize css
    • Seamless integration with eventbrite.
    • Exhaustive documentation
    • .

    Demo Credentials

    Demo User Username: demo
    Demo User Password: password

    The above accounts shouldn’t be edited. All data entered will be removed in a day or two.

    Support and Documentation

    Please drop us a line on with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.

  • Fast Ajax – Brand new wordpress Ajax Question Posts (Interface Components)

    Fast Ajax – Brand new wordpress Ajax Question Posts (Interface Components)

    About the Plugin

    Quick Ajax is a powerful WordPress plugin that helps you make Ajax Query easily.

    You can do Ajax queries with many query parameters (Category, Tag, Post type, Meta value, use for Search page, Related posts..) all in beautiful, modern RESPONSIVE looks and RETINA ready

    > See Plugin’s Options Panel

    wordpress ajax query post

    Highlight Settings


  • Choose Layout: Classic (list) or Modern (Masonry) or Combo (both)
  • Choose Col Width
  • Choose Awesome Icons
  • Google Fonts
  • Unlimited Colors

  • Choose Ajax Style: Choose Infinity scroll load or Next button to load more
  • Customize Load More Button: Set Label, Icon (Font Awesome) ,Text color, Background color, Font (Google Fonts), Size..
  • Choose Loading Image

  • Choose Thumbnail Size
  • Customize Post Title, Post Excerp, Post Meta: Set Color, Font (Google Fonts), Size…Meta (or Hide)
  • Customize Thumbnail Hover Icon: Set Icon, Color, Background and Target of Hover Icon
  • Choose in 5 Popup Themes

  • Custom Query posts by Cat, Tag, Post type, Time, Author, Meta key, Posts per page Orderby…
  • Global main query: Use main query for Category, Tag, taxonomy, Search, archive… page in your template
  • Related query: Use for listing related posts in single post
  • – Over 50+ shortcode parameters are waiting for you, in easiest way to config

    – You can have multi Ajax query in one page

    Check out our DEMO page ;)

    What they say

    It worked like a charm! Fantastic support! Keep doing what your doing because I have been looking for 3 days for a plugin that did this and found not one. You have no competition so keep killing ‘em! – Duality360

    just wanne say THANK YOU leafcolor.. best support ever here and a very gooood buy buy:) – dude77

    Thank you very much! This is really the best plugin I ever bought and leafcolor´s support has been second to none! – Hiegl

    Release log

    23/11/2013 - 1.6:
    - Add related post by tag ([wpajax related_tag_query=1])
    - Fixed no icon bug
    - Improve responsive
    - Bugs fixed
    13/11/2013 - 1.5:
    - Bugs fixed
    7/11/2013 - 1.4:
    - New layout: Combo (beta)
    - Improve responsive
    - Bugs fixed
    25/10/2013 - 1.3:
    - Related page bugs fixed
    - Multisite bugs fixed
    18/10/2013 - 1.2:
    - Add Limit Excerpt word
    - Bugs Fixed
    5/10/2013 - 1.0: Release
  • WordPress Adventure Calendar (Calendars)

    WordPress Adventure Calendar (Calendars)

    WP EventCalendar is a calendar plugin that will let you manage your events with ease. The plugin itself is fully responsive and retina ready. Works well on multiple devices, both mobile and desktop.

    WP EventCalendar is a simple but well thought trough plugin. It lets you create events and assign them to a particular date or timeframe. You can put as many event in one day as you like. Events are presented in a clean and fresh looking full-width calendar view, you can switch between grid and list view of the calendar. The calendar is easily installed, thanks to the shortcode you can put it within any page or post in your blog.

    WP EventCalendar is a perfect solution if you want to publish upcomings like:

    • parties
    • tech conferences
    • summits
    • gatherings
    • appointments
    • charities
    • masses
    • events

    Feature list:

    • full width calendar plugin
    • shortcode implementation
    • poster / list widget
    • list and grid view, set defult
    • month and year view
    • optional share buttons
    • single event view
    • data picker
    • additional info
    • links directly to external services
    • optiona link to ticket/booking services
    • clean and fresh look
    • 5 color themes to choose from
    • highly customizable, set your own colors
    • custom CSS option
    • option to mark event as featured
    • lifetime support
    • future updates based on your feedback – updated 07.06.2013

    Change log:


    • brand new look, clean and modern
    • custom CSS option
    • 5 color schemes to choose from
    • unlimited color customization in admin
    • defualt view – grid / lits
    • added year view in list orientation
    • user either our or your theme font
    • choose view options
    • display days on/off for list view
    • display months on/off for list view
    • featured events
    • new widget view list / gallery
    • display sorting options
    • additiona info for event
    • optional link to ticket services
    • better responsiveness
    • optimalization and bug fixes


    • event post can link directly to external website
  • GT Shortcodes (Interface Components)

    GT Shortcodes (Interface Components)

    Follow Gautam Thapar on EnvatoFollow Gautam Thapar on Twitter

    Even Better Than Before! – Version 1.3 – Updated on 7th November, 2013

    GT Shortcodes is a premium WordPress plugin that boosts your WordPress site/theme with simple, clean, flat & awesome looking user interface elements in the form of simple shortcodes. Creating short codes is so easy with the help of short code editor dialog boxes or the so called shortcodes generator.

    Talking about numbers, there are unlimited UI element possibilities if taking into consideration all the variations, styles, types, etc.

    NEW! in Version 1.3

    • Animating / Shuffling Numbers
    • Responsive Banner Ads
    • Enhanced Progress Bars

    ENHANCEMENTS! in Version 1.2.1

    • Full Control Over Accordion!
    • Font Awesome Icons Updated to Latest Version 4.
    • See change log below for full details

    NEW! in Version 1.2

    • 60+ Animations
    • Lazy Load Images
    • QR Codes

    NEW! in Version 1.1

    • 360+ Font Awesome Icons
    • Awesome Pricing Tables
    • Super Columns

    Silent Features

    • Supports WordPress 3.3+
    • Based on Twitter Bootstrap
    • Supports Bootstrap 2.3.2 & 3
    • Simple,Clean,Flat Designed Elements
    • Responsive Elements
    • Elements Adapt To Bootstrap Theme Style
    • Light Weight Plugin
    • No Load On Database
    • Automatically Clears It’s Data From Database On De-activaton
    • Shortcode Dialog Boxes / Shortcode Generator To Easily Print Shortcodes
    • Works With Bootstrap Based Themes & Even With Non-Bootstrap Based Themes
    • Control Over CSS & JS Files. Enable or Disable As Required
    • Shortcodes Works in Posts, Pages and Widgets.
    • You can also add shortcodes in php template files by placing the shortcode inside do_shortcode function, like shown below –
                  <?php echo do_shortcode('[gtglyph]'); ?>
    • Documentation
    • Vast Browser Support
    • Awesome Support


    • Animating / Shuffling Numbers [NEW]: Animated numbers or shuffling numbers are much in fashion these days. They are good for grabbing attention of users to show off vital stats. DEMO
    • Responsive Banner Ads [NEW]: Banner ads come with all the standard web banner sizes but you can also define custom sizes. If no image source is defined then a placeholder image is displayed. Short codes work in widgets too! DEMO
    • Animations: 60+ Animations! An animation is an effect that lets an element gradually change from one style to another. You have the option to rotate, fade, flip, bounce, slide and more. There are four ways to trigger an animation such as on page load, on page scroll, on click and on hover. Not only this, for every animation you can set the duration, iteration, direction, timing, mode and delay options. DEMO
    • Lazy Load Images: Save your website bandwidth + Load your pages faster using Lazy Load Images! Optimize browser rendering and reduce number of HTTP round-trips by deferring the loading of images which are not in the viewport. Using Lazy Load on long web pages containing many large images makes the page load faster. Browser will be in ready state after loading visible images. In some cases it can also help to reduce server load. DEMO
    • QR Codes: 6 Type of QR Codes with the option to set different image sizes! A QR code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device (such as a camera) and processed using Reed–Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted; data is then extracted from patterns present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image. DEMO
    • Accordions [Enhanced]: Accordions are used to display content in collapsible content panels. Style the accordions your own way by choosing among unlimited colors, 14 toggle icon types & 10 border styles. Change the head background color, head text color, border size-color-style-radius & content background and text color. The accordions are responsive thereby they fit well on every screen. DEMO
    • Alerts: Alerts are used to provide important information to users. Adds an alert box to the page. DEMO
    • Buttons: A button is a user interface element which once clicked triggers an event. Adds a clickable button to the page. DEMO
    • Carousel: Carousel is an image rotator. It is also known as slider. Adds a carousel to the page. DEMO
    • Columns: Column layout enables content to be flowed into multiple columns, which retain a gap and an optional rule between them. It also makes it possible to vary the number of columns based on the size of the browser window. Adds a column to the page. DEMO
    • Font Awesome Icons: Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized. Adds a font awesome icon to the page. DEMO
    • Glyphicons: Glyphicons are precisely prepared monochromatic icons and symbols, created with an emphasis on simplicity and easy orientation. Adds a glyphicon to the page.
    • Labels: Labels are used to identify or designate, describe or classify something. Adds a label to the page. DEMO
    • Popovers: A popover is an overlay which covers the material in a web browser without the need to create a new window. Adds a popover to the page. DEMO
    • Pricing Tables: Pricing tables play an important role for every company that offers products or services. They clearly differentiate between features and prices of different products and services. Adds a pricing table to the page. DEMO
    • Progress Bars [Enhanced]: A progress bar is a component in a graphical user interface used to visualize the progression of an extended computer operation, such as a download, file transfer, or installation. Adds a progress bar to the page. DEMO
    • Switches: Switches are used toggle between two possibilities such as on or off. Adds a switch to the page. DEMO
    • Tabs: Tabs are used to organize content. Adds a tab to the page. DEMO
    • Tables: Tables are useful for presenting data in an organized manner. Tables are very useful for data comparisons, etc. Adds a table to the page. DEMO
    • Tooltips: A tooltip is a small, boxed text message that pops up when a mouse cursor hovers over an element. Adds a tooltip to the page. DEMO
    • Video Player: Video player is useful for playing videos and movies. Adds a video player to the page. DEMO
    • and more soon..

    Quick Demo Videos

    Plugin installation and shortcodes usage videos.

    Benefits in Bootstrap 3 Version of GT Shortcodes

    • Labels inherit size from parent element.
    • Responsive Tables.

    Plugin Support

    I will do my 200% to solve problems, if any. I will do my best to respond within 24 hours, generally quickly.

    If you are looking for some particular UI element which is not included in this plugin then you can let me know about it using the contact form from here or through the comment section. If possible I will include that element in this plugin.

    Let us together make this plugin BETTER!


    +++ CHANGELOGS +++
    v1.3.1 [10th November 2013] --
    Bug Fixes
    1. Fixed version issue.
    2. Fixed blank screen issue when selecting 'delete data on plugin deletion'.
    v1.3 [7th November 2013] --------
    1. Added Animated / Shuffling Numbers.
    2. Added Responsive Banner Ads.
    3. Enhanced Progress Bars.
    4. Now Accordions Support All Kind of Content like images, other short codes, links, etc.
    5. Now Tabs Support All Kind of Content like images, other short codes, links, etc.
    6. Now Tables Support All Kind of Content like images, other short codes, links, etc.
    7. Fixed a little bug with ‘on hover animations’ in bootstrap 3 version.
    8. Other minor improvements and fixes.
    v1.2.1 Bug Fix [30th October 2013] ---
    1. Fixed a bug in button short code where multiple quotes were getting added to the href attribute.
    2. Added an option to choose button link target.
    3. Added settings link page under plugin name on plugins page.
    v1.2.1 [28th October 2013] -----------
    1. Added settings link directly under plugin name on plugins list page.
    Major Accordion Enhancement - Now Get Full Control Over Accordion.
    2. Added 14 Toggle Icons for Accordion.
    3. Comma Separator is Now Replaced with a Pipe (vertical bar) Character.
    4. Added Option to Choose Default Open Tab.
    5. Added Control Over Accordion Border Size, Border Style, Border Radius & Border Color.
    6. Added Option to Change Accordion Content Background.
    7. Added Option to Change Accordion Content Text Color.
    Button Enhancement
    8. Added Option to Select Button HTML Tag. It makes it easy to use button within other 3rd party short codes. For example, you can use button within Ninja Popups short code to make popup appear on button click.
    Font Awesome Icons Enhancement
    9. Updated Font Awesome to Version 4.
    10. Font Awesome 4 does not support IE7 so removed that option from options panel.
    11. Added option to select minified version of font awesome stylesheet.
    v1.2 [23rd October 2013] -----------
    1. Added Animations.
    2. Added QR Codes.
    3. Added Lazy Load Images.
    4. Options Page Visual Improvements.
    5. Now user has the choice/control over data deletion from database, on plugin deactivation or on plugin deletion.
    6. Added more control over scripts and styles.
    7. Fixed Pricing Table padding issue.
    8. Fixed Pricing Table responsiveness for 5 columns.
    For Bootstrap version 3:
    10. Added left and right tabs in bootstrap 3 version.
    For Bootstrap version 2.3.2
    11. Removed alignment option from tabs short code. Now only one option to select default, left or right tab style. Tabs short code need to be updated!
    v1.1 [9th October, 2013] -----
    1. Added 360+ Font Awesome Icons.
    2. Added Pricing Tables.
    3. Added Columns.
    4. Improved Buttons Shortcode. Now in place of [gtbutton] uses [gtbutton][/gtbutton] shortcode. Button text and icons can be added between shortcode tag.
    5. Other Code Improvements.
    v1 [3rd October, 2013] -
    1. Initial Release
  • Testimonials WP Plugin (Interface Parts)

    Testimonials WP Plugin (Interface Parts)

    Testimonials plugin for WordPress is responsive, the main propose of the plugin is to display testimonials, but it can be used for other proposes.

    You can display the entries in 3 different Ways

    1. Slider

    In this slider you can display testimonials with 3 different style with a number of options you set such as ( Image Size,Image Radius,Number of items, Order By, Order, Auto Play, Pause On Hover, Buttons Visibility, Buttons Radius, Buttons Position, Scroll Duration, Pause Duration, Font Style).

    2. Grid

    The testimonials will also display it in a responsive grid with a number of column and with 3 different syles, depending on your settings.

    3. List

    A simple responsive list to display your testimonials in a simple way. depending on your settings.

    You can customize the layout, with several layout options.

    1. Items Style

    You can display slider, grids, list with 3 different layout style with the information to the right, or below the image or above the image, depending on the settings.

    a. Style 1

    b. Style 2

    c. Style 3

    2. Image Size

    You can display slider, grids, list with 4 different image size, depending on the settings.

    a. Large

    b. Medium

    c. Small

    d. Without Image

    3. Image Radius

    You can display slider, grids, list with 4 different image radius size, depending on the settings.

    a. Large Radius

    b. Medium Radius

    c. Small Radius

    d. Without Radius

    4. Number of Columns

    In the grid layouts you can choose how many columns you want to display. It responsive and adept in different screen sizes.

    5. Border Style

    You can display testimonials with 3 different options. depending on your settings.

    – Border Color

    You can change border color by select color from color piker in the settings.

    6. Font Style

    You can choose text font, font size, font color depending on the settings.

    Group by categories

    You can group testimonials by categories and you can display it by selected category or all of them.

    Widget Ready

    The shortcode will work on widget, just copy the shortcode in testimonials widget.

    Shortcode Generator

    The shortcode generator will make a preview of how the layout looks with the selected settings.

    Version Log

    2013/11/14 – version 1.2

    Fixed "Testimonials Items number to show at most" bug.

    2013/10/18 – version 1.1

    Add categories, Fixed slider loading delay.

    2013/09/30 – version 1.0

    First stable release.